HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision - 11 BAYFIELD DRIVE 9/2/1987 . � P�I1hnIN6 BOI1fln . _ .. ,o `w'N.jb .F N o n 'r IT A N D O D r R 7SSACItU S LTTS SEP 3 I►8 f H°o'; Any appeal shall be f led within (20) days after the _ date of filing of this Notice SA St in the Office of the Town Clerk. NOTICE OF DECISION Date. SagtembP_x .2, . J,9.8 Z . . . . . . . . Date of Hearing .August .31, . .L9.87 Petition of . . . , Channel Building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Premises affected .11. , Bayfield Drive Industrial-1 . (I-1), .Zoning .District Referring to the above petition for a special permit from the requirements of the , .Nor. .th Andover Zoning Bylaw, Section 8 ' Para. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so as to permit . . to .expand, the .assembly, and ,live .storage areas in an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . existing. building .by. 18 ,.200. scivare, feet . . . . . . . After a public hearing given on the above date, the Planning Board voted Conditionally , M to . .AI?]prove. . . . . .the . . .Site. Plan.Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . based upon the following conditions Signed Erich, W., .Nitzschc, , CY�airma John Simons Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Perna Paul Hedstrom . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , _ John J. Burke 151nnnitlrr 11 n:9 rd �Non il/ OFFI--,ES OF: o I OWII of 120 Milill sti,ect ' North AncoVer,A � DOV� �APPEALS NORTH Nl )ssochuscl(S 0184i BUILDING << CONSERVATION sa,°H°sit T{IDIVISK)N Q1 ;; (6 17)685.4775 HEALTH PLANNING PLANNING & COMM VN ITY, 1 MEV ELO PM ENT KARE H.P. NELSON, UIRECCOR September 2 , 1987 Mr. Daniel Long, Town Clerk Town Office Building 120 Main Street North. Andover, MA 01845 Re: Material Installation 11 Bayfield Drive North Andover, MA Site Plan Review through Special Permit Dear Mr. Long: The North Andover Planning Board held a public hearing upon the application of Channel Building Company, 23 Main Street, Andover , MA. on Monday evening, August 3, 1987 in the Town Office Meeting Room. The hearing was advertised in the North Andover Citizen on July 16 and July 23 , 1987 . The following members were present and voting: Erich W. Nitzsche, Chairman; John L. Simons, Clerk; George Perna and Paul Hedstrom. John J. Burke was absent . The petitioner seeks a Special Permit under Section 8 , paragraph 3; Site Plan Review. The purpose of the Site Plan Special Permit is to review the proposal to expand the assembly and live storage areas of the existing facility by approximately 18 , 200 square feet of land on the North side of Bayfield Drive known as 11 Bayfiled Drive in an Industrial-1 (I-1) Zoning District. John Simons read the legal notice to open the public hearing. Letters were received and read from the Fire Department, Board of Health and two (2) letters from the Conservation Commission. Jim Bourgeois representing Channel Building, Material Installation and 114 Associates presented the proposed plans. MOTION: John Simons to continue the public hearing until the August 17 , 1987 meeting. SECOND: George Perna VOTE: Unanimous On August 17 , 1987 the public hearing was continued. John Simons read a letter sent to Mr. & Mrs . Redman from Material Installation with regards to lighting and traffic issues . Jim Bourgeois of Channel Building presented the Planning Board with revised plans . Page 2 . MOTION: By John Simons to close the publi o paring. SECOND: George Perna SEP 3 v W it , VOTE : Unanimous On August 31 , 1987 the Planning Board held a regular meeting and voted to approve the Special Permit application by Channel Building to construct an 18, 300 square foot addition to the existing building located on Bayfield Drive at the intersection of Willow Street. Three issues of concern were discussed at the Public Hearing that should be addressed in this Conditional Approval are as follows: 1 . The unfinished Cul-de-Sac at the end of Bayfield Drive does not allow for adequate fire protection and access- egress for the existing building. It was discussed that the Cul-de-Sac was not finished by the developer of North Andover Business Park prior to this date because of a pending application to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to create an entry onto Route 125 . The Planning Board is in receipt of a letter from the Division of Public Works dated November 14 , 1986 denying the request for emergency access onto Route 125 and is concerned that no work has taken place on Bayfield Drive thru 1987 . 2 . Concern by abuttors to the North of Material Installation property of truck noise and lights during the night. Proponents for the project stated that the newest dwellings are 200 feet and 400 feet respectively from the building, but admit that into the winter months , a lack of foliage in the intervening woods may be cause for concern and have suggested that truck traffic be directed onto the locus by way of the Willow Street entrances thereby minimizing headlights being directed to the North by the present access from Bayfield Drive. 3. There was a concern by the Planning Board of the increased rate of runoff being produced within the North Andover Business Park by the inclusion of additional impervious pavement and building additions . The applicants Engineer, Mr. Tom Neve, has submitted drainage calculations stating the peak runoff has been decreased from the locus due to the fact that percentage of impervious area on the lot has been reduced from the overall Master plan of the Park and that the lot size has been reduced. Notwithstanding these factors, the Planning Board recognizes that if this lot size has been reduced, another lot. in the Park must have been increased, and that Mr. Neve nor the Planning Board has an accurate accounting of the present impervious area versus the original Master Plan impervious area of the Business Park overall. Therefore, the Planning Board renders this Conditional Approval for the construction of the proposed building additions for Mai-PriAI Tnct-A11 -0-innct Page 3 : _ YZ 1 . Bayfield Drive will be construgtelt�i t'Iccordance with the Subdivision Plans of No�,#-.h '?An -bVdr Business Park and be brought to at least bindW pavement to the satisfaction of the North Andover Fire Department and to the Division of Public Works prior to construction of the building addition. 2 . The lawn area to the East of the proposed building between the building and Willow Street shall be designed as a Detention/Retention Pond to further mitigate runoff flows and to account for loss ground water infiltration due to the impervoius area. This will necessitate redirecting runoff flows into the Ponding area, preferably from the parking lot prior to discharge off site, with proper pipe sizing to detain storm water flows to the maximum possible. 3 . Truck traffic flow will be required to access-egress the property from the Willow Street curb cut only and automobile egress the site from the curb cut on Bayfield Drive. This will be a condition for continued occupancy and will be implemented by the use of one-way signs and exit only signs and others as deemed necessary both installed at the two curb cuts as well as at the truck docks and pointed indications on the pavement throughout the parking and access-egress areas. 4 . Upon completion of the building addition and prior to building occupancy, the applicant shall file an As-Built Plan of the total site showing at least, but-not limited to the following, pavement grades, rims and inverts, drainage size, access- egress signs, lighting landscaping and all utilities. Said plan to be prepared and certified by a Professional Land Surveyor and submitted for approval by the Planning Board. 5. The landscape plan as submitted does not show the existing row of planted arborvitae to the rear of the existing building and the Planning Board is of the opinion that the proposed planting of arborvitae will be of the same nature, and therefore will not mature to a full effective screening for many years and therefore will require that in addition to the landscaping plan as submitted being conformed to in its entirety, a six (6) foot closed stockade fence be erected along the property line from a point starting fifty (50) feet from Route 125 and extending Easterly to the Easterly line of the proposed building addition. 6 . In accordance with the Fire Department report of July 31 , 1987 , the following shall be provided: 1 . The addition must be equipped with an automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) and the fire detection and alarms form the original building must be extended into the addition. Both of these systems must have plans submitted to the Fire Chief for approval prior . to construction. Page 4 : 2. The Fire Chief has requested that information regarding . the material to be stored and the amount of storage for products in this expansion be submitted to himself or the Fire Presention Officer. 7 . The North Andover Conservation Comission' s Order of Conditions under File No. 242-193 , shall become a part of this approval and be strictly adhered. 8 In addition to the aforementioned Conditions, the Planning Board approves only that work as shown on the submitted plans namely: 1 . Sheet L1-1 dated 9/5/86 and revised 8/13/87 2. Sheet L2-1 dated 9/5/86 and revised 8/13/87 3 . Sheet L4-1 dated 9/5/86 and revised 8/13/87 4 . Unnumbered Sheet dated 8/13/86 and revised 9/9/86 and entitled "Scheme 3" 9 . Any proposed changes and/or future building expansion will be the subject of a new Public Hearing under a new Special Permit Application and further that any changes from these approved plans and that may be shown on the As-Built Plan submitted for approval prior to occupancy will negate this Special Permit and will require a new filing of application. Sincerely, PLANNING BOARD &C-,4 Erich W. Nitzsc , Chairman cc: Director of Public Works Highway Surveyor Board of Public Works Tree Warden �a Conservation Commission Building Inspector Board of Health Assessor Police Chief Fire Chief Applicant Engineer File Interested Parties �_ J jaw NORTH ANDOVER BUSINESS PARK PLANNING WAR 1 . In accordance with the Preliminary Subdivision Approval , the p ans do not show a closed water main system down Route 125 to Hill- side Road as required by the Dept. of Public Works with the Preliminary approval . 2. All other aspects of Dept . of Public Works report in accordance with Preliminary approval . r, rt ct� ,rc:C�• 3 . Drainage calculations have not been submitted based upon the Order of Conditions from North Andover Conservation Commission. 4 . Drainage calculations have not been submitted for all drain pipes. 5 . Project proposes filling, raising the 100 yr . flood elevation from elevation 236 to elevation 237. This additional flood height will cause flooding on land of Margolis through the proposed twin 18" drains at Station 35+50. Project should mitigate this flooding. 6 . R-equire municipal fire alarm system as requested by Fire Department. 7 . The plans do not indicate an access-egress onto Route 125 in accordance with the 'Fire -Department request and in accordance with the Preliminary approval . 8 . No documentation has been submitted as to ownership of the existing Willow Street in its entirety IN either private or public , in accordance with the preliminary approval , nor is any information provided documerting by metes and bounds ,the outside limit of Willow Street. [)rai nage C.1J cu 1 d 1,i 01'1!-; stibiri i [A.ed are deg[:ed March 1MV3 and indicate 31 .-98 Acres of imprevious surface with plans which $ only show approximately 3 Acres of roadway. Proposed site plans of lots documenting the impervious area should be submitted `so that they can be verified with the Asbuilt Plans . i 10 . Require that As-Built Plans of the entire subdivision be submitted including all lot development, so, that the ; Plar%nirng L r TWO ` NORTH AN BUSINESS PARK Board can verify the extent of imprevious areas. This is important so that the Planning Board can verify if development is in keeping with the . drainage calculations dated March, 1983 . of- -k12rcIJ 11 . Watershed boree ring lines have not been shown on Definitive Plans so it must be assumed that the detention basin is allowed also to flow on land of Symosek and create additional flooding. Developer is required to mitigate the additional flooding on abutting properties to zero. In accordance with Section III , B, 1 , e) of the Planning Board Rules and Regulations. 12. This subdivision ignores the Prelimianry approval decision in that the drainage under Willow Street is being utilized as a drainage constriction. The H.S. has requested that the drain under Willow Street be enlarged and that all drainage constrictions be outside the roadway. The existing 15 inch drain was considered to be temporary by the H. S. 13. The typical roadway area section is not in compliance with the rules and regulations , specifically Section V, c. 14. There shall be no weephole in drainage structures as noted on detail sheet. 15. Plans do not reflect requirements of the Dept. of. Public Works in their report of May 8, 1984. 16. Plans do not reflect requirements of the H. S.. in his report of Maly ,--,15, 1984. 17 Plans- do not reflect requirements of the Fire Dept. in its report pf Apr i1 26, 1984. ,18 plans .dQ not reflect the requirements of the Conservation Commission In their Order ..of Conditions dated October 14, 1983 under File - 19F � o not reflect a buffer zone on Lots 6 and 7 abutting a s ; dn�i1 zone as required in the Preliminary Approval . 2O a mot show solid line on proposed street and lot lines. � f21 loo f -ass nepts have been dimensions-d .in proper form._for. conveyaor-e. ii' as do nod show eoslon and sediment control methods in ,accordance wit Section III, B,`l .k- of the Rules and Regulations , 4i f - PAGE. THREE NORTH -ANDOVER 'BUSINESS PARK 23 . Plans do not ,show lot grading and cuts and fills it accordance with. Sec. III, 8,3 ,k, 24 . Subdivision does not tie into any existing monumentation. 25 . Plans do not indicate why only Lot 8 should be considered the subdivision. Under the Subdivision Control Law and the Planning Boards Rules and Regulations all land of the applicant being subdivideq including all y and streets .-should- be part of the subdivision. 26 . The applicant has not. submitted a Statemerit .of Environmental Impact in accordance with the Preliminary Plan approval. 27 . Applicant has notdemonstrated that _Willow Street has 'lip proper Street and pavement width along its entirety ;from Route 114 to be able to handle the increased traffic from this subdivision or to allow the Town of North Andover to, inaintan such proper widths. 28. The applicant shall beaware that all underground utilities w11 be installed prior to the placement of the binder. pavement.. If this is not performed, no lots will be released. 29 The Plans do not reflect covenant restrictions that would prohibit lot . development encroachment into the. 100 year flood. plain. 30 .: The plans do not reflect the existing utilities and elevations on Willow 'St. extension. 31 The plans do not- show the termination of the drain easement on Lot 7: 32. The Plans do not show a proper drain easement on Lot 2 at the Margolis property. Considering that the drain inverts are to be set below the existing grade very close to the property line , proper rip-rap and erosion controls -shall be ' detai((l��ed to insure `that .-surface water-from Lots 1 and 2 under past de"vel_opmer�t condiitons will not adversely affect the Margolis property c the integrity of the roadway embankment. >3 All h= d ra Easements shall be delineated on the topographic and F £} drainage pl"ans to insure the Planning Board and H S , that the '� dranage is indeed within the Easements, _ 'ORt L,3 l ti F c f Y d f fy q TT- ' APPLICATION F`Dft APPfi +` ,t3 'I DtT PLAN F, waa "F`APT� } ra'£ ,n,ea7�. 1 19 8 4 YX v.. g r�.�'g� t� x�4�: ��b l ti�«P , `w s c + P" i �s�'�x zp a 'z#'��� �✓��f*;k .. To the.Planning hoard of the Torn of North � e�•,- z ;t tPi1 - !.w¢ ry .,r gf 1a,,' " s Ba t u�r ;g k qi's�=,` ' %" "9.1 x srkP' 2.,'g . djP, �r The, undsrsignedq berg thee' $pp] cant, ascefirasd,under, "Chaptor 1,�-reatian ` ft—Li for approval of $ proposed subdivision sbor�ra an a l exatitletd ; } 0 pP p X 1 }k 1,21 bk ,g ttJ a`S North And Park bar H.W. Moore Associates, Inc.';. . dated be` land bounded as follows:` On the North and East, by Willow Ste on the South b land of Conmodore' Cor oration ' anrd on the West: b the Andotrer L `--"Pass 125 ;Ta hereby submits said plan as $ DEFINITIVE plan in accordance' wiith the Rules and , Regulationsf Of the North Andover PlarAdng Do$rd and makes application to thei Hoard far approval of said plans f g r> f}f X d k g g a ziP G P X i4E2 4 P 'JP ifi."� rr� z �, � � jp �`A � :•4 h f. ,sr •! �,r� 3''a4t 1 r `✓,.r � 4y'P.'34W�.w'}�� 3.JILt�*��y�-3. 1 5• �,y > .a� � *.� a ;: z�.. �. ya a: t '� r7f.�-¢a'! r { - Tide Refereazce® Hot Esseac Deeds'" Book 11 Page8 $ ` and 174 6 P'32 9 `"t s X ' ' aY y Y Certz fic$te of Title ATa. ' Regi$tration Boak``; ', t page 'i ar, ay W sMt"r¢ fg+ w to :z C 7 a tYag,M,,, ,a a,? fx. a5 r Said plan has has not evolved ,from a preliminary plan p ( � ( ) p nary p to ,t7'he Hoard of , Feb. 28 yq 83 and approved (with modifications) (X ' " a m disapproved.. ( on 9(� =.', r fi a ? h yws .r v y�. as',r w i xy„a 'P'• �, ¢'4 t a p�rgv s ,,,tdst..> r4p$ + t 'gG,h�.,=:, A6'i „p+.. P, ',g Xd St 4:w e,t' g", ,er m� t_ nj w The uricersigneid hereby appl3.es :nor the approval' of 'said DEFIIVITI�E t a t a '� b the_ Hoard` `and in YfurtheranceY thereof hereby' agrees;to ab�do by the Bc�ardx s Rules and Regulations. The underAgned hereby' 'further covenants grad agr s t� ITT � wlah .the Town of North Andover :.upon `approval cif said DElI3ITTVE ,plan by thers� t. 411,1## t.,tr;€,;�` x} �,. eY„� d ," _g.: '_ x.ew I 4 .^, ''.. -:fig : fig, '! i U' `t..s,r"`r +' t r •. t .; .Haard..�,w-,ze ,,. ", a a ,S_, t .,.f 'g,m; ;w g°tg ::.ryY ! s,,,. r ta'i ":. y,.:;•,�,a ' `s : '" .r 1"r"`!+ +ff" ,fiY ,'., - 1 �o iiistall`{utilities in' accordance. w3tti`the'` rvle's �"arii3$ re'guiationsgof ;F.;, Pl Baarci the Public Works;Department the Hi',�w k3urve g P Hoard of Healthy and $11 general as tell" a zoning by� s as area y.ieabl. Ito the ins illation iof ut3litiera w3.thyn 'the "� e,rzP "g h '� d.,�,y:Y4xr 1 'i + r ✓« t .t fr s i,xfi:"s,✓ A dP + .d4.i s and rests A a '�, �� a g �a � } 2. Ta. complete and construct the streets or way`s and other improv+�terats shorn F��r; ; r "'A thereon in accordance with Sections Iv and V of then Rules atnd Re ati6ns of the Planning Board and the approved.DEFINITN'E plant„profiles and cross sections of the samov Said plan, profiles, cross sections and construction specifications are specifically°, by reference, incorporated herein and made a part of this application. This application and the covenants and agree- ments herein shall,be binding Capon all heirsc executors y. $dmitxistr$tars' succeassorsp grantees of the whole or part of said land, and assigns'of ,the �w. undersigned; and 3. To complete the aforesaid installations and construction within two -(2) years from the date hereof. 4 114 Associates Realty Trust Received by To= Clerk: g Date. SigrAture of Applicant Time. Two Elm Square Signatures Andover, Masse 01810 Address n"� aa~;, z. 5 Notice, to APPLICA�i/ 'OWX CLERK and Certification. of Action o� Plyoax°d on Defire#iv'e Subdivision Plan_ er tltl d� . , NORTH ANDOV ER BUSINESS , PARK 'sr ,;eat Bye H ' W MOORE ASSOC INC ' 7 dateo ;March 2 '`a « 4 d � �- #r:« t , , . .',ACV ! ..,.. „, + ; :.}.r# 7 �7 ra + g 1iM '�'�, a Th P's o ' r` v r r 'B rfhAndover P1ar�ur� oard hhs voted to APPRC�i►� �aidar� + hey following conditions:' Y V �£ . � '� C'`+ t .. 1. . That the record owners of 'the subject landd .forthwi t a covenant r�unn n with they 'land or 'rather 1'6'6, rovi.de s�curit for "t erecord a th e�ecuto: and p y�y� y structionx of ways and the installation of. �iuiii,ci m servic es wY. hart said sub divisions all as provided by G.L. c."411- :S., �9< rs£ ,arN bra a e C s �- iNl ;. /}/yam,y,��/ry�+p4gy p ,. �41Viii Vi AN to N � *id M� the governing.-rules and regd].ati.ons o this Board 2e That 1l such construction and installa ions shall ,#" .., ... .r. X Ll�ll!#,E& YR ` XJL1��✓ XL'&�1..(.!lXY4is��B{�KL'ry4.0Yf�4�C�G�aa6$V'ti"' s?��.�1 r �j��7 %� t1` C t XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXXXX Xyy9b X0y'K:� &Am= %�,�4 conditions: �.>Gkim xm m+° 1{.• Other r Cxt�'N�p5;3 "' � ' ��y axhrewiv,!{ i�." 3 � 'x�"' xVi�., Rt r ,�.,' fm S 1y 1��1�}i e- � 47 ,� ZU �P H e�� V.✓ pR*-�^.� # Y` Sr 'h't.F 1V � PJ ?g� q #9 �t �� �" tr ,� _ �;-r. r.. ;. +::r;t 4e:=xk>.z�#.-,..r,p .,�34" i zi�'x� g� .;.:°. 'i `; .,,r,Y r..r:� r#.1..✓!:.. P'. C. e�, r I'M 4W �t f ,.. # se•.� :: rr r �::�`W P Fi`��[,£.S,:°'N�'n"S$i r�`�;'�x+s�E,y",`.x::":;�''u��V5��•1+R���� X�!u,S,:r�,_ti,,.r��4(u x N�1'�'es t y`°�a',;YkFn.rj�,3.�;t kP^,�Y Nt T U�'"',"a a--�%'t'�.,?,",,ma,'..''r£"��r�a '_-rar�.;' mm t.#�"�!�m°x'�te�a."..,,"�t r P`.�'7.,x ��av}:s'"���&-�s v i t^ei�"`.�.'4,",a,`' ,A. 7 al A_ "t"�_z11 y#wa p"ea es�, 3 f 1 s '. t 1 ''. , ��. �.vG� t '� �k d1; � ��,,...ti,.� �" t,.��s+ rduti?�"#• -„t#�,,. � �i�?' ,.: �.�t u�f �.a-tt �_ _ ..-.r:*';4 ti-, i+ �Yi,,,r,°.p�,y. aS��� �'x '.. f r. t � ��:° �fatiasVc�t, p" �� 'x 'ud- ,j,°i",...s -??r., —t."" ,•-.:s'..r tea'..`±;; ..r2-r 'x ,adX.&r e ..,Y'a;r er��4�r}'td, . qk:._ 3 �';'-y��. �sr�7,.u;,n. ;�..$�. .Tai:w..(..o ',11 F 4�Qi iJl I��+� D/';C.� a ,V g ts'a'r f !t '.rr � i —� ar }s .� ^' #-r ,� R m. � r 1 , e °� v'a� �,• 'r.�,��„�. P�m#x+r ,r,!•' r .� f r r v s s r a. a r � Yf v" + l� ►1�,-G��a ,'.� t,* a �. c F ;W1 . 1 "{S S s r xy a 9 r ,7i f x ��` a. ,. H x-38 N4 .r•.'s N-;e rritw '!-S -..ar, .1# .,' i 1 tK<ra'ia ; d + r- : Wf'S. "uhksx� - +p, M -3: t f'r �#'�'6v'. .wsxm.$ � `°E 3 " /` : i *"° � s r`� _ !.` $ t a �:^, sA,«a-a.:r . ..'*M M{ . t ; . is.�,a€... t lrt the event that no `appeal shall have been taken ;from 6a�.d ;approvaJ_ watI ry ; trentr days from the s dates t the North Andover-Plaxrtg_Board 11ortht .t k „ `i thereafter endorse its formal approval } upon. said plan. r k � K''��Tf 1�!'14���Glbr��:L]n!^6�X�e4+-1+M]KA �l1i'XI.M.t+�'.vrY� 1Y CSlth ��die8'+b[Sii�.F16 ,.. q ,! ; m °s ;p w t 3 :m Y,d rr # �r2'• 7r.�d '+�" t� £ v ., . -r�i**,;; i,,���3��'''`°'-5e! #r�.W�'�^s,�.d eyr �..:1. a -w.�,"y,N:wi a.r�'yxk�.�W t t �:s."... ,t�`,�v-!^peg- „-�i;;z =-. •—.._ I , TORT `ANDOVER PLAMIIG BOARD .. Dater Ju1 17 , 1984 $y: .i a chael P Roberts -- Vice, .chairman; r F Ah_ appeal shall be file within (2b) days after t DECISION - APPROVAL datepf filing of this Noti NORTH ANDOVER BUSINESS PARK -r; in the Office of the ToN DEFINITIVE PLAN OF LAND July 17, 1984 �U! $Sq Clerk. ' 1 . A 12 inch. ductile iron cement lined water pipe; seal coated inside/tar coated outside shall be installed 15 feet from the property line with 5 feet of cover below the finish grade : a. for a distance of 2240 feet on Willow Street Extension; b. for 1550 feet on Road A; 2 . Eddy breakflange hydrants to North Andover specifications shall be installed at stations 10+20 , 25+10, 30+30, 34+50 , 39+40, 44+0 and 46+50 ; with 12 inch Mueller or equal gate valves (open left ) at stations 29+50, 29+60, and 29+70 with a 12 inch stub tie into Willow Street; and 38+90, 39+0 and 39+10 at Road A. 3. A 10 inch unglazed full strength vetrified clay sewer shall be installed along - the centerline of Willow Street for 2277 feet and 478 feet on Road A. 4. Precast manholes shall conform to ASTM designation C4-78 and shall ` meet the following requirements: a. The wall thickness shall be not less than 5 inches, sections shall have. tongue and. groove joints with an approved round or fin gasket. b. _ Pips connections shall. be of the rubber boot type with stainless" steel band type or approved equal .' c.- Manhole frames and covers shall be cast iron lettered-SEWER and shall be. 6 inches hi-gh:- (All sewer construction shall be subject to low pressure air testing prior to acceptance by the town) . 5 . All water construction .-must -pas-s--l-eakage and pressur-e t-ests `performed- in accordance -with Section -13 'of' `AWWA -standard -C60-0`-'an&- sh-all :be - chlorinated in accordance with AWWA standard C601 Standard Procedure for Disinfecting Water. Mains. Adequate public liability and property damage _insurance, as well as a - street opening bond in an amount satisfactory to the to the Highway Surveyor will be required for.-- any off-site roadway work. 6 . An adequate fire alarm system shall be installed on all developed sites for proper fire protection, to be approved by the Fire Chief. 7. The applicant. shall continue to pursue. the necessary channels to acquire the necessary State permits to gain both - emergency (for public safety vehicles) -and.`--permanent_ (to accomodate -additional traffic- volume generated) access/egress of Road A to Route 125 . S . The two proposed cul-de-sacs shall be increased from- 100 feet to 130 feet . i .# = Any appeal shat-1 be''-fit ,= within (20) days after DECISION - APPROVAL date of filing of this Noi NORTH ANDOVER BUSINESS PARK €,� ,-.8 in the Office of the Tc. PAGE 2 Clerk. Jai_ 16 11 Ak' '81] 9 . Two- catch basins shall be installed at Road A and Route 125 . 10 . Checkerboard type grates shall be used on all drainage catchbasins . 11 . All construction shall comply with the Conservation Commisssion ' s Order.;of Conditions dated October 14 , 1983 , DEQE File N0. 242-193 . 12 . The Willow Street Extension/Flagship Drive roadway intersection shall be improved to the required width in accordance with Section • IV.A. 2. b. Design Standards to permit safe traffic flow in and out of the Business Park. Plans shall be_ reviewbd and approved by the Highway Surveyor and Planning Board prior t'o any Park construction or until adequate securtiy is posted for its completion. 13 . The applicant is required to mitigate any additional flooding on abutting properties to zero, in accordance with Section III .B. 1. e. of the Planning Board ' s Rules & Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land. 14 . Street drainage not shown on definitive plan will not be added during _ construction unless required by the Highway Surveyor and 'will be detailed on the "AS BUILT" plans . 15. Additional drainage calculations shall be submitted and reviewed by; the--Planning- Board- for all drainage pipes prior-_ to= signing-.-the _ --definitive plans. _ 16=. Information regarding the metes and- bounds --- of --the-- outside construction limit of Willow Street Extension_ shall be submitted for proper , acceptence -by. the town. -- 17:.' As bur-It plans •shall be submitted Jo -the Planning Board for review:r:. and- approval in accordance with Section III .B.J. 4 .. Conveyance of =_ Improvements . - In addition-, prior to final release -of- security, the -: applicant shall forward to the Planning Board copies of those plans required by the Conservation Commission detailing the extent of impervious areas associated with site development to ensure .that -- development does not exceed that described in -the drainage calculations dated March 1983 . 18 . - Road cross-sections will be clearly illustrated on the final definitive plan for signature/s specified in Section V,c. 19 . There shall be no weephole . in.- drainage structures:.as noted. -on detail sheet .' 20 . As required in the Preliminary Plan - Approval Condition #7 , the applicant shall provide the proper buffer zone of 100 feet on lots 6 and 7 abutting residential districts in accordance with Table -II of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. An a - Y ppeal shall be x, within (20) days after ,af '.�� date of filing of this N DECISION APPROVAL in the Office of, the PAGE 3 NORTH ANDOVER BUSINESS PARKj, �� 8 Clerk. 21 .' Final definitive plan shall show solid lines on proposed street and lot lines . 22 . All easements shall be fully dimensioned on plan-s_ _ for proper. conveyance. The owner shall retain title to the fe`e off' each street; path, or easement in or appurtenant -to the subdivisi-on until conveyed to ,.the town and shall maintain; and, repair„;the ;roads attd. drainage --facilities- in ` a manner satisfactory-'to the Board during that period: NOTB: Notation that fee i.s to be retained shall be placed on the definitive plan 23. A: sedimentation and erosion control plan specifying meahods ;shall be :. submitted -- and approved zn accordance with Sects on III,B,l k , ,prior to construction 24. Copies of .-site regrading -plans ,(showing Iot regrading, cuts andk15 fills_) -as `required by Conservation Commission Order of CondYtont 242-193 will be submitted to the Planning Board along wr'thSatePlans as as by Section- 8 , of the"North Andover Zoning BylawwMi N 25 The applicant shahl plan and coordinate the installation of ,F underground utilities prior, to .binder co.at Fina7; � x - release: of bond money applicab7.e toy pYnder shat3 nab �e 'rre�eed r until the applicant's s---`T' of record "has erti=£red utilities are installed and _upon_ inspe.ct n by the Highway_ ,Sure o� � 26 . Where ' drain inverts :are set below the _.existYng grade and cl?oseto ,g �r i� praperty lines, -propel;rip r-ap and egos on control measures shall=Abe fif , Provrded �wherereemedecessar ,be #�' ia Sr�veo �P a 61, 3 = } � a 3� M. � � Boar to protect prope y }owners,--an�t of t �nte s�t �_embkK from3 adverse' affects .ofs,urface wate`ir App{lcan �,r11eta� ch� _ t' ero-sion-'- control and rip rap on definitive plans endorsements ' ' y �' - The termina=tion= of the 'drainage easement on Lot 7 shall `be shown on the Final Plan. 28 All drain easements shall be. delineated on the topographic and! drainage- plans to insure the Planning Board and High}vay Surveyor that. the drainage is -indeed .wi_thin th-e easements �r� 29 `: If}Tin:-the opinion of the =Fire :Chef,-;the installed water-�l�ne does - not meet adequate-­f low testy in galans :.per mznut ase�{u�red =gin Section 2bG`:_ln the:-_Nor.th..;Andover , F. re` Code the. de;i�eloper/pwne shall , after-_ notice to the Planning Board, : submit revised' plans t_0 the North Andover.,Fire Chief s and: the_.NOrth_ Andover. Board; of : Public ,. -_Works f:or,_ ap�ro:val , __which plans .` shad then ..be ._submitted to the' Plarming Board.' for approva3 P1: ns 'for :plp spaces aid =calculations forLL_the_,sprinkler system;=,--shall ; be . submi tted: to .the dire` Cliff°ef_ for review. = _ X Any appeal s ha be i within x(20) days after 7} v L Tt7` t dale of filing of this N tC1f' ; M 'ER in the Office of the' 'I NORTH DECISION R ANDO� gBUSINESS PARK JUL 18 11 SD AM '014 clerk. r PAGE 4 , 30. The applicant/owner/developer shall be aware of the fact that approval of this-, .subdivision under the .,Planning Board ' s Rules, � Regulations will not relieve said parties of the re-sponsibitxty to other property owners upon whose land is affected by indirect `"or. , direct development storm water discharge. **Notation is to be placed on the definitive plans to be recorde .' = *r ` +y dd q k � jt a4 yvrih dv' _A AM 5., '.T'E�Sv�{z'� z: - • i r ; "� '` c''F a r,. n a r j"� + i a'` � X a� �.'c�W' r �� � '. It # bad ,*" •sy t 1 04. {r r3 xd eY ' k r 1 z w5 'f k. `rs.'�.... ,.., .i�., Z�'' t�'a*Via.KI• '�' r. MEN �>x x �v s a,s �^+^'�} f#a'�,. � r � `t :35 ,`ti'i e a�-r��+ �n: -✓ y,*"� -< ..#R" ,, y{T 'i d x a .�s :,r r -�i �•t y y s .� r kr } F s3 ",t�, k.'f a »w+ya`✓<z`f e;IRr sz`" e, £„"i,. Q s;? -t--rx'a' l vdl-z"°s 4 WA t�5ar,rsyryb' °k w 46 _ 4 ,t J ¢ jr-^-y^ F s>rc-! d"' �yqi -r" rc�h*.x r { b E 9-s x #: sw d F V y ez. �•`" -� r.. f r v d; #� a� '� #+�" -naz''�i .`� �. � j � s � � •s s,� I� z.m�� 6 _ r'W �( ������`� � z �',��tr�rsz5`"Trs'- g• - ` �� �,�� sg � �r°'"� r 'y-ry _ + ?:"�'2'r••_,.3� w ,..0 ,z "S - suJ. 'uiy�(* 5 �x #.Jf�sM*a, t '§ z —s`.�x - ❑J :.. ,' s rsj'`� - Y'• a cr; r, ,v 'v W hr f.3k F ,�! � >Z rty '� !m ` °. ,: K r rvr '"' *� ' �'� sr" . �✓ Asx � r�',� E,'t'� , � � r+ `#.$ ;���"� ,��a�r v^,"� rib >� _t. ��, s. � r..,.�r d• ,it,, _ ,4pd ?t. ^s �r .L,^ �+.«r.� a,#�v...xe 'a%m.�+:�r� x a