May I2,2003
ATTENDANCE. The following members were present: Jack Watkins, Chairman, Bernice Fink, Vice Chairman,
Melinda Coppa, Steve Dawe, Keith Mitchell, Mark Nichols, Paula Porten, and Paul Stewart. Diane Huster and
another resident were also present.
Jack called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
The group began discussions concerning Article 6. Paul noted that this Article was cleaned up but not changed. He
noted that the words"shall not exceed$75,000"are going to be a problem and recommended they be removed. The
FinCom agreed that the Article should be reworded at Town Meeting.
Articles 7 and 8 need no action by the FinCom. The group then discussed Article 14, Foster Farm School. The
language in the Article is unchanged because Lou Minicucci was uncomfortable with any revisions. The change in
the handout that the group received before this meeting was not in the Motion Book. Paul noted that it was unclear
whether the School Committee changes were made by the two representatives present at the May 2 FinCom
meeting, or whether the entire School Committee decided upon the changes. Dan Murphy, School Committee
Chair, arrived to explain the last minute changes to the Article. Jack added that there are two changes on the
amended paragraph 4. In the last paragraph after "school project;" insert "and furthermore, that the BOS
determination shall be conclusive that the grant be sufficient to cover at least 54% of the project actual cost
estimated at time of expenditures". In addition, in the last paragraph, the suggestion is that "Finance Committee"
replaces the words`Board of Selectmen" and that the 54%be reduced to 50%project actual cost. Steve noted he
has trouble with the word"actual"because he questions what happens if the figure comes in higher or lower. "B"
stated none of the Article is hard and fast. Jack then asked the members to focus on the intent of this Article which
is to capture money now for a future project. Many members were uncomfortable with these last minute changes.
"B"noted that the FinCom could recommend no action on this Article and advise a special Town Meeting to decide
on the project. Steve emphasized that his only"trigger" concern is meeting the 1,925 student quota before building
begins_ All agreed that the reasoning for the urgency of passing this Article is to lock-in on the money. Paula
MOTIONED to approve favorable action on the amendment to Article 14. There was no second. Keith noted he
would like to see what the BOS does with this Article.
The FinCom then had a brief discussion on Article 33. This is the growth management by-law restricts growth to a
certain extent but can only be put in place for a relatively short time. `B" MOTIONED to recommend favorable
action on Article 33. Paula seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Jack noted the possible controversy over Article 5, Compensation of Elected Officials. He noted that his concern is
the health benefits over the long term. Jack said that Diane Huster told the FinCom at a previous meeting that if an
elected official stays in office for ten years, he/she is eligible for health benefits throughout retirement. Jack is
waiting for verification of this ruling. Keith suggested the FinCom look at this issue going forward.
Paul MOVED and Melinda seconded to suspend the Rules of Procedure. He noted that he asked Charlie Salisbury
about the FinCom members expressing opinions either from the floor or their seats at Town Meeting. Paul had not
heard from Charlie about this subject. Steve MOVED to amend the ruling after the FinCom hears from Charlie.
Paula seconded the MOTION the vote was unanimous.
The group then resumed discussions on the Foster Farm project. Jack noted that receipt of two revisions to the
paragraph insert was within minutes of Town Meeting. Melinda MOVED to recommend favorable action on
Article 14 and Mark seconded. The MOTION passed 7-1-0 with"B"opposed.
The group agreed that the FinCom does not need to vote on Article 27 (zoning change). Keith MOVED to
recommend unfavorable action on this Article. Steve seconded. Mark made the point that if the FinCom voted
favorable action on Article 26, than they should also vote favorably for Article 27. Paula suggested waiting until
Town Meeting to see if the Tribune makes a presentation on the development of this land. Melinda MOTIONED
and Paula seconded to make no recommendation on Article 27 until more information is available. The vote was
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm.
-� May 12,2003
ATTENDANCE: The following members were present: Jack Watkins, Chairman, Bernice Fink, Vice Chairman,
Melinda Coppa,.Steve Dawe, Keith Mitchell, Mark Nichols, Paula Porten, and Paul Stewart. Diane Huster and
another resident were also present.
Jack called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
The group began discussions concerning Article 6. Paul noted that this Article was cleaned up but not changed. He
noted that the words"shall not exceed$75,000"are going to be a problem and recommended they be removed. The
FinCom agreed that the Article should be reworded at Town Meeting.
Articles 7 and 8 need no action by the FinCom. The group then discussed Article 14, Foster Farm School. The
language in the Article is unchanged because Lou Minicucci was uncomfortable with any revisions. The change in
the handout that the group received before this meeting was not in the Motion Book. Paul noted that it was unclear
whether the School Committee changes were made by the two representatives present at the May 2 FinCom
meeting, or whether the entire School Committee decided upon the changes. Dan Murphy, School Committee
Chair, arrived to explain the Iast minute changes to the Article. Jack added that there are two changes on the
amended paragraph 4. In the last paragraph after "school project;" insert "and furthermore, that the BOS
determination shall be conclusive that the grant be sufficient to cover at least 54% of the project actual cost
estimated at time of expenditures". In addition, in the last paragraph, the suggestion is that "Finance Committee"
replaces the words "Board of Selectmen" and that the 54%be reduced to 50%project actual cost. Steve noted he
has trouble with the word"actual"because he questions what happens if the figure comes in higher or lower. "B"
stated none of the Article is hard and fast. Jack then asked the members to focus on the intent of this Article which
is to capture money now for a future project. Many members were uncomfortable with these last minute changes.
"B"noted that the FinCom could recommend no action on this Article and advise a special Town Meeting to decide
on the project. Steve emphasized that his only"trigger" concern is meeting the 1,925 student quota before building
begins. All agreed that the reasoning for the urgency of passing this Article is to lock-in on the money. Paula
MOTIONED to approve favorable action on the amendment to Article 14. There was no second. Keith noted he
would like to see what the BOS does with this Article.
The FinCom then had a brief discussion on Article 33. This is the growth management by-law restricts growth to a
certain extent but can only be put in place for a relatively short time. `B" MOTIONED to recommend favorable
action on Article 33. Paula seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Jack noted the possible controversy over Article 5, Compensation of Elected Officials. He noted that his concern is
the health benefits over the long term. Jack said that Diane Huster told the FinCom at a previous meeting that if an
elected official stays in office for ten years, he/she is eligible for health benefits throughout retirement. Jack is
waiting for verification of this ruling. Keith suggested the FinCom look at this issue going forward.
Paul MOVED and Melinda seconded to suspend the Rules of Procedure. He noted that he asked Charlie Salisbury
about the FinCom members expressing opinions either from the floor or their seats at Town Meeting. Paul had not
heard from Charlie about this subject. Steve MOVED to amend the ruling after the FinCom hears from Charlie.
Paula seconded the MOTION the vote was unanimous.
The group then resumed discussions on the Foster Farm project. Jack noted that receipt of two revisions to the
paragraph insert was within minutes of Town Meeting. Melinda MOVED to recommend favorable action on
Article 14 and Mark seconded. The MOTION passed 7-0-1 with"B"opposed.
The group agreed that the FinCom does not need to vote on Article 27 (zoning change). Keith MOVED to
recommend unfavorable action on this Article. Steve seconded. Mark made the point that if the FinCom voted
favorable action on Article 26, than they should also vote favorably for Article 27. Paula suggested waiting until
Town Meeting to see if the Tribune makes a presentation on the development of this land. Melinda MOTIONED
and Paula seconded to make no recommendation on Article 27 until more information is available. The vote was
The meeting adjourned on May 13 at 10:10 pm.