HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-05Monday - April 5, 1976
Regular Meeting
~.~eDP..~. NG BOARD held its regular meeting on Monday evening, April 5, 1976
~ ~h~VF~'Station meeting room. The following members were present and voting:
Fritz Ostherr, Chairman; John J. Monteiro, Paul R. Lamprey, William N. Salomme
and William Chepulis..~ ~
There were 50 to 75 people present.
The large number of people were present for the continued dis.~ssion of the
"proposed moratorium" of John Monteiro.
Mr. Monteiro presented the following in the form of a motion:
"Whereas: the town of North Andover is experiencing problems with our~water supply,
sewerage, septic system and roads
Whereas: The Group (Growth) Policy Commission has not completed a study of the
town's growth, objectives, priorities and problems
the Planning Board has not completed a watershed study
the town Master Plan has not been updated
development of future subdivision will cause more septic tank,
traffic problems
Whereas: town zo-t~g regulations must be clarified in regard to the new Chapter 808
of the Acts of 1975 (Zoning Enabling Act)
Whereas: the Planning Board will study cluster zoning
Now therefore based on the above considerations of Health, Welfare ~.nd Safety in
the town of North Andover be it resolved that the planning governing board of
North Andover, establish a subdivision moratorium by-law prohibiting an issuance
of any building permit to a builder in a subdivision of the town of North Andover
for a period of 2 years from the adoption of t¥~s by-law.
I move that the town vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by adding at the end the
following: No buil~ng permit shall be issued for a dwelling in a subdivision
~# for a period of 2 years from the date of adoption of this by-law."
Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion.
The following people spoke in opposition:
Michael Schena, Hillside Rd. and his attorney, Eugene Tougas of Waltham and
Garen Bresnick, Executive V.P. of the Homebuilders Assoc. of Mass.
Atty. John J. Willis, Pleasant St.
Benjamin Osgood, Old Village Lane
Frank Gelinas, Raleigh Tavern Lane
Richard Perkins, president of Land Vest and N. A. Associates
Mrs. Reginald Landry, Johnson Street
Edward Phelan, Board of Assessors
April 5, 1976 - cont. (2)
They argued that a moratorium was not needed, that it would not solve problems
which exist largely with individual lots on already accepted streets; that
this would not be a legal action since there is no compelling reasons, for such
a drastic measure; that in these times of so much unemployment, this action
would deprive builders, plumbers, electricians, etc. of their ]~velihood and
cause more unemployment; this action would put people into bankruptcy.
The people speaking for the moratorium were as follows:
Michael Smolak, representative of the North AndoverLand Use Action Group
William Cyr, Highway Surveyor
Philip Busby, Chestnut Street
Joseph Giard, Johnson Street
Connie Bernal, Marbleridge Rd.
Dr. Love, Boxford Street
Dr. Bob Smith, Marbleridge Rd.
They argued for protection from development; are concerned with the wetlands;
there does not seem to be any system of checks and balances; would like to see the
town develop slowly, with thought.
.Member Sale,~ne questioned whether we are having a water supply problem at.this
time - we are having septic problems and road problems.
Member Chepulis said he was undecided about the moratorium and noted that it woUld
not stop· all building - only in subdivisions.
Ah times, the discussions between Mr. Monteiro and some of the people were heated
Mr. Lamprey made a motion %o table action on the motion until the next regular
meeting~ Mr. Sale. ne secoDMed the motion and the vote was una-~mous.
The Board recessed the meeting to return to the meeting room in the Town Building
and resume the meeting for action on the remaining items on the agenda.
A. Blaine Scribner - lots on Grosvenor Ave. Mr. Scribner said he will finish the
roadway when he purchases the land from Mr. Finocchiaro. Mr. Cyr said if the
road has no turnaround, he will not pick up rubbish, plow, etc. - he wants the
plsnto show a turnaround.
Mr. Lamprey made a motion to disapprove the plans since it shows a subdivision;
Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
B.: Jay Burke - lots on Appleton St. & Abbott St. Mr. Burke said he will give
drainage easements to the town on two lots. Mr. Cyr approved of the road saying
the town will share on the costs of up-grading. Mr. Foster took issue with this
statement and Mr. Cyr denied saying it.
April 5, 1976 - cont. (3)
Mr. Monteiro made a motion to endorse the plan; Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion.
Mr. Chepulis made a motion that the easements.be shown on the plan before endorse-
ment is made; Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. George Farr appeared before the Board relative to the mortgagebondand release
on the Salem Forest subdivision. A letter had been sent to Town 0ounsel and he
telephoned to Mr. Chep,,14s that he approved of the bond and release as to form.
Mr. Salisbury will be requested to send a written approval to the Board. It was
explained again to Mr. Fart Just what should be done - the lots to be released
should be specified and specify which lots will remain.
Charles Salisbury, Advisory Board member, appeared before the Board to discuss
the lift stations for subdivisions. He explained that there are presently two
electric bills before the town to pay for the costs of the lift stations.
Discussion was held by the Board members with Mr. Salisbury, Mrs. Cahill, Mr.
Borgesi and Mr. Busby as to who should be responsible for the costs and it was
the general feeling that the developer should be responsible until the lift
station is accepted by the town and that the costs should then be assessed with
each home owner. Mr. Borgesi said the B.P.W. will study the matter and arrive at
a fee structure. Mr. Ostherr suggested making it a part of the B.P.W. reconunenda-
tions on subdivisions.
Mr. Ben Osgood submitted an article in the warrant and a request to theSelectmen
for the adjudication of Coachman's Lane in its entirety. Mr. Ostherr read letters
from the Selectmen and from the Highway Surveyor. Mr. Cyr's letter listed several
corrections that he felt should be made before the street is accepted by the town.
The Selectmen will hold a public hearing on the matter on April 12th.
Mr. Monteiro made a motion that the subdivision sub-committee view the road and
report to the Selectmen. Mr. Osgeod feels that he completed the road and the
Planning Board released the bonds, so that everything should be all right. This
was done almost ay ear ago. However, MF. Cyr feels there is more workto be done.
Mr. Lamprey made a motion to advise the Selectmen that on a specific date the
Board found the road satisfactory and released the bond. More discussion was held
on the matter and Mr. Lempreywithdrew his motion and seconded Mr. Monteiro's
motion. The vote was ~ in favor and Mr. Ostherr voting no.
CHA r. S
A letter was received from Atty. John Ford re the use of Charles St. by the Sanitary
District Commission for their facility. Mr. Ostherr read the letter; the Board
accepted it and will place it on file. Mr. Cyr informed the Board that a meeting
is being set up next week with the B.P.W., Bob Kachinski, the engineer for G.L.S.D.
and it would be helpful if some member of the Planning Bd. could attend. He will
notify the Board when the meeting is to be held.
April 5, 1976 - cont. (&)
The follow~g preliminary subdivision plans were on the agenda f~r this evening's
1. Turtle Hill
12. Greenwood West
3. Paddock Estates
Mr. Lamprey made a motion to table these matters until the April, 2Oth meeting;
Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Ostherr read and accepted a letter from the North Andover Land Use Action
Mr. Ostherr read and accepted a letter from Bldg. Insp. Foster relative to
wells supplying water to homeowners and some of the problems related thereto.
Mr. Ostherr read a letter from "Concerned Citizens of Wilbraham" re Chapter 77~
and bills before the Legislature concerning same. Mr. Lamprey made a motion
to send letters to Rep. Hurrell and Rep. Rurakto support~the bills; Mr. Chepulis
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The Board members discussed the articles and made the following votes:
Article 3~: Pertaining to the keeping of animals. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to
,~recommend favorable action; Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion and the vote was
Article 35: Relative to home occupations. Mr. Lamprey made a motion to recommend
favorable action; Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Article 36: Accessory uses - Ind. S. Dist. ~.132. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to
recommend favorable action; Mr. Chepulis seconded the motion and the vote was
Article 37: Section ~.129 (1~) with Special Permit. Mr. Chepulis.made a motion
to rec~end favorable action; Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion and the vote was
Article 38: Section ~.129 (14) No special permit. Mr. Chepulis made a motion
to recommend unfavorable action; Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous.
Article ~0: Unfavorable action recommended.
Article 86: Someone should make a motion at Town Meeting to move up this article
to the other zoning articles to be acted upon at the same time.
rth Andover's subdivision
moratoriUm debate to continue
heated debate over a subdivi-
sion moratorium will continue
tonight in larger quarters.
The 7:~0 p.m. Planning
Baord meeting in the fire sta-
tion meeting room will con-
tinue the discussion by the
Planning Board, residents and
builders of the proposal to de-
clare a two-year moratorium
on subdivision development.
No decision was made Sat-
urday on the proposal of Plan-
ning Board member John
Monteiro that North Andover
be the first in the Common-
wealth to call for a breathing
space in the growth of the town.
Monteiro was asked to pm-
vide specific reasons tonight
for the proposal which he would
to see in the warrant of the
mnual town meeting.
Newly-elected Planning~
Chairman Fritz Ostherr
he felt person-
a town should have
reasons for suspending
subdivision development as
well as specific goals to accom-
· plish during the moratorium.
Monteiro said yesterday his
reasons for calling the morato-
rium were well known and in-
cluding drainage, septic
roads and the lack of
progress on cluster zoning con-
While more and more devel-
opments were coming before
the Planning Board, he said,
there was no consideration
given to setting lng poor lots for
open space.
Monteiro noted that in most
cases where towns had at-
tempted to call moratoriums,
it had taken at least 27 months
for appeals to reach the court,
wl~ch would automatically pro-
vide ~he town with a breathing
Michael Schena, a local
builder, took issue with Montei-
ro's suggestion that the delay in
the court system he consid-
He said the moratorium
would be against the American
system of free enterprise and
noted that town boards already
had sufficient rules and regula-
tiens to control development.
The town's master plan is
four years old, and since then,
he said, the subdivision control
law has been completely re-
"The Planning Baord can
make a change just by calling a
hearing," he said. He said that
local builders and developers
had cooperated when the Plan-
nin~ Board asked them not to
submit plans during the revi-
sion work. '
"I~ there is a problem with a
particular builder, then~ make
his life difficult," Schena said.
"But don't put everybody in the
same kettle of fish.
"With the economy the way
it is, people need jobs~ Builders
have families to support,"
$chena said.
Residents of the Winter
Street area and others at the
Saturday meeting supported
Monteiro's proposal, citing
their concern about drainage
The debate will ~ontinne to-
night as Monteiro presents a
specific proposal to the Plan-
ning Board for a vote.
Beth Cardoza, Paul Hallo- m~
)ebbie Skaff and Michael Ma- f
'~c signals
~" ~i;-R A NS CEN
North Andover p'lanners
stall building decision
NORTH ANDOVER -- Phnning Board
member John Montelro asked time for the
town to plan.
Residents asked for protection from de-
Builders asked the town not to threaten
their livelihood.
In a heated and emotional debate over a
proposed moratorium on subdLvisious be-
fore the Planning Board last night, all sides
acknowledged there were growth problems
in North Andover, but clashed angrily over
solutions. The Phnning Board de/erred a
decision until April 20.
"You're putting a gun to our heads and
naturally I'm going to fight tooth and nail,"
said Michael Sehena, local builder. "In tiffs
time, in this economy, I'm going to fight."
Schena charged that the proposed mora-
torium on ~abdLvinious formally presented
to the board last night by John Monteiro
was hastily conceLved and would provide no
protection not already available to the
town. He brought his attorney, Eugene Tou-
?~ of Waltham, and Garen Bresuick, Ex-
, ,Ye Vice President of the Homebuilders
Aa~lation of Massachusetts, with him to
back up his arguments.
Over 50 people filled the fire station
meeting room to participate in the debate
over Monteiro's proPOSal to insert an arti-
cle in the warrant for the April 24 town
meeting to amend the zoning bylaw for a
two-year stop to subdi~sions.
Reasons for the temporary halt given by
the planner in his motion were:
PROBLEMS with the water supply, sow-
ernge~ septic systems and roads,
STUDY of the town's growth,
fives, priorities and problems has not been
completed by the Local Growth Policy
WATERSHED STUDY by the Planning
Board has not been completed,
MASTER PLAN has not been up-dated,
passed, will htvol.ve clarification of the
town's zoning regulations,
CLUSTER ZONING study by the plan-
ning board has not yet been undertaken.
Monteire said the planning board had
vo~ a year ago to add an additional meet-
inf 'pry month in order to plan. "We
~ ~ dt done R. We n~ver had time because
had more sobdirisions coming in.
t to have some time to do what our
I Perkins, president of Land
--ml estate corporation which
es a~ land in North Ando.ver,
d timt some of the concern ex-
,t night's meeting was over the
proposal, a 64-1ot subdividon
: Witaer Street, said his com-
~ in 1970 working with town
~had been asked In 1973 to wait
.er zoniug and consecration were
~. "We have become frustrated
years of waiting," he sai~, ~ukling
that the town did not have a runaway
growth pattern and a moratorium was not
Engineer Frank Gelinas said the mora-
torium would not solve problems which
exist largely witl~ indi.vidual lots on already
accepted ways.
Atty John Willis argued that the morato-
rium proposal was not legal since it had no
"compelling reason" for such a drastic
measure, but he noted it would essentially
be in e/feet for two years before it could
reach the courts.
Local Developer Benjamin Osguod said
the town would lose the cooperation of de-
~elopers which had contributed to the
town's growth in the past. "Ail you're going
to end up with is a blood bath," he said.
Representatives of the newly formed
North .Andover Land Use Action Group,
spoke for the moratorium. Michael Smolak
asked that the Planning Baerd as elected
representatives send the decision to the
people at town meeting.
Philip A. Busby of Chestnut Street,
backed up High Sur.veyer Willlam A. Cyr's
remarks aobnt the Greenwood East subdi-
vision on Chestnut Street. Cyr used the new
subdi~sion as an example of the high cost
to the town when a read beenrnes a public
Busby deserihed .Chestnut Street as "a
de~-astated area".
Planning Baord Chairman Fritz Ostherr
noted that the board has no control over ex--
isting roads.
"Can't you grasp what people are trying
to say to you," said Dr. Harry LO~e, 402
Bexford S~. "There appears to be no system
of checks and balances of things that go on
in this town." Dr. Lo~e said townspeople
~ere objecting benause no one came bach
on the developers. "Just guarantee us
they're going to do what they say they're
going to do," he said. '
During the course of the debate, Mon-
telro said he would settle for. less time,
even six weeks, if he could be assured that
something could be accomplished in that
time. He also said publicly sewered areas
and already approved developmentz wight
be excluded.
Phaning Board Member William Chepu-
lis, who said he was undecided about the
moratorium, noted it would not stop all
building since individual homes, commer-
cial and industrial buidlings still could he
constructed. He expressed concern that
medium priced housing was not being con-
truetod/n town. "Builders ought to take a
good look at what they can build and sell
and still maintain profitability," he said.
Assessor Chairman Edward Phelan in-
troduced another argument. "We are doing
a mandated reevaluation," he said. "What
happens to land. ~alues i/ the back land
can't he used? How can we tax them? If the
land can't be built on, it has no value."
April 5, 1976- cont. (5)
Notices were received of the Board of Appeals hearings to be held on APril 12th.
1. DeParis - Mr. Monteiro made a motion that the proposed variance would not
conflict with the Zoning By-Law; Mr, Sal~mme seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous.
2. Eaton - Mr. Chepulis made a motion that it would not be an improper request;
Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
3. Waugh - Mr. Salemme made a motion that it does not appear that the variance
to the setback requirements would be a detriment to the neighborhood; Mr,, Monteiro
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
~. Gilbert Rea earth removal renewal- Mr. Ghepulis made a motion that the
application should be evaluated in the context of Section 5 and if any further
guidance is desired, the Board ~ould be happy to assist. Mr. Lamprey seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at midnight.
Fritz Ostherr
~~~/ Secretary
Anna Donahue (~i'ld~ was on vacat~ion)