HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 10/3/2008 LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN J. LENTINE 409 Boston Road Billerica, MA 01821 (978) 663-8584 fan (978) 6631555 e-mail: steve.tentine@verizon,net October 3, 2008 Christopher Adams 35 Webster street , # 302 East Boston, MA 02128 Re : Development of Abutting Subdivision Osgood Street, North Andover Dear Mr . Adams : At the request of wiilard D. Perkins, i have conducted nmited research on the issue of whether or not an abutting landowner is obligated by law to require that a strip of land be reserved for use as a street to connect a proposed subdivision to an abutting piece of land which is not yet developed. i have concluded that although developers will sometimes resist this requirement it is within the Planning Board' s statutory authority under the subdivision control jaw, M. G. L. chapter 41, Sections 81M and 8!W and may also be required in a municipality' s Subdivision Rules and Regulations . A recent case confirming the above is Pate'-v . Planning Board of North Andover, 27 Mass . APP. Ct . 4T7 ( 1989) . in the Patel case' s ruling, in addition to the said subdivision control law, the Court relied upon Section Iv (s) (1 ) (d) of the then North Andover Subdivision Rules and Regulations which stated, "if adjoining property is not subdivided but is, in the opinion of the board, suitable for ultimate development, provision shall be made for proper projection of streets into such property by continuing appropriate streets within the subdivision to the exterior boundary thereof'' (.emphasis added) . in reviewing the language in North Andover' s current Subdivision Rules and Regulations the above-quoted language Christopher Adams 3ctober3, 2008 Page 2 of 2 is very similar to that found in Section 2 . 4 , Continuation of Principal Streets, "Streets in each subdivision shall be laid out to provide for continuation of the principal streets adjoining or entering the subdivision, especially in regard to safe intersections with such streets, and so arranged and of such widths as to provide an adequate and convenient system for present and potential traffic needs and for the proper projection of streets as laid out in the proposed subdivision into adjoining land, on which there are no existing streets" (emphasis added) . As such, based on my limited research, I do believe the Board should require the street in the proposed subdivision to connect to your land and is arguably mandated to do so based on said Section 2 . 4 . One final note of caution, nevertheless, the scope of my research was limited to 3 hours of billable time and further research may convince me otherwise, though it is not likely. Moreover, the version of the North Andover Subdivision Rules and Regulations available on-line was not easily readable, and there may be additional language that I may have missed, although I would again state that it 4 L S not likely. Please give me a call if you have any questions on the above . Thank you for your courtesy . Very t ly yours, St6phen J. Lentine, Esq. SJL :pJI_h cc: Willard D. Perkins, President Hearthstone Realty Corp . Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in North Andover,Massachusetts SECTION ll. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 2.1 UNAPPROVED SUBDIVISION PROHIBITED No subdivision of any land,improvement or sale of lots in a subdivision,or construction of streets or installation of municipal utilities therein shall be permitted unless and until a definitive plan of such subdivision has been submitted to and approved by the Board under the provisions of these regulations. 2.2 LIMITATION OF ONE DWELLING ON ANY LOT Unless otherwise provided for in the Town of North Andover Zoning By-taw or in the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapters 40A and 41-81, no more than one building designed or available for use for dwelling purposes shall be erected or placed or converted to use as such on any lot in a subdivision, or elsewhere in the Town, without the consent of the Board. Such consent may be conditioned upon the providing of adequate ways, furnishing access to each site for each such building,in the same manner as otherwise required for lots within a subdivision. 2.3 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY" No land shall be subdivided unless it is of such character that it can be used for building purposes without danger to the public health and safety. No land shall be subdivided unless the subdivision plan shall provide means of drainage and sanitary sewage disposal adequate in the opinion of the Board to fully protect the public health. Each subdivision plan shall make such provision for water supply, storm water drainage, surface water drainage, sanitary sewage disposal, fire hydrants, utilities, curbs, sidewalks and other improvements as in the opinion of the Board is proper and adequate for the particular subdivision,and in places deemed proper by the Board,open spaces for parks and playgrounds shall be provided. 2.4 CONTINUATION OF PRINCIPAL STREETS Streets in each subdivision shall be laid out to provide for continuation of the principal streets adjoining or entering the subdivision, especially in regard to safe intersections with such streets, and so arranged and of such widths as to provide an adequate and convenient system for present and potential traffic needs,and for the proper projection of streets as laid out in the proposed subdivision into adjoining land, on which there are no existing streets. Street names shall be assigned to proposed streets in a manner to avoid confusion from the towns existing streets. 2.5 ADEQUATE ACCESS FROM PUBLIC WAY 2.5.1 Required Improvements Where the street system within a subdivision does not connect with or have, in the opinion of the Board, adequate access from a Town, County or State (public) way, the Board may require, as a condition of approval of a plan,that such adequate access be provided by the applicant, and/or that the applicant make physical improvements to and within such a way of access, from the boundary of the subdivision to a Town,county or State way. 2,5.2 Dedication of Land to Widen Right-of-way Where the physical condition or width of a public way from which a subdivision has its access is Page 6 Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in North Andover,Massachusetts 6.8.4 Street Geometry: Street geometry (i.e.. horizontal and vertical alignment)should be selected to achieve both safe vehicular movement and adequate sight distances for associated design speeds. The design engineer shall demonstrate conformance to this objective by providing tables of calculations which indicate the resultant sight distances. 6.8.5 Excess Right-of-Way: Right of way widths in excess of the standards designated in Tables IA, IB, and IC may be required whenever, due to anticipated future traffic/loading conditions, additional width is necessary to provide improved alignment. 6.8.6 Cul.-de-sac-Temporary: The subdivision design shall provide for continuation of streets between adjacent properties when such continuation promotes the convenient movement of traffic,effective fire protection and emergency vehicle access,efficient snow removal service and efficient provision of utilities. if the adjacent property is undeveloped and a street must be dead-ended temporarily,the right-of-way shall extend to the property line. 6.8.7 Cul-de-sac-Permanent: If a street will not extend beyond the subdivision boundaries and its continuation is not required for access to an adjoining property,the terminus shall not be nearer the subdivision boundary than fifty feet(50'). A permanent dead-end street shall be provided with a cul-de-sac turnaround in accordance with Section 6.8.1, Table IA. 6.8.8 Reserve Strips: Reserve strips prohibiting access to streets or adjoining property shall not be permitted except where, in the opinion of the Board,such strips shall be in the public interest. 6.8.9 Intersections: Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles,and in no case at less than a 75 degree angle. New intersections at one side of an existing street shall align directly with any existing intersection at the opposite side of the street whenever feasible. Street intersection jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred and fifty feet(150')shall not be permitted. Street intersections shall be designed with a flat grade (not greater than 3%)for a distance of at least one hundred(100')feet as the street approaches each side,as applicable,of any intersecting street. The minimum sight distances (in both directions) at all intersections of streets shall be the decision sight distance listed in Section 7 of the MHD Highway Design Manual. Page 54 Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in North Andover,Massachusetts The hydraulic calculations shall show the following information,as a minimum: I. Capacity and projected volume of each catch basin or other inlet grate 2. Pipe size calculation 3. Detention/retention pond calculations including outlet structure as applicable 4. Total suspended solid(TSS)removal rates 5. Infiltration calculations as applicable 6. Gutter flow calculations 7. Culvert analysis and calculation as applicable 6.14.10 Detention/Retention Basin Side Slopes: Basin area side slopes shall be kept as close as possible to natural land contours, i.e. ten percent(10%)or less wherever possible. A maximum 3:1 side slope shall be constructed for the interior of the basin areas. For security purposes fencing may be required by the Board. Drainage basins shall be designed to facilitate access for maintenance vehicles and personnel. 6.14.11 Drainage Easements: If it is necessary to carry drainage across lots within the subdivision, storm drainage easements shall be provided. of such width and construction as will be adequate to accommodate the volume and velocity of the run-off. However,no such easement shall be less than thirty feet(30')in width. If a proposed drainage system would carry water across land outside the subdivision boundaries to an approved outfall, appropriate drainage rights shall be secured by the applicant at the applicant's expense, and shall be referenced on the Definitive Plan. 6.15 WATER FACILITIES 6.15.1 Installation: The applicant shall be responsible for installing water facilities, including, but not limited to water supply, pipes,hydrants,hydrant markers,gates,valves, and all other related appurtenances,in accordance with the Regulations and Master Plan of the Water Department. Any extension of an existing pipe and construction of new pipes requires approval from the Water Department.Building service pipes and appurtenances from the system piping to the exterior line of the street right-of-way shall be constructed for each lot unless the Board of Health has approved individual wells. Said water facilities shall be shown on the definitive plan. 6.15.2 Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants shall be required for all a subdivisions. Fire hydrants, with hydrant markers, shall be located not more than five hundred feet(500')apart; shall be approved, in writing, as to location by the Fire Chief and the DPW;and shall be shown on the Definitive Plan. 6.15.3 Extensions: Page 60 Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in North Andover..Massachusetts Reasonable provisions shall be made for extension of the water system and pipes to adjoining property, including installation of water gates. Appropriate easements may be required. 6.15.4 Additional Alternative System of Water Supply/Fire Protection: If the municipal water supply is available, but the minimum required flow is not available, in addition to extending the municipal water system,the applicant shall propose an alternative system for providing water supply for fire protection. 6.15.5 Municipal Water Supply Not Available: If the municipal water supply is not available to the subdivision, the applicant shall propose an alternative method of providing water supply for fire protection.Water for fire fighting may be supplied by natural or man-made bodies of water. The surface of each pumping access point shall be adequate to support at least 42,000 pound gvw vehicles at all times of the year. Provisions shall be made so that such water suction points shall be visible and useable in all weather conditions. Each dry hydrant which may be exposed to damage by vehicular traffic shall be protected by suitable barriers. 6.16 SEWER 6.16.1 Installation: In the event that the Town sanitary sewer system is located within an existing public way within four hundred feet (400') measured along the existing public way or proposed roadway of the subdivision, the applicant shall be responsible for connecting all lots to the sewerage system. Connection to the system shall require an approval from the DPW,and any other required approvals, including,but not limited to,a permit for extension of the sewer system issued by the Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control. 6.16.2 Sewer Options: if the applicant is not required to connect to the Town sanitary sewer system,the applicant shall provide an alternative system for wastewater disposal. The following options are available: a) install a communal sewage disposal system, the design and construction of which shall be subject to the approval of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the North Andover Board of Health and all other necessary review agencies;or b) provide engineering data in accordance with Title 5.: "Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage" of the Massachusetts Environmental Code and with the Rules and Regulations for Sewage Disposal Installations as promulgated and amended from time to time by the Town of North Andover Board of Health (See Appendix V.),to prove to the satisfaction of the Board and the Board of Health the feasibility of providing private on-lot sewage disposal systems for each lot. Each on-lot system shall be located in the front yard, wherever practical, to facilitate future connections to the Town sewerage system. c) grading for slope requirements for on-site sewage disposal systems shall be totally contained within the lot upon which such system is proposed. No slope easements onto any adjacent lot or property Page 61