HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-29November S~, ~976 - ~onday SPECIAL ME~IN~ The PLANNINO BOARD held a ~pecial Meeting on Monday evening November 29, 1976 at 7.'30 P.M. in the To~n Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting: l~A~tz Ostherr, Chairman; William Chepulis, Vice-0h~irman; William N. ~lem~e, Clerk; and Paul R. La~prey. 1. MARY M0~DY ~ - Nood~ st.: these plans were carried over- from the last meeting due to o~ntact with Tc~n C~unsel for input. Mr. 0hepulis told Mr. 0stherr w~t had transpired at the last meeting. There was no written response from To~n Counsel. It was noted that this is the 14th da~ of the time frame on Form "A's". A motion was made lr~ Mr. OhePulis reg~rding the plan of land dated Nov. 1975, revised ~an. 3, '~976 and ~ar. 2, 1976 with a letter to be forwarded to Atty. ~ames Eaton, III as follows: (oc~tert of letter is on ffile). Mr. ~alem~e seconded. Mr. Lamprey questioned the signing of the l~orm "A" and Mr. Chepulis suggested %hat the letter 1~ attached By reference to the Form. Also, he fe!$ .Mr. Eaton's .poSition is that we either purchase the land or take i% By eminent d.' _~in~. Mr.' Os~herr consented that we ha~e been doing this by acclama- tion By the past 2 or 3 years. The BOA~n members could not thir~k of anyone who had reffused to comply to a requested easement. The vote en the motion was unanimous. 2. ~ REALT~ ~U~T - Apple2on St. = Erich Nitzsche representing ~wner stated that since the plan was dra~n there are 3 foundations on the land. Lots 1, 2, & 3 were what Charles Foster, Building Inspector, was concerned about the last time it ease before the B~q~D. Mr. ~itzsche presented 3 certified plot plans of these lots showing the foundations ~d s~id this is a realignment of the lots. It ~s. n~ted that they all have proper frontage and acreage. Mr. Foster was satisfied. A motion was m~de By Mr. Lamprey to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law a plan of la~d in North Andover owaed by Benton R~__lty Trust dated Sept. 23, 1976. Mr. Saleratus seconded and the vote was unaaimc~s. 3. ~L~UR ~URNHAM - Campbell Rd.: Mr. ~Arnham and Ned Packer were present. The plan shows a land s~ap between the two parties. The lots are designated as ~.~ and 3~A, but were originally ~ and 3~. Mr. Salem,s made ~ mstien $o endorse the plan of land o~ned By Wilbur ~ in North Andover dated Nov. ~8, ~976 and revised Nov. 2~, ~976 as not requiring approval under subdivision control law. Mr. Lamprey seconded and the vo~e was CNAPT~ 808 - Ealph ~oyoe, member of the Board of Appeals was present. Zoning By-Law review: ~eo. 1 - Purposesz do the members ~ant to add "changing ~ater course"? 808 encourages other purposes regarding this in H~00B and could e~ke it ~. Definitions - a) Frontage~ 3 points - continumus, useable for access, must continue to front setback distance from the street. B) Place of Worship - o.k. c) ~pecial Permit - need 2 definitions here or add another for '~ermit *ranting Auth- d) Spec ~al Permit Use e) Town HOuses - remove; also remove from rest of B~-Law and T~ble Re~l Estate Signs~ "there shall be no display or signs other tha~ allowed by the Sign I~F-Law~ can put a time limit on a temporary sign. (p. 10) November 2~ l~'g - oont. Same with Ho~e 0ocupatica sig~s. Charles F~$er a~d iff h~ ~$i~s sh~d ~ ~ll~d By ~olal Pe~$ only? ~lph J~e ~ed for the ~'S feelin~ on use ~ri~ces. ~ of ~pe~s. Alsoi ~1o~ a'residen2ial use in ~e ~s~ess ~d zones ~oa~e off s~ ~ zoned ~ ~% s~e p~i~s ~i~. ~d ~ %o the ~S opi~ ~ ~ecial Pe~%s - %he ~ 2o h~ve. t~ pe~t ~t~g authorit~ to do ~%h l~d use kinds of ~d/or oluster development. ~. J~e ~ed l~v~ the op2i~ to ~he de.loper to go to either t~ PI~ ~ or ~he_ ~ of App~ls. ~. Che~lis felt it sh~ld Be ~ifo~ for e~e, no~ me~t $0 ~ a choice. ~. ~y fel~ $~ 2he Pla-~tng Bo~ sh~ld ha~ all ~eoial pe~$s.- ~. ~ce Shen s~s~ed o~d sit in ~ison ~ them._ Le~ ~sti~: ~8 sSa~es a 5~ ~-of Appeals ~h- ~ ~eoif~ng ~ alternates. ~is ~tl bye to be ~i~en ~o ~ Z~. ~. ~e sta2ed t~t he felt speoial pe~$s sh~ld s~ ~h ~he ~ of Appeals e~ep$ for ~ ~d claret; it is more tr~ii~lly a B~ of Appeals ~o2i~. ~e~oint ~s ~h~ politic~ c~ effec~ Shese pe~i~s, ~he people ~ve ~o~ ~reo~ ~c~se on the PI~ ~. ~e ~hey ~ bleo~. ~. ~e~lis ~ed ~2 the ~6 B~ is in a g~ positi~ ~o ~lyze eaoh ~di~d~l ~ies in ~th the ZBL. ~. Joyce fel~ ~ ~he wor~o~-~h2 ~o ~ c~side~d, e~ec- ially ~ the ~ea of' ~h R~o~I. ~. ~le~ fel~ t~t a jo~ mem~hip of bo~h Bo~s w~d be a ~od solu~i~. ~. O~herr ~eed ~h ~he ~i~s of ~ssers ~rey ~d Ohe~lis.. OB~les Foster fel~ 2~t ~he ~ of Appeals is mo~ f~li~ ~th inte~a~ions of ~he Z~ ~ 2he Plying Bo~. ~. e~ensions or alterations of e~g uses sh~d c~e ~der ~eci~ .Neeting adjourned at 10 P.M. Chairman I~rit z Os~herr