HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 9/8/2000 Town Y% ®f North Andover 4 NORTH OFFICE OF �2 o E o /6 r 6 yO G COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES 27 Charles Street " North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 `°quo WILLIAM J. SCOTT SSACHUSe Director NO'T'ICE OF DECISION SION (978)688-9531 Fax(978)688-9542 Any appeal shall be filled This is to certify that twenty(20)days within (20) days after the have elapsed from date of decision,filed without filing of an pp date of filling this Notice Date // ao in the Office of the Town Joyce A Bradahaus Clerk. Town Clerk Date: September 8, 2000 Date of Hearing: August 1, 2000 Petition of: R.J. Kelly Company, 55 Cambridge Street Burlington, NIA 01803 Premises affected: 1679 Osgood Street N p Referring to the above petition for a special permit from the requirements of tom: �CDn North Andover Zoning Bylaw Section 8.3 and 10.3 —4°rn s.Wn (:)o Dn�� so as to allow: the construction of a49,050 square foot mini-storage warehouse bulldin i o, located in the I-S Zoning District, with the installation of a granite rip rap in an exis�hg m >o Swale within the R-2 Zone. ;:a 0 After a public hearing given on the above date,the Planning Board voted To: APPROVE the: Site Plan Special Permit based upon the following conditions(attached): d CC: Director of Public Works Alison M. Lescarbeau,Chairman Building Inspector Conservation Department John Simons,Vice Chairman Health Department Assessors Alberto Angles, Clerk Police Chief Fire Chief Richard S.Rowen Applicant Engineer r ;'i? Richard Nardella File William Cunningham 1 - BOARD OF APPEALS 688-9541 BUILDING 688-9545 CONSERVATION 688-9530 HEALTH 688-9540 PLANNING 688-9535 Site Plan Review Special Permit 1679 Osgood Street The Planning Board herein approves the Special Permit/Site Plan Review for the construction of a 49,050 square foot mini-storage warehouse building located in the.I-S Zoning District, with the installation of a granite rip rap in an existing swale within the R- 2 Zone. This Special Permit was requested by R.J. Kelly Company, 55 Cambridge Street, Burlington, MA 01803. This application was filed with the Planning Board on June 30, 2000. The Planning Board makes the following findings as required by the North Andover Zoning Bylaws Section 8.3 and 10.3: . FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The specific site is an appropriate location for the project as it is located in the Industrial-S Zone and involves the construction of a mini-storage warehouse building. 2. The use as developed will not adversely affect the neighborhood as a sufficient buffer has been provided. Extensive landscaping has been provided around the frontage of Osgood Street. Landscaping is also proposed along the sides of the lot abutting residential property. 3. There will be no nuisance or serious hazard to vehicles or pedestrians. The applicant has demonstrated that the curb radii for the entrance/egress driveway is adequate. 4. The landscaping approved as a part of this plan meets the requirements of Section 8.4 as amended by the Planning Board, of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw; 5. The site drainage system is designed in accordance with the Town Bylaw requirements and has been reviewed and approved by the Outside Consulting Engineer,Vanasse,Hangen Brustlin, Inc; 6. The applicant has met the requirements of the Town for Site Plan Review as stated in Section 8.3 of the Zoning Bylaw except for any waivers granted in Condition 18; 7. Adequate and appropriate facilities will be provided for the proper operation of the proposed use. Finally the Planning Board finds that this project generally complies with the Town of North Andover Zoning Bylaw requirements as listed in Section 8.35 but requires conditions in order to be fully in compliance. -The Planning Board hereby grants an approval to the applicant provided the following conditions are met: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 2 1. Prior to the endorsement of the plans by the Planning Board,-the applicant must comply with the following conditions: a) The final plan must be reviewed and approved by the DPW and the Town Planner and subsequently endorsed by the Planning Board. The final plans must be submitted for review within ninety days of filing the decision with the Town Clerk. b) A performance guarantee in the amount of five thousand ($5,000) dollars must be posted for the purpose of insuring that a final as-built plan showing the location of all on-site utilities, structures, curb cuts, parking spaces, topography, and drainage facilities is submitted. The performance guarantee .is also in .place to insure that the site is cgnstructed in accordance with the approved plan. The form of security must be acceptable to the Planning Board. c) The applicant must supply a copy of the approved Massachusetts Highway Department permits necessary for construction of the site to the Planning Department. 2. Prior to the start of construction: a) A construction schedule shall be submitted to the Planning Staff for the purpose of tracking the construction and informing the public of anticipated activities on the site. b) During construction, the site must be kept clean and swept regularly. 3. Prior to FORM U verification (Building Permit Issuance): a) The Planning Board must endorse the final site plan mylars and three (3) copies of the signed plans must be delivered to the Planning Department. b) One certified copy of the recorded decision must be submitted to the Planning Department. 3 4. Prior to verification of the Certificate of Occupancy: a) The applicant must submit a letter from the architect and engineer of the project stating that the building, signs, landscaping, lighting and site layout substantially comply with the plans referenced at the end of this decision as endorsed by the Planning Board. b) The Planning Staff shall approve all artificial lighting used to illuminate the site. All lighting shall have underground wiring and shall be so arranged that all direct rays from such lighting falls entirely within the site and shall be shielded or recessed so as not to shine upon abutting properties. or streets. The Planning Staff shall review the site. Any changes to the approved lighting plan as may be reasonably required by the Planning Staff shall be made at the owner's expense. All site lighting shall provide security for the site and structures however it must not create any glare or project any light onto adjacent residential properties. c) The building must have commercial fire sprinklers installed in accordance with the North Andover Fire Department. 5. Prior to the final release of security: a) The Planning Staff shall review the site. ' Any screening as may be reasonably required by the Planning Staff will be added at the applicant's expense. Specifically after the detention pond is completed, the Town Planner will review the site and any screening as may be reasonably required by the Town Planner will be added at the applicant's expense b) A final as-built plan showing final topography, the location of all on- site utilities, structures, curb cuts, parking spaces and drainage facilities must be submitted to and reviewed by the Planning Staff and the Division of Public Works. 6. Any stockpiling of materials (dirt, wood, construction material, etc.) must be shown on a plan and reviewed and approved by the Planning Staff. Any approved piles must remain covered at all times to minimize any dust problems that may occur with adjacent properties. Any stock piles to remain for longer than one week must be fenced off and covered. 7. In an effort to reduce noise levels, the applicant shall keep in optimum working order, through regular maintenance, any and all equipment that shall emanate sounds from the structures or site. 4 8. The hours for construction shall be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. 9. Any plants, trees or shrubs that have been incorporated into the Landscape Plan approved in this decision that die within one year from the date of planting shall be replaced by the owner. 10. The contractor shall contact Dig Safe at least 72 hours prior to commencing any excavation. 11. Gas, Telephone, Cable and Electric utilities shall be installed underground as specified by the respective utility companies. 12. No open burning shall be done except as is permitted during burning season under the Fire Department regulations. 13. No underground fuel storage shall be installed except as may be allowed by Town Regulations. 14. The provisions of this conditional approval shall apply to and be binding upon the applicant, its employees and all successors and assigns in interest or control. 15. Any action by a Town Board, Commission, or Department, which requires changes in the plan or design of the building, as presented to the Planning Board, may be subject to modification by the Planning Board. 16. Any revisions shall be submitted to the Town Planner for review. If these revisions are deemed substantial, the applicant must submit revised plans to the Planning Board for approval. 17. This Special Permit approval shall be deemed to have lapsed after_September 8, 2002 (two years from the date permit granted) unless substantial use or construction has commenced. Substantial use or construction will be determined by a majority vote of the Planning Board. 18. A waiver to Section 8.3.5.e.xix has been granted so as to allow the applicant not to provide a traffic study. 19. No temporary or permanent storage of vehicles, trailers, boats, or any other transportation or construction equipment shall be allowed on the site after construction of said premises. 5 20. The following information shall be deemed part of the decision: Plan Titled: Proposed Stor-S-Self, Self Storage Osgood Street (Route 125) Prepared for: R.J. Kelly Company, 55 Cambridge Street,Burlington,MA 01803 Prepared By: Richard F. Kaminski &Associates, Inc. 360 Merrimack Street Lawrence, MA 01843 Scale: %4"=1'0"1"=30' Date: 5/3/00,revised 6/2/00, 6/28/00, 8/28/00 Plan Titled: Rendering and Sign Detail Prepared for: R.J. Kelly Company, Proposed Self Storage, Osgood Street, North Andover, MA Prepared BY: GSD Associates, 148 Main Street, Bldg A, North Andover, MA 01845 Scale: '/2"=1'0" Date: 6/29/00,revised 8/21/00 Plan Titled: Landscape Plan Prepared for: Stor-U Self Storage,North Andover, MA Prepared By: Native Landscapes, 205A Street,Boston, MA 02210 Scale: 1")=301 Date: 6/26/00, revised 8/4/00 Report Titled: Drainage Report Dated: 12/28/99,revised 515100 Prepared By: Richard Kaminski, 360 Merrimack St.,Lawrence, MA 01843 cc: Applicant Engineer File 6