HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-17285 The Planning Board held a regular meeting on Thursday evening, December 17, 1987 in the Town office, Seiectmen's Meeting Room. The meeting was called to order at ?:50 p.m. by Vice-Chairman~ George Poma. Also present were John Simons, Clerk; and Erich Nitzsche. Paul Hedstrom , Chairman arrived at 8:20 p.m.. John Burke was absent. Public Hearinq. s. Lonq Pasture - Definitive Subdivision (cont'd) Erich Nitzsche spoke regarding the mitigation of run-off and the drainage to Forest Street. Phil Christiansen also spoke aOout the drainage and the catch basins and the fact that they were leaching basins. Catch basins are to be put in but not connecting until Forest Street is improved. Applicant has requested a waiver on the cul-de-sac length which is 750~ Original plan showed a 15 lot subdivision, the present plan shows an 11 lot subdivision. Carl Schoene, abutter, asked the Board if they had specific language regarding the off-site water easement and he also questioned the amount of fill to be put on the property. Paul Pliniski spoke to the Board about the ~-elocation of the water line coming into the property and the hydrolic connection between ponds E and D (lot 8&9). Phil Christiansen is to meet with staff on drainage. Erich Nitzsche ~equested a detailed sketch of the abutting land with easement. MOTION: By John Simons to close the public hearing and accept the appropriate extension from the applicant. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unanimous of those present. Pleasant Street - Common drivewa.y_- ~p~ial Permit John Simons read the legal notice to open the public hearing. A letter from the applicant, Peter T. Slipp, was also read, asking to withdraw without prejudice. MOTION: By John Simons to accept the applicant's withdrawal without prejudice. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unanimous of those present Brookview Estates - Definitive Subdivision John Simgns read the legal notice to open the public hearing. Letters from the Bo~ard ~f Health, Tree Department, NACC, Fire Department and the Public Works Department were received and read. Tom Neve, of Thomas E. Neve Associates, presented the Board with the plans. The property contains approximately 30 acres. Proposing two 60' wide Fight-of-ways, one from Salem Turnpike, Route IlA and one coming from Farnum Street. 286 Brookview Estates - Definitive Subdivision (cont~d) The 75~ CBA has been met on each lot. No Notice of Intent has been filed with the Conservation Commission. The time of concentration (water) is being increased therefore delaying the peak of the impact of the storm before it hits the wetland~ Each cul-de-sac is 500' No need for fill material. George Perna had questions on the traffic study and that the preliminary decision requested access to the development from Brook Street. Tom Neve stated that he felt that most of the traffic would come from Route 114 and down Brook Street not Farnum Street. Erich Nitzsche questioned the access ~)oint on Route 114 and asked why not from Brook Street minimizing cuts on Route 114 and traffic. Scott Stocking stated that he has sent a letter to State Department of Public Works and is waiting response. Scott also asked Tom Neve about the Farnum Street access and why have a commerical area entering into a residential street. Tom stated that it was a profile balance. The 100 year storm event is identified at 159.9 post construction. Two 36' culverts were installed on Brook Street. Erich Nitzsche questioned the 100 year storm event calculations. Detailed topographic information to be supplied by Tom Neve. Concerns of the Board were: 2. 3. 4. 5. drainage detailed profiles of off-site mitigation/drainage not part of subdivision upgrading of Brook Street and Farnum Street roadways proposed water main crossing wetlands traffic impacts of the roadways shown on Route 114 and Farnum Steer Paul Niman, Director~ of Public Works, suggested a looped water system from the water quality stand Ooint. MOTION: By John Simons to continue the public hearing until January 21, 1988 and to accept a ninety day extension from the applicant. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: In favor' - John Simons, Erich Nitzsche and Paul Hedstrom Abstaining: George Perna Abbott Villaq~ - Definitive Modification (cont'd) Thomas Neve, engineer, spoke to the Board stating that he has met with the Conservation Commission and is expecting an Order of Conditions in about two weeks. Some of the lots are close to the wetlands, as close as R5' Twenty-one lots are within 50~ of the wetlands. Tom Neve gave a brief description of the preliminary plans and showed the differences~ Presently the abutters are in litigation with the connection of Woodberry Lane to this subdivision ~nd currently under appeal. The length of the cul- de-sac is approximately 1800'. The applicant would prefer to connect to Woodberry Lane. Paul Hedstrom stated that Town Counsel should give the Board the legal comfort of the rights and limitations with respect to cul-de-sacs 1800' in length as a Board and Town. Jim Burke, Abbott Street abutter, spoke and asked about a construction schedule. Tom Neve stated that it would probably take 8 years to develop the property with 59 lots. 287 Abbott Villaqe - Definitive Modification (cont'd) George Perna questioned the traffic flow and sidewalks and whether there was any intent to upgrade the roads. Tom Neve stated that there was no intent to upgrade the roads and that they would minimize the disruption of Abbott Street. Jim Burke, Abutter, questioned the location of the sewer lines away from Abbott Street. Ben Osgood spoke to the Board stating that there were 8 Form A lots adjacent to Abbott Street and they would use septic systems. Dick Heiner, Abbott Street abutter, also spoke to the Board about catch basins and the drainage. Paul Niman, Director of Public Works, is to respond to the Board by the next meeting regarding the location of the sewer easements. Erich Nitzsche questioned the drainage analysis. Tom Neve said that report was done by I.E.P. Paul Hedstrom made a general recommendation to the abutters concerned, that they get a copy of the studies that were made on this subdivision. MOTION: By George Perna to close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unanimous of those present. Water Treatment Plant - Site Plan Review & Special Permit (tort'd) Paul Niman, Dirctor of Public Works and Anthony Lally were pesent and presented the Board with the plans. Scott Stocking, Town Planner, explained why they were before the Board and that they were seeking two permits . The time has elasped since it was initially granted. At this time the Special Permits before the Board are: Site Plan Review - Special Permit Special Permit for Municipal building in a residential district. Anthony Lally, of Anthony M. Lally Associates, spoke to the Board stating that 1.) access to the plant would be off Great Pond Road, and 2.) that the existing location of the south pumping station on the south side of Lake Cochickewich is were the new plant would be built. When the plant is completed, it will be the main distribution center of the water supply for the Town. Paul Niman stated that when the plant is complete, both buildings on the property (care takers resident and the old pumping station) will be torn down. Historical Commission has reviewed the site and has given the approval to tear the buildings down. The buildings can be bought and removed from the site. The proposed plant is multi-level with clear water wells, filters and holding tanks under ground, and offices on the first and second floors. The buliding will be constructed of brick. MOTION: By George Perna to close the public hearing and direct the Planner to draft an affirmative decision for January ?th meeting on both Special Permits. SECOND: John Simons VOTE: Unanimous of those present. 288 Hickory Hill - Definitive Subdivision (tort'd) Scott Stocking~ Town Planner~ spoke to the Board stating that Hickory Hill Subdivision has been continued to this meeting, in order to obtain the out come of the Town Meeting and the Town pursuing the purchasing of the Mazurenko Property. The applicant was informed that the Town is pursuing the purchase of the property. The applicant said he would need additional time to redesign the plans. Scott sent the applicant a letter stating that he had till January 21st to submit new plans or withdraw the original application. ~pproval Not Required Form A's F__l_a.qship Drive - Channel Building - Change Lot Line MOTION: By John Simons to approve subject to the applicant showing the true delineations of the old lot line as shown on the August 26, 1987 plans. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unanimous of those present. Granville Lane - Creating a Lot MOTION: By John Simons to disapprove because it is a subdivision. SECOND: George Perna VOTE: Unanimous of those present. Discussions Revised Site Plan Review Requlations Scott Stocking, Town Planner~ submitted to the Board, revised Site Plan Review Regulations. The Board is to review and comment. Open Space & Recreation Plan Stephen Madaus, Environmental Coordinator, submitted recommendations to the Board. George Perna also had recommendations. Both to be submitted to Nancy Sullivan, Conservation Administrator. George Perna read his recommendations. MOTION: By John Simons to go into Executive Session to discuss Half Moon Woods. SECOND: George Perna VOTE: Unanimous of those present. Chairman, Paul Hedstrom stated that the Planning Board would continue the public meeting as soon as the Executive Session was finished, which would probably in about fifteen (15) minutes. 289 At 10:45 p.m. the Planning Board came out of Executive Session and reconvened the public meeting. MOTION: By George Perna to put Half Moon Woods on the agenda for January 21, 1988 and issue an affirmative decision. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unanimous of those present. Decisions 1070 Osqood Street - Site Plan Review Applicant deferred from this meeting. Seven Oaks - Definitive Subdivision Scott Stocking spoke to the Board regarding the conditions, #? and #9 wording to be changed. John Simons added condition ~19 regarding tree cutting~ condition #20 for sidewalks and condition ~21, an erosion plan to be submitted and a Oond in the amount of $9,000 ($8.00 per foot). MOTION: By John Simons to approve based on the verbal comments made by the Board and the written decision as drafted by the Town Planner. SECOND: By George Perna VOTE: In favor , John Simons, George Perna and Paul Hedstrom Nay: Erich Nitzsche NOTE: Decision is part of minutes. Diqital Consultinq - Site Plan Review At the request of the Board, the deci~ot~ W~']~ '~.~/.:~m~ at t~ Jar~bea~~' ~:' 7~ 1988 meeting. Concern of the Board is in regards to hydrant not being close enough to site. The Board would also like to rework the landscape conditions. Brook Farm - Definitive Subdivision Extension is needed for the decision. Gary Sackrider wrote an extension request for three additional days to allow the Board to file the decision. MOTION: By George Perna to accept the extension from the applicant for three days to file the decision. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unanimous of those present. MOTION: By George Perna to approve the decision as drafted by the Town Planner with the following amendments: cul-de-sac, drainage calculations and location of the access easements to be determined by the Town Planner. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unainmous of those present 29O Bonds & Covenant~ Oakwood Estates - Bond Release Letter of Certification needed from Tom Neve stating that the detention ponds have been co~structed in accordance with his design. MOTION: By Erich Nitzsche to release $2?,000 of the landscaping and erosion bond subject to receiving a letter from Tom Neve certifying that the two detention ponds have been constructed according to the design. SECOND: George Perna VOTE: Unanimous of those present Minutes November 9, 1987 November 23, 1987 MOTION: By John Simons to approve SECOND: George Perna VOTE: In favor, George Perna, John Simons and Paul Hedstrom Abstaining: Erich Nitzsche MOTION: By George Perna SECOND:John Simons VOTE: Unanimous of those present The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman /~. Secretary aton,