HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-22June 22, 1981 Special Meeting The Planning Board held a Special Meeting on Monday evening, June 22~ 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Office Meeting Room for the purpose of amending the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land. The following members were present and voting: Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman; Vincent S. ?urano, Clerk; and Erich Nitzsche. Town Planner Susan St. Pierre was also present. The public hearing was advertised in the North Andover Citizen on May 28 and June 4, 1981. Since a Previous public hearing was held in January of 1981 for the same purpose, the Town Planner gave a verbal summary of what was discussed for the benefit of new members Turano and Nitzsche and for the audience. Attached and made part of these minutes is the copy of the proposed amendments distributed t6~Che members and made ~avaitable to the public prior to the public hearing, as well as a copy of the proposals with additions and deletions as discussed at the hearing.* Upon a motion made by Mr. Turano and seconded by Mr. Nitzsche, it was voted unanimously to continue the public ~earin§ until the next meeting of the Board on July 6, 1981 in order to secure additional input from town departments. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman Jean. E. Whii~e, Secretary * Two items which were discussed at the hearing but are not part of the re-typed amendments are the practice of having the secretary to the Planning Board record all plans in the future and the creation of a form for Environmental Impact. . ~::_:d Section II. B. 10 by removing the second sentence in %otal ~md:nL~' ~-~,~:~!,'',- ?:erein the following sentence: "Test pits and percolation tests, made in accordance with the "Re~lations for Soil Absorptipn Sewage Disposal Systems" 1~74, and as amended by the ~orth Andover Board of Health shall be required in areas served by subsurface s¢?~je disposal systems." Amend Section II. C. by removing subsections 4, 5, and 6 and adding the following sub~ecticns: 4. Form A A:~prova!s - if lots have been previously approved' as PNRA's, they shall not be sub:nitted as part of a definitive subdivision plan. If Form A's are shown on a subdivision p~n, ~nd they have not been previously approved, then such lots shall be con~idnred as D~.rt of the subdivision. 5. R_e_guirements Said plan shall be legibly dra~m in acco:rd~ce w:i~h the Rules ~d R~ulations of thc R~gistry of Deeds as an~ended pertaining ~o plan size, material, letterfng, :t~d relabed r~irements, and shall contain all required seals and signatures r*quired by the Regist~:~ of Deeds prior to the recording of said plan. ::n ::]~o e:ent that the following requirements are not fully complied with by :::~ .:.?p:ic~nt, the submittal shall be considered null and void and returned for a future re.~ubmittal. The plan scale shall be forty feet (~.0') to the ~nch or .~uch other scale as the Board may accept, and shall contain tke followings: a. Identification of the plan by n~3:e of ow~.~r of r,~cord end location of the land in question, including the scale, north point, date, and revision date(s) if applicable. b. A locus map at one to fifteen h~dred feet (1500') to the inch. Locus ~ust show at leo~st one intersection of a% least %wo existing to~ roads. c. The siate~'-snt, "P]a~ing Board Approval Under Subdivision Control Law Not ~eq~ircd" and sufficient space for the date m~d the Board sig,~ai~e. d. ?;chins C]assific~.tion ~nd location of ~y zoning district bo~:ndaries ~hai may lie ~ithin the locus of the pl~. e. In the case of the creation of a ~-:ew lot, all the remaining l~d ~ea ~d frontage on ihe laud in the o~ership of ihe applic~i shall be sho~. f. Notice of ~y decisions by the Zoning Boa~ of Appeals including but not limited to v~i~ces ~d exceptions rega:.ding the ]and or ~y buildings thereon. g. N~es of abuti~s from the most recent local tax list ~mless the applic.mnt has ~owledge of ~y changes ~:ubscquent to the ].?.test ~v,~.ilable Assessor's ~eoo~s. h. N~es ~d status (private or p~blic) of ~t'~c~ts ~d ~.;~ys sho~.~ on ~he plan. i. Bearings ~d dist~oes of <~!1 li',]es of the lot or lots s~:o~ on the pl~ eech lot must be ~otalled. j. Accurate loca%ion of all existing structures including all wells, septic systems, surface ~d subsurface drainage, ~.ud building setback, side yard end rear y~ dist~ces. %ra:~¢es. .ill predominant n~tural fe,~tures (de. bodies of must be sho~,~ with appropriate areas, if applicable. !. All parcels of land mus~ show total acreage, acreage of contic~ous buidable area smd oon$ours for slopes in excess of qwenty (20) percent. m. E~ch sumbittal must be accompanied by om original and three (3) copies of ~he plan and a filing fee. Fee is $15.00 g. Ifc plums shall be stained other th~n at a meeting of the Planning Board or at the ?lanning 2.card office after action of the Board. (lO)Topo, r¢?l~j,, contours shall he s!m,.vn et two (2) foot intervals. Ltend Section II!. B. 1. by addjng the fo!lowins paragraphs: e. Drainage calculations st,moped and signed by a register~ed professional Drainage calculations shall be prepared by a 9eDistered Engineer to substantiate all proposed drainage sizes.. Computations shall indicate existing as well as nroposed runoff peaks and volumes and shall be [ased upon a ten (lO) year'sto~ for all street drainaoe, a twenty-five (25) year stem For lot drainage and a one-hundred (lO0) year sto~ For all mater cross draina,~e and brooks, or in other areas '..'here in the o~)inion of the Planning Board such runoff may E9 detriuental to the health, welfare and well heine of the general public. All drainane com?utations shall show the impact (increase or decrease) at the point(s) of outlet of the subdivision boundaries. If surface water drains discharQe onto adjacent existing streets or onto adjacent properties not owned by the applicant, he shall present evidence to the Plannin~ Board that such discharne is satisfactory, permitted and'does not cause any detrimental effects to public or private property. f. ;h~idcnce of o',mership ;md %zc:verse nc~r:s~ l~ng-~.age of ~y ~.raz being [..~bdivided, zig}:[s -md uzTm:,ants o%t~ined for u%i!il'iec or d,.'.in~: o%~i.~ide of the ~ul,,'i'.:irir, n, .',~d description of ero...ioa uu,~t~ol 3. Iu order fo de~eruine oomplianoe wi~k ~he ~.ekn~ire~mn~s or in~enq of -[]~iz Ee~?!a%ion~ ~he Board m~y, in iqs disore~ion, re~ire speoialized enLinuerin~ or envirom:,eni~l analyses %o be prepared ~ ~he e~ense of the ~.pp!io~. (as per Seo~ion III. ~. ~). k. A oons~ruo~ion sohedule whioh s?eoffio~ll~ de~ils ~he various phases cun..~c~zon along ~;ith %he proposed dztes w~zoh %he phases will be com- pleted. j f A s?~mi%~al fee of ~ .00 per lo~ or~d wi%him the sutrlivision, Topo~ra?hlc Contours. The ~:ufinitive Pl~ s~,a/1 include a ,~radinf, 91an showine existinq and prr]~posed contours a~- two (2) foot intervals. ,r-ll proposed changes in topography, either d~.~to Conservation Co~mdssion fillin, and excavation and/or Septic Design ~radJng, shall be incorporated into a final topographic arading plan of the subdivision showing specifically the lot nrading so as to ~ive the Planning Board sufficient infon~ation to dete~ine that surface runsff from adjoinin~ areas do not cause detrimental damage to other lotsand/or areas w{thin or adjoining the subdivision. Sufficient contours of adjacent land shall be shown to dete~ine the watershed effected by the sto~ drainaae system, t~here the watershed is sufficiently larqe, a supplemental plan may be submitted. ~ll cuts and fills shall be delineated on the topographic plan shnw~ng by cross-hatching or other means ,,-,hich areas are to be Filled and which areas are to be excavated. The edge of all wetland areas shall t.e delineated, Spot elevations shall be shown on very flat areas. Section ITT P,3(n) ~dd it at end of Paragraph including edoe o~ ~xistin~ pavement where such abuts the Subdivision. , ,~ ~ ' ,,:at~r and dr~naqe ~acilities shall ',~e of all Section III, B,3 (q) Adioining lands of the o~.!ner, developer or applicant nut being subdivided will he shown. Section ~I!, ~.3(t) A permanent bench mark will L,e set and shown for each seperate profile sheet. With its datum. All bench marks will refer to the sa.me datum. !?~ere another subdivision and/or USC & qS ~ench r:arI: exists within 500 feet, the subdivision will be con;v-ctcd into such. Add to Section III. ~. a new sut~section: "~. The applicant shall also a statement of }~vironmental Impact. The Planning ~oard m~y waive ~y section, or sections, of the Statement which it deems inapplicable ~o the proposed project. '~e developer should discuses the retirements with the ~oaI~ prior to prepar~tion of the Statement, prior %o %he submission of a Definitive pl~. ~e Statement shall include the following: A. A %et of plans .~% ~m~f tale ~hall ..... r~u!.ni~ted in conj~otion with the ~.: ,, ~,ce;:'i-':'~ ~he entire subdivision on De graphic drainage 2. Vegetative cover c~malysis~ ~ncludJng ~den~ifioa%ion of general cover ~y~,~ (wooded, cropland, ~1-~1sh, wetland, e%o), location of all major %re, ~oupin~s~ plus other outskandlng trees or other botanical features, imports% wildlife habitats, dis%urbea by construction; 3. Approximate surface ~d su%surfaoe wa%er level and seasonal high ~ound water mark. 4. Soil %~pes based on U.S.~.A. soils s%udx ~d location Of soil.percolation tests. i~hysical ~rl~vironment 1. Describe the general physical Conditions of the site, including amounts varieties of vegetation, general topography, unusual geologic , scenic historical features, trails su]d open space links m_nd indigenous wildlife? Describe how project will affect these features. Provide a complete physical description of the project, and relationship to surrounding area. Surface Water and Soils Describe location, extent and type of e~isting water and wetlands, includin~ existing surface drainage characteristics, both within and adjacent to the project. Describe the methods to be used during construction'to control erosion and sedimentation; i.e. llse of sediment basins and type of mulching, or temporary vegetation; describe approximate size ~ud location of land to be cleared at ~y given time and length of time and e3[posure;'covering of soil stockpiles; ~d other control methods used. Ewe]ate effectiveness proposed methods on the site and on the shrrounding areas. Describe %he permanent methods to be used to control erosion ~d sedimentation. Include description~of a. any areas subject to f/ooding?~ponding; proposed surface drainage c. proposed ]and gradin~ and permanent vegetative cover; d. ~zet~ods to be used to protect ezisting ve6etat~on; e. the relationship of the development to the topography f. any proposed alterations of shore lines, marshes or seasonal a~eas; g. any existing or proposed flood control or wetland easements; h. estimated increase of peak m]noff caused by'altered surface conditions~ and methods to be used to returen water %o the soils. Completely describe sewage disposal methods. Evaluate impact of disposal methods on surface water, soils ~nd vegetation. Sub-surface Conditions 1. Describe amy ]imitations on proposed project caused by subsurface and water conditions, smd methods to be used to overcome them. 2. Describe procedures and findings of percolation tests conducted on the site. ~,,~te impact of ~-~',.',~-~ oz:~ osal ~.,~thods on q~:a]ity of sub ~,urface 3. 4, 6. Describe pattern. Describe Describe Describe Describe estim;:t,:d traffic flow at ..... k o,~f~oas ,:~nd proposed locations and n~nber of vehicles accommodated in parking effect of project on police and fire protection services. effect of project on public works department services. effect of project on educational services. Describe %he effect of the project on the %o~,~t ~cater supply and dist3'ibution s~s% em. Describe the effect of the project on the to%ch sewer system. F. General Impact . ]. Summarize Briefly envirof~mental i~f,pact on entire to'~m with supporting Add to Section III. C. (1) the following paracraph: "3. At the discretion of the ?card, a time extension may be g~ted for a period no~ %o sicced one (1) jeaP, provided %ha~ such ~ e~eneion m~ %e conti%ioned upon ~ increase in the ~mo~m% of such %cud or security as de~ermined ~y %he Amend Sec%ion III. D. %y addin~ a new su%sec~ion: "3. ~e ~oar~ of Health shall utilize %he followin~ cri%emia in i~s raview of sm%division plems: a. Percolation ra%es are acceptable throughout %he subdivision. Uater 2ab!e depts shall %e suffioien% 2o provide mini~f~m amo~ts of fill ove~ amy proposed subsurface dispos~ system. o. ~;ere septic si~tems ~re to be installed, shallow bedrock or im..perme~.b!e soil ~3ball not e-cist whthin five (5) feet of the surfa, oe. d. ~urface water dr.tin~e from e~ch lot shall not create a health ?~zd on may abut'ting lot or ?roperty. !for shall surface water drainaAe o~!to lot crc:..te a health hazard to t)~e fyture homeo~mer. e. The ;~o'tential for Arc,md water pollution resultin~ fro~ dc:ve!opment of a su~dicision as well as re~:iremcuts for [,u%lio ~:aee~j dur~uj "4- The Boaz-2 of l[e~tl%h m~~ approve only a par% of a subdivi[ion if -there a porch%iai d~ger %o 2he public hca!th ~y approving the subdivision in 2o'.:.~ ." Amend Section III. E. e. by inserting after 2he wo~ "subdivision" 2he words "in p{trt or." Under Section III. E. add "(f) Conservation Co~ission - as to applicability of M.g.L. Ch. 131, Sec. 40." ~%~end Section III. H. by adding two new subsections: ~e~erm~net~ based upon the ~vironmYnt~l ~alysis (where re~ired) that the subdivision as desi~ed will not cause substantial ~uud irreversible %o the environment, which d~ge could be avoided or ~mlior~ted throujh alte~tive development plan. ~ Zescission. Failure of the developer %o record tke D~finitive D!e~u within si>: (6) ~' of i%s enaorsement, or ~o co::?ly ,..z~: ~:~e incorpore~%~d zn~o t~e performrmoe ~=~...~nt or to c ~?~' , .... -~- Zonin~ Ej-Lmws ~ld re~airements of the Ccnzcrv:~tion Co:~zux:zon v:;~er l[etlo~ds Protection Act, or ~m-~uthori~'~d dc~?ture f~om ~y s'r'e'r~n-[s ~.~ .... a '~- ' ~ ~ :d, whether or not %t the .l .... ti .. . Conservation Comuission for Cez'tificate of Compliance with the Oz~dez' of Conditions, if any." Add to Sec%ion III. J. 4.: "Prior to fin'~l release of security, the developer shall submit all necessary doc~nentation for street acceptance, including plans in form acoept~b!e to the ~'-'~ ' ~ ...... ~, ~ list of o~.mers ~ud ~or'tGajes .,.~z.~y of Deeds, legal descr~p~_on, e ........ nt~, _ z~..~ n ~Vl_~C1"1~.'~.-'~. i~1%a~ ~?~treet, and o.ni. g~an%s of rights necessary.'' Section I II,J.4. ;,dd a new sentence. Asbuilt plans shall be drawn with India ink on cloth and show the centerline profile with grade and all drainage facilities with rims, inverts and pipe sizes, the location of all utilities including driveway cuts and extent of improvements and showing centerline layout data, (See amend,m.,ent Page 4) insert after "includinq plans ............. shm,.ing street line 5y metes and bound~ and includinm any .and all easements and monun~entation ...... in form. i, - Section III B, 3 (u) _lid bo ~ec-tion III. Prior to release of any lot within the ~ubdivision, a lot gradin~ plan, showing proposed house and septic s',stem, drive.,~ay and any and all gradinn chanoes or other fac'ilities to be installed on the lot shall be s6bmitted to the ~lannin~ ~oard for approval. No lot shall be released from the covernent and/or bond without first obtaining a?proval of the Board o~ I!ealth, Conservation Commission, Board of Public ~%rks and the Hid~;-av Surveyor. NOT,~TION OF THIS SH,aLL BF~ PL/'.CED OI'! TI-IE PL~,N T~ 2E RF~ORDEO. Any 9radino, fill or excavation which will adversely affect the drainage pattern in the opinion of the Planning Board will require an amended plan and revised drainage calculation J. a new sub~ec%ion: Final P.e!ec~se ~r, t .... percent (10,~) of the value of the bond shall be .....~ b,,~ -the To~m to insnre ~+~,-:~_~_~_,ce .... of streets ~d m~nioipal services for eigh%een (!9) months after co'.ple~ion of cons%~c2ion omd instal!etlon or vntil the streets az'e ao~ei:,',,a.d bU ~he Town. whichever comes first; after which date tke To~ shall z'e~Urn ~i:e r~'~:zinder of the bond, if ~u~y, 2o the app!ic~mt. Amend Section IV. A. by adding a new subsection: :~,_-~=~_~=~,~e of z~reezs or footpaths. .::pprova! ;.% 'J..e Jo:~rd of a definitive rsub:iivir:ion :~1~ ~:~1~ not cc,:~s'~i~ ~a "~.~ ' ' ~ during %} ~ pcPioct. Xo~ trion %h,~ 2e~ is to ]}e ~-e~l~ined s]l~.ll be Flaced on the Definitive Amend Section IV. I. by inserting a new :_'alee. orion n~u'aber "1" before first sei~tenoe amd by adding a new suloseotion: "2. Sediment Control: In order to reduce erosion accompanying .~_ny and all construction-activities mud %he resultant poilu%ion of s%remns, ~etlands, in- cluding control methods such as berms, dikes, re%eh%ion ponds, mu!chin~, 2emporary soddin~ and hay %ales." ·" ~ ootp_.~n and bi;:e$.:'.ths" ~md by trend ~ection V. D. by aa~n,.~ %o the %i21e ~ ~'s "3. Public bikeways or walkups may be reqq~ired by %]:e Doard to provide circ~lalion or aocess %o schools, recreational areas, si6ps, tr;n~spor%a~ion, or comm~iSy facilities, or for other reasons. These ways m?.y or may no% be part of the normal sidewalk procisions m~d %hey may or may not ~e part of lo%. They shall be desi~ed with a minimum %eh foo% (10') six %o eight (6 - 8) foot width, m~_~:im~m ~mdr~t of 5;~, excep~ fo':' se~en%s an6 a ninim~ radius of 2~ fee%. ,. L; -r,.d ?c{icn :~. I. {l '~ ? !3ti:g ti~ ~:u~ber t'..a!ve (12) Section V, F l. Calculations and Certification shall he submitted to prove that mire protection is being ~rovided in accordance with ~ .tin,nd S~c%ion V. P. 3. by detetin~ the first sentence ~,ud replacin~ it witk ~he followin~ phrase: "~a%eP pipe shall be duotile iron cement lined~ _iL;end Ucc%ion V. P. i. l'O' de!f~tinS the fo~n-ik ce:/.. ~¢e .nd i-.r.~5 kf_n~ in p!~ce ....... ~.s itu . ~_~ to _ ::o.?-a of ?ub!i¢ ...... or ..... s~{~ shall be one foot outside the and !ooated a~ every intersection, a% 2he ~eginning of and within the us~pz~s~on ~d xi%h the intermediate l~dramSs localed where the distance }z~rcr~es o. oe~ no% e):ceed 500 ~ ~ V.F.]0 -~t every ~t~eet ~.tersect~on, t},ere ~h~]] be ~.sta]]ed ~.(3) water gates, one on af~ch line. Section V.F,1I, Any dead end water main lonner than a,e thousand feet or servin.a more than 15 dwellines shall [.e lem~ed" to a second SOUrce. ' ' "3. Sec.;er pipe shall be s~engo: .... clay ,told shall r i ~"~'.!lolos ,:'.~r,]l CO ~',:vc'~'~on,~-~ shall or fin t2?e rubber .L'~;nhold rin~s shall be almuinum Alloy S0~1-76. Pipe connections shall 'oe of the noeprene %0o% wi%h s%ainlcss s%eel clamp %jpe or approved equal. ::?.nhole fram]es ;3_nd covers sh%ll ~e ca$~ iron, lc%feted "SE'J~" ::nd shall be eich% ins]les i'~i~h. ~e:;er lines shall be su'o:nz%%ed 2o low pressure air %es%s in accorommc wi%h '!.'.~te ~o:.-~seier ~rocedu_re." Section V. H.~ In no ca~e shall a catch tasin be constructed at a driveway curb cut or a drivm;ay curb cut be placed at a catch basin. Section V, H 2. Delete the words "A catch basin or" and add at the end of that paragraph another sentence to read, "In no case with the drainage from more than two catch basins be allowed to drain into a third catch basin." '_ L::-::!d -,..:'.ion V. _T. (1) ]]2* deleting ~l'.e 2braze "in acceder, mince with r./pro--er~ PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO RULES AND REGULATIONS - 1981 Amend Section II B 10, by removing the second sentence in total and inserting therein the following sentence: "Test pits and percolation tests, made in accordance with the "Regulations for Soil Absorption Sewage Disposal Systems" 1974, and as amended by the North Andover Board of Health shall be required in areas served by subsurface sewage disposal systems." Amend Section II C, by removing subsections 4, 5, and 6, and adding the following subsections: 4.' Form A Approvals if lots have been previously approved as PNRA's, they shall not be sUbmitted as part of a definitive subdivision plan. If Form A's are shown on a subdivision plan, and they have not been previously approved, then such lots shall be considered as part of the subdivision. 5. Requirements Said plan shall be legibly drawn in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Registry of Deeds as amended pertaining to plan size, material, lettering, and related requirements, and shall contain all required seals and signatures required by the Registry of Deeds prior to the recording of said plan. In the event that the following requirements are not fully complied with by the applicant, the submittal shall be con- sidered null and void and returned fora.future submittal: The plan scale shall be forty feet (40') to the inch or such other scale as the Board may accept, and shall contain the following: a~ Identification of the plan by name of owner of record , and location of the land in question, including the i~]'~s.¢ale, north point, dat~, amd .re¥isiOn date(s) if applicable. b. A locus map at one to fifteen hundred feet (1500') to the ~. inch. Locus must show at least one intersection of at least two existing town roads. c. The statement, "PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL UNDER SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW NOT REQUIRED" and sufficient space for the date and the Board signature. d. Zoning Classification and location of any zoning district boundaries that may lie within the locus of the plan. fo g o In the case of the creation of a new lot, all the remaining land area and frontage on the land in the ownership of the applicant shall be shown. In the event the remaining area is in excess of 2 acres and the remaining frontage is in excess of 150', this information may be conveyed as a note on the plan. Notice of any decisions by the Zoning Board of Appeals, including but not limited to variances and exceptions regarding the land or any buildings thereon. Names of abutter~ from the most recent local tax list, unless the applicant has knowledge of any changes sub- sequent to the latest available Assessor's records. Names and status (private or public) of streets and ways shown on the plan. Bearings and distances of all lines of the lot or lots shown on the plan and the distance to the nearest perma- nent monument or road. Frontage to each lot must be totalled. Accurate location of all existing structures, inlcuding all wells, septic systems, surface and subsurface drainage, and building setback, side yard-and rear yard distances. Location of all bounds, brooks, fences, walls, easements and/or encumbrances. All predominant natural features (ie., bodies of water, etc.) must be shown with appropriate areas, if applicable. 1. Each submittal must be accompanied by an original and three(3) copies of the plan and a filing fee. Fee is $15.00· 6. No plans shall be signed other than at a meeting of the Planning BOard or at the Planning Board Office after action of the Board. Section III A 2 (10) Topographic contours shall be shown at two (2) foot intervals. Amend Section III B I by adding the following paragraphs: e. Drainage calculations shall be prepared by a Registered Engineer to substantiate all proposed drainage sizes. Computations ~hall indicate existing as well as proposed runoff peaks and volumes and shall be based upon a ten (10) year storm for all street drainage, a twenty five (25) year stprm for lot drainage and a one hundred (100) year storm for all major cross drainage and brooks, or in other areas where in the opinion of the Planning Board such runoff may be detrimental to the health, welfare, and well being of the general public. All drainage computations shall show the impact (increase or decrease) at the point(s) of outlet of the subdivision boundaries. If surface water drains discharge onto adjacent existing streets or onto adjacent properties not owned by the applicant, he shall present evidence to the Planning Board that such discharge is satisfactory, permitted, and does not cause any detrimental effects to public or private property. Evidence of transfer of ownership, language of any easements, covenants, or deed restrictions applying or proposed to apply to the area being subdivided, rights and easements obtained for utilities or drainage outside of the subdivision. In order to determine compliance with the requirements or intent of this Regulation, the Board may, in its discretion, require specialized engineering or environmental analyses to be prepared at the expense of the applicant. (as per Section III B 5). h. A construction schedule, which specifically details the various phases of construction, along with the proposed dates when the phases will be completed. i· Soil types based on U.S.D.A. Soils Study and location and results of soil percolation or subsurface tests. j. A submittal fee of $ .00 per lot created within the subdivision. k. Description of erosion control methods to be employed. Add to Section III B 3 (i) following the phrase utility lines, "including gas and electrical services." Delete paragraph "k" and replace with the following: k. Topographic Contours. The definitive plan shall include a grading plan showing existing and proposed contours at two (2) foot intervals. All proposed changes in topography, either due to Conservation Commission filing and excavation and/or septic design grading, shall be incorporated into a final topographic grading plan of the subdivision showing specifically the lot grading so as to give the Planning Board sufficient information to determine that surface runoff from adjoining areas do not cause detrimental damage to other lots and/or areas within or adjoining the subdivision. Sufficient contours of adjacent land shall be shown to determine the watershed effected by the storm drainage system. Where the watershed is sufficiently large, a supplemental plan may be submitted. All cuts and fills shall be delineated on the topographic plan showing by cross-hatching or other means which areas are to be filled and which areas are to be excavated. The edge of all wetland areas shall be delineated. Spot elevations shall be shown on very flat areas. Wetlands shall be defined per Ch. 131, Sec. 40. Section III B 3 (n) Add at the end of paragraph: "including edge of existing pavement where such abuts the subdivision." Add to Section III B 3 (p) the following sentences: Profiles shall also be provided showing existing and proposed grades of sewer and drain installation in proposed or existing easements.* The stationing of all monumentation, water and drainage facilities shall be shown on the plan and profile. A permanent benchmark will be set and shown for each separate profile sheet , with its datum. All bench marks will refer to the same datum. Where another subdivision and/or USC and GS bench mark,exists within 500 feet, the subdivision will be connected into such. Section III B 3 (t) Adjoining lands of the owner, developer, or applicant not being subdivided will be shown. Add to Section III B 3 a new paragraph: s. "Location of any existing septic systems" 6. Add to Section III B a new subsection: "5. The applicant shall also submit a statement of Environmental Imapct. The Planning Board may waive any section, or sections, of the Statement which it deems inapplicable to the proposed project. The developer should discuss the requirements w~th the Board prior to preparation of the Statement, preferably prior to the submission of a definitive plan. The Statement should include the following: Ao A set of plans at uniform scale shall be submitted in conjunction with the Environmental Impact Statement, encompassing the entire subdivision on a sing!e sheet not larger than 42" by 60" showing the following: * Confirmed change with Joseph Borgesi, Superintendent of Public Works. 1) Present and proposed topography at two foot intervals, with graphic drainage analysis, location of existing structures, including fences and walls; 2) Vegetative cover analysis, including identification of general cover type, (wooded, cropland, brush, wet- land, etc.) location of all major tree groupings, plus other outstanding trees or other botanical features, important wildlife habitats, and identifi- cation of areas not to be distrubed by construction; 3) Approximate surface and subsurface water level and seasonal high ground water mark; 4) Soil types based on U.S.D.A. soils study and location of soil percolation tests. B. Physical Environment 1) Describe the general physical conditions of the site, including amounts and varieties of vegetation, general topography, unusual geologic, scenic, 'and historical features, trails and open space links and indigenous wildlife; 2) Describe how project will affect these features; 3) Provide a complete physical description of the project, and relationship to surrounding area. C. Surface, Water, and Soils 1) Describe location, extent and type of existing water and wetlands, including existing surface drainage characteristics, both within and adjacent to the project; 2) Describe the methods to be used during construction to control erosion and sedimentation; ie., use of sediment basins and type of mulching, matting, or temporary vegetation; describe approximate size and location of land to be cleared at any given time and length of time and exposure; covering of soil stock- piles; and other control methods used. Evulate effectivementss of proposed methods on the site and on the surrounding areas; 3) Describe the permanent methods to be used to control erosion and sedimentation. Include description of: a. Any areas subject to flooding or ponding; b. Proposed surface drainage system; c. Proposed land grading and permanent vegetative cover; d. Methods to be used to protect existing vegetation; e. The relationship of the development to the topography; f. Any proposed alterations or shore lines, marshes, or seasonal wet areas; g. Any existing or proposed flood control or wetland easements; h. Estimated increase of peak runoff caused by altered surface conditions, and methods to be used to return water to the soils; 4. Completely describe sewage disposal methods. Evaluate impact of disposal mehtods on surface water, soils, and vegetation; D. Subsurface Conditions 1) Describe any limitations on proposed project caused by subsurface soil and water conditions, and methods to be used to overcome them; 2) Describe procedures and findings of percolation tests conducted on the site; 3) Evaluate impact of sewage disposal methods on quality of subsurface water; 2) 3) 4) Town Services 5) 6) 7) Describe estimated traffic flow at peak periods and proposed circulation pattern; Describe locations and number of vehicles accomodated in parking areas; Describe effect of project on police and fire pro- tection services; Describe effect of project on Public Works Department services; Describe effect of project on educational services; Describe the effect of the project on the town water supply and distribution system; Describe the effect of the project on the t~wn sewer system. F. General Impact 1) Summarize briefly environmental impact on entire town with supporting reasons. Add to Section III C (1) the following paragraph: "3. At the discretion of the Board, a time extension may be granted for a period not to exceed one (1) year, provided that such an extension may be conditioned upon an increase in the amount of such bond or security as determined by the Board." Amend Section III D by addin§ a new subsection: "3. The Board of Health shall utilize the following criteria in its review of subdivision plans: a. Percolation rates are acceptable throughout the subdivision; b. Water table depths shall be sufficient to provide minimum amounts of fill over any proposed subsurface disposal system; c. Where septic systems are to be installed, shallow bedrock or impermeable soil shall not exist within five (5) feet of the surface; d. Surface water drainage from each lot shall not create a health hazard on any abutting lot or property; nor shall surface water drainage onto each lot create a health hazard to the future homeowner; e. The potential for ground water pollution resulting from development of a subdivision as well as requirements for public safety during construction. Amend Section III E e by inserting after the word "subdivision'! the words "in part of." Under Section III E add "f. Conservation Commission - as to applicability of M.G.L. Ch. 131, Sec. 40." 10. Amend Section III H by adding two new subsections: 11. 12. "7. Determination based upon the Environmental Analysis (where required) that the subdivision a.s designed will not cause · substantial and irreversible damage to the environment, which damage could be avoided or ameliorated through an alternative development pl. an." "8. Rescission. Failure of the developer to record the definitive plan within six (6) months of its endorsement, or to comply with the construction schedule incorporated into the performance agreement or to comply with all applicable Zoning By-Laws and requirements of the Conservation Commission under the Wetlands Protection Act, or unauthorized departure from any agreements made or plans submitted, whether or not at the direction of other public agencies shall constitute reason for the Planning Board to consider rescission of such approval in accordance with the requirements and procedures of M.G.L. Ch. 41, Sec. 81-W." Deleted Add to Section III J. 4: "Prior to final release of security, the developer shall submit all necessary documentation for street acceptance, including a final plan (Acceptance Plan) drawn with India ink on tracin~ cloth (or other method suitable for reproduction and recording} of completed street or streets and any easements together with proper legal descriptions for initiating an article in the Town Meeting Warrant pursuant to the acceptance of the ways at~ the Town Meeting, and upon acceptance by the Town shall grant a deed or easement to the Town of the streets as contained in the definitive plan; said deed or easement to be recorded by the Town Clerk upon acceptance of the streets by the Town Meeting. To facilitate acceptance by the Town of North Andover, the applicant shall have prepared and certified by a Registered Land Surveyor a "Plan of Acceptance" drawn with India ink on tracing cloth (or another method suitable for reproduction) size 24" by ,36", showing widths, lengths, bearings of all boundary lines of streets and easements, and radii, tangents, and central angles of all curves in street lines. It shall show that all stone bounds are set." A blank space 4" by 8" shall be provided on the lower right hand corner on the plan for a title block to be filled in by the applicant. The surveyor shall place a certification on the plan stating, "The street (or way or portion thereof) is laid out and the bounds are set as shown on this plan"; 13. 14. 15. 16. which shall be dated, signed, and the surveyor's stamp affixed thereon. The plan shall be submitted to the Planning Board and shall have a place for boti~ the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen's signatures. Section III J. 5: The applicant shall submit As-Built plans drawn with India Ink on tracing cloth (or another method suitable for reproduction) certified by his engineer to show the actual locations and grades of all utilities (including electric, telephone, and gas underground installations) and roadway profiles, including rim and invert elevation poles, lights, driveway cuts, pipe sizes, hydrants, and gates, and all other improvements, and any changes authorized by the Planning Board. Deleted Amend Section IV A by adding a new subsection: "5. Ownership of Ways and Easements Acceptance of streets or footpaths. Approval by the Board of a definitive subdivision plan shall not constitute the laying out or acceptance of by the Town of any streets, bikeways, or footpaths within a subdivision.~ Ownership of Ways and Easements. The subdivider shall retain title to the fee of each street, path, or easement in or appurtenant to the subdivision until conveyed to the Town and shall maintain and repair the roads and drainage facilities in a manner satisfactory to the Board during that period. Notation that fee is to be retained shall be placed on the definitive plan." Amend Section IV I by inserting a new subsection number "1" before first sentence and by adding a new subsection: "2. Sediment Control: In order to reduce erosion accompanying any and all construction activities and the resultant pollution of streams, wetlands~including control methods such as berms, dikes, retention ponds~)mulching, temporary sodding, and hay~k Amend Section V D by adding to the title "Footpaths and Bikepaths" and by adding a new paragraph: "3. Public bikeways or walkups may be required by the Board to provide circulation or access to schools, recreational areas, shops, transportation, or community faciliites, or for other reasons. These ways may or may not be part of the normal sidewalk provisions and they mayor may not be part of any lot. They shall be designed with a minimum ten foot (10') right-of-way, six to eight (6 to 8) foot width, maximum gradiant of 5%, except for short segments and a .minimum radius of 25 feet." 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Amend Section V B 6 by deleting the number twelve (12) and replacing it with number fourteen (14) in the first sentence. Section V F 1. Calculations and Certification shall be submitted to prove that fire protection is being provided in accordance with the current Fire Underwriters Code. Amend Section V F 3 by deleting the first sentence and re- placing it with the following phrase: "Water pipe shall be ductile iron cement lined, seal coated inside, tar coated outside, ANSI specification A21.51 and AWWAC. 151, thickness class 52 with a minimum size of 8", excluding hydrant branches." Amend Section V F 3 by deleting the fourth s~ntence and inserting in place thereof the following: "Fire hydrants shall be Eddy type to North Andover Board of Public Works or Fire Department specifications, and shall be one foot outside the property line and located at every intersection, at the beginning of and within the subdivision and with the intermediate hydrants located where the distBnce between hydrants does not exceed 250 feet." (See attached letter dated 6/23/81 from Fire Chief) Section V F 10 At every street intersection, there shall be installed a water gate, one on each separate line. Section V F II Any dead end water main longer than one thousand feet or servicing more than 15 dwellings shall be looped to a second source. Amend Section V G by deleting paragraph 3 and replacing it with the following paragraphs: "3. Sewer pi~pe shall be unglazed full strength vitrified clay and shall conform to ASTM Designation G200. Minimum sewer invert depth shall be four and one-half feet below finished grade. Maximum distance between manholes shall be three hundred feet. Manholes shall conform to ASTM Designation C478 and meet the following requirements: the wall thickness shall not be less than five inches. Sections shall have tongue and grooved joints with an approved round or fin type rubber gasket or preformed bitumastic sealant. Manhole rings shall be aluminum Alloy 6061-T6. Pipe connections shall be of the noeprene boot with stainless steel clamp type or approved equal. Manhole frames and covers shall be case iron, lettered "SEWER" and shall be eight inches high. Sewer lines shall be submitted to low pressure air tests in accordance with the Ramseier Procedure." 10. 23. Amend Section V H by adding a new paragraph: 24. "8. Storm drains shall be designed so as to maintain a minimum velocity of 2 feet per second and a maximum velocity of 8 feet per second." Section V H In no case shall a catch basin be constructed at a driveway curb cut or a driveway curb cut be placed at a catch basin. Section V H 2 Delete the words "A catch basin or" and add at the end of that paragraph another sentence to read: "In no case will the drainage from more than two (2) catch basins be allowed to drain into a third catch basin." Amend Section V I (1) by deleting the phrase "in accordance with approved practices and all recognized industry safety standards" and replacing it with the following sentence: "Plans of electric, telephone, and gas systems shall be provided to the Board of Public Works prior to installation. Such utilities shall be installed in accordance with safety standards of the Board of Public Works." NORTH ANDOVER FIRE DEPARTMENT CENTRAL FIRE HEADQUARTERS 124 Main Street North Andover, Mass. 01845 Tel. 686-3812 June 23, 1981 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Planning Board North Andover Fire Dept. Hydrant Location Hydrant spacing is now determined by fire flow demand under the ISO Grading Schedule for Municipal Fire Pr6~ tection. In no areas should hydrant spacing evceed 500 feet be- tween hydrants. However, in closed built areas such as subdivisions, 250 feet between hydrants is more realistic. Hydrants should be located to keep hose lines short, that is why the Fire Department prefers spacing of hy- drants no to eTceed 250 feet. It is desirable to have sufficient hydrants to concen- trate the required fire flow for any building with no hose lines 250 feet in length. Dennis L. Currier Acting Chief