HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaiver - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 9/20/2011 (2) JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603)772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 November 12, 2010 North Andover Planning Department Attn: Judy Tymon, Town Planner 1600 Osgood Street, Building 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Waiver Request—Traffic Study Route 125 & Bradford Street,North Andover,MA Tax Map 61,Lots 16 &34 JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., respectfully requests a waiver for the above-referenced parcel on behalf of our client, GMZ Realty Trust, from Section—Traffic Impacts. At the site walk, the Planning Board observed the minimal traffic on Bradford Street. We feel the addition of eight homes on this town road will not alter the traffic on Bradford or Osgood Streets enough to warrant a traffic study. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. V ry truly yours, NES & E H ENGINEERS, INC. J seph Coronati V ce President cc: G.M.Z. Realty Trust F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Waiver Request Letter-Traffic Study.doc JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 November 12, 2010 North Andover Planning Department Attn: Judy Tymon, Town Planner 1600 Osgood Street, Building 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Waiver Request—Type of Drainage Pipe Route 125 &Bradford Street,North Andover,MA Tax Map 61,Lots 16 & 34 JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., respectfully requests a waiver for the above-referenced parcel on behalf of our client, GMZ Realty Trust, from Appendix II-1 —Pipes, Culverts and Drains—"...pipes shall be reinforced concrete ASTM C-76 Class 4." We believe that ADS N-12 pipe will perform sufficiently under the minimum required three feet of cover. This type of pipe is routinely used throughout New England and has been tested to as little as one foot of cover and meets loading requirements. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. Ver: truly yours, JC ES & B ENGINEERS, INC. Jose h A. oron ti VicPresident cc: G.M.Z. Realty Trust F:\LandProjects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Waiver Request Letter-Storm Drain Pipe.doc JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 November 12, 2010 North Andover Planning Department Attn: Judy Tymon, Town Planner 1600 Osgood Street, Building 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Waiver Request—Nitrogen and/or Phosphorus Loading Route 125 &Bradford Street,North Andover,MA Tax Map 61,Lots 16 &34 JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., respectfully requests a waiver for the above-referenced parcel on behalf of our client, GMZ Realty Trust, from item#6 of the Technical Review done by Eggleston Environmental on August 16, 2010 in regards to a nitrogen and/or phosphorus loading report. When we met with Lisa Eggleston regarding the drainage design, we talked about the need for this requirement. We are not in the watershed of a Great Pond and we have volume and rate reductions for our stormwater. Therefore, both firms agreed that these calculations were not necessary in this particular case. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. Ve y truly yours, J ES & B ENGINEERS, INC. J eph A. oronati V ce President cc: G.M.Z. Realty Trust FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Waiver Request Letter-Phosphorus.doe JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 November 12, 2010 North Andover Planning Department Attn: Judy Tymon, Town Planner 1600 Osgood Street, Building 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Waiver Request—Full Flow Capacity shown on plans Route 125 & Bradford Street,North Andover,MA Tax Map 61,Lots 16 &34 JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., respectfully requests a waiver for the above-referenced parcel on behalf of our client, GMZ Realty Trust, from Section which requires that the inlet and outlet pipes full flow capacity be shown on the plans. The full flow capacity of the drainage pipes being labeled on the plans does not alter the construction of the project and has been accounted for in the drainage design. This information does not provide the contractor or the Town with any useful data for the design of the road. This information would be important if we were proposing a cross culvert that someday may have future flows added to it. If any additional flow is added to the this system from offsite that is currently not directed onto our property, then a new drainage analysis would have to be conducted because all of our culverts eventually drain into detention ponds and rain gardens. Therefore, we feel that this information is not needed on the plans. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. V ry truly yours, NES & BEACELXNGINEERS, INC. i Joeph A. oronati V oe President cc: G.M.Z. Realty Trust FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Waiver Request Letter-Full Flow Capacity.doc JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 November 12, 2010 North Andover Planning Department Attn: Judy Tymon, Town Planner 1600 Osgood Street, Building 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Waiver Request—Test Pits on Plans Route 125 &Bradford Street,North Andover,MA Tax Map 61,Lots 16 &34 JBE Project No.06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., respectfully requests a waiver for the above-referenced parcel on behalf of our client, GMZ Realty Trust, from Section—Grading, drainage and utilities plan—"Location and identification of all groundwater observation and percolation test pits and/or borings in or adjacent to the subdivision. Logs of observed data of these tests shall be shown on the definitive subdivision plans (use an additional sheet if necessary);". Sheets C2 and C3 of the plans show the test pit locations and groundwater observations. The complete test pit logs are included in the submission package and are on file with the Town of North Andover. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. V y truly yours, J ES & EACH ENGINEERS, INC. Jo'eph A. Coro V' e President cc: G.M.Z. Realty Trust F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Waiver Request Letter-Test Pits.doc JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton,NH 03809 Stratharn,NH 03885 Email.,jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone.(603) 772-4746 h1tp!11www.Jonesandbeach. .coni Far,(603)772-0227 January 14, 2011 North Andover Planning Board Attn:John Sirnons, Chairman(Hand Delivered) 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Application for Definitive Subdivision Approval Request for Waivers of the Planning Board's Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land, as amended(the"Rules"). Applicant: GMZ Realty Trust ME Project No. 06163 Dear Chairman Simons and Other Members of the Board: The fol-IoNNing is the Applicant's supplemental request for waivers in connection with the request for approval of a definitive subdivision,which was submitted to the Planning Board on January 10, 2010. This supplemental request for waivers is intended to address waivers that are required in order to provide access from the proposed Saracusa Way to the Adams Lot(new Lot 9),including access to proposed Lots 5 and 6. The Plans comply with the applicable provisions of the Rules except for deviations necessitated to provide access between the lot owned by Chris Adams and the proposed Saracusa Way in a manner that will reduce land disturbance and impervious surfaces, and thereby reduce stormwater runoff and improve environmental conditions for the project. Pursuant to G.L. c.41, § 8 1 R,and Sections 2.7 and 5.1.8 of the Rules,the Applicant hereby requests that the Board waive the requirement of strict compliance with the following provisions ofthe Rules: L Section 5-1.5—Site Evaluation Statement and Section 5.4—Environmental and Community Imnact Statement Request waiver of submission requirement for Environmental and Community Impact Analysis for the proposed subdivision provided under Sections 5.1.5 and 5.4,as such analysis related to the segment extending from Saracusa Way to the new Lot 9 as may not be appropriate for a smaller subdivision as that proposed. 2. Section 6.7.4—Street Name.Request waiver from requirement to name the street segment running from Saracusa Way to new Lot 9,and to instead, name the street subsequent to Definitive Approval but subject to E911 approval by the*rowwn, 3. Section 6.7.5—Street Numbers. Street numbers required to be assigned by Department of Public Works(DPW)and included within the application to the Board. Proposed—Street numbers to be assigned by DPW after 1-)efinitive Approval. F:\Lnnd Projects 3106163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILEST13 Witiver Request Letter.doex s 4. Section 6.8.1 . Minimum R.O.W.Width. Table IA. Required 50-feet;proposed 40-feet extending from proposed Saraeusa Way southeasterly to Lot 9(Adams Lot}. 5. Section 6.8.1._Table IA._Minimum Pavement Width. Required—264feet; Proposed=- 12- feet. 6. Section 6,5,1.Table IA. Cul-De-Sacs. Maximum Length(Roadway plus Turnaround)—600- feet. Proposed 1,020 feet from Lot 9 to intersection with Saracusa Way,Pilus distance from this intersection to Bradford Street. 7. Section 6:8.1.Table 1A. A nimum turnaround R.O.W.radius q m and nayel�teent diameter. Required d 120-feet radius and 100-foot pavement diameter;Proposed--Tee Turnaround layout but pavement only to the extent:required length for proposed 14-foot paved driveway for Lot 9 tithe Adams Lot)as it runs through the hamnierhead layout as depicted on the submitted Subdivision Plans. 8. Section 6.8.7. Permanent Cul-De-Sacs, Permanent dead-end street shall be provided with a cul-de-sac turnaround in accordance with Section 6.8.1,Table IA. Proposed—See proposed permanent hammerhead layout design on submitted Subdivision Plans, with paving as noted in Item 7 above. 9. Section 6.9. Granite Curbing. Required—granite curbing on all new streets. Proposed—no granite curbing. 10. Section 6.11.Sidewalks,Required—one side of street in accordance with specifications. i Proposed—No Sidewalk Proposed. 11. Section 6.18.Street Trees. Required—to be located within street R.O.W. Proposed: No Street Trees. Landscaping to be provided as depicted on the submitted Subdivision Plans. 12. Section 6.21. Street Lighting. Required m street lighting at locutions determined by the Board. Proposed—No Street Lighting. 13, Appendix LB - Street Construction Specifications—Curbing. Requires curbing to be vertical granite curb Type VB, and sloped,granite edging Type SB,and granite curb inlets in accordance with MHD(now MA DOT)Standards. Proposed--No vertical, sloped,or curb inlets granite is proposed. We are requesting relief from the waivers listed above to enable the roadway and associated improvements to be designed as a lowv impact development,with minimized land disturbance, reduced pavement,and other requirements to provide decreased stormwater inipacts along with a privately owned driveway versus a short"fown owned and maintained roadway. The waivers we are requesting relief from are:all technical in nature and are relatively small in scale. For each waiver requested,there are reasons which are in the public interest and are consistent with the intent and purpose of the Subdivision Control Law and the Rules to justify the waiver of strict compliance with the respective provisions of the Rules, The granting of these requests for relief are in the public interest because they would result in an attractive development which is adapted to,and will enhance,the unique features of this site. These requests for relief are consistent with P:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSl\WORD r]LES\PB Waiver Request Leticr.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS,INC ion Control Law because the Plan will enable the the purposes of the Subdivision Applicant to build a subdivision with adequate roads,drainage and utilities to accommodate a development of this size while maintaining flexibility for long-term planning. Requests for Findings and Decisions: The Applicant respectfully requests the Planning Board to grant relief from these waivers for the proposed development design to provide sufficient roadway,utility and drainage services while preserving and enhancing the site's natural features. The granting of relief from the requested Regulations will not urlpair the functioning, long term maintenance, or appearance of the land,and will not result in any adverse impacts to the areas adjacent to it. The;granting of relief from these sections is in the public interest and is consistent with.the Subdivision Control Lave. I look forward to discussing,this with you at our next meeting scheduled for January 18, 2011. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need any additional information,please contact me. V truly yours, Jfl S&B H�J`NGINEERS,INC. Jo Coron. ti V ce President cc; Judy Tymon,Town Planner(I copy of letter via emailed) FA\L.and Projects 3\06163 N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\PB Waiver Request Lettcr.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS,INC