HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 9/7/2010 SMOLAK & VAUGHAN J John T. Smolak, Esq. T: 978-327-5215 1 F: 978-327-5219 jsmolak(a;smolakvaughan.com September 7,2010 BY HAND AND VIA EMAIL John Simons,Chairman Planning Board Town of North Andover 1600 Osgood Street North Andover,Massachusetts 01845 RE: Proposed Definitive Subdivision at 1679 Osgood Street Applicant: GMZ Realty Comments of S.P.E.C. Reale Trust Dear Chairman Simons and Other Board Members: This firm represents Christopher V. Adams, as Trustee of S.P.E.C. Realty Trust (the "Trust"),the owner of a 2-acre parcel of land depicted as Lot 31 on Map 34 of the North Andover Assessors Maps ("Lot 31"). Lot 31 abuts the proposed Definitive Subdivision currently under review by the Planning Board. The Trust is requesting the Board's consideration of the Trust's request that access to Lot 31 be provided through the subject Definitive Subdivision for the reasons described in this letter. This letter is intended to provide the Board with: (a) background and history concerning Lot 31; (b) the 2008 rezoning process, including the removal of Lot 31 from the 2008 rezoning of parcels along Osgood Street (Route 125) to CDD 3; (c) the definitive subdivision process; (d) legal basis for the Board's rights to condition the approval of the Definitive Subdivision upon the grant of access and other rights described herein; and, (d) a proposal for access from the Definitive Subdivision to Lot 31 in a maimer which may work for both parties. (a) Background and History Concerning Lot 31 As described above, the Trust is the owner of Lot 31. Lot 31 abuts the Definitive Subdivision as depicted on Assessors Map 34 which is attached as Exhibit A. Lot 31 also abuts land owned by the Trust shown as Lot 4 on Assessors Map 34,and is located to the west of Lot 31. Lot 4 has frontage on Osgood Street and has an address of 1591 Osgood Street. Mr. Adams,through various entities,has owned both Lot 4 and Lot 31 since 1958. (b) Rezoning Process in 2008 As the Board is aware,Town Meeting in 2008 rezoned a number of parcels located along Osgood Street to the Corridor Development District 3 (CDD-3) Zoning District designation. Initially included as part of that proposed rezoning were Lots 4 and 31. East M ill,21 High Street,Suite 301,North Andover,MA 01845 W WW.SMOLAKVAUGHAN.COM SMOLAK & VAUGHAN LLP John Simons,Chairman Planning Board September 7,2010 However, as a result of discussions occurring at the Planning Board, and later in the form of a floor amendment at Town Meeting,most of Lot 31 was removed from the rezoning to CDD-3,and in fact,the CDD-3 zoning boundary line was specifically established for Lot 31 "by a line parallel to and distant 500 feet easterly from the centerline of rte. 125/Osgood Street and as shown on the Map..." In effect, approximately 2/3 of Lot 3 was maintained within the R-2 zoning District while the remaining third was rezoned to CDD-3. See certified copy of Article 38 of the 2008 Annual Town Meeting attached as Exhibit B. We did not represent the Trust during the Planning Board and Town Meeting process at that time. We understand,however, that the purpose of removing most of Lot 31 from the proposed CDD-3 rezoning was specifically because of Lot 31's proximity to the adjacent White Birch Lane residential subdivision and adjacent protected open space, as well as Lot 31's location next to the subject Definitive Subdivision. In effect, we understand that the Plaiuiing Board at the time felt that the rezoning of the entire Lot 31 would have resulted in an island of CDD-3 generally surrounded by residentially zoned land. See Zoning Map attached to 2008 Warrant Article in Exhibit B. As a result of the rezoning, most of Lot 31 has become an isolated residential lot zoned as R-2 which,although it abuts the Trust's Lot 4 having frontage on Osgood Street,may not as a matter of law have access rights through the CDD-3 District to construct a single family residential dwelling. Further,there would be no access through the White Birch subdivision since a conservation restriction would impede access to that project. As a result, the only viable alternative is to secure access through the proposed Definitive Subdivision. (c) The Definitive Subdivision As was discussed by Mr. Adams at the Planning Board's last hearing on the Definitive Subdivision,Mi. Adams did have some preliminary discussions with GMZ and did in fact contribute to the costs of the engineering work performed in order to tie Lot 31 into the Definitive Subdivision. In fact,Mr. Adams did provide the Board with a copy of a proposed definitive subdivision which included Lot 31 as a part of the proposed subdivision several years ago, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C. However,Mr. Adams was informed that as a result of the downturn in the economy,the subdivision was not being pursued at that time. Moreover,we further understand that GMZ Realty made a very low offer to Mr. Adams to purchase Lot 31 but the offer did not represent a realistic value of the property. Thereafter, after many months of no communication between GMZ and Mr.Adams, the subject Definitive Subdivision was filed with the Board which included a plan which would effectively eliminate any tie-in of Lot 31 to the proposed subdivision even though the currently proposed Definitive Subdivision maintains the same general lot configuration as that originally proposed in Exhibit C, except for access to Lot 31. See proposed subdivision plan attached as Exhibit D. Accordingly,the Trust is requesting the Board to provide the Trust with an opportunity to have Lot 31 tied into the Definitive Subdivision. Based upon the zoning SMOLAK & VAUGHAN LLP John Simons,Chairman Planning Board September 7,2010 and other history of Lot 31,we feel that the provision of some form of access and utility rights as a condition to the approval of the Definitive Subdivision is not only a fair and equitable proposal,but the provision of access to an otherwise unusable lot is something which is reflected in the Board's subdivision rules and regulations. (d) Authority for the Provision of Access to Lot 31 Through the Definitive Subdivision The Planning Board has clear authority to require the provision of access rights to enable the provision of access from the Definitive Subdivision to Lot 31. Specifically, Section 81M of the State Subdivision Control Law (M.G.L. c.41,Section 81M) and Section 1.2 of the Rules and Regulations for the Subdivision of Land in North Andover (the "Subdivision Rules") provide that the planning board shall exercise..."due regard for the provision of adequate access to all of the lots in a subdivision by ways that will be safe and convenient for travel; ...for securing adequate provision for water,sewerage, drainage,underground utility services,fire,police,and other similar municipal equipment,and street lighting and other requirements where necessary in a subdivision; and for coordinating the ways in a subdivision with each other and with the public ways in the city or town in which it is located and with the ways in neighboring subdivisions." (emphasis added) Section 2.4 of the Town's Subdivision Rules states that "streets in each subdivision shall be laid out to provide ...for the proper projection of streets as laid out in the proposed subdivision into adjoining land,on which there are no existing streets." Moreover, Section 6.8.6 of the Subdivision Rules provides that"the subdivision design shall provide for continuation of streets between adjacent properties when such continuation promotes the convenient movement of traffic, effective fire protection and emergency vehicle access,efficient snow removal service and efficient provision of utilities. If the adjacent property is undeveloped and a street must be dead- ended temporarily,the right of way shall extend to the property line." Accordingly,the Subdivision Rules provide clear legal authority for the Planning Board to require the provision of access to an adjacent parcel of land. See Patel v. Town of North Andover,27 Mass. App. Ct.477(1989);Samara Realty Trust v. Hayden,12 LCR 260 (2004);Ranieri Trust v. Town of Wrentham, 15 LCR 622 (2007). Further,from a planning standpoint, the provision of access to Lot 31 makes the most planning sense among all alternatives available to the Trust for the many reasons described above. (e) Proposal As described above, the current Definitive Subdivision proposal does not provide for access to Lot 31 although a prior proposal does suggest that access to Lot 31 is possible without significant deviation from the current proposal. In fact,it appears that access could be created along the common boundary of proposed Lots 16-5 and 16- 6, or via an extension of the common access depicted on the plan attached as Exhibit D. SMOLAK & VAUGHAN LLP John Simons,Chairman Planning Board September 7,2010 While we understand that the buildout of a full road to provide access to Lots 16- 5,16-6 and Lot 31 may be costly, we would propose a form of access in a location similar to that proposed in Exhibit C,but with waivers from the right-of-way and width of pavement requirements of the Subdivision Rules to enable the access through the segment extending from Lot 31 to the maul subdivision roadway to function as a common driveway rather that a fully constructed subdivision roadway. In this manner, impervious surfaces, cuts and fills would be reduced, stormwater runoff would be reduced,and wetlands crossings and related impacts could be minimized. There is precedent with the Board in granting such waivers, and we feel it would be consistent with past Board actions to provide for reduced roadway standards in specific circumstances. This access could be designed as access from the main subdivision road to Lot 31 only, following the common boundary of Lots 16-5 and 16-6 to Lot 31 as generally proposed in the plan attached as Exhibit C. Alternatively,common access for Lots 16-5, 16-6 and Lot 31 could be provided as generally contemplated on the plan in Exhibit D as extended to Lot 31. We would prefer that the access be incorporated as part of the pending Definitive Subdivision. Alternatively,rights could be reserved and conditioned in the pending Definitive Subdivision as part of a decision to allow for the Trust to separately file an application for a single lot subdivision in the future. We feel, however,it would be more efficient to handle this design as part of the pending Definitive Subdivision filing. We would be happy to discuss this proposal further with the Board at the next hearing on this matter. Please feel free to contact my office with any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, f)1VI' T. Smolak JTS/ cc: Christopher V. Adams,Trustee,S.P.E.C. Trust SAIOLAK & VAUGHAN LLP John Simons,Chairman Planning Board September 7,2010 EXHIBIT A ASSESSORS MAP X t DATE Town of North Andover rtRraa Board of Assessors Fiscal Ycar 2008 Property Maps(as of January 1.2007) L 34 SIVIOLAK & VAUGHAN LLP John Simons,Chairman Planning Board September 7,2010 EXHIBIT B 2008 ZONING CHANGE AND ZONING MAP `pada Asn�d TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 120 14AIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MASSACHUSETTS 01.845 Joyce A.Bradshaw,CMMC 'Telephone(978)68139501 Town Clerk Fax (978)688-9557 E-mail ibradshaw@townofnorthandover.com This is to certify that the following vote on Article 38 was taken at the Dissolved Annual Town Meeting for the Town of North Andover held May 13,2,008 and May 14,2006: VOTED MAY f4,2008 Article 38. Amend Zoning M Rezone Rte. 125 / OsLyood Street Between L Barker's Firm and Bounds LCDD31. UNANIMOUSLY VOTED to amend Zoning Map of the Town of No Andover pursuant to Section 3.2 to rezone twenty-nine (29) parcels fronting Route 125/Osgood Street, Bradford Street, Beechwood Drive, and Orchard Village Road from their cur-rent zoning designations to Corridor Development District 3. Said parcels begin at Map 34, Parcel 10 (Barkers's Farm) and terminate at Map 61, Parcel 39 (boundary of Haverhill and North Andover). > To rezone fifteen (15) parcels of land, consisting of approximately 27.6 acres, with land fronting Osgood Street and Bradford Street beginning at the Haverhill and North Andover Town boundary line and extending easterly and southeasterly by a line parallel to and distant 500 feet easterly from the centerline, of Rte. 125 / Osgood Street to and including Assessor's Map 34, Parcel 41 with the following exceptions: The Corridor Development District 3 Zoning designation shall be extended to include the entire property boundaries of Map 61,Parcel 3 8. The Corridor Development District 3 Zoning designation shall be extended to include the entire property boundaries of Map 61, Parcel 66. Map 34,Parcel 31 shall be zoned entirely Residential 2. Map 61,Parcel 22 shall be zoned entirely Residential 2. These fifteen (15) parcels of land are shown with the following street address and on the Town of North Andover Assessors Map as,map fki)d parcels to change from their current zoning designation of Indus SAb,­Co.rrJ dor Development District 3: 721 Osgood Street—Map 61, Parcel 8 1679 Osgood Street—Map 61,Parcel 16 1719 Osgood Street—Map 61, Parcel 17 ATTBST! 0 Osgood Street—Map 61,Parcel 18 True Copy Towh,Nrk 0 Bradford Street-Map 61,Parcel 39 1755 Osgood Street-Map 61 Parcel 39 1701 Osgood Street-Map 61,Parcel 66 1659 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel I 1635 Osgood Street-Map 34, Parcel 2 1627 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel 3 1591 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel 4 1609 Osgood Street- Map 34,Parcel 29 0 Osgood Street-Map 34, Parcel 31 1581 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel 41 1615 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel 44 To rezone twelve (12) parcels of land fronting Osgood Street and a certain parcel located within 1000 feet of Osgood Street beginning near intersection of Beechwood Drive and Osgood Street at Assessor's Mop 34, Parcel 42 to and including Assessor's Map 34, Parcel 26 and consisting of approximately 40,8 acres, These twelve (12) parcels of land are shown with the following street address and on the Town of North Andover Assessors Map as map and parcels from their current zoning designation of Industrial 1. to Corridor Development District 3: 0 Bradford Street-Map 61,Parcel 6 45 Beechwood Drive -Map 34, Parcel 6 49 Orchard Village Road-Map 34,Parcel 8 1451 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel 9 1475 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel 16 E 0 Osgood Street-Map 34, Parcel 25 F 1429 Osgood Street-Map 34, Parcel 20 ff 0 Osgood Street-Map 34, Parcel 26 M 1551 Osgood Street-Map 34,Parcel 42 0 Beechwood.Drive-Map 34,Parcel 50 45 Beechwood Drive-Map 34, Parcel 51 25 Orchard Village Road-Map 34, Parcel 52 > To rezone a parcel of land with frontage on Osgood Street, shown on the Assessor's Map 34, Parcel 7 and consisting of approximately 2 acres from Business 2 to Corridor Development District 3. P To rezone a portion of a parcel of land shown on the Assessor's Map 34, Parcel 10 from Industrial I to Corridor Development District 3 beginning from the westerly and southwesterly boundaries of the property to a line parallel to and distant 1,100 feet running north and westerly from the centerline of Barker Street DELETE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE SHOWN AS STRICKEN BELOW: LANGUAGE BETWEEN "A'la.p 61, Parcel 38" and "Map 61., Parcel 22 Shall be zoned entirely Residential 2." To rezone fifteen (15) parcels of land, consisting of approximately 27.6 acres, with land fronting Osgood Street and Bradford Street beginning at the Haverhill and North Andover Town boundary line and extending easterly and southeasterly by a line parallel to and distant 500 feet easterly from the centerline of Rte. 125 / Osgood Street to and including Assessor's Map 34,Parcel 41 with the following exceptions: i The Corridor Development District 3 Zoning designation shall be extended to include the entire property boundaries of Map 61,Parcel 38. ;. --A4V 31, . ---1 . ■ Map 61, Parcel 22 shall be zoned entirely Residential 2. And in connection, decrease the CDD3 zoning boundary line easterly and southerly ! for Map 61., Parcel 66 and Map 34, Parcel 31 by a line parallel to and distant 500 feet easterly from the centerline of rte. 125 / Osgood Street and as shown on the Map below: �• Amended CDD3 Zoning District Boundary Line Approx.500 feet from ccaterline Rte. 125 ; Article 38 Amendment reducing the CDD3 Toning boundary line for Map 61,Parcel 66 and Map 34,Parcel 31. - Xr 08 11096 +'•v is �� ter• ,`1 /j •h� � /'�p,OnT''i"' �t. +moi � +'��•- +`! �+'� ', •:.y,,,�,'�,•l,t.;;c�gyp. 'tl�'i1'li r .���i '+\`� .a Proposed Zoning Dlstrlct •034 1t 'h .;'; CDD3 -,`` �o��pp'V''= ;•,moi' ..:i,.,•.;- � •'J !\ } + + 034."10 SMOLAK & VAUGHAN LLP Jol-m Simons,Chairman Planning Board September 7,2010 EXHIBIT C ORIGINAL SUBDIVISION DESIGN J \ 'I• , � \• \\ \ /f\w'`\ \ `� +}\ — LQCUS Al 8 j 111 � ,whw..m $ *'^•^• OVERVIEW•YIELD PLAN E ��Jones Beach Engtnem. Inc. I.1A �oTS is yo 91 RTE t2/ANDeRnDF BTREETANORTH ANDOVER NA O Y L cLwna Snv�„ moo+ w.acaa,o<,xco no:'" SMOLAK & VAUGHAN LLP John Simons,Chairman Planning Board September 7,2010 EXHIBIT D CURRENT SUBDIVISION DESIGN ROY MCNRME I `\; N/F N \` \� C[RRFY TUT 20 DAK NAVE ELPPSED SINCE P.D.BON BJl] M(A"[OR A NAflEOU ROpfRT J 'FY p CARC BOARD APPROVAL AND THAT NO APPEAL HAVERHILL / WARD MRL,NA 01 RIs \. -A A.CFEClU GLORIA E pOgOSE4E�j 'A NAB BEEN FRED MIM M5 OFDCE. NETHUEN MAP al LOT J! I \ 18 PRnOFOFA B1gFE'T IB BRADF..s1REE �!y 1818 PG 1S8 u0.A P.1 YA 01845 HP ANpOYER IY Of&5 RCNFR dTY gE181,HDRM ANCOVFA,NA OATS B I W _ EC A(N) UR/1614 I MAP a1 OT L M P 61 l01 3a ECRO(N)BIL]598 PG 311 EGRO(11)PoL I1le PC.132 4' •+� �q BO%FORD 1 LARE1'SID ALE 1 LLC I [UO(N)PLAN OJJIA Eg10(H) AN 93364- 9 v O F l ZOB EAST 1 BLVD.(2pa T _ \\ / /' 1H1ANTgYE1(KAN.-BOM.p ON 'RIE NORM A, LOT UWRERCE iXL.,q^ ee E SSE IDUNW ECA Y OF DEEDS A p m all,BLADE I F I I 0 BgA.FC. ADE XN/AF OP.YERLOIAZ845 \ 4 SUMMER­ET E SCION)1HANE 1F MA I- FOR REGISTRY USE ONL`' ilk LOCUS plc Mo s wMAER N SUBDIVISION NOTES:\ \ - fTHEL L WAL(FA O THE IN-1 M ROSPLM IS 70 CONSOIDM.CONVcNTgRAILY SUapWOF\ I\ \ 1 / 2]BRAllOR STREET 90 Y aD_i6o8o _ STPIO _ 2 \\\ NO.MOp\E0.Mh 01845 \ �O"&,t.0� 1 AND S°IN1p flOHi(0 9NLlC FAMILY gE510ENilµLp{s KITH AUHIgPAL WnlEp nN°ONSIIE SEPR<. 101 WS =.�. .y( \ \ \ i \ ,WD PMCCLS A 140)YMCN ARE NOT pUil0A8lE Lp15 1 1'V2 9ANVGIE l \I \ l+4 \ \ NM fil LOT 31 R •.`, - X F * _,_ \ ECRO(N)BK 3273 PC.afl `/ G L ZONMD VAIFICTST CORwOCP pLVFLOPNDIT OIsi10CT] XIBRNC• _ /`\ \ 4 \\ v\ EpU1(!!)PLN!1128] .{' F+C�'Y�, LOT AREA MNl tOR9W Sc I \ \$ \ \`\ �-• {I�//PMLEL Alm �iA " WBONC°NSETSA Xs(RUUIMu1.5f)°• I((( ,\ \\``_ �/ ,% // \L \ FEORT 5£1BAgt,.S' SIDE RE.SETBnCK=2D' \ \\ J .11 ROKOflREA RAHTO 6731 ABDre GRAD[ { ssas4'Fs'w I Lot 1=-z �� .�, OR1 PR�OSL. \ 4 O� /// - 1/tiS� MAK LOT COYERACE.TOK 1 I I '"FJ� 4. 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S Ano LnTEsr SESIS AUP.Bl IDIS BTd:T4 +6Fp O1S0003MEEi AND P O HECORD.ANO RUT MIB PLM GRAPHIC SCALE PEA FILMS NO.ANDCVEAMAO CQRORA610 MC RVLCB MO RECULATONB p' 299 SISCA RN(FL Mi 601 ecpo All Blt tT20 1N REg91ERR�F LEEDS, m KEY RSCAttlE FL 331{9 FfAp MI PLM142A (I+/ "I-IS-ZelO TM of HA1 FHM roru LornREA G DAMp50N M9lOp,LLB DALE 1 l�M1 r¢11 4 SUMMER STREE INKAHIU,MA 010.10 1119 hG�s 1nEA tseO RXat Nn:0a1m olx@ KJones °� �^s OVERVIEW-LOT LAYOUT�PLAN 2I� & Beach Engineers, Inc °°"°" ej"�'eR RE°O"°"'EARA E R IS PAmP R,A.A PI91eoe MAP61LOTS16 AND 34 a 21 IF ROW l�QpvGMBEI- Tl+al+0 TED am-T>•2aaae sE suu of 61W E Lmelbn Services im MCI ST"AND BRADFORD ST..NORTA g°m'ePN�S 9Nc w3•T.a91a q, OFRem�d: GMZ REALTYTRUSEsnrlDef�yMl16780...STREET NO ANO_uA