HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsultant Review - 165 FLAGSHIP DRIVE 1/2/1997 COLAN,'r-ONIOO
ft i
1 1997
1'20 Ivi-ain Smet,
Noilh Andover,NLk 0t 345
RF.- Engincer-ug,Review-
165 Flagship Drive.
Prcpo&Da' Addition Cham-Iel Ble"g.,lxpl 3
Dear 4fs Oilwel"
is xevievwd ad ditirimil dam
In rz�spojv;e to yolm reque�A,Colef Sc Colantoxik�,.Ino.h,
Eubmiltad by MIN Pert io Inc for th abo-ve re.treticed projec=t -VV4��. ha-
Jsyc,vishxd lhe.sitf--to observe field cr-.ndi:fioas- This
)Ne affier the f�Il«wvittr-c�irnl�t its,:
2. -SabsthfAory-
jtapp�--,�jsjj Rt toi tal ilf,,v I v.,t2 C is Overt f d
S ml 11c,w I e�09-618 have bn
hum the.PC.--vicmls vitl n�ull jr.scnjtwhat cuim--n7ative.pmt---rates
A-,,hk-.11 shol.Ad"De aDmptahle.
4. Sakstkto.ry.
T The bwieigBy lxxsSeclim 3.:315. 5W beyond
pror.c.rcy line- rcgardivg-Lhe t,-
mc-stly direc,-cd ar the
wetlmd area along Itte side of Cw I)jTjl)e.i ty. TLe plan&do not indicate ice,
ctji e c.1 iiqj c, v -tr I vvws that the -we Lland-Nould
v Rom the wi��,Iaad area. 0 co-.cem ,
tl uk�: unto the.site_ Ou T ft el d o b s.--ry ali oti-, indicate i ha-"E�we.l I a i id ate.;t flow ias
narthe-fly dirce.tion and Trot intES the pirijiLig lcpl- -,kdd-itiolial,qx)giap'y w.--iujd-txave
cl.irifled this area. Tj
9. Vise understand t1i.-at ii veolaild propcss,
1 U1 Accord F'.cjr'1,Drove,S-lite Dr)e 1117-WV-;400
1). It is understat P that lit Nmaing Bwwd s,,ill revim, -.Lv b4i.—Ar, �Ievafimis.
10. sa:isfilctory.
11. It is im und 5s"- idinp fliat J-e WA;unlm a=ulj is ouyrc-utly 1'e-ing des�gncd. 'vV.z!
reoow- mend that PfiQT tO COMU-JMOD'-.a detail design of th-,prfjpose-,i r-rnaining
smmp�d by a structur�l en-,,irv-,er be provided. desigp should ndkfm.,, lh.(�,
im[xict I-A the!;wab along 6-Re 14,11-)of IT:C ;1,1)d -Iud wwe C-on0-tictioil limits
jwcc.---3sarr-to build d-w, wall.
12, S;vi�4-:Ictovy, rr
,A-'e appreciate t1le-i1ppomnity to assist the Plarming Board on this lrt rjiaand 1X)pC flim
tM,infolmatien is'wfC.6e.111.EIT-,014 UCV& N, 1/f!WOLO *-ie- pleased to V•th rile
Board ox thz:d n criginety to d9cuss this pxj e4m at yow. ;:oivv vie ice. if you have any
qjcstians pease do,jx:�l hesitate t onl,2 t m,
'Wry truly
COLEF.to C(,',LAt,,fTO-M(*),. [N('.
k6n L Cher 1R, P h-
1`over ex ), 19%
h-l-q- Kathlem Cc)[we,11
12C, Nlain Su)wt I--
North,,)Lmlover,MA 01843
RE: Engineering Re-vie-3v
165 Flagship Dtivo
Proposed Addition Channel Bldg.,Lot 3
Dear Ms.Co;.well:
In res1xvi.se.to Tour request,Coler&-Colafilonio, b c,has ieviewt-Al the subt-nittal package
for the above referenced site. The project has limn revieiwd for to the
requirements of*ie"Zoning By LaW'in North Andovex as well as standard cngback,,ring
practice. The submittal package included the followiag infonuatiort
1* "Prapased Site ExI.-m-L-4on"eight sheets dated I Prefexed by 14 CI
Design Consultants,Inc.
Report HaLtitted
0 "Drdiriage 2VAsis and DLWiW",Frepaied by NIMF Design.Coaquitants,Inc.
The propnscd prof ec-i is located at the end of the ctul-dc-sac on Flagship Dri-ve,in the
*irlh A
.Aidcncr Busin•--�;,--Park FTpar-s-ion. It is proposszd t C on-trust an addition to the
building of 19,295+1-s f.togelhex wi-th nz,-AicialeA site impirw,,Dents. Situ iniprove-wen:s
include additi4jnJ ar Ong d ac�s drives-,drainage stmetares and grading assc-ciatw
vfith the proposed aidition. The site ewen-fly slopes flow a hkh point at the sDutb,-rn
corner of the lot to a low are tjdj,,:eT-rt to Willow Street atthe-northern side.. Wetland's
are present o-9 the westem and northeraboundmii,,g, Noiridg.ritioaof-.,terrnNvaterrLmcB'
is pwNsed. At--overall desipm of the industrial pack rep xrAty addressed be inipact of
de-ve-lopmunt of-d"is lot in the-original design. This offioc has not ie,t6cvved the knginal
design ziid cmviot coinw-en-i-on-thc adequacy of the eastmg sleTul vrife-nrilnagernenL
s}-sterna. fT(--,vid-zd-di--existing storm watcr manage-mr--vit systcw fox the park is ade-juaiel4
-s- should not 1Y.-reqLdre,1
sized and working comefly,additional ninoff cont sho,
1'A Accord Park Dnve; Suite Cke 617412-540:)
We offer the fc-il 1,oj _crx-ni-nerils:
1.. It It is our understanding that Sections 9.3 5.c):v, xix,-xx-xxii andxxiii...are.6,1jically
ellievVed b,'?To3Nii Staff. r`5
TI.--c sail type listed in the report is Winche3ter. Hydrologic.Soil (ITa-up(HS6)X -Ale
icw of the soil map,I i cfeste-r ,;oils do wit ecxist in F;ssex Coufin,,Northem
Part, The wil types are Wakr.au OJS(j-M, 'VAloodbridi (flS(3 C),,ul
(HSC Cl recording tro Natural _NP CS Ma Pi '
gal Resome Conservation Service p n.
Fhis wo-Ad 1mve v.slight i:rnpact at!the MKiff ALMibers in the repoft
3 Sheet fl.[)-,.V jeuglil.is over estimated. Dismssictis-v\ir1NRCS p--rsm-net indicate tmt
Vsheet How in New Eu4xW is typically in the 50 to -10 foot uulgL- The calculations
indIcate a sheet fiovxleng-hof2,00 feel.
coefficient cif 0.8 4 Vhich
rec��rnni�a�I wing"light+.�rrx�ds�'in i�de+.,.Eugler►d. �.+�justireg these��3haes hill rest�lt
in a sliorticr titrie of cDn"ntration and big her peak rdte of nua off.
4/The flxv calculations shc)-ixn or;pd V- ,5 of tli-rep"ri are iticorreci- The formula
.ndicafed is the""Jowd Fccaiula,howcvet, the pozE rats:iippmrs to be the—.able
cojiTur'ed using the SCS.methYJ,
'Ille-Storm Sewer Design Table shc-ould be rcvis�1 to td4cct the above cornmenL;.
10y6;arstorm- NVe recommend that*e impact i-:Ofexcess
t!-o,'v tr.--)r.i tAe swales,during a l{}[?;year stv-uD lie ear
16(rh-drainage divi* line shavin nnJie plan in the Re apt illustrating Drainage
Divides and Flu w Path should be--holm at the.high poiui if the parl-ing lot. mote
that no*mlcuLatiow NNer •proNided for iffie systzra at the westerly A& of The kit
f he Zo-ning By I aws Section 8.3)S. o)v).require that contours extend i0°beyand
pic-perty line. t1)rAr)vj&ag ro"oc necessary since topograr-hi for tl:w site.
-h-&data may,
aftd offilte:flow paths Qurj he detemii-uesj by the inf-A-mapiku;on fbEE PIX1. �ve note that
flv Overland area on the-Nve-stedi side.cif the site i-3 at a higdu elevation than Lhc
p,-ff lil Lg kit- So mc�ad dili ci-aal topography itt this area-wA. -v- be.de-sir ablc.
Lo�tion of wellands,sliould be corJirmed=Iy the Corisavation Commi.sioll-
�o building elevafion plans provided as re v the Zoning By
quired b.
5ectioD.33 5.C)ix).
HIC I.Xnehi-aark ftir the site is a hydrant which is pwposeCl to be relocated- A Hit're.
pernianeut Axaulc'be identified oa the plans,.
I J.Prior to CAAIAM06111,-1,w-.reccPtnm4,,PJ that a detailed dpi-pit of the propo-wd rctainiug
wall. si.rmreri li}�a.strnL�tur:il.eat�i Weer tie pro�'ided. Lhc design shat<ki address IItC r.i
impact of lqwr—k -A4>ng the top of the Nwill and iniiu-Av roastruction limits rc,
n c.--ssany-to build the wall.
I? A drop inlet-del should N! Inclo'-k-4 up (11-Jf-.fail
I -171)e olalls lRdfurt4-an 9-�Aotm :b-'li I P11-?-- r'tu!-+ 6tN;AeAi !11 the wee era parking lot irca.
1-tte'�urr*sc of thi .i .h,-1n[tj Fw !it,.,,crihed.
-LIPPWOUte. (ILC Ojlf-30141!I Ity R1:issj:F I tie plarming,Board•-Ir [hi:;pr��jcc-a-lid kpc that
to incet t1w,
I kiaf(i rr the&A gn ergineer to dismsf prqi ect.at Y,1-,)ur vcu avc--- any
Philip L