HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-06October 6, 1980 Regular Meeting The PLAN~ING BOARD held a F~F~F~F~F~F~F~F~F~F~LAR ME~INO on Monday evening, October 6, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting: Paul A. Hedstrom, Esq., Vice-Chairman; Joseph D'Angelo, Clerk; Michael Po Roberts; and John J. Burke. William Cyr, Highway Surveyor, and Susan St. Pierre, Town Planner, were also present at this meeting. PUBLIC m~m~INGS WILLOWS INI~STRIAL PARK EXT~SION - Continued from September 22, N~. Robert Regan was present representing the Willows Industrial Park. They have met with Mr. Cyr and Mr. D'Angelo and presented a new set of plans this evening. The romd has been shortened and there is no~ a 1% grade, with a 4% grade coming down. Both Mr. Cyr and Mr. D'Angelo stated that they are satisfied with the new design. Mr. Dave Amundsen, 149 Marian Drive, said that the drainage comes through his yard, and although there is no problem with flooding at present, he is concerned about floo~ing with the new extension. Mr. Regan responded that the wetland has bemn taken care of with the Order of Conditions from the Conservatic~ Commission and there will be "0" impact to his land. Mr. Edward Condon, an abettor, again appeared before the Board concerning his lot line- he believes that a corner of his property is zoned Industrial, and again asked for assurance from the Board that his land will not be disrupted. Mr. Roberts suggested that a condition be placed on the plan assuringMr. Condon of at least 50 feet of buffer. At this point, Mr. Cyr stated that when the plans were firs~ submitted he was very much opposed; but after working~thMr. Regan on the revisions, he is extremely pleased with the plans now. Motion: by Mr. Burke that the Planning Board close the public hearing amd take the Willows Industrial Park Extension subdivision under advisement, with the condition that the applicant grant the Planning Board a two-da~ extension. Mr. Regan verbally granted the two-day extension and the motic~ was seconded by Mr. D'Angelo with a ~nanim~ms vote in favor of the motion. PLANS NOT RE~3IRING APPROVAL Steven Leone - Sa~ill Rd. - Lot line change to accomo~ate improper placement of dwelling. Motion: Mr. Roberts to approve the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass., for Steven Leone dated August 26, 1980 under Subdivision Control Law Not Required. Second: by Mr. Burke. Unanimmue vote. October 6, 1980 Con't. -2- Regular Meeting · aile Giard - Appleton S~. - Plan received approval for frontage and setback variances from the Board of Appeals. Subsecfuent to this approval, the lot line tins been changed. Normally, the Pla~ing Board endorses changes after the Board of Appeals has signed. Motion: by Mr. Roberts that the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass., for Emile Giard dated July 13, 1979 be returned to the applicant for approval by the Board of Appeals prior to the Planning Board's decision. The applicant withdrew without predjudice, and Mr. Hedstrom seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. ~ownship ~ealt~ - Great Pond Rd. - Lot line ch~__ge due %0 improper placement of dwelling. Motion: by Mr. Roberts that the plan of land located in North Andover, M~ss. for Township Realty Trust, dated October 3, 1980 be approved under Subdivision Control Law Not Required. Seconded: by Mr. Burke and unanimous vote. Mi.'chael Demerd,jian - Salem St. - lot line change. Atty. Robert Minasian spoke for the applicant. Mr. Cyr questioned the drainage e~sements and Atty. Minasian said that there are no easements, wants to check it out with the. County Commissioner. Motion: by Mr. Burke that the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass. for Michael Demerdjian, dated August 22, 1980, be approved under ~ubdivision Control l~aw Not Required and that. the approval be granted subject to Mr. Cyr's checking with the drainage rights that the town or county might have on subject land and if found, such easements be shown on the plan. Second: by Mr. Roberts and unanimous vote. Ingalls Crossin~ - completion date Mr. Arthur Ealogianis was present and said that the road is 9~%finished and will be completed in a couple of days. He requested a two week extension. Mr. Cyr recommended the extension. Motion: by Mr. Roberts to grant the two week extension on Ingalls Crossing and so take the progress ~nd completion of the project up at the nex~ Pl~-ing Board meeting. Second: by Mr. Burke and unanimous vote. Willows Industrial Park - Request for a waiver from underground u~ility lines. Mr. Eedstrom told Mr. Regan that he better convince the Board that there is a practical reason for the waiver. October 6, 1980, con't -3- Regular Meeting T~o representatives from Massachusetts Electric, Mr. Bob Borthiaume and Mr. CBa~les Enapp were tat the meeting and gave the Planning Board a professional explanation on the difference between above and underground utility lines. They gave a cost differential, as well as their opinions that overhead poles would not be unsightly in this subdivision. They stated that there is no difference in safe%y factors, just economics. Underground lines have fewer breakage, but are more costly to repair. They sympathized with ~he developer, because of the fact that it is not yet known what types of industry will be occupying the development, and therefore what demand there will be on the utilities. Mr. ~napp said that there are similar industrial subdivisions in Haverhill and Andover, but it is impossible to predict how much power any one building will need. Because of this, is is much easier and less expensive to install the overhead poles. Mr. D'Angelo again asked for the request in writing, and Mr. Hedstrom emphasized that the request for the w~iver must be in writing and explained in detail because the Board is setting a precedent with its decision in this matter. Motion: by Mr. Roberts to take the matter under advisement until the next Planning Board meeting. Second: by Mr. Burke and unanimous vote in favor o£ the motion. Willows Industrial Park - Bond Release - Phase I The clerk read letters from the Highway Surveyor and the Board of Public W~rks. Motion: by Mr. Roberts that per the Highway Surveyor's letter $22,500 be released; and per the letter from the Board of Public Works $16,650 be released, for a total of $39,150, leaving a balance Of $56,850. Second: Mr. Burke and unanimous vote in favor of the motion. Lakeside - Bond Release The clerk read letters from the Highway Surveyor and John Turtle. Motion: by Mr. Roberts that per the Highway Surveyor's letter $23,000 be released, leaving a balance cf $17~1,500 in the to~.'s control. Second: by Mr. Burke and unanimous vote in favor of the motion. Trafal~r Estates - B~nd Release The clerk read the letter from the Highway Surveyor. Motion: by Mr. Roberts that per the Highway Surveyor's letter $13,200 be released leaving a ~alance of $39,650 in the town's control. Second: by Mr. D'A~_gelo and unanimous vote in favor of the motion. October 6, 1980, cch'to -4- Re&v/ar meeting Trafal~r Estates - Bond Amount The clerk read letters iran the H~hway Surveyor and the Board of Public Notion: by Hr. Roberts that %he bond amount of $98,200 ($72,000 H~ and $26,200 BP~ [$15,000 water; $1~,200 sewer]) be accepted by the ~°ard and that the order of o~nditions outlined in the Highway Surveyor's letter, re: completion date and binder coat, be adhered Second: by Mr. Burke and unanimous vote in favor of the motion. Carleton Farms West - Cricket Lane - Bond Release Notion: by Hr. Roberts that per the verbal rec~nmendation of the Highwa~ Surveyor, the amount of $20,000 be ~eleased, leaving a balance of $6,200 with a completion date of November ~, ~980. Second: by Mr. Burke and unanimous vote in favor of the motion. W. ildwood Park The clerk read the statement from the Planning Board to the Registry of Deeds. Notion: by Hr. D'Angelo to make the statement and forward to the Registry of Deeds. Second : by E'r. Roberts and unanimous vote. John Warlick - drainage change on Bouney Lane The clerk read a letter from ~h~ank ~elinas on Bonney Lane. ~ud Oyr g~ve a presentation and said he has no problems with the drainage cb~ge. Mr. Roberts requested more information on the plan and the plan was withdrawn without predjudioe. Board of Appeals Legal Notices The clerk read the five legal notices. Henr7 Bodenrader - Mill Rd. - request for in-law apartment Notion: by Mr. Roberts to give a favorable recommendation to the Board of Appeals within conformance with the Rules and Regulations. Second: Hr. Burke and unanimous vote. K..enneth I~aphey - variance fr~n no-out law. Motion: by Hr. Roberts to notify the Board of Appeals that the Planning Board rejected the Haphey application and as a ~oard felt that it should be reviewed by the Board of Appeals because of a marginal conflict with the Zoning Rules and Regulations. As a resatlt, the Planning Board ~ould not approve the plan. Second: by Mr. ~urke and unanimous vote. Ootober 6, 1980, con~t -.5- Regulsm meeting Kell.v R. Real%.v Trust - new office building on Second St. No reoo~nendation but to adhere to the Rules ~nd Regulations. ~red and E~b Buthnu~n - request for relief from the ~uilding Ymspector's decision. No reoon~enda%ion. Rober$,.,.~.%the, son and David Morse - division of land of Marblehead and Union Streets. No recommendation from the Planning ~oa~i. Legal Notices, - towns - received and on file. Minutes - ~eptember 22, ~980 - Motion by Roberts to accept the minutes as written. Second by D~Angelo and unanimous vo~e. A thank you letter from the f~m!ly of John Monteiro for the flowers from 2he Planning Board at ~he time of his death was read. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Paul I. ~t.e~.s~r~m, Vice Chai _r~__n Jean E. Whi~e, Secretary