HomeMy WebLinkAboutFCMeetingMinutes_01.21.15 1 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes Meeting Date January 21, 2015 nd Meeting Location: 2 floor meeting Room Bill Callahan, BC Chairman Susan Almono SA X X Marta Solof MS Timothy Tschirhart TT X X Karin Blake KB Liz Gerron LG X X Thomas Ringler TR X Chris Nobile CN Pat Sifferlen, PS, Admin X Donald Elliot DE Vice Chair X Non FinCom Members in Attendance OTHERS: Andrew Maylor AM Steven Foster SF Jim Mealey JM Note: All FINCOM votes are subject to change upon receipt of new information. Note: Documents used in this meeting are listed in Document Table, herein. II. Previous Minutes Approved January 7,2015 Minutes approved January 14, 2015 minutes approved 2 AGENDA B Meet with departments to discuss projects School, Facilities and IT AM: Gives brief background on Facilities Master Plan discussing completed projects and ongoing projects. FY16 plan is renovation of Fire Station and current town hall. To make a new central town hall for residents to receive all services in one general area. The Atkinson school gym came in 50K over budget The School Administration building came in 50K under budget and the current Fire Station when completed will be hundreds of thousands under budget. There are no change orders to date on the fire station Next project is construction of new Town Hall and for design of Public Works building. TT On time and on budget pretty good. What are some of your plans relative to keep Capital Plan current and fresh? AM: Facilities Master Plan addressed largely programmatic deficiency where the facility no longer met the need of the program can it performs the function we expect of it. Capital plan has several different examples of adding dollars where none existed for ongoing maintenance. Everything from technology to some of the other maintenance projects in the plan. SF 150K going into FY16 part of my budget (50K) will go into library roof replacement coupled with funding from this year will make up project budget. Balance of budget 80/20 split for mechanical repairs replacement during year 20% other building repairs. TT How much of FY15 money is being used for library roof? SF 75K BC What is the status of building automation? SF it is a web based system that can be accessed anywhere you can get a signal. All the schedules are set for heating. LG does system require licensing fee? SF no fee is required. Will need maintenance and software upgrade. BC how do departments utilize you to prepare their capital requests for the following year? SF they call me to make recommendations. I continuing go thru buildings reviewing and inspecting to prioritize repairs. AM: Facilities is still in assessment mode. TT is there anything you wished you had? SF: department is small and growing. Department is properly funded. JM two of the most difficult aspects of my job are the unknown and the unexpected. Two gentlemen here have made my job easier Steve with regards to unknown I have a lot more confidence with the condition of my buildings. We do assessments a few times a year on the buildings. With regards to the unexpected the Town Manager has been very understanding when we come to say things have changed and allowed us to move within the plan. For example thought we had an extra year on the track (200K) but needs to be replaced Town manager allowed us to move that up a year and moved a request back part of the Master Facilities plan which was classrooms. Functionally we are addressing our needs we are putting off esthetics We also have 100K for It for next few years and then up it to 200K to maintain what we have. KB Does that plan say what we are going to do? JM Whatever happens things start to give in maintenance. Plan is to have the CIP continue the maintenance and the operating to keep supplementing each year that line item so at some point replace annual computers that need to be replaced out of operating budget. BC I went through original FMP thinking about the million dollars that was shifted from one year to another. It went through each school and had 2 different options for each and identified needs for the schools that was substantial. If you are looking to do these in the next 2-3 years has processed started? JM Already started most important aspect is a very accurate enrollment projection model we need to know what to expect in outgoing years. Looks like we could level off or decrease may possibly get rid of portables and put classrooms back in school. Portable problems could just be resolved by decrease in enrollment. 3 CN Have we done an analysis of each school to make sure they meet the program needs. As an example Kittredge is not quite in tune with the other schools have we looked at that? JM Assessment was done on school and we have added new classrooms and gym. We believe school will be there a while. Agenda E New Business TT made recommendation that minutes be sent prior to meeting to help speed up process of accepting. Agenda C School Department Items for FY 2016 Budgets Postponed discussion on the agenda. IV. Next Meetings February 4, 2015 V. Adjournment- Motion: LG Unanimous Seconded: DE Time: 8:00 TYPE FROM TO SUBJECT COMMENTS ITEM # 1 CIP book Town Manager 2 3