HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 5/20/2011 JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe.@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603)772-4746 www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 May 20, 2011 Town of North Andover Planning Department Attn; Mary Ippolito 1600 Osgood Street, Bldg. 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Definitive Subdivision Application—GMZ Realty Trust Route 125 & Bradford Street, North Andover, MA Tax Map 61, Lots 16 & 34, Tax Map 34 Lot 31 JBE Project#06163.1 Dear Board Members: Jones & Beach.Engineers, Inc., on behalf of our clients, GMZ Realty Trust and Christopher Adams, respectfully submits an Amended Application for Defmitive Subdivision Approval for the above referenced parcels. The existing parcel currently has 4 dwelling units located at 1679 Osgood Street. The intent of this application is to subdivide the property into nine (9) residential lots with Town water and on-site leach field areas. One (1) new road is proposed with a cul-de- sac to provide access to the nine residential homes along with two private driveways. The purpose of this supplemental filing is two-fold. First, the Applicant is seeking to amend its currently pending Application for a Definitive Subdivision to incorporate a 9th lot which is derived from a portion of land owned by Christopher Adams, as Trustee of 1591 Osgood Street Nominee Trust. As a result of the inclusion of the 9th lot, the Applicant is proposing to modify the proposed subdivision by including a new subdivision roadway segment running from Saracusa Way to the new Lot 16-9. In addition, access and frontage for Lots 16-5 and 16-6 is also proposed to be off of this new subdivision roadway segment. As discussed at prior Board meetings, the Applicant is requesting the Board to grant waivers from the Town's subdivision regulations for this new subdivision roadway segment in order to reduce pavement width and related land disturbance and stormwater impacts to nearby wetlands resources. A list of requested waivers, which were previously filed with the Board, have been included within this amended filing. As communicated to the Board previously, and.although the Applicant is proposing a reduced subdivision roadway, it is the Applicant's intention for this roadway segment to remain private and to substantively function as a common driveway. The second purpose of this supplemental filing is to notice a hearing for a proposed Common Driveway Special Permit to enable the Applicant to create a common driveway serving proposed Lots 16-7 and 16-8 of the proposed subdivision, thereby reducing potential impacts to wetlands resource areas and stormwater impacts. We also note that the Applicant's intention is to request Town Meeting to vote to accept Saracusa Way as a public way. Until Saracusa Way is accepted as a public way, and prior to the F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Definitive Subdivision Cover Letter 5-20-1 Ldoc sale of the first residential lot to a third party, the Applicant intends to form a homeowners association to govern the maintenance of the roadway and related infrastructure, including the stormwater management systems. However, it is the Applicant's intention to maintain the newly proposed subdivision roadway segment serving Lots 1675, 16-6 and 16-9 as a private way. With regard to this proposed roadway segment,the Applicant proposes two alternatives: (a) form a maintenance agreement and easement governing the maintenance of the roadway segment and related stormwater management facilities strictly limited to Lots 16-5, 16-6 and 16-9; or, (b) incorporate management obligations concerning the roadway as a part of the homeowners association for the entire 9-lot subdivision. We would be happy to discuss these matters with the Board at the next hearing on these matters. The following items are provided in support of this Subdivision Application: 1. Review Response Letter and Eggleston Environmental Review Letter. 2. Three (3) Completed Applications for Definitive Subdivision Approval (Form Q. 3. Two (2) Completed Applications for Special Permit—Common Driveway. 4. Signed Department Acknowledgement List (Form L). 5. Waiver Request Letter. 6. Certified Abutters List. 7. Test Pit Logs and Soil Map. 8. Legal Notice. 9. Abutter notification envelopes with certified slips and stamps, additional labels & stamps for letter of decision notices. 10. Fourteen(14) additional stamps for surrounding City and Town notifications. 11. Fee checks to be issued by client. 12. CD containing all documents in pdf format. 13. Two (2) Drainage Analysis Sediment& Erosion Control Plan and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. 14. Two (2)full size copies of Yield Plan. 15. Two (2) complete full size plan sets. 4Veruly yourS & BE NGINEERS, INC. A. C ronati resident CC: Town Clerk(plan set&application copy)i Board of Health(plan set&application copy) Department of Public Works(plan set&application copy) Fire Department(plan set&application copy) Conservation Department(plan set&application copy) Open Space Committee(plan set&application copy) Building Department(plan set&application copy) School Department(plan set&application copy) Police Department(plan set&application copy) Tim McIntosh,VHB(plan set&application copy) GMZ Realty Trust(plan set&application copy) Mark Johnson(plan set&application copy) Ken Sakurai(plan set&application copy) F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-I 679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Definitive Subdivision Cover Letter 5-20-1 Ldoc JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603)772-4746 http://www ionesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 May 20, 2011 Ms. Judy Tymon North Andover Planning Board 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Definitive Subdivision Application— GMZ Realty Trust 1679 Osgood Street,North Andover, MA JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, We are in receipt of a review letter from Lisa Eggleston, Eggleston Environmental dated December 6, 2010. We offer the following responses to those comments. 1. We have placed an additional pond at the outlet of the gravel wetland to attenuate the increases of both rate and volume in this location. This pond will recharge more volume to the groundwater the water being recharged will be "clean" as it is coming from the gravel wetland. 2. The mounding analysis is included within Appendix III of the Drainage Analysis. 3. An impermeable barrier has been detailed on the plan for the infiltration basin berm. 4. Detail notes have been added specifying grass to be planted on the berms and mowing to be accomplished to keep woody vegetation from growing. 5. Emergency spillway elevations have been added to the plans. 6. The outlet to the gravel wetland has been slightly increased in size so that the high water elevation will be greater than V below the berm. 7. A watertight plug has been added to the outlet weir. 8. The grading for rain garden Lot 16-1 has been labeled. The labels for the stockpile area and the rain garden have been corrected.. 9. Additional requirement to remove stockpiles prior to constructing any down- gradient ponds has been added to the SWPPP. 10. 2" of pea stone has been added to the bottom of the rain gadens. 11. Deed language will be developed so that the rain gardens remain an integral part of the subdivision. 12. A schedule and budget has been developed for the long-term maintenance tasks. 13. The notes regarding the inspection and maintenance of the gravel wetland have been incorporated within the O&M Plan. 14. A note has been added to the catch basin and forebay details that they are to be cleaned once per year. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSMORD FILES\Review_Response_Letter 5-20-2011.docx 15. A note has been added to the gravel wetland and infiltration pond details to require mowing when grass exceeds 4" in height. 16. Comment noted—we will work this through with the Town.. We are herewith submitting four (4) full size copies of the revised plans and drainage analysis for your review. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact our office. Very truly yours, JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. Michael J. Kerivan, P.E. Project Engineer CC: Lisa Egglston(plans and analysis) VHB (plans and analysis) GMZ Realty Trust(plans) FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Review_Response_Letter 5-20-201 Ldocx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC Eggleston iinvironmental December 6, 2010 North Andover Planning Board 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 Attn: Judy Tymon, Town Planner RE: Stormwater Management Review 1679 Osgood St. &Bradford St. Dear Ms. Tymon and Board Members: I am writing this letter in follow-up to my August 16, 2010 review letter on the above- referenced project. Since that time I met with the Applicant's engineers and town staff on September 10, 2010 to discuss my comments, and have received and reviewed the November 11, 2010 response letter, November 12, 2010 revised plans (22 sheets), and November 11, 2010 revised drainage analysis from Jones &Beach Engineers, Inc. In response to the review comments received and the discussions at our September 10`h meeting, the revised plans reflect a substantial re-design of the drainage proposed for the project. As currently proposed, the runoff from impervious surfaces on the individual house lots would be treated and/or infiltrated onsite; with the roof drainage directed to subsurface infiltration structures and runoff from the driveways draining to biofiltration "rain gardens" located on each lot. The two basins receiving runoff from the subdivision roadway have been moved closer to the roadway, and one of the basins is now proposed as a gravel wetland. In general, the project as currently proposed would adequately maintain the hydrology of the site and provide improved access for maintenance of the two drainage basins. My specific comments, once again aimed at assisting both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission in their respective reviews of the project, are as follows: 1. As stated in the revised drainage report, the proposed project would result in increased rates of runoff at several of the locations where runoff leaves the property and decreases at others, with a net decrease in the total rate of runoff. Although not specifically called out, the drainage analysis also indicates that the volume of discharge would increase at some locations and decrease at others, with a net decrease in volume leaving the site during small storms (due to increased recharge), and an increase of up to about 18 percent in the total volume leaving the site during the larger 100-year design storm. Since the rate of delivery would be attenuated, the closed drainage system in Osgood St/Route 125 should be able to handle the increase in volume, provided there are no significant flow restrictions in the system downstream. The one concern I have is with the projected increase in both the rate and volume of runoff discharged through the existing stone swale in the northwest corner of the site (Analysis Point #5) under 55 0[d Coa.-h Road Sudbury MA 01776 tet 508.259.1 137 fax 866.820.7840 1679 Osgood Sta-eet, Tecluilcal Rev]CNV ? December 6. 201{1 all design storm conditions, since it does appear to drain across an abutter's property between the site and Osgood Street. The impact of an increase in discharge at this location needs to be assessed. 2. The response letter (comment #14) indicates that a mounding analysis for the proposed infiltration basin was included in the revised submittal; however I was unable to locate one in the materials I reviewed. 3. Jones & Beach's response letter indicates that they are seeking relief from the DEP setback requirement of 50-ft from a slope in excess of 15 percent for the proposed infiltration basin. Given its proximity, I do have some concern that there is potential for breakout along the downgradient slope of the infiltration basin, since it extends approximately four feet below the bottom of the basin. In lieu of a greater setback, I recommend that an impermeable barrier be placed inside the fill slope to prevent seepage. 4. The proposed vegetation in the infiltration basin and the surrounding berm is not detailed on the plans. Vegetation should be non-woody and easily maintained. 5. Inverts of the emergency spillways should be identified on the plans. 6. The elevation of the high flow outlet of the gravel wetland should be lowered to provide one foot of freeboard below the emergency spillway. 7. The design should provide some means of draining out the gravel wetland if needed for maintenance, e.g. through a removable plug in the outlet weir wall that would provide access for pumping. 8. The grading of the rain garden on Lot 16-1 needs labeling. Also, I believe that the labels for the temporary stockpile area and the rain garden on that lot are reversed (Sh. C5 and C6). 9. There are only two temporary stockpile areas shown on Sheet C6, and both are just upgradient of proposed rain gardens. The sequence of construction should ensure that the stockpiles are removed prior to the installation of the rain gardens. I believe that other stockpile locations, and possibly dewatering basins, will be needed—this should be addressed in the Construction SWPPP. 10. I recommend substituting several inches of pea stone for the geotextile fabric underlying the rain gardens, as it will be less prone to clogging. 11. The proposed rain gardens are an integral part of the drainage design for the subdivision, therefore there needs to be some way of ensuring that they will not be filled or re-graded and that they will continue to be maintained by the individual homeowners. 1679 79 Osgood Street, Tec17rlic�il Review 3 Doceinber 67 2010 12. The maintenance checklists and inspection forms included with the O&M Plan pertain primarily to the inspections that will occur during the construction phase of the project, not the long term maintenance of the stormwater BMPs. The DEP regulations call for an O&M schedule, budget and log form for the long-term maintenance tasks. 13. The notes on Sheet D4 regarding inspection and maintenance of the gravel wetland should be incorporated in the O&M Plan. 14. Catchbasins and sediment forebays should be cleaned a minimum of once per year. 15. In addition to the forebays, the infiltration basin and gravel wetland berm will likely also need periodic mowing. 16. While the revised plans provide improved access to the basins, I still question whether it makes sense to have the Town maintain the infiltration basin and gravel wetland once the road is accepted, or whether these should be maintained by a private contractor funded through a homeowners association. Once again, I appreciate the opportunity to assist the North Andover Planning Board with the review of this project, and hope that this information is suitable for your needs. Please feel free to contact me if you or the applicants have any questions regarding the issues addressed herein. Sincerely, EGGLESTON ENVIRONMENTAL Lisa D. Eggleston, P.E. C: Jennifer Hughes, North Andover Conservation Commission , PLANNING DEPARTMENT Community Development Division Fora C - APPLICATION FOR DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISON APPROVAL Received; Town of North Andover Town Clerk(Date Stamp) Stamp three(3)forms with the Town Clerk. File one(1)copy with the Town Clerk and two(2)with the Planning Department. To the Planning Board: The undersigned, being an applicant under Chapter 41, 81-0,81-T,81-E,1, MGL,for approval of a proposed subdivision plan, hereby submits a Definitive Plan and makes application for approval to the North Andover Planning Board: The undersigned hereby applies for the approval of said Definitive plan by the Board, and in furtherance thereof hereby agrees to abided by the Board's Rules and Regulations,The undersigned hereby further covenants and agrees with the Town of North Andover, upon approval of said Definitive plan by the Board: a. To install the utilities in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Planning Board, Department of Public Works,the Board of Health, and all general as well as zoning by-laws of said Town, as are applicable to the installation of utilities with the utilities within the limits of ways and streets; b. To complete and construct the street or ways and other improvements shown thereon in accordance with Section V and VI of the Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board, including all Appendices (I-VI)and Figures(1-27), and the approved Definitive pian, profiles and cross-sections of the same, Said plan, profiles,cross-sections and construction specifications are specifically, by reference, incorporated herein and made a part of this application. This application and the covenants and agreements herein shall be binding upon all heirs,executors, administrators, successors,grantees of the whole or part of said land, and assigns of the undersigned; and c. To complete the aforesaid installations and construction within two(2)years from the date hereof. I Page 4 of 7 1608 Osgood Street,North Andover,Bldg.20,Suite 2-36 Planning Dept.,Massachusetts 01845 Phone 978.688.9535 Fax 978.688.9542 Web wwvr.tovraofnorthandaver com Edited 9/27/2810 1.Name of Applicant: G.M.Z. Realty Trust & Christopher Adams Address: 1679 Osgood treet, N r dover, MA 01845 Signature of Applicant: 2.Name Of Subdivision: Bradfo Street Subdivision 3.Location and Description of Property[include Assessor's MaTp&Lot and ZoninDistrict(s)]- Subject parcels are located on Route 125 & Bra ford Street, Known as Tax Map 61 Lots 16 & 34 and Tax Map 34 Lot 31. 4.Address of Property Being Affected: Route 125 & usgood. Street Zoning district: Residential 2 and Corridor Development District 3 Assessors:Map#: 61 Lot# 16 & 34 34 31 5.Deed Reference:Boob 2857 •Page 347 and BK 1720/PG 193 Certificate of Title No. N/A 6. Name of Surveyor/Engineer: Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Address: 85 Portsmouth Avenue, PO Box 219, Stratham, NH 03885 Easements and Restrictions of Record(Describe and Include Deed References) None 7.Preliminary Plan Submitted? Yes ;Plan Approved? No Date: Signature of Owner(s): Address, Received: Town of North Andover Town Clerk(date stamp): Signature of Town Official Receiving this Application: Page 5 of 7 1600 Osgood Street,North Andover,81dg.20,Suite 2-36 Planning Dept.,Massachusetts 01845 Phone 978.688.9535 Fax 978.688.9542 Web www.townofnorthondover.com Edited 9/27/2010 JONES & BEACH ENGINEEK INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, e x 484 TeleStrah on :( 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 Fax: (603) 772-0227 http://www.jonesandbeach.com January 14, 2011 North Andover Planning Board Attn: John Simons, Chairman(Hand Delivered) 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Application for Definitive Subdivision Approval Request for Waivers of the Planning Board's Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land, as amended (the"Rules"). Applicant: GMZ Realty Trust JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Chairman Simons and Other Members of the Board: The following is the Applicant's supplemental request for waivers in connection with the request for approval of a definitive subdivision, which was submitted to the Planning Board on January 10, 2010. This supplemental request for waivers is intended to address waivers that are required in order to provide access from the proposed Saracusa Way to the Adams Lot (new Lot 9), including access to proposed Lots 5 and 6. The Plans comply with the applicable provisions of the Rules except for deviations necessitated to provide access between the lot owned by Chris Adams and the proposed Saracusa Way in a manner that will reduce land disturbance and impervious surfaces, and thereby reduce stormwater runoff and improve environmental conditions for the project. Pursuant to G.L. c. 41, § 81R, and Sections 2.7 and 5.1.8 of the Rules, the Applicant hereby requests that the Board waive the requirement of strict compliance with the following provisions of the Rules: 1. Section 5.1.5—Site Evaluation Statement and Section 5.4—Environmental and Community Impact Statement. Request waiver of submission requirement for Environmental and Community Impact Analysis for the proposed subdivision provided under Sections 5.1.5 and 5.4, as such analysis related to the segment extending from Saracusa Way to the new Lot 9 as may not be appropriate for a smaller subdivision as that proposed. 2. Section 6.7.4—Street Name. Request waiver from requirement to name the street segment running from Saracusa Way to new Lot 9, and to instead, name the street subsequent to Definitive Approval but subject to E911 approval by the Town. 3. Section 6.7.5— Street Numbers. Street numbers required to be assigned by Department of Public Works (DPW) and included within the application to the Board. Proposed—Street numbers to be assigned by DPW after Definitive Approval. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\PB Waiver Request Letter.docx ti 4. Section 6.8.1 . Minimum R.O.W.Width. Table IA. Required—50-feet; proposed 40-feet extending from proposed Saracusa Way southeasterly to Lot 9 (Adams Lot). 5. Section 6.8.1. Table IA. Minimum Pavement Width. Required—26-feet; Proposed— 12- feet. 6. Section 6.8.1. Table IA. Cul-De-Sacs. Maximum Length (Roadway plus Turnaround)— 600- feet. Proposed 1,020 feet from Lot 9 to intersection with Saracusa Way, plus distance from this intersection to Bradford Street. 7. Section 6:8.1. Table IA. Minimum turnaround R.O.W. radius and pavement diameter. Required 120-feet radius and 100-foot pavement diameter; Proposed—Tee Turnaround layout but pavement only to the extent required length for proposed 14-foot paved driveway for Lot 9 (the Adams'Lot) as it runs through the hammerhead layout as depicted on the submitted Subdivision Plans. 8. Section 6.8.7. Permanent Cul-De-Sacs. Permanent dead-end street shall be provided with a cul-de-sac turnaround in accordance with Section 6.8.1, Table IA. Proposed—See proposed permanent hammerhead layout design on submitted Subdivision Plans, with paving as noted in Item 7 above. 9. Section 6.9. Granite Curbing. Required— granite curbing on all new streets. Proposed—no granite curbing. 10. Section 6.11. Sidewalks. Required—one side of street in accordance with specifications. Proposed—No Sidewalk Proposed. 11. Section 6.18. Street Trees. Required—to be located within street R.O.W. Proposed: No Street Trees. Landscaping to be provided as depicted on the submitted Subdivision Plans. 1.2. Section 6.21. Street Lighting. Required— street lighting at locations determined by the Board. Proposed—No Street Lighting. 13. Appendix I.B—Street Construction Specifications — Curbing. Requires curbing to be vertical granite curb Type VB, and sloped granite edging Type SB, and granite curb inlets in accordance with MHD (now MA DOT) Standards. Proposed—No vertical, sloped, or curb inlets granite is proposed. We are requesting relief from the waivers listed above to enable the roadway and associated improvements to be designed as a low impact development, with minimized land disturbance, reduced pavement, and other requirements to provide decreased stormwater impacts along with a privately owned driveway versus a short Town owned and maintained roadway. The waivers we are requesting relief from are all technical in nature and are relatively small in scale. For each waiver requested, there are reasons which are in the public interest and are consistent with the intent and purpose of the Subdivision Control Law and the Rules to justify the waiver of strict compliance with the respective provisions of the Rules. The granting of these requests for relief are in the public interest because they would result in an attractive development which is adapted to, and will enhance, the unique features of this site. These requests for relief are consistent with FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\PB Waiver Request Letter.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC I ; the purposes of the Subdivision Control Law because the Plan will enable the Applicant to build a subdivision with adequate roads, drainage and utilities to accommodate a development of this size while maintaining flexibility for long-term planning. Requests for Findings and Decisions: The Applicant respectfully requests the Planning Board to grant relief from these waivers for the proposed development design to provide sufficient roadway, utility and drainage services while preserving and enhancing the site's natural features. The granting of relief from the requested Regulations will not impair the functioning, long term maintenance, or appearance of the land, and will not result in any adverse impacts to the areas adjacent to it. The granting of relief from these sections is in the public interest and is consistent with the Subdivision Control Law. I look forward to discussing this with you at our next meeting scheduled for January 18, 2011. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need any additional information, please contact me. Very truly yours, JpPresident CH "GINEERS, INC. r Jo V cc: Judy Tymon, Town Planner (1 copy of letter via emailed) FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\PB Waiver Request Letter.docx JONES& BEACH ENGINEERS, INC r I'GWN OFOR`. 'H ANDOVER Fire Department Fire Prevention office Central.Fire.ficadyuarters 124:111,1AIN STREET' NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 Telephone.(9%8) 688-9593 FAX(978") 688-9594 ndr•ewHeIn ik as Fire, C{ttE f CXf?2(hziktlS'0.'. I;t I°F•e>tler�ic::�.�i feC`�tt-llty T'ire Prevention Ofticel f 311cC:'tctih�.wutcr��nea#�ar�at.'hr.rr7Elfrvcr.celrsa The Fire Department has reviewed the plan for the GMZ Trust Realty Subdivision. We are fine with the shared driveway concept under the following conditions: 1. There will be granite markers at the beginning of the driveways so that they are clearly marked if emergency apparatus is needed. 2. Though not required, the Fire Department continues its request for residential sprinklers in cases involving common driveways. Please call should you have any questions Chief Andy Melnikas Abutter to Abutter,( ) :Building Dept. ( ) Conservation( X ) Zoning ( ) Town:&North Andover Abutters Listing REQUIREMENT: MGL 40A,Section I I states in part"Parties in Interest as used in:this chapter shall mean the petitioner; abutters,owners of land direcityappositeon any public orprivate:wsq,and abutters.to.abutters within three hundred(300):fedt or the.property line;of thepelilioner asiheyappear on:the most recent applicable tax list.notwithstanding that theland of any-such owneris located in another dtyor town,the planning hoard or the city or town,and.the planning board of.every:abutting city or town": Subiect Property: MAP PARCEL -Name Address 34 31' Christopher Adams 35 W6W.erStreet*302,East Boston,MA D2128 67 16A 34 GMZ Realty Tmst 1679 Osgood.Street,JVorth.Andover,:MA 01845 Abutters'Properties Map Parcel NameAddress 34 i 8 2 Tyler Munroe 100 Foster'street,North Andover,MA 07845 34 3 Grocery place,Investors 1 Chestnut Street Arlington;.:MA<t)02474-1225 34 4 Christopher Adams 35:Webster Street:#302,:EastBoston.MA02128 34 5 JDP Development Coanc 12 Rogers:Road,Haverhill,MA 01835 34 6 Albbacado Beechwood P:O.Box.334 North:Andover,':MA 01845 34 28 Hang.'n'Tree Realty 2114 White Lane;Haslet,TX:076052 34 41'&42 Microwave Engineering Corp '1551.Osgood.Street,North Andover;MA 01845 34 44 Mark.Valentino 1615 Osgood Street,North Andover,MA 0,1845 34 17A 54 Osgood Landing,.LLC 1600 Osgood Street,Nodh Andover,MA.01845 61 7 Glen Randall 29 White Birch Lane,North Andover,MIA 01845 61 17'&38 Roy. McKinney P.O.Box.-8373k Ward Hiit,.MA 01.835 61 22 Hazel Orchard 11 Bradford Street,:North Andover,MA01845 61 23 VictorAndreoli 15:13radford:Street,,North Andover,MA.01845 61 24 Gerald Hall 55 Bradford Street;North:Andover,.MA:01.845 61 25 Richard.Slade 21 Bradford Street,North Andover,MA 01845 61 33 Emma Uliano 31.BradfordStreet;.North Andover,MA:01.845 61 32 Russell Moschetto '63Bradford Street;North Andover;:MA:01845 61 33 Richard Walker 23 Bradford Street;North Andover,MA.01845 61 35 Gary Lodge 27:Bradford Street,,North Andover;MA:01845 61 36 Elizabeth Poirier 29 Bradford Street,North Andover,MA.01845 61 58 Robett Gioseffi 19.Bradford Street,North Andover,MA.01845 61 66 Carey Storage hLLC 208 East Ridgeville Blvd.#202,MT:Airy,MD 021771 61 67&74 PEA Films;Inc 799 Crandon Blvd,Key Biscayne,FL 033149 61 89 Douglas Swatski :45 White Birch Lane,North:Andover,MA 01:845_ 61 90 Francis Banacos 53 WhkeBirch Lane,North Andover,MA.01845 61 91 Jill Sloper 61 White Birch Lane,North.Andover MA01845 61 92 Joan Betty 67 White Birch Lane,.North Andover,MA 01845 61 :93 Joseph Andriolo 37White Birch Lane,North Andover,MA 01845 City of Haverhill HaverhilLCityHall 4 Summer.Street,Haverhill,'MA:01830 This certifies that the names.appearing on the records Of the Assessors Office as of Certified�by ��&-Date e1�:?��i FORM I1 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM No. 283210 Date: 5/6/2011 Commonwealth of Massachusetts North Andover, Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment Form Performed By: Diane Panterrnoller,_Soil EvaluatorDate: 5/4/11 Witnessed By: _RandYBurl , Millriver Consultants, Inc. -North Andover_BOH Consultant Location Address or Lot# Owner's Name,Address,and Telephone# 1579 Osgood Street GMZ Realty Trust North Andover, MA New Construction Repair Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes Year Published.._._2008.,........___. Publication Scale 1:15,840Soil_Map Unit 651 Drainage Class.___..__._.____. Soil Limitations Surficial Geologic Report Available: No ® Yes ❑ Year Published _ _.__._..__-.... Publication Scale Geologic Material(Map Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑ Yes Within 500 year flood boundary No ❑ Yes ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No ® Yes ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map(map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map(map unit) ......_.... Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month ...January--._................-,.._ Range: Above Normal ❑ Normal ❑ Below Normal ❑ Other References Reviewed: DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 i FORM 11 -SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Location Address or Lot No. 1579 Osgood Street On-site Review Deep Hole Number: 511-1Date: _5/4/11.,__._____ Time:__--_________ Weather: 50s Cloudy Location(identify on site plan) Land Use Vacant Parcel Slope...(%)_ _ Surface Stones_ Vegetation Trees Landform ------------- --._._........ - Position on landscape(sketch on back) ............. . Distances from: Open Water Body_>100 — feet Drainage way____>50..___._ feet Possible Wet Area ._>100 _ feet Property Line__>10 feet Drinking Water Well? feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Mottling Other Surface(Inches) (USDA) (Munsell) (Structure,Stones,Boulders; Consistency,%Gravel) 0-10" A Loamy Sand l0yr 3/2 10-24" B Loamy Sand l0yr 5/6 24-144" C Fine Sand to 2.5y 6/4 @ 36"Faint Medium Sand MIMMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material(geologic): Outwash_ Depth to Bedrock:. >I44" ---------..----._----------------- _._.__-._..____...._._..__-... Depth to Groundwater: 36" Standing Water in Hole: 60 ...... _ _— Weeping from pit face: _40" Estimated.Seasonal High Groundwater: 36...._.............. -...----._._..._..._....._..---------._ _..._._...__..-----.----.-----.---------_-.— ------—-_ DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Location Address or Lot No. 1579 Osgood Street On-Site Review Deep Hole Number:-_511-2 _—— Date: _5/4/I I Time: ------------__.__-- Weather_-50s Cloudy Location(identify on site plan) _..__..-...--- _.........__.._.._....-....-... --- —-- -- - Land Use ._Vacant Parcel__,__._. __._.__._.._._...__. Slope.(0 _— Surface Stones ---Parcel ----es .... Vegetation_Trees ..................................--- .---— _......._..__...__.._... Landform --------------_..._.,.----- .._.. --- ------..._. Position on landscape(sketch on back)_.._...._...._.__...-----..__.....------- ------------- ----------... ------- --------- -- ... Distances from: Open Water Body_>100 feet Drainage way__._.>50..__-__.... feet Possible Wet Area >I00 ------___ feet Property Line-.->10 -___- feet Drinking Water Well >100._ feet Other ---- -------------- DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOGS Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Mottling Other Surface(Inches) (USDA) (Munsell) (Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) 0-I2" A Loamy Sand 10yr 3/2 12-26" B Loamy Sand 10yr 5/6 26-120" C Fine Sand to 2.5y 6/4 @ 36"Faint Medium Sand MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material(geologic): _Outwash Depth to Bedrock: >120" - --_._...---...__.....-..._.._..._ --------------------- Depth to Groundwater: 3.6.".._-__.. Standing Water in Hole: 70" Weeping from pit face: _36" Estimated Seasonal High Groundwater: 36"_ DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Location Address or Lot No. 1579 Osgood Street On-site Review Deep Hole Number:__-5.11_3_._,.__ Date:_5/4/11 —_ 'Pune: _-----__,__-- Weather: 50s_Cloudy - Location(identify on site plan) ---.._._.._._.._..__...----.._...._-.-....-------_...--- ------- -- Land Use Vacant Parcel Slope_(%)-_.__._-_ _ Surface Stones _—.------------._...................___.___.._.__.._._..__ ......... Vegetation..._Trees __.._._.._.__.._.._------_ ------- -----__.............._-..._............-..------ ------.._..._.... ----- —---—_ ._...........--.. Landform --._......_..._.....-.._...._....._.-._..._........_... ----.._....................__..._...-. Position on landscape(sketch on back) _......... Distances from: Open Water Body >100 _ feet Drainage way__>50_,. feet Possible Wet Area ..>100 _— feet Property Line_>10_ _ feet Drinking Water Well >100 feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Mottling Other Surface(Inches) (USDA) (Munsell) (Structure,Stones,Boulders; Consistency,%Gravel) 0-14" A Loamy Sand 10yr 3/2 14-30" B Loamy Sand 10yr 5/6 30-120" C Fine Sand to 2.5y 6/4 @ 48"Faint Medium Sand MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material(geologic): Outwash _ _ Depth to Bedrock: >120" Depth to Groundwater: 4$" Standing Water in Hole: 91 Weeping from pit face: 72" ...----- -...-- ---- Estimated Seasonal High Groundwater: 48" DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 i. FORM 11 — SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Location Address or Lot No. 1579 Osgood Street Oh-Site Review Deep Hole Number:._511-4 _ Date: 5/4/11 Time: Weather:_ 50s Cloudy Location(identify on site plan) Land Use _Vacant Parcel Surface Stones Vegetation_Trees____ Landform v .- ------._... -- Position on landscape(sketch on back) ---.-._._._.....__...._..._ Distances from: Open Water Body_>I 00 _ feet Drainage way >50feet Possible Wet Area _>100 _ feet Property Line >10._ feet ---— Drinking Water Well >100_ feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Mottling Other Surface(Inches) (USDA) (Munsell) (Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) 0-11" A Loamy Sand 10yr 3/2 11-28" B Loamy Sand IOyr 5/6 28-128" C Fine Sand to 2.5y 6/4 @ 48"Faint Medium Sand I MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material(geologic): Outwash -_._.-_._.-______. Depth to Bedrock: >128" Depth to Groundwater: 48_'_..._..__.._ Standing Water in Hole: 90" Weeping from pit face: _84" Estimated Seasonal High Groundwater: 48' DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 FORINT 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Location Address or Lot No. 1579 Osgood Street On-sate Review Deep Hole Number:_511.-5 Date: 5/4/11 Time: Weather: 50s Cloudy__ _ Location(identify on site plan) - - -..._............. Land Use _Vacant Parcel -- Surface Stone _._..._.---- __....... -- -._._._ Vegetation Trees_ Landform --------- ......... Position on landscape(sketch on -.-.---..____----_....___.._____._..--.--_._.___..._._...-----_.._._-----•----...-----_____-- Distances from: Open Water Body feet Drainage way_>50..______feet Possible Wet Area >100 .u_ feet Properly Line__------------------- _ feet Drinking Water Well >100 feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Mottling Other Surface(Inches) (USDA) (Munsell) (Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) 0-12' A Loamy Sand 10yr2/1 12-24" B Loamy Sand l0yr 4/4 24-132" C Loamy Sand 2.5y 5/4 @24"Faint MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material(geologic): Outwash _-_._._ Depth to Bedrock: >132" Depth to Groundwater: 24_'.°_._..._._ Standing Water in Hole: None _ . _ _ Weeping from pit face: _24" Estimated Seasonal High Groundwater: 24" DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 FORM 12 -PERCOLATION TEST Location Address or Lot No. 1579 Osgood Street Commonwealth of Massachusetts North Andover, Massachusetts Percolation Test* Date: 5/4/2011 Observation Hole# A B Depth of Pere 40" 49" Start Pre-soak 10:03 9:40 End Pre-soak 10:18 9:55 Time at 12" CNS CNS Time at 911 Time at 6" Time(9"-6") CNS CNS Rate _7 - Min. `�P Inch <2mpi <2mpi Minimum of I percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed Z Site Failed Fj Performed By:Diane Pan.termotter,..-SQR..Ey4iq4tQr Witnessed By: Comments: ........................ DEP APPROVED FORM-12107/95 i FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Location Address or Lot No. 1579 Osgood Street Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole... _.__,__, _ inches ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole"' oleinches ® Depth to soil mottles_.Varies_inches ❑ Groundwater adjustment : feet Index Well Number--------..-_---Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor ........ _ Adjusted groundwater level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? If not,not,what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material?,____________ Certification I certify that on September 1998 (date)I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature Date 5/6/2011 lane M. Pantermoller(SE# 1835) DEP APPROVED FORM-12/07/95 Soil Map—Essex County,Massachusetts,Northern Part N ? m tp M 42°44'0" 327120 327130 327140 327150 327160 327170 327180 327190 327200 327210 327220 42°44'Y' 0 M v M M a 0 � o M � M V r � O M M � M a a a o M V M M °t n w ti s�ti � m sc�j`Y , yE �u T y4x 42°43'5r' 42°43'58" 327120 327130 327140 327150 327160 327170 327180 327190 327200 327210 327220 v Map Scale:1:522 if printed on A size(8.5"x 11")sheet. io 0 5 10 20 30 eters r NFeet 0 25 50 100 150 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/6/2011 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 Soil Map—Essex County,Massachusetts,Northern Part MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(AOI) Z, Very Stony Spot Map Scale:1:522 if printed on A size(8.5"X 11")sheet. 0 Area of Interest(AOI) Wet Spot P The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:15,840. Solis Soil Map Units i Other Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map Special Line Features measurements. Special Point Features Gully Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Blowout Short Steep Slope Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov ® Borrow Pit Coordinate System: UTM Zone 19N NAD83 Clay Spot Other This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of Political Features the version date(s)listed below. • Closed Depression Py Cities Soil Survey Area: Essex County,Massachusetts,Northern Part V Gravel Pit Water Features Survey Area Data: Version 8,Aug 11,2008 Gravelly Spot f Oceans Date(s)aerial images were photographed: 7/10/2003 Landfill Streams and Canals The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were A Lava Flow Transportation compiled and digitized probably differs from the background +++ Rails imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting ,h Marsh or swamp of map unit boundaries may be evident. Mine or Quarry Interstate Highways 0o.5 Miscellaneous Water US Routes Q Perennial Water Major Roads .'/ Rock Outcrop ry Local Roads + Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot A Sinkhole yy Slide or Slip 0 Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/6!2011 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 i Soil Map—Essex County,Massachusetts,Northern Part r r Map Unit Legend Essex Courtly,Massachusetts,#iorti7ern Fart MA606 AAap'Unft Sy+nhol Map.Unit Alame Acres in A01 Percent of AOI; 255C i Windsor loamy sand,8 to 15 percent slopes 0.5 49.6%° 651 Udorthents,smoothed j 0,5' 50.4% i Totals for Area of Interest _ 1.0 _ 100.0%11 I i UAw SDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 5/6!2011 National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 �cRp(N 4 CO8Tpt$ t g �`r AG��RQ � 2j3 � /l � � T 3 . 7225O� 8 o / �Rll,.RN�ogG 4 �N / I 1 ,1q oO Up S/V. 27 F J F16, E Co Mq FT! H j'H/ qR / T 4 01 qs IF kq 1 st $�� qA -fl rIR.�y >iZUS sT ��l .' _ ��z I• ;�n f � y fj� ,/ r - i 1,� 1 /V)k 31CoT 2 S2 NF ! /'T A<.q/V#J 00 l _ a l / fr : r : C/ t��- Fq \ \ 6 OqST oSTE gpCn 1/ ! / Q_/I m \ i' \ \ \ ve �n l Fc M& sTR sr qMs Us I -\ 0 r 1 J y — , . a .� oL�rq 0 02S/FE' � 11 j_ \,\ \ t i 3 FSR OR \ r �N t 3 12 ry nI \ 11 ?10 qGF \ / l ) t,- -�)AGgN�.4'°C>' � 8 i / 6'�c T C//yF J : l.._- '. ti/. � �-`�1)�i`1 1�l � �;; 5Ii�`t.� \`�a� •�\\ ,,L:...� < 17 I �/._ y � `3s? 4 ` I RFG00 TO i' �'i �/ / � •.l \\\ `�� �. �\\.,�'\ \ \ � �a �;Y \ �/i�� life �� �% �rupA� l �1 �jt� ( •�i 77 �d G ' f :97 . i�' �F�FGop/F / a � SCt��iS rflR^IlS __- --- Hq ! Mir J ~l I / / �' l , _ J;Fo gRHiG FRS T oo Ro q `l ! 1 F�D(Nj A 4 Mq RpgQ /Nc _ \ 1 7,S �F NiF ( Ro Bk Gor 016 j _ O q os Np/N / ! (N)R 4pi5, 5 S Nod 67 ✓/�G MNDo oop FFR�j4 --. <qlv Ao �/ r/� sG{ o y? o q QFFpco I !! �ii (( #722��72j N 6,1 Joq N F Mqp 60 c Js3 p47 1846 j 'VJ q OrF&iBFrr COT 1 2 1 !! M pp 6RRoH t 4' 4gNF r 92 J84S l Easy Peel" Labels i Bend along tine to I - R Use Averyv A Template 5160® � Feed paper expose Pop-Up EdgeTM � � ERY8 5160 � G.M.Z. REALTY TRUST 1679 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 NELLIE SARACUSA 1679 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 ROY MCKINNEY PO BOX 8373 WARD HILL,MA 01835 HAZEL ORCHARD 11 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 VICTOR ANDREOLI 15 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 RICHARD SLADE 21 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 RICHARD WALKER 23 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 GARY LODGE 27 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 ELIZABETH POIRER 29 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 CAREY STORAGE I LLC 208 EAST RIDGEVILLE BLVD#202 MT AIRY,MD 02177 Etiquettes faciles a peter i Sens de Repliez a la hachure afin de wvvw.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERYd 51600 reveler ie rebord Po U rm '1-800-GO-AVERY ' char�ement P' P ) a Easy Peep Labels i AL Send along line to rd R i J ® VEF IIY®R 5160@ t15e Avery Template 516Q j Feed Paper expose Pop-Up EdgeTM � � GERALD HALL 55 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 EMMA ULIANO 31 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 RUSSELL MOSCHETTO 63 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 DOUGLAS SWATSKI 45 WHITE BIRCH LANE NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 FRANCIS BANACOS 53 WHITE BIRC H LANE NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 JILL SLOPER 61 WHITE BIRO H LANE NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 JOAN BETTY 67 WHITE BIRC H LANE NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 JOSEPH ANDRIOLO 37 WHITE BIRCH LANE NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 TYLER MUNROE 100 FOSTER STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 CHRISTOPHER ADAMS 35 WEBSTER STREET#302 EAST BOSTON,MA 02128 Eticauettes faciles a peler Repliez a la hachure afin de www_avery.com lJtilisez le gabarit AVERY®51600 cha gernent reveler le rebard Pap-UpTM 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy PeelO Labels i A, Bend along line to i R a 51600 i Use Avery@ Template 51600 Feed Paper - expose Pap-Up Edge*"" AVERY 01 JDP DEVELOPMENT 12 ROGERS ROAD HAVERHILL,MA 01835 HANG'N TREE REALTY 2110 WHITE BIRCH LANE HASLET,TX 76052 MICROWAVE ENGINEERING 1551 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 ROBERT GIOSEFFI 19 BRADFORD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 GROCERY PLACE INVESTORS 1 CHESTNUT STREET ARLINGTON, MA 02474-1225 MARK VALENTINO 1615 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 OSGOOD LANDING,LLC 1600 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 GLEN RANDALL 29 WHITE BIRCH LANE NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 HAVERHILL CITY HALL 4 SUMMER STREET HAVERHILL, MA 01830 PEA FILMS INC. 799 CRANDON BLVD, APT 602 KEY BISCAYNE,FL 33149 Eticiuettes faciles a peter Sens de Repliez a la hachure afin dei vvvvvv.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERYO 5160® reveler le rebard Pa U TM J ehargen}ent P` p 1-800-GO-,AVERY t TA143AV-09-008-L (wadn-dad paoaaa al JalanaJ zuawa6aega f i i ap suas i Qa 0915 0,013IAV Iaaege6 al zasillin U)05'AJaAL--MMNI ap ulp a.ing3eq el e zalidad ® �a�ad e sa�l�e}sal�.anbi�3 JONES &BEACH ENGINEERS,INC. ATTN: JOSEPH CORONATI PO BOX 219 STRATHAM,NH 03885 wla6p3 dn-daj jade a5od:a ,„„ pE.s 3 d as p {>0965 a 1ejd ua1 >A.iant/asn 09 Baa au11 6u�a}e Ruas sjage� C�aad ase JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 :Email:jbe@jon6sandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 May 20, 2011 Town of North Andover Planning Department Attn: Judy Timon 1600 Osgood Street, Bldg. 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Special Permit Application— Common Driveway Route 125 & Bradford Street, North Andover, MA Tax Map 61, Proposed Lots 16-7 & 16-8 JBE Project#06163 Dear Board Members: Jones& Beach Engineers, Inc., on behalf of our client, GMZ Realty Trust,respectfully submits an Application for Special Permit—Common Driveway for the above referenced parcels. The intent of this application is to allow two residential lots within a subdivision to have a common driveway. We are also requesting a special permit for Section 7.2.1. of the Zoning Bylaw which states Access to each lot, except for corner lots,must be provided across the street frontage. If access to a lot is not across the street frontage as of the date of the adoption of this Section 7.2.1,the lot will not be considered nonconforming as to use or as to an existing structure on that lot. (1994/39)Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the issuance of a Special Permit from the Planning Board. A street frontage access Special permit may be granted for a lot in any residential district provided that: a)The specific site is an appropriate location for access to the lot given the current and projected traffic on the roadway, and the site distance to adjacent driveways and roadways, and/or b) Special environmental conditions exit such as wetlands and/or steep slopes such that access across the street frontage would require wetland filling or extreme cutting and/or filling of slopes or would be otherwise detrimental to the environment, c) The access will not adversely affect the neighborhood; d) There will be no nuisance or serious hazard to vehicles or pedestrians; e) The access is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Bylaw." Jtruly yoursS & BEA H NG EERS, INC. h A. C onatiresident CC: Town Clerk (plan set & application copy) Department of Public Works (plan set &application copy) Town Engineer (plan set & application copy) Water& Sewer Department (plan set&application copy) Water Treatment Department (plan set &application copy) F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Special Permit Cover Letter Lots 16-7& 16-8(5-20- l1).doc Fire Chief(plan set & application copy) Conservation Administrator(plan set&application copy) Inspector of Buildings (plan set& application copy) Health Administrator(plan set & application copy) School Department (plan set& application copy) Police Department (plan set& application copy) Tim McIntosh, VHB (plan set& application copy) GMZ Realty Trust(plan set& application copy) Mark Johnson(plan set & application copy) Ken Sakurai (plan set & application copy) F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Special Permit Cover Letter Lots 16-7&16-8(5-20-11).doc JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC 40RTN �SE1GfFtFS� PLANNING DEPARTMENT Community Development Division Special Permit— Common Driveway Special Permit Application Please type or print clearly. 1. Petitioner: GMZ REALTY TRUST Petitioner's Address: 1679 OSGOOD STREET, NORTE ANDOVER, MA 01845 Telephone number: (508) 423-4937 2. Owners of the Land: GMZ REALTY TRUST Address: 1679 OSGOOD STREET, NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 Number of years of ownership: 22 Years 3.Year lot was created: LOTS NET YET CREATED, PENDING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 4. Description of Proposed Project: TWO PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL LOTS (16-7 & 16-8) TO SHARE DRIVEWAY 5. Description of Premises: CURRENTLY UNDEVELOPED 8.Address of Property Being Affected: 1679 OSGOOD STREET Zoning District: RESIDENTIAL 2 Assessors Map: 61 Lot#: 16 Registry of Deeds:Book#: 2857 Page#: 347 7. Existing Lot: Lot Area(Sq.Ft): 628,554' Building Height: N/A Street Frontage: 227.82 Side Setbacks: N/A Front Setback: N/A Rear Setback: N/A Floor Area Ratio: N/A Lot Coverage: N/A 8. Proposed Lot(if applicable): Lot Area(Sq.Ft): 60,937/45,479Building Height: Street Frontage: 150.86/208.25 Side Setbacks: 30' Front Setback: 30' Rear Setback: 3 0' Floor Area Ratio: Lot Coverage: 9.Required Lot(as required by Zoning Bylaw): Lot Area(Sq. Ft): 43,560 SF Building Height: 35' max. Street Frontage: 1501 Side Setbacks: 30' Front Setback: 3 0' Rear Setback: 30' Floor Area Ratio: 32,670 SF Lot Coverage: Page 1 of 2 1600 Osgood Street,North Andover,Bidg.20,Suite 2-36 Planning Dept.,Massachusetts 01845 Phone 978.688.9535 Fax 978.688.9542 Web www.townofnorthandover.com 10.Existing Building(if applicable): Ground Floor(Sq.Ft.): N/A #of Floors: N/A Total Sq. Ft.: N/A Height: N/A Use: N/A Type of Construction: N/A 11.Proposed Building: Ground Floor(Sq.Ft.): N/A #of Floors: N/A Total Sq. Ft. N/A Height: N/A Use: N/A Type of Construction: N/A 12. Has there been a previous application for a Special Permit from the Planning Board on these premises? N0 If so,when and for what type of construction? 13.Section of Zoning Bylaw that Special Permit Is Being Requested DEFINITIONS 2.30.1 and Section 7.2.1 - Access across street frontage 14. Petitioner and landowner signature(s): Every application for a Special Permit shall be made on this form which is the official form of the Planning Board. Every application shall be filed with the Town Clerk's office. It shall be the responsibility of the petitioner to furnish all supporting documentation with this application. The dated copy of this application received by the Town Clerk or Planning Office does not absolve the applicant from this responsibility. The petitioner shall be responsible for all expenses for fling and legal notification. Fail re to comply with application requirements, as cited herein and in the Planning Board Rule and Regula io may result in a dismissal by the Planning Board of this application as incom te. Petitioner's Signature: Print or type name here: GMt REA TY TRU , N LIE SARACUSA, TRUSTEE Owner's Signature: Print Or type name here: GMZ REA Y TRUST, NELLIE SARACUSA, TRUSTEE 15. Please list title of plans and documents you will be attaching to this application. Page 2 of 2 1600 Osgood Street,North Andover,Bldg.20,Suite 2-36 Planning Dept.,Massachusetts 01845 Phone 978.688.9535 Pax 978.658.9542 Web www.townofnortliandover.com