HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsultant Review - 701 SALEM STREET 12/3/1996 �OL/�NTONIO �`j.'s�n.rrr-s nMr;'_yf,'fI1TIuT' N n_. Deccmber 3, 1996 0 ( i Ms. 1-alhleea Colwell L T 1 O Pra?l uuier 12.4 Main Street North Andover. iYlA 41.345 � GA iT RF: Engineering Fc�ii�v 701 Salem S:reei Site Plan Submittal Dear tits.�ahvell: At,your request,Coler&Colantcnio, Eric.has reviexed the plans and calculations for the alzove refemnced proj ect- This submission is a new desi2�a for the site. A previous subwtssi on,tvas rn ieiv)ed in tune, 19,96. Our ret-ietir specifically addressed th•- requirement_;for submission under the Site Plan R;vic%v se.crion of the Zonir�- Sy-La,,s. This cnrrespondmce is a restdt of the above revietv and includes.XI_Ommews on the suburdual package. The follotiving documents were ie<<iewed: + A set Aplans GriViilled`site Eievelopment plan of Land in north Ar_dover, MA"prepared for System Builders,Inc.,-prepare3 b}l tylenimack Ergineermi g &�rvices dared Nc v--mber 6, 1995 and received No lnber 19, 1 +96. A r:ti4sed t endorsed by Robert Daley on 1 Jovemb?r 1''), 199 vv as recei-ved on 'NOvemher 21}, 1 991. + A set of revised"Pont Development'drtin lge calculat e-Ins dated N,:)vernbwr 1S, 199q 1?repare,d bti'Nfemaa ck,Eneineerin�Ser.�ices W received on No-vember D., 19,96 with supplemental daureceived on November 20, 1996. The parcel is located ors the comet-ofAbbott and Salem Sleets. The lots currrttly &--velop°d vrith an existing retail.Facility and a house. I1 s prcp3sed to ra?-both the i?c•use and em sting retail iaeility laced conslri t a new building of 5,3€14 spare fz-t- r^-, is proposed to address wa-st-,disposal and a detention basin is proposed to mitt ke incre acre Aux�$prom i e site. 'We offer the follov,in,cuxnrnen ls: 1_ it is our nnderstandilig it t Sections 8.3 5. e'}ii,its,xix, �aii r¢1d xxiii are �,'piealty reprieved by Town Staff. rQ Q 101,t•, o r1 Pak Dfiv- Site I-,r e 617-Ee2-3100 The Parkiia,-, space layout flocs no: provide a 25 f'J'A Wide drive(3 required under the RY-Ulvs. 1`1 apTxars that three spaces in the 37uth'\e"cst Parking aren wolild F elunjrtated to cDrDP1Y with this --ecluirem eat. The access dri,,/,:� (cs-3 rhan 25 feet Wide. Om of Lf;,e IfIleu pjrk, at Abbort Srjeec 111,� Vaces aburting the "Campolini" ProPe�-V is C[08,�x than L5 fcci tc CA-�IcAn the propeM, tirle_ It is lot _,jr that acequatE: space 10 'd ic dL tl)exe Jnl7c' O'Jt CD)Fdhi-�Tan�ar�n,- �Cl ndicap spa-cc iri the ncrthea,,;tcT]�j par Icir �g wov Cl area- 'the aTTlicant sho ,jid democstr-ite 110';V 3 Single unit truck will access the dumpster. In addition, the aisle :space for the drive One ais e aPfxar,�' tD'x only sCVCII C:%�t wide. up Celler shi)uld be clarif)e(j, information. has been pro%q.jed 0--cM-r&ng the proposed 0 sign. This sl,-m 0 iTi \1NxCa1ed at the t}3ttoni of the detention basin on cane 0t'(tie plans. The Landscape Plan should be st.unpc--' by a Landsc,'1pr-- Archito:t By-Law se lion 83 5 e) xij. In addition, a r0lw or trees is jjxlic:jted ij (b- ri of Nvay for Abbixt Street. The Tnwrn maY not waar to be re:SpI)nsibl,:� gbt (. tr.1z's. foe the Maiatemlice (-Tf these S. It is not known J arch tccwxal plans jj-jve been submitted to the Bi-).Wd- The y- LIW3 re(Pire the er dorseruent of a registered Axab-itect B �Additional sPoE grades should be incloJed at high points in the parkir-w 1of at the Clraimg-e area divides. It appears that a low spqA -A,ill be CTe'arecl at U12 northeast corner Of the parking lot near Saj✓m Street, in 7. )NO fire hydrants are indicated on the plam. It appears that the buildin will be provi.dl--d with sprinki,-rs- Th-- fire departmenr should revi,_-v� the ad�equac.,,,- - glans for d OdAeA— Zoning boundaries shouki be sh,)N,✓n or, the plain, rm 9 an,I�Dps e I shOuld be Provided adjacen,t to handicapped parkiAg, spaces. The Nandi ran"T is indicateJ DE tbe south side (of the walk. de--ail Uf the footing drain should be included on the law. The slept) C�Dtin-gl drain shculd Tead either .5% or 015 Ctjft, R lh-:� Cy\clC CNC)_}_ n_e�Cr\Q 11. SCIR test data indicating soil classification was pDavided, to-gether -9�q observed LU'6-A (Zk undwat:er depths in the precious submittal. -NO tests W--re k2 th 0 rf-ArAed at the Cation of the detention basin- Based oa the data provided, groundwater is appnxxinrateh, I ac elevation 149. Th-.- proposed proposed:--- fOuDdation drains —tion as e i i 11) are at eleva th-- goo le a7,TiJ-a-b1,--- data, the detention basin will be cOnstructed below C) NJ Cc CAA-e- \j 0 V o� CI Ld CcnnoA tA-Dr� CO- �Ac 12. rr armatiur. 4)11 e;sisGay, conditions was J:iot included with this ftlino, The previous iug included an analysis of existing conditions. Our earlier xcv*xw included scxac Assues with the previous submission that were not addressed. Subarea ratans .shoo idicate cover lard soil tytte divides and runoff flow paths used in developrrzent of 'I'Mes of i-oncentration (Tc). The .subarea plans iudr,-ate :several flow arrrlwvs but ,L rr do not clearly LFtne the path used to drsrelop the Tc. It 's unclear if the drainage area 4io`ac•n,on the plans includes Al offSite ,ntnoff, ;irr::e topography beyond the site linuts an! not indicated with enough clarity t) deterrairie ot-fJte flows, ninoff unto � tiae site and the directicn of flow off site cannot be evaluated. It does appear that the %;-esterly part: cf Elie site may flown vi.ost can Abboci Street, not toward the intersection with Salem Strut. The Proposed CN and Tc values agp,�r reasonable. l~• c details or Calculations are included to juskity the desi�:n t�f the proposed drGzina3e ual tg Cor swwrrn•4vater r,tnoff. kt a rninim:xn sNt grades should be prow-ided to `�• indicate hc•ti the `vales Will Ire graded. It is rot clear the extent of th.,atfsite rum tt.butary to these S ales. °.°_.'.. „� (� � a o inform�atioa oa pitpe a:tpact;, way pro%,i•ded for aany of the drainage pipes 1M' ownstream of G-je detcntioc bash,. r.ev2Juatio of the e-dsting drainage system in },DocL r ti C�� C� U k"\`s Sabel Street should also be performed to dernonsrate that sufficient ccrt is 4�J C t }� °-7 avMlable in°he e�t ti�rg prX x:etvw :in Salern Street to conYeti-the Elo v. In additic.m cm�ec m the elevation of the ltydrauliU grade line in the To:-m suer 3ys-tern should be determined,since it may impact the capacity of the de-tcntiuc l aSin cutlet and sultaut 7nod e.le,,ation in floe.basin. C an rm-eb C)_U� _ ccnntu?:tion to the Salem Stmt storn�drainage sz�stem shojld be a.xcx-plished ar r�r�-whole uot.tl_e e�istin� :itch.basin. e prrpn;ed detentiti�n b ire induces side slops af'2:t �,Sdth a-wNidth of The top of tic <�t`(1�t� bel;'zn of less than djree feet Wtv r-_�•nc.mend tliat detentic-u bas'.n dikes be designed nsistent�v7Eh laid•°lines ire ASCE Manuals anc E?e C•rts of Engineering;]'rtctice-No. 77 lesivi and Construction of Urban Sto-seater Manageruent 4 `stcn•,S-' ; M C>. 1?. akulations for the celention basin include exfiltration of runoff into the grntnd -d on soil 1ata the basinwill likely be in groundNvater and water vvAl LiatilIrate the basin n,--)t e_-.filtra.e. The calculations should be re-6sed to eliruinate e,diltration. In addition,tlx:. caleulations should not include storage below the outlet invert. T'hi _ `obarne X711 likely h e�TvAtF goundwater. l$, a~ed on soil dc-scrigtions and site ob7orvations,it is lik.v that�a-atmd-\�rater 1:vi11 DA •ee from cut slopes in the detenUon basin. This xuld result in unstable slcape P �1 ^additions. S•;�epage ar.tae daer•ticw be—sir-stiould be ad-3r:mo d. a ` M lti detail�xas pro':idyl f+x the outlet srructuxe glee design of tine outlet structure rx r should be indicated to allo;v us' to e4 ahiatz.the adequacy of the structa.n'e ro pre%Tnt ,. ctag1.ng, ease of maintenance,etc. 6A 20. •}le submittal should indicate how eXCCSS runofff-r( the derentior� basin ,vo ilk be xiiulled its the case of a greater than 2nticipated ;torn ej.-errt or the outlet bL . olug�gerL 7 real', y VP ' Y•. an- ergenc Qyrz;T ow spr I way ti provided,ha«�•er, then is no sate otrt(ei for;t Spillway v 0 Ln Gppreciare the oppnzt ity.o assist the l hurninp f o:ucl on thiti Project ziid h.;��t thi,inti�rmati�x.iS�.ufticiert for voU needs. if you ra,;, rn};,�te;tians Please du nut hesitate is ciutocr .rs. CO ery tru•.S Yours, "'JOhn chessia; P.E- xe Merrimack Lngin;erirjI Services o a COLAN-'v'** NI OZ lyl ICI 2, 1997 Lf j NIS- Kaffil�n C-Awell 120 NUD street Narth,kndover.MA C-1945 Supplementad Eng*--ecring RevieAv 701 Salem Sim ect site?'-a-n Sutmittal Dear Ms.Co, A At YOU request,Coler& •olar.tonk), Inc.has reviewed it.r, re�iwd ptvrv;tind c;&,Lj1ajiow; fiinddifion.,w2:have.rict'Me-NferTitnal-b, 11.0 discus the project. Thi7 CCTM'T'Jod(--"-�r fil-tiows the numbe:im, sequence c"rour previ,)11-s I. Fjw Varkik-3 lot layoqt ha• been impi:-,)wd. Wc- anticipate sc411c. rnastatsveFS W111 Nr <jjff,,:ujt to mAx, with the current.layout_ 3- 4, The I-wdmApc Plan 1)y -.i Lui&ca[v Atchitcct 131-Lxw sectxpn 8.3 --) i--) xv. In addition, a now of trees is it'dwat'-:d *L'j the Tigbt olfway for Abb-ort Street. IlLe Town MaY R01 want ti--> be responsilalu ftty lhc"Imintmance, of thou{� treo. Vic amicipate rhe Pfau wing Bo2rdwill adds tss,This is's-13C. .5. T1 is not knovm if architectural plans tj2ive bt-vil ut-q urjtd to thc BcYiid. The BY L4:ws requife. (he .mdor-,cm-ut a f a registu d tLrcb itcx--t By-1-aW A---t (if! 8 We anticipate.the Planning Boaud will address this, issue:. (), SdtfSfdCt03 f. 7. 14o oAm-u-ni required. 10 rQ 51/vx-orri Paft,0 nve,Su ta 0--i-= 1131 J-9-V-b A 1)1 9, Handicappe-d rmps inve been relocated adjac nt to handicap parking , spaces, The ramps should zdslj N� re vii wed by A-Af-R-ii1dijiv, lilspecloy- C1 CD 0.l=ooting drainj_� hive beer, nated. N L.As discussed previuxsly the dt�te_-itino [wsiD vAlt 1ih-_tAy be i,:ojmtmuw.d hk-low lbe, groundwater table, Pip rap slope. protection '.xis beer, pvTosed w address --.oit efosim due to crcwidwarer breakow kt fir, tasin. 12.Issues discussed under thi> coyfiraurtt in c•u)- (-'t1-Aej: L-tler were 1,1:31 addressed. Nve diL) ricn acjtjc:ipate that any sign-Aificant modifica-Jcms �o T-he design w(mid t.stylt fww the -,id(litit"Mal. infortrwio-v requested. We recominer)d our commer.-ts be consiikred in future s-ubjms�.ion;. grades have.been Drovide(t fk)r the sv,,ale& 14. Reportedly.the Saim Stfe-�t drainagre system is adcqw-V.t_-and -,he rlwhole.cuver are paved ovct and 15 Safiqfac.wa)1, I G 'llie propi),sed delemion basin imItples sidi al.1,l cs of__':l vvidi !t widtt cil the iopclf Svgs ho n3 cPfkt.-;q than fliTee fixi. NVe recummeiiJ oat dct(m:jcm ba,;ia dike; b,-dcsigrxd w-1111 M .%,SCF Tvf:iimahavd 4-F.4 gineenng Practic, Nq> ?7"De-,%Jgji L-xl 0xv-swictic)II 1-A I.-Iri-xall -n k;.,.. corvinietit-vvws not addressed. Yq)modifiv Ilic detcvmo)) k1fNin v�vuld likely resod Lo a t"luctioa [11(he of jw"Iirct 1.4);3C.1comodate mc side slopes and be rm. Mom of the proposed detewlDon basirt it ttlis case V,I'li i,u-­ifiere-!Ore t1w.z;tatiilitv is less of a conce-rte. T%k_-Hiiiach Engineering should j astit),tk JccMga to 130:wd. 17. Calculaims f6r ilic dciewk�n basin include e..Jilir.-Awn;if rurtoff it 1C.- file :;romld R Lsod on soil data the hx i_ivvlll til dye be :ii gxourd.�,vafcr and',v-ACT will.in ft rate ht:� addition,MC.C81CU'latiOnS'-AIC1111d f[01 iRCIUAC�A'my.t-.bt-'AvN,tl'it-k)-ut I et i i iven. This Mi s comment was.ricof Lid dre-s'seJ-In the calculaficum. c4atige5 in flit:-L-alcutatimis v4' re rtwdt- P Stt- 1.I. ab o v c. The witlet:struc-lire kq:,lien -eTvi,,A_J -f)iir lit&e sip:i ricb TIV(. pipe. w_th tzc!s imiricxj ur,der rij--i Tap. The oufl,(ff Anachxa-.shi 11111 1 1-w it i-q-te-c-liA anal c.*.e-,mcd m.i rogula to Prever t o'kgg,ir(Y of I tic 3*.<)rLc arti-I pip- 21(1,, A.cattily L+asjii gate.has kc.em p I fVidv-(f:I' .-It 1 nveffl PraEidcd tvic street draitiagve is adc-qualo.the,j­,1, N\e app".dale-die.oly'.)rtwijCt,i-o assist Om P annki,- Boar) -)-u tbi-3 pruiecT and 40pe til-lat this inf6miatiun is WE An An AwK it VOO :17E dO 11111 RC�l MIP tO(:OnfaCl � cl Toy My YWW-,, t1JR &, MCHillU IV Wk 1-116FIZ'Cl Sq'P'it:t