HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Document - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 7/26/2013 y� Bk 13569 Ps 196 ?16a5 07-26-2013 a Oa-5 x" DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTION(hereinafter the"Declaration")is made this day of July,2013,by Cranfield lnvestments,LLC,a New Hampshire limited liability company with an address c/o Green&Company Building and Development Corp., l 1 Lafayette Road,North Hampton,NH 03862(hereinafter the"Declarant"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS,Declarant is the owner of that certain parcel of land,consisting of nine(9) residential subdivision lots depicted as Lots 16-1 through 16-8 and Lot 31 (each,a"Lot",and collectively,the"Lots"), as well as a subdivision roadway with a cul-de-sac depicted as Saracusa Way("Saracusa Way"),a private unnamed subdivision roadway with a hammerhead turnaround shown bordering on Saracusa Way,Lot 16-5, Lot 31 and Lot 16-6 (the"Private Way")on a Definitive Subdivision Plan(the"Subdivision Plan")entitled"Definitive Subdivision Plan,Tax Map 61 Lots 16,34, and Tax Map 31 Lot 4, 16'79 Osgood St.&Bradford St.,North Andover, MA",first dated July 14, 2010,last revised November 11,2011,prepared for GMZ Realty Trust, Route 125&Bradford Street,North Andover,Massachusetts,prepared by Jones and Beach Engineering,Inc., 85 Portsmouth Ave,PO Box 219, Stratham,NH 03885 (collectively,the "Property"). A copy of the Subdivision Plan is recorded herewith as Plan No. /6 95-*' For title reference,see deed recorded herewith at the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book LL 2 Page 17.2.{collectively,the"Property"};and WHEREAS, the Declarant was granted Approval of a Definitive Subdivision flan by Decision, dated September 20, 2011, issued by the North Andover PIanning Board (the "Subdivision Decision"),which Subdivision Decision is recorded herewith in Book/4 s3 9 Page /`,? and the Declarant was also granted Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision, dated September 20, 2011, issued by the North Andover Planning Board (the "Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision"), which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded herewith in BookZj� Pager{the Subdivision Decision and Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision are collectively referred to herein as the"Decisions"); WHEREAS,Special Conditions 3,4,6 and 10 of the Subdivision Decision and Special Condition 1 of the Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision require the Declarant and its successors,acting by and through that certain homeowner association known or to be known as the"Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust,"created by Declaration of Trust recorded herewith(the"Homeowner Association"),maintain certain roadways and drainage areas,maintain bio retention areas and swales,maintain a wooded no cut buffer zone,restrict further subdivision of Lots,and maintain common driveway easements,in perpetuity,which obligations,restrictions and requirements are required to be incorporated as a deed restriction on the Property; NOW,THEREFORE,Declarant hereby voluntarily declares and imposes in perpetuity upon the Property the following covenants,conditions and restrictions for the benefit of Declarant,its successors and assigns,and the Town of North Andover,by and through its Planning Board(hereinafter the"Town"),and said Property shall be held,transferred,sold, (00069271;v4) Bk 13569 Pg197 #21685 conveyed,occupied and used subject to the covenants,conditions,and restrictions hereinafter set forth. 1. Prohibited Acts and Uses. The Declarant hereby imposes the following restrictions and easements on the Property: a. The following common facilities on the Property shall be and remain private, in perpetuity, and shall be maintained, repaired, replaced and administered by the Homeowner Association or by individual Lot owners: (i) the Private Way as it is shown on the Subdivision Plan, (ii) the common driveway shown on the Subdivision Plan to be located on and serving Lots 16-7 and 16-8(the"Common Driveway"), (iii) the gravel wetlands located or to be located on Lot 16-1 and I6-2 (the "Gravel Wetlands'), (iv)the infiltration ponds and sediment forebays located or to be located on Lot 16-3 (the "Infiltration Ponds and Sediment Forebays"), and (v) any and all drainage areas, structures, equipment and facilities (the "Drainage Structures") located or to be located upon Lots 16-1, 16-2, 16-3 and 16-4 and shown as Drainage Easement areas ("Drainage Easements"), as depicted on the Easement Plat (the "Easement PIan")recorded as sheets A4 and AS of the Subdivision Plan. With respect to any such Drainage Structures and Drainage Easements,the Town is hereby granted and conveyed an easement to such Drainage Structures and over such Drainage Easements as shown on the Easement Plan, for access and egress thereto at the sole discretion of the Town, but the Town shall have no obligation to maintain such Drainage Structures and Drainage Easements. The Owners of Lot 16-5, 31 and 16-6, shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of the Private Way, including but not limited to snow removal, pavement repair and replacement, at the sole cost and expense of the owners of Lot 15-5, 31 and 16-6. The Owners of Lot 16-7 and 16-8, shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of the Common Driveway, including but not limited to snow removal, pavement repair and replacement, at the sole cost and expense of the owners of Lot 16-7 and 16-8. b. The roadway depicted as Saracusa Way on the Subdivision Plan shall remain private until such time as it shall be dedicated to and accepted by the Town of North Andover as a public way. Until such time as Saracusa Way shall be accepted by the Town of North Andover, the Declarant and the Lot owners, acting by and through the Homeowner Association, shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of Saracusa Way,including but not limited to snow removal,pavement repair and replacement. C. All bio-retention areas(rain gardens), infiltration basins, grassed swales and drainage channels that are located on individual Lots as shown on the Subdivision Plan shall be maintained in perpetuity by individual Lot owners, at each homeowner's sole cost and expense. d. The wooded areas identified on sheet A4 and AS of the Subdivision Plan and designated as "Deed Restricted Wooded No Cut Buffer Zone" on the Easement Plan recorded herewith, shall be maintained in perpetuity as a no-cut zone in which no (ON69271;v4) 2 Bk 13569 Pg198 #21685 trees shall be removed without the express written approval of both the Board of Trustees and the Town of North Andover Planning Board. e. There shall be no further division or subdivision of the Property or of any of the Lots shown on the Subdivision Plan. 2. Term-Binding Effect In Peroetuity. This Declaration of Restriction and its provisions herein set forth shall run with the Property in perpetuity from the date of recordation in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds and shall be binding upon Declarant,Declarant's successors and assigns,and any other party having an ownership interest in said Property or claiming to have an interest with respect to said Property as tenants,invitees,licenses or otherwise,and all of the respective heirs,successors,grantees,mortgages,assigns,agents, contractors,subcontractors and employees of the foregoing. This Declaration of Restriction is hereby intended and declared to be in perpetuity and no re-recordation of this Declaration of Restriction under G.L.c. 184,ss.23-30 or any other law shall ever be necessary in order to maintain the full legal effect and authority hereof and Declarant and its successors and assigns,including but not limited to all subsequent owners of the Property,hereby waive all their legal right to and shall forego any action in law or equity of any kind whatsoever attempting to contest the validity of any provision of this Declaration of Restriction and shall not,in any-enforcement action,raise the invalidity of any provision of this Declaration of Restriction. Notwithstanding the forgoing,the rights and obligations contained herein shall be enforceable against the current owner of said Property,and therefore,it being understood and agreed that,from and after any conveyance or transfer of all or a portion of the Property covered by this Declaration,only the transferee of said Lot shall be liable for the performance or observance of,and shall have the benefit of,said covenants and agreements herein. 3. Modification or Termination of Restrictions. This Restriction shall not be modified, amended,changed,or terminated or waived without the consent of the Declarant(or Declaranrs successor) and the consent of the Town. The Declarant as well as the Town,may enforce and,if necessary, extend this Declaration in accordance with applicable Iaw. Declarant agrees for itself,and its heirs,successors and assigns to execute and record such notices of restriction as are required to extend this Declaration in perpetuity in accordance with applicable law. The Town is hereby declared to be a benefited party to and a holder of this Declaration and the Declarant hereby appoints the Town as its attorney-in-fact to execute,acknowledge, deliver and record any such notice or instrument on its and/or their behalf,including,but not limited to any notice or instrument which may at any time be necessary to maintain this Restriction in effect in perpetuity.Without limiting the forgoing,the Declarant and its successors and assigns agree to execute any such notices and instruments upon request of the Town. 4. Enforceability, The Town shall have the authority and right to enforce this Declaration of Restriction.The Town shall have the right to bring proceedings at law or equity against any party or parties violating or attempting to violate the terms of this Declaration to enjoin them from so doing and to cause any such violation to be remedied,after providing written notice to such party or parties and the Town shall recover its attorneys fees and costs in any action of (00069271;v4) 3 Bk 13569 Pg199 #21685 enforcement. Notwithstanding the forgoing,if all or a portion of the Property is conveyed to a successor owner where a violation has occurred or will occur resulting in an enforcement action being taken,then the Town may only seek such enforcement against the owner of said lot(s) on which the violation has occurred,and therefore,it being understood and agreed that,from and after any conveyance or transfer of any portion of the Property covered by this Declaration,the transferee of said portion of the Property shall be liable for the performance or observance of, and shall have the benefit of,said covenants and agreements herein. 5. Severability. If any court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of this Declaration of Restriction is invalid or unenforceable,such provision shall be deemed to have been modified automatically to conform to the requirements for validity and enforceability as determined by such court or tribunal. In the event the provision invalidated is of such a nature that it cannot be so modified,the provision shall be deemed deleted from this instrument as though it had never been included herein. In either case,the remaining provisions of this instrument shall remain in full force and effect. 6. Non-Waiver. Any election by the Town as to the manner and timing of its right to enforce this Declaration of Restriction or otherwise exercise its rights hereunder shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver of such rights. 7. Incorporation Into Deeds. Declarant and Declarant's successors and assigns,including all subsequent owners of the Property or portions thereof,shall inform a potential purchaser in writing of this Declaration and shall incorporate this Declaration of Restriction,in full or by reference,into all deeds.Any such deed purporting to convey any portion of the Property without including this Declaration of Restriction in full or by reference shall be deemed and taken to include said Declaration of Restriction in full even though said Declaration of Restriction is not expressly described or referenced therein. 8. Recordation&egistration. Declarant shall record and/or register this Declaration of Restriction with the appropriate Registry of Deeds and/or Land Registration Office prior to any work being performed on the Property and prior to the issuance of a building permit. 9. Amendment and Release. No amendment or release of this Declaration of Restriction shall be effective unless it has been approved in writing by the Town(hereinafter the"Town Approval") and said amendment or release and the requisite Town Approval has been recorded with the appropriate Registry of Deeds and/or Land Registration Office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Cranfield Jnves ents LLC,has caused these presents to be signed,acknowledged and delivered this of J , 3. ecl EL NTS,LLC B c aur a ger 100069271;v4) 4 Bk 13569 Pg200 #21685 39 ,IshaOW,$�O�StIQsr�,�9►6t(2Q�I .t`ai�;�H iwI8 tWhA Mt a� COMMONNEONOMF MASSACHUSETTS Essex,ss. July.,2013 on IV day before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared �i proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was ❑ photographic identification with signature issued by a state governmental agency, ❑ oath or affirmation of a credible witness, ❑ personal knowledge of the undersigned, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that she/he signed it voluntarily for its stated p ose. Notary Public SEAL My Commission Expires: USA M.MERA'U'Notary Public My Commission ExpIres March 244016 (OW69271;v4) 5 Bk 13964 P936 #19186 08-29-2014 @ 01;00p NASSACH USEWS QUITCLAIM DEED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 26 STANTON WAY,NORTH ANDOVER,MA a ro Cranfield Investments LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing 410 z under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at I 1 Lafayette o� i Road,North Hampton,NSI 03862 for consideration paid,and in Full consideration.of Six u Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and 00/100($649,900.00)Dollars grants to William J. Brosnihan and Teresa M.Brosnihan,husband and wife,as tenants by the a entirety, of 51 Stanton Way,North Andover, MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants 41 N w the land in North Andover,Essex County,Massachusetts, being bounded and described as N follows: � [Description and encumbrances,if any] a a A. A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Southerly side of Stanton Way(being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced)and being shown as Lot 16-8 on Sheet A3 of a plan prepared by Jones&Beach Engineers, Inc, being entitled"Definitive Subdivision Plan,Tax Map 61,Lots 16&34&Tax Map 34,Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street&Bradford Street,North Andover,MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows, ,::LASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX Essex Noxth Registry Date: 08-29-2014 @ 01:00pm I Ctl#: 182 Doc#: 19186 .Fee: $2,964.00 Cons; $649,900.00 Bk 13964 Pg37 #19186 , t i f Beginning at a concrete/granite bound on the Southerly side of Stanton Way and at Lot I 16-7 as shown on said plan thence running along the Southerly side of Stanton Way on an are with a radius of 280.00 feet for a distance of 128,98 feet to a concrete/granite bound;thence continuing NORTH 50101' 16"Fast along the Southerly side of Stanton Way,21,03 feet to a concrete/granite bound at parcel 8 as shown on said plan;thence turning and running SOUTH 37°4547"East along Parcel B,58.33 feet to a concrete/granite bound at land 1 now or formerly of David Rollo and Jennifer Teneriello;thence turning and running SOUTH 52° 12'54"West along land now or formerly of Rollo and Teneriello, 144,02 feet to an iron pipe/iron rod set;thence turning and running SOUTH 32°49' 16"East along said land now or formerly of Rollo and Teneriello,261.25 feet to an iron pipe/iron rod at land now or formerly of JDP Development Co., Inc;thence turning and running SOUTH 58° 53'56" West along said land now or formerly of JDP Development Co.,Inc., 148.22 feet to a concrete/granite bound at Lot 16-7 as shown on said plan;thence turning and running NORTH 28°35' 13" West along Lot 16-7, 170.19 feet to a concrete/granite bound;thence continuing NORTH 031 58'51"East along said Lot I6-7,210,41 feet to the point and place of beginning, Lot 16-8 contains 45,479 square feet,more or less,according to said Plan, The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way and all of the other ways which are shown on the above referenced Plain. The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following: 1. The right,in common with others entitled thereto,to use Stanton Way for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts. 2. The right,in common with the owner of Lot 16-7,to use the common driveway for purposes of ingress and egress to and from the within lot and Stanton Way with vehicles,on foot or otherwise, 3. Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,a copy of which is recordedd in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 120, to the extent applicable, including,specifically,conditions 76, 77, 78,79 and 82 and any others which ' shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate-of t Bk 13964 Pg38 #19186 Compliance. 4. Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board approving the 9 lot,Definitive Subdivision Plan,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148,and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Conunon Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Book 13569, Page 143,all to the extent applicable. See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-Insubstantial Change (changing the street name to Stanton Way)dated September 30,2013,and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673, Page 319, 5. Pursuant to Special Condition#10 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision ' recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148,there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot. 6. Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855,Page 200, 7. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust dated July 24,2013,and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179. 8. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Basements of the � Saraeusa Way homeowners Association Trust, as it maybe hereafter amended,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry In Book 13569,Page 196. 9. The right and easement hereby reserved by the Grantor,to enable the Grantor,its employees, contractors and others,to enter onto the within described land after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, both of which are referenced hereinabove. The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred; (i)Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the Stanton Woods Subdivision,(ii)the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove,and(iii)the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, 10, The Grantor further reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, The Grantor,being the developer of the above premises,hereby states that the residential structure on the premises located on Lot 16-8,26 Stanton Way,North Andover,Massachusetts, { Bk 13964 Pg39 #19186 I I is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179, The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell Moschetto, et al,dated July 24,2013, and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 172. Witness my hand and seal this Day of Au ,201 Cranfi estm t LLC B ; c W. 4ey, er STATE OF NE AMPSHIRE . Rockingham,SS, . On this day of August,2014, before me,the undersigned notary public, personally appeared.Richard W. Careen,Manager as aforesaid,and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was a driver's license,to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, Lary blitc; My commission exp SA M.MERRIld, �foflltliFss�n�pkaa March gala ('Individual-Joint Tenants-Tennnfs In Common.) CHAPTER 183 SEC,6 AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 497 OF 1969 _ Every deed presented for record skali contain or have eadorsed upon 11 the full name,residence and postofiice address of the grantee and n recliai of the Amount of the full consideration thereof in dollars or the mature of the other consideration therefor,If not Y delivered for a speeiae monetary snm.The fail eonsideratlon shall ratan the total price for the conveyance without deduction for any lions or encumbrantts assumed by the grantee or remaiHing thereon,All such endorsements and reeliais shall be recorded as part of the decd.Folure to comply with this section shaft not affect the validity of any deed.No register of deeds shag accept a dttd for raording unless It is lm compliance with the requirtgnemis of this steflon, , Xi\lrl0ti\CrnaeleLd XNYaedg6RL0� W.C-9knnEouS�apda, 1betWY,dgvar\9alei�-8,26 etantoa\nead+W�g,kpd i i M, PAUL, IANNUCCILLO, REGISTER ESSEX NORTH REGISTRY" OF DEEDS E—RECORDED Bk 13859 Pg113 #10371 05-23-2014 @ 11:09a t i t I r i i : i t i MASSACHUSETTS QUITCLAIM DEED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 30 STANTON WAX,NORTH ANDOVER,MA i Cranfield Investments LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at 11 Lafayette I Road,North Lampton,NL 03862 for consideration paid, and in full consideration of Seven Hundred Teri Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Five and 00/100($710,385,00)Dollars i grants to Amy L, Finoechiaro,a single person of 30 Stanton Way,North Andover, MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants' the land in North Andover,Essex County, Massachusetts,being bounded and described as follows: [Description and encumbrances,if any) i A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Southwesterly side of Stanton Way(being shown as Saraeusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced)and being shown as Lot 16-7 on Sheet A3 of a plan prepared by Jones&Beach Engineers,Inc, being entitled "Definitive Subdivision Plan, Tax Map 61,Lots 16&34&Tax Map 34,Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street&Bradford Street,North Andover,MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as flan No. 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: SSACFTU'SETTS STATE EXCISE TAX Essex North Registry Date: 05-23-2014 @ 11:09am i i Ctl#: 73 Doc#: 10371 Fee: 53,239,88 Cons: $710,385,00 Bk 13859 Pg114 #10371 Beginning at a stone granite bound on the Southwesterly side of Stanton Way and Lot 16- 6 as shown on said Plan; thence running SOUTH 850 35140" East along Stanton Way, 62.94 feet to a stone granite bound;thence continuing along the Southwesterly side of Stanton Way on an arc with a radius of 280,00 feet I for a distance of 87.93 feet to a stone granite bound at Lot 16-8 as shown on said Plan; thence turning and running SOUTH 030 58' 51" West along Lot 16-8,210.41 feet to a stone granite bound; thence continuing SOUTH 280 35' 13" East along Lot 16.8, 170,19 feet to a stone granite bound at land now or formerly of JDP Development Co,, Inc.;thence turning and running SOUTH 580 53' 5611 West along said land now or formerly of JDP Development Co,, Inc. 141,17 feet to a stone granite bound at Lot 16-6 as shown on said flan;thence turning and running I NORTH 31° 0604" West along Lot 16-6, 209.79 feet to a stone granite bound;thence continuing i NORTH 02°49'48" East along said Lot 16-6,250.77 feet to the point and place of beginning, Lot 16-7 contains 60,937 square feet, more or Iess, according to said Plan, The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way and all of the other ! ways which are shown on the above referenced Plan, The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following; 1, The right, in common with others entitled thereto,to use Stanton Way for all purposes i for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts. 2, The right,in common with the owner of Lot 16.8, to use the common driveway for purposes of ingress and egress to and from the within lot and Stanton Way with vehicles,on foot or otherwise, 3. Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Boole 13569,Page 120, to , the extent applicable, including,specifically,conditions 76,77, 78, 79 and 82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to i Bk 13859 Pg115 #10371 bringing the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance, 4. Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board i approving the 9 lot, Definitive Subdivision Plan,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148, and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a ; Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Book 13569, Page 143,all to the extent applicable. See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-Insubstantial Change (changing the street name to Stanton Way)dated September 30,2013, and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673, Page 319, ' 5, Pursuant to Special Condition X10 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148,there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot. 6, Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855,Page 200. I 7. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way Homeowner ! Association Trust dated July 24, 2013,and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179. 8, Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Easements of the Saracusa Way Homeowners Association Trust, as it may be hereafter amended, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 196, 9, The right and casement hereby reserved by the Grantor,to enable the Grantor, its i employees, contractors and others, to enter onto the within described land after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, both of which are referenced hereinabove. The rights retained.herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred: (i)Grantor has applied i for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission I for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the Stanton Woods Subdivision, (ii)the Grantor has completed all work required by the North i Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove,and(iii) the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board. 10, The Grantor further reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the Worth Andover Planning Board, 4 Bk .13859 Pg116 #10371 The Grantor, being the developer of the above premises,hereby states that the residential structuxe on the premises located on Lot 16-7, 30 Stanton Way,North Andover,Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569, Page 179, The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, i Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell Moschetto,et al, dated July 24,2013, and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book ; 13569, Page 172. Witness my hand and seal this day of y 0 4. i C 1 d vest LLC i rd reen,lvh6ager 11 STATE OF NEAMPSHIRE I Rockingham, SS, i On this_ �day of May,2014,before me,the undersigned notary public,personally appeared Richard W, Green, Manager as aforesaid, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a driver's license,to be the person whose name is signed. ;; ;(i ;.',• on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily; rr its stated purpose. otazy Public. My commission exkk&C,iNEit.AND, My Commission Exp(res ("individuol•Joint Tenants-Tenants in Common.) ,7 CHAPTER 183 SEC.6 AS AM1ENI)ED BY CHAPTER 497 OF 1969 i Every deed presented for record shall contain or have endorsed upon it the full name,residence and post oftiee oddress of the t grantee and a recital of the amount of the full consideration thereof In dollars or the nature of the other consideration therefor,If not delivered for*specific monetary sum,The full consideration shall mean the total price for the conveyAnce without dcductlwn for Any lions or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon.All such endorsements And reeltalsshall be recorded as part of the deed,ratinre to comply with this section shall not offeel the validity of any deed.No register of deeds shall accept A deed for recording unios it is in compliance with the requirements of this section, 1l\sY2014\Crwtio1d ZbVestasnt/, bt4-8t4ntonHo049, nortMn4ovar\0i1R16.7, 30 Stanton\wadHAS.One,vpd i i M. PAM IANNVCCII�LO, REGISTER ESSEX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS E—RECORDED ' i Bk 14027 P:E3192 ',746!-50 c"s i O : 5?pct. MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX Es eK North Registry Date: 10-•31-2014 a 10:59am A CtI A. 204 00CY: 24650 Fee: $3)007.32 Cons. $659YI00.00 U MASSACHUSETTS QUffCLAIM DIC,FD PROPERTY ADDRESS: 35 STANTON WAY,NORTH ANDO'V1,12,MA Cranfield Investments ILC,a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State ofNew Hampshire with a principal place of business at I 1 Lafayette Road,North Hampton,NN 03862 for consideration paid,and in full consideration of Six Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand One M Hundred and 00/100 ($659,100,00) Dollars grants to Antoinetta Steely and Jeffrey Myles Steely,wife and husband, as tenants by the entirety, of 35 Stanton Way,North Andover,MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants the land in North Andover,Essex County,Massachusetts,being bounded and described as follows; [Description and encumbrances,if any A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Northeasterly �., side of Stanton Way(being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced) and being shown as Lot 16-1 on Sheet A2 of a plan prepared by Jones &Beach Engineers,Inc,being entitled"Definitive Subdivision Plan, Tax Map 61,Lots 16 &34&Tax Map 34, Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street&Bradford Street,North Andover, MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as plan No. 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Bk 14027 Pg193 #24650 Beginning at a concrete/granite bound set on the Northeasterly side of Stanton Way and at Lot 16-2 as shown on said Plan, thence running NORTH 351 06'43"West along Lot 16-2,241.46 feet to a concrete/granite bound at land now or formerly of Carey Storage I LLC,thence turning and running NORTH 10° 57' 02"East along land now or formerly of Carey Storage 1 LLC, 139.73 feet to an iron pipe found at land now or formerly of Gioseffi,thence turning and running SOUTH 41' 14' 30" Eas! along land of Gioseffi; 443.28 feet to a concrete/granite bound on the Northeasterly side of Stanton Way,thence turning and running along the Northeasterly side of Stanton Way on an arc with a radius of 230.00 feet for a distance of 66.13 feet to a concrete/granite bound, thence continuing NORTH 85°35' 40"West along the Northeasterly side of Stanton Way, 119,92 feet to the point and place of beginning. Lot 16-1 contains 43,561 square feet, more or less, according to said Plan. The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way and all of the other ways which arc shown on the above referenced Plan, The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the Following; t. The right, in common with others entitled thereto,to use Stanton Way for all purposes .for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts. � 2. Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569, Page 120, to the extent applicable, including, specifically, conditions 76, 77,78, 79 and 82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing { the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. 3. Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board approving the 9 lot, Definitive Subdivision Plan, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148, and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a Cotnmon Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011, which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Book 13569, E Page 143, all to the extent applicable. See also Definitive Subdivision Decision -Insubstantial Bk 14027 Pg194 #24650 Change (changing the street name to Stanton Way)dated September 30, 2013, and recorded with said Registry in Boole 13673,Page 319, 4, Pursuant to Special Condition##10 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 148, there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot. 5. Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855, Page 200, 6, Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust dated July 24,2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 179. 7. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Easements of the Saracusa Way Homeowners Association Trust, as it may be hereafter amended, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 196, R. The right and easement hereby reserved by the Grantor, to enable the Grantor, its employees, contractors and others, to enter onto the within described land after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, both of which are referenced hereinabove. The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred; (i) Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the l Stanton Woods Subdivision, (ii)the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove, and (iii) the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, 9. The Grantor further reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, The Grantor,being the developer of the above premises, hereby states that the residential structure on the premises located on Lot 16-1, 35 Stanton Way, North Andover, Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569, Page 179, The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Bk 14027 Pg195 #24650 Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell Moschetto, et a1, dated July 24,2013, and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Boole, 13569, Page 172, Witness my hand and seal thisy of October, an is„tjarn, ger STATE OF NEW HA MPSHM Rockingham, SS, On this day of October,2014, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Richard W, Green,Manager as aforesaid, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a driver's license, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,and a6mowledged to me that lie signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, No ry Public. i My commies *F,%Lt,,Notary pubik My Corritnisslon 5xpires March 242016 (*Individual-Jotlut Tennnts-Tenauts pt Gammon.) CHAPT>aR I83 SEC,6 AS ANX-NDED BY CIMPTCR 497 0111969 Every deed presented for record sbAll contain or hnvc endorsed upon it the full name,residence and post office address of the f grantee and A reciinl of the nmount of the full consideration thereof in dollars or the nature of the other consideraiion therefor,if not t delivered for A speuifie monetary sunt,The full eonsidcration shall mean the totAl price for the conveyanee without dednctiou for any licus or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon.All such endorsements And reetinis shrill be recorded as part'of tife decd,Failure to comply with this section shrill not affect the validity of any deed,No register of deeds AM]accept a deed for recording unless it is in compliance with file requirements of this section. L�YY2el4\Cranfield Investmonto, LLC•aGAntonHaods, HortL?.ndovaY�Snto?6-1, 3s staAGpn\naadnxrong,wvd i i i :L IL 14-6 ►�+ _ - d*+�+ ter . :L + MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX E sax North Res+5cry S'ta: �) —iS�2�ii5 7 11:i ctm CF I O 166 11146 Fee: $37146.40 Cons: $659x900.00 MASSACHUSETTS QUITCLAIM DEED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 42 STANTON WAY,NORTH ANDOVRR,MA Cranfield Investments LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at i 1 Lafayette Road, North Hampton,NH 03862 for consideration paid, and in full consideration of Six Hundred Eighty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and 00/100 ($689,900.00) Dollars grants to ,Tustin A, Hahn and Susan E, Hahn, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety, of 42 Stanton Way,North Andover, MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants the land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, being bounded and described as follows: [Description and encumbrances, if any] A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Southerly side of Stanton Way (being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced) and being shown as Lot 16-6 on Sheet A3 of a plan prepared by Jones &Beach Engineers, Inc,being entitled "Definitive Subdivision Plan, Tax Map 61, Lots 16 &34 &Tax Map 34, Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street&Bradford Street,North Andover, MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Bk 14226 Pg77 #11146 Begin-ring at a concrete/granite bound on the Southerly side of Stanton-Way and at Lot 16-7 as shown on said plan, thence running NORTH 85° 35' 40" West along the Southerly side of Stanton Way 57.89 feet to a concrete/granite bound at the intersection of a private right of way; thence running along said private right of way on an are,with a radius of 15,00 feet for a distance of 26,56 feet to another concrete/granite bound;thence continuing SOUTH 07° 0l'45".East along said private right of way 198.75 feet to another concrete/granite bound;thence continuing along said private Fight of way on an arc with a radius of 85,00 feet for a distance of 43.80 feet to a concretc/granite bound; thence continuing SOUTH 22°21' 30" West along said private right of way 148,05 feet to a concrete/granite bound on the Easterly side of said private right of way; thence turning and running SOUTH 31° 00' 08" East along said private right of way 25,17 feet to another concrete/granite bound; thence continuing SOUTH 31° 00' 08" East along Lot 31, 118.32 feet to an iron pipe/iron rod at land now or formerly of JDP Development Co,, Inc.; thence turning and running NORTH 58° 53' 56"East along said land now or formerly of,IDP Development Co., Inc,, 155.21 feet to a concrete/granite bound at Lot 16-7 as shown on said plan; thence turning and running NORTH 311 06' 04" West along Lot 16-7, 209.79 feet to a concretelgranite bound;thence turning and running NORTH 02°49'48"East along Lot 16-7, 250,77 feet to the point and place of beginning, Lot 16-6 contains 43,924 square feet, more or less, according to said Plan, The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way and all of the other ways which are shown on the above referenced Plan, The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following; 1, The right, in common with others entitled thereto,to use Stanton Way and the Private Right of Way for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts, Notwithstanding the foregoing, parking of vehicles on the Private Right of Way is prohibited, Bk 14226 Pg78 #11146 2. Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North .District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569, Page 120, to the extent applicable, including, specifically, conditions 76, 77, 78, 79 and 82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. 3. Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North.Andover Planning Board approving the 9 lot, Definitive Subdivision Plan, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Boole 13569,Page 148, and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Book 13569, Page 143,all to the extent applicable. See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-)nsubstantial Change (changing the street name to Stanton Way)dated September 30, 2013, and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673, Page 319, 4. Pursuant to Special Condition 410 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 148, there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot, 5. Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855, Page 200, 6. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust dated July 24, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 179, 7. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Easements of the Saracusa Way Homeowners Association Trust,as it may be hereafter amended, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 196, 8. The right and easement hereby reserved by the Grantor, to enable the Grantor,its employees, contractors and others, to enter onto the within described land after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, both of which are referenced hereinabove. The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred; (i) Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the Stanton Woods Subdivision, (ii) the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove, and(iii) the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board. Bk 14226 Pg79 #11146 9. The Grantor further reserves the tight to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, The Grantor, being the developer of the above premises,hereby states that the residential structure on the premises located on Lot 16-6, 42 Stanton Way,North.Andover,Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569, Page 179. The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell Moschetto, et al, dated July 24, 2013, and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569, Page 172. Witness my band and seal this day oZMay , Cran s LLC B : and W. eon, anager STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Rockingham., SS. On this day of May,2015, before me,the undersigned notary public,personally appeared Richard W, Green, Manager as aforesaid, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was a driver's license, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he sighed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, aty Public; My commission expires; i eNEE G.WEILAND,Notary public My Oornmission Expires October 10,2018 (*tndlvltlnal-JohU Tenants-Tenanfs In Common.) CHAPTER 183 SEC.6 AS Ah4ENDED BY CHAPTER 497 OF 1969 Every deed presented for record shalt contain or have endorsed upon It file full name,residence and post office address of the grantee and n recital of the amount of the full consideration thorcofin dollars or the nature of the other consideratiott therefor,if not delivered for a specific monetary sum.Tile full consideration shall mean the total price for the conveyance without deduction for any liens or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon.All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of the deed,Failte to comply with this seeilon shall not affect the valldity of any deed.No register of deeds shall accept a deed for recording untess it is in compliance with the requirements of this section. X,\rY2014\Cry fleld YavastMOAtA, LLC-ataatOANgoda, NorthAndOvpr\epTpt6-6, !Z akantOA\DeedHTO',ong.trpd Bk 13867 Pg157 #11052 05-30-2014 @ 02:15p i MA.SSACHUSFTTS QUITCLAIM DEED � PROPERTY ADDRESS: 46 STANTON WAY,NORTH ANDOVER, MA S' Cranfield Investments LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at I I Lafayette Road,North Hampton,N1403862 t for consideration paid, and in full consideration of Seven Hundred Twenty Thousand and 001100 � ($720,000.00)Dollars -�- grants to Ramanathan K. Ramanathan and Meena Vairavan,husband and wife, as tenants by the ' V-) entirety of 46 Stanton Way,North Andover,MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants the land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, being bounded and described as follows: [Description and encumbrances, if any] A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Southwesterly side of Stanton Way(being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced)and being shown as Lot 31 on Sheet A3 of a plan prepared by Jones&Beach Engineers, Inc, being entitled i "Definitive Subdivision flan,Tax Map 61,Lots 16&34 &Tax Map 34, Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street& Bradford Street,North Andover, MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: .iSSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX Essex North Registry Date: 05-•30-2014 @ 02:15pm Ctl#: 247 Doc#: 11052 Fee: $3,283.20 Cons: $720,000.00 Bk 13867 Pg158 #11052 Beginning at a point on a Private Right of Way as shown on said Plan and at Lot 16-5; thence running SOUTH 580 58'20" West along Lot 16.5, 194.26 feet to a stone granite bound;thence turning and running SOUTH 02121' 32"East along the retraining portion of Map 34, Lot 31,220,03 feet to a stone granite bound at land now or formerly ofJDP Development Co., Inc,; thence turning and running NORTH 58°59' 52" East along land now or formerly JDP Development Co,,Inc, 299.73 feet to a iron pipe/iron rod at Lot 16-6 as shown on said Plan; thence turning and running NORTH 310 00'08" West along Lot 16-6, 118,32 feet to a stone granite bound at a ' Private Right of Way; thence turning and running SOUTH 22121'30" West along said Private Right of Way 18,97 feet to a stone granite bound; thence turning and running NORTH 67°38'30" West along said Private Right of Way 80.00 feet to a stone granite bound; thence turning and running NORTH 220 21' 30" East along said Private Right of Way 30,00 feet to astonc granite bound;thence turning and running SOUTH 670 38'30" East along said Private Right of Way 19.80 feet to a stone granite bound; thence turning and running NORTH 22°21'30" Fast along said Private Right of Way 33,74 feet to the point and place of beginning. Lot 31 contains 47,703 square feet, more or less,according to said Plan. i The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way,the Private Right of Way, and all of the other ways which are shown on the above referenced Plan, t The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following; 1. The right, in common with others entitled thereto, to use Stanton Way and the Private Right of Way for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover Massachusetts, Notwithstanding foregoing,, g the fore g g,parking of vehicles on the Private . Right of Way is prohibited, 2. Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569, Page 120,to the extent applicable, including, specifically,conditions 76, 77,78, 79 and 82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, The Grantor herein hereby ' agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. 4, Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board approving the 9 lot, Definitive Subdivision Plan,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Bk 13867 Pg159 # 11052 Book 13569, Page 148, and in the decision of the Noah Andover Planning Board granting a Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception:Decision is recorded in Book 13569, Page 143, all to the extent applicable, See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-Insubstantial Change (changing the street name to Stanton Way)dated September 30,2013, and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673, Page 319, 5, Pursuant to Special Condition 410 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148, there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot. 6. Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8,2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855,Page 200, 7. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way homeowner Association Trust dated July 24,2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179. 8, Terms and provisions of the Declaration of restrictions and Easements of the Saracusa Way Homeowners Association Trust, as it may be hereafter amended,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 196, 9, The night and easement hereby reserved by the Grantor, to enable the Grantor, its employees,contractors and others, to enter onto the within described Iand after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, both of which are referenced hereinabove. The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred: (i) Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the i Stanton Woods Subdivision,(ii) the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove, and(iii)the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board. 10, The Grantor further reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board. The Grantor,being the developer of the above premises,hereby states that the residential structure on the premises located on Lot 31, 46 Stanton Way,North Andover,Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way fIomeowner Association Trust ; recorded with said Registry in Book 13569, Page 179. F i i Bk 13867 Pg160 #11052 The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russel l Moschetto,et al, dated July 24,2013,and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569, Page 172. Witness my hand and seal this GO day opchlrrd 'reen, Cras LLC B ✓" Manager STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Rockingham, SS, On this 29 day of May,2014, before me, the undersigned notary public,personally 1 appeared Richard W, Green, Manager as aforesaid, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was a driver's license,to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily 'or r its stated purpose, `-'Notary Public, My commission expires: s` . 15NMe G.WEILAND,Not"public A6.1 f'1nmmission expires October 16,2018 i (*hldividuai-doint'renants-'rennnts in Common,) CHAPTER 183 STC.G AS AMENDED R'r'cnAp,=497 Or, 1969 Every deed presented for record shall comtaln or hnve endorsed upon It the full mune,residence And post office address of the grantee and a recital of the nmomu of the full considerntion tbereorin dollars or the nature of lite other consideration therefor,If not delivered for a specifle moneiny sem,The full considerntlon shall menu the(nlal price for the eonveyaoce without deduction for any (lens or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or renahulug thereon,All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of the deed.Failure to eomply%vith this scellon strap not affect the validity of any decd.No register of deeds shalt accept a deed for recording unless it is in compliance\vlth the requiremenis of this section, r,\FY2011\Cranr1e1d Inveatmenta, LLC-StantonWoeda, xOrth,cndOver\9616LOt11,�4 8t6gCon\nd6deULong,xpd I M. PAUL IANNUCCILLO, REGISTER ESSEX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS E—RECORDED Bk 14274 Ps5l X5 .43 06-25-2 015 & 01 =01P MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX Essex North Resistru 0Qtp: 06-25-2015 a ral:GjpM GtZr: 91 Da,�:X: 25145 EP_e: #2,941.20 Cans: 64SOr7r?.r)rJ J.19(ASSACFIUSEM QUfrCIA)M DMM PROPERTY ADDRESS; 50 STANTON WAY,NOR OVER,MA Cranfield Investments LLC, a hu iced liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at 11 Lafayette Road,North Hampton,NH 03862 for consideration paid, and in full consideration of Six Hundred Forty-Five Thousand and 00/100($645,000.00)Dollars grants to Christopher W. Balduino and Heather Sherlock, of 50 Stanton Way,North Andover,MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants the land in North Andover, Essen County,Massachusetts, being bounded and described as follows: [Description and encumbrances,if any] A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Northerly side of Stanton Way(being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced) and being shown as Lot 16-5 on Sheet A3 of a plan prepared by Jones &Beach Engineers,Inc.being entitled "Definitive Subdivision Plan, Tax Map 61, Lots 16 &34&Tax Map 34,Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street&Bradford Street,North Andover,MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Bk 14274 Pg52 #15143 Beginning at a concrete/granite bound on the southerly side of Stanton Way and the westerly side of a private right of way,thence running along Stanton Way on an are with a radius of 200 feet for a distance of 11.83 feet to a concrete/granite bound; thence continuing SOUTH 78°07'48"West along the southerly side of Stanton Way 59.93 feet to a concrete granite bound; thence continuing along Stanton Way on an are with,a radius of 50 feet for a distance of 47.79 feet to a concrete/granite bound;thence continuing along said Stanton Way on an are with a radius of 80 feet for a distance of 51.19 feet to a concrete/granite bound at Lot 16-4 as shown on said plan;thence turning and running SOUTH 00° 3213 8"West along Lot 16-4, 164.31 feet to a concrete/granite bound;thence tarring and running SOUTH 851 27' 32"West alongLot 16-4, 139.52 feet to a concrete/granite bound at Lot 16 as shown on said plan; thence turning and running SOUTH 02°47' 29" East along Lot 16,252.12 feet to a point at land being Lot 4 on Map 34;thence turning and running NORTH 58° 58'20"East along Lots 4 and 31 on Map 34 and Lot 31 as shown,on said plan 112.71 feet and 194.26 feet to an iron pipe/iron rod;thence turning and running NORTH 22°21' 30"East along the private right of way, 116.30 feet to a concrete/granite bound; thence continuing along said private right of way on an arc with a radius of 45 feet for a distance of 23.08 feet to a concrete/granite bound;thence continuing NORTH 07 01' 45"West along said private right of way,208.16 feet to a concrete/granite bound; thence continuing along said private right of way on an are with a radius of 15.00 feet for a distance of 23.94 feet to the point and place of beginning. Lot 16-5 contains 2.058 acres, more or less,according to said Plan. The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way a/k/a Saracusa Way and all of the other ways which are shown on the above referenced Plan. The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following: 1. The right,in comaian with others entitled thereto, to use Stanton Way a/k/a Saracusa Way and the Private Right of Way for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover,Massachusetts. Notwithstanding the foregoing,parking of vehicles on the Private Right of Way is prohibited. Bk 14274 Pg53 #15143 2. Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 120, to the extent applicable,including,specifically, conditions 76, 77, 78,79 and.82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing the property mato compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. 3. Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board approving the 9 lot, Definitive Subdivision Plan, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 148, and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a Common.Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Book 13569, Page 143, all to the extent applicable, See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-Insubstantial Change(changing-the streetname to Stanton Way)dated September 30,2013, and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673, Page 319, 4. Pursuant to Special Condition#10 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148, there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot, 5, Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8,2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855,Page 200. 6, Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust dated July 24, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in.Book 13569,Page 179, 7. Team and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Easements of the Saracusa Way Homeowners.Association Trust; as it may be hereafter amended, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 196, 8. The right and easement hereby reserved by the Grantor, to enable the Grantor,its employees,contractors and others, to enter onto the within described land after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,both of which are referenced hereinabove, The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred; (i) Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the Stanton Woods Subdivision, (ii) the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove, and(iii)the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board. Bk 14274 Pg54 #15143 9. The Grantor fiu'ther reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, The Grantor,being the developer of the above premises,hereby states that the residential structure on the premises located on Lot 16-5, 50 Stanton Way,North Andover,Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association 'frust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179, The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell Moschetto, et at, dated July 24,2013, and recorded with the Essen North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569, Page 172. Witness my hand and seal this day of 2015. C d ve is LLC r B . c r e anager STATE OF W HAMPSHIRE Rockingham, SS. On this g.5 day of , 2015,before me,the undersigned notary public,personally appeared Ric d W. Green,Manager as aforesaid, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was a driver's license,to be the person whose name is signed,on the preceding or attached document, and aelmowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. ti No Public: My commission expirUess:: M MMita-,Wtk y Punic SA (*7ndlildual-JointTenants-Tenants in Counnon} My Commission t" ►µvetch 13t ZO"�0 CH&P'17d2183 S1aJC.6 AS Ant MM)l3XCHAP'17xt497 of 1969 ?wry deedpresentedfor records hallcontain or have endorsed upon it the full name,residence andpost office adkkess of the grantee and a recital of tide amount of the full consideration thereoflu dollars or the nature of the other consideration therefor,if not deliveredfar a specitic monetary sum The full considieration shall mean the total price for the conveyance mithout deduction for any liens or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon.All such endorsements andrecitals shall be recorded as part of the �` `• deed Failure to comgly with this section shall not affect the validity of any deed.No register of deeds shall accept PL deed for recording unless itis in con#tance mith the regtilremeuts of this section. ' T;\rY2014\Cra f4ald rn"Ob onto, MC-atsntgnHoodn, NattLAndoves\Sa1oa6-55Q Stanton\beedNALong.trpd v , Mk 13V91 P0156 -1538 MASSACHUSETTS STATE: EXCISE TAX Essex North Ete915tru Dute. 09--26-2014 4 03'•34aa Ct14: 413 Docxn 21538 Feee $3x319.+58 Cons: $727075.00 MASSACHUSETTS QUITCLAIM DEED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 51 STANTON WAY)NORTH ANDOVER,MA "r- Cranfield Cranfield Investments LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at 11 Lafayette Road,North Hampton, NH 03 862 for consideration paid, and in full consideration of Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-Five and 00/100 ($727,775,00)Dollars grants to Roger D, Sheldon, a single person of 51 Stanton Way,North Andover, MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants the land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, being bounded and described as follows: [Description and encumbrances,if any] A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Northerly side of Stanton Way(being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced) and being shown as Lot 16-2 on Sheet A2 of a plan prepared by Jones &Beach Engineers, Inc, being entitled"Definitive Subdivision Plan, Tax Map 61, Lots 16 & 34 & Tax Map 34, Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street&Bradford Street,North Andover, MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Bk 13991 Pg157 #21538 Beginning at a concrete/granite bound situated on the Northerly side of Stanton Way at .Lot 16-3; thence running NORTH 420 57' 56" West along Lot 16-3 as shown on said Plan, 254,78 feet to a concrete/granite bound at land now or formerly of Carey Storage 1 LLC;thence turning and running SOUTH 76° 18' 12"East along said land now or formerly of Carey Storage 1 LLC,282.34 feet to an iron pipe found; thence turning and running NORTH 10° 57' 02"East along said land now or formerly of Carey Storage 1 LLC,60,27 feet to a concrete/granite bound at Lot 16-1 as shown on said plan; thence turning and running SOUTH 35° 06' 43" East along Lot 16-1, 241.46 feet to a concrete/granite bound situated on the Northerly side of Stanton Way; thence turning and running NORTH 851 35' 40" West along the Northerly side of Stanton Way, 30.13 feet to a concrete/granite bound;thence running along the Northerly side of Stanton Way on an arc.with a radius of 250 feet for a distance of 71,02 feet to a concrete/granite bound; thence continuing SOUTH 780 07'48" West along the Northerly side of Stanton Way, 59,93 feet to a concrete/granite bound, thence continuing along the Northerly side of Stanton Way on an arc with a radius of 50.00 feet for a distance of 47.79 feet to another concrete/granite bound; thence continuing along the Northerly side of Stanton Way on an arc with a radius of 80,00 feet for a distance of 52,79 feet to the point and place of beginning, Lot 16-2 contains 43,663 square feet,more or less, according to said Plan. The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way and all of the other ways which are shown on the above referenced flan, The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following, 1. The right, in common with others entitled thereto, to use Stanton Way for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover,Massachusetts. 2, Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 120, to the extent applicable, including,specifically, conditions 76, 77, 78, 79 and 82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance, 3. Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board approving the 9 lot, Definitive Subdivision Plan, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Bk 13991 Pg158 #21538 l Book 13569,Page 148, and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Book 13569, Page 143,all to the extent applicable. See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-Insubstantial Change (changing the sheet name to Stanton Way)dated September 30,2.013,and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673,Page 319, 4. Pursuant to Special Condition#10 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148,there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot. 5. Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855, Page 200, 6. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust dated July 24, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569, Page 179. T.Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Easements of the Saracusa Way Homeowners Association Trust, as it may be hereafter amended, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page t96, 8, The right and casement hereby reserved by the Grantor,to enable the Grantor, its employees, contractors and others,to enter onto the within described land after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits -issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,both of which are referenced hereinabove, The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred: (i) Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the Stanton Woods Subdivision, (ii) the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove, and (iii) the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board. 9, The Grantor further reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, The Grantor, being the developer of the above premises,hereby states that the residential structure on the premises located on Lot 16-2, 51 Stanton Way,North Andover,Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179. I . l Bk 13991 Pg159 #21538 The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell 1bloschetto, et 1 aI, dated July 24, 2013,and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 172. i Witness my hand and seal this PTiay of ust, 2 : 4, Cr d Inv t ats LLC B 1 and r n, anagen j STATE OF NEW k1AMPSMRIr Rockingham, SS, On this day of August, 2014, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Richard W, Green,Manager as aforesaid,and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a drivWs license,to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. gotary�P�ublic: My commission exp} .MER^-,U,Natarytyubtl, Ivry oQmmission t"•xpv,3s March 241201 (*1ndividunl-Joint Tenants-Tenants in Common,) CHAPTER 183 SEC.6 AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 497 OF 1969 Every deed presented for record shall contaln or have endorsed upon li the full name,residence and post office address of the grantee and a recital of the amount of the full eonsiderAtion thereof in dollars or the nature of the other consideration therefor,if not delivered.for n specific monetary sum.The fall consideration shall mean the total price for the conveyance without deduction for any liens or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon.All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of thr' deed,Failure to comply with this section shall not affect the validity of any deed,No register of deeds shall Aeeepta deed ror recording unless It is in compliance with the requircmcnts of this section. =t\Fy2e14\CrAnri61d lnvasttmnta, T,UQ-stmntonxcodur Itoxtt�tn4wor\eq'A olb-Z,6?.Skantou\naonttALong.vpd E t i 1 sseGrthTRsistrEXGISE TAXExNoey Gate: 10--16-2014 8 02.11am ctit: 128 DofY. 233713 Fee; X2,872.90 Gons3 $629r9 O.00 i MASSA,CHUS3,TTS QUITCLAIM DEED PROPERTY ADDRESS 64 STANTON'WAY,NORTH ANDOVER, MA Cranfield Investments LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at I I Lafayette Road,North Hampton,NH 03862 for consideration paid, and in full consideration of Six Hundred Twenty-Nino Thousand Nine Hundred and 00/100 ($629,900.00)DoIIars i grants to Joseph Byrne and'Tamara Byrne,wife and husband,as tenants by the entirety, of 64 Stanton Way,North Andover,MA 01$45 with quitclaim covenants the land in North Andover,Essex County,Massachusetts,being:bounded and described as follows: (Description and encumbrances,if any) A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Southerly side of Stanton'Way(being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced)and being shown as Lot 16-4 on Sheet A3 of a plan prepared by Jones &Beach Engineers,Inc, being entitled "Definitive Subdivision Plan,Tax Map 61,Lots 16 &34&Tax Map 34, Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street&Bradford Street,North Andover,MA"said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registry of heeds as Plan No, 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: t ! ► Bk 14012 Pg153 #23370 Beginning at a concrete granite bound on the Southwesterly side of Stanton Way and at Lot 16-5 as shown on said plan,thence running + SOUTH 00°32'38" West along Lot 16-5, 164.31 feet to a concrete granite bound;thence turning and running SOUTH 85127'32"West along Lot 16-5, 139.52 feet to a concrete granite bound; thence +++ continuing SOUTH 850 27' 32" West along the remaining land 100.13 feet to a concrete granite bound; thence turning and running NORTH 031105'54"West along said remaining land 184.20 feet to a concrete granite bound at Lot 16-3 as shown on said plan;thence tulming and running NORTH 86"25'05"Bast along Lot 16-3, 113.85 feet to a concrete granite bound;thence turning and running NORTH 221 4721"Fast along said Lot 16-3,48.20 feet to a concrete granite bound on the westerly side of Stanton Way; thence running along Stanton Way on an arc with a radius of 80,00 feet for a distance of 150.28 feet to the point and place of beginning. Lot 16-4 contains 43,714 square feet,more or less, according to said Plan. The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way and all of the other ways which are shown on the above referenced Plan. The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following; 1, The right,in common with others entitled thereto,to use Stanton Way for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in the Town of North Andover,Massachusetts. 2, Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 120,to the extent applicable,including,specifically,conditions 76,77,78, 79 and 82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance, 3, Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board approving the 9 lot, Definitive Subdivision Plan, a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148, and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Boob 13569, Page 143,all to the extent applicable. See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-Insubstantial Change(changing the street name to Stanton Way)dated September 30,2013, and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673,Page 319. Bk 14012 Pg154 #23370 4. Pursuant to Special Condition##10 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148, there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot, S. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saraeusa Way Homeowner Association Trust dated July 24, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179, 6, Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Easements of the Saracusa Way homeowners Association Trust,as it may be.hereafter amended,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 196, 7. Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8,2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855,Page 200, 8. The right and easement hereby reserved by the Grantor-, to enable the Grantor,its ' employees, contractors and others,to enter onto the within described land ager delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission, both of which are referenced hereinabove. The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred:(i) Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the Stanton Woods Subdivision,(ii)the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove, and (iii) the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, 9. The Grantor further reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, The Grantor, being the developer of the above premises, hereby states that the residential structure on the premises located on Lot 16-4, 64 Stanton Way,North Andover,Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179, The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell Moschetto, et al, dated July 24,2013,and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 172, I l Bk 14012 Pg155 #23370 Witness my hand and seal this'teday of Oct ber,2014. ranfie estments B —R4ha-rd-W­Gr1K+,'1Vnag0r STATE OV NEW HAMPSRM I Rockingham, SS, On this��day of October,2014, before me,the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Richard W. Green,Manager as aforesaid, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a driver's license,to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, �A L of Public; M commissial e EaRiLt.,tVntary,l't. �' on Expires March 242015 (*Individual-rolnt Tenants-Tcnants in Common,) CNAPTEft 183 SEC.b AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 499 Or I969 Every deed presented for record shall Contain or have endorsed upon it the full name,residence and post office address of the ti grantee and a recital of the nmount of the full consideration thereof In dollars or the nature of the other consideration therefor,Irnot delivered far a specifie monetary sum.The full eonslderatlon shall mean the total price for the convcyancewithout deduction for any liens or encumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon,All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of the deed,Failure to comply with this section shall not affect the validity of any deed.No register of deeds shall accept a deed for recording unless it is in compliance with The requirements or this section, It\rY2014\Ctnn"e1d Invontmentn, 1 0e1n:ntaaHoodet NorthAndavarlHalold�l,6d 8tpnt0a\�eadW,I,oa7.wyd I I i i P-k ":t405d=.�2 6 S � 23 9_.4 � ('MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX ' Essex North Registry Date: 12-03-2014 c& 10:53am CtX4a 26 Doer: 272339 Eery< $31032,40 Cons: $6647900.00 t I MASSAQWSETTS QVITCLAW DEED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 65 STANTON WAY,NORTR ANDOVER,MA Cranfield Investments LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing, under the laws of the State of New Hampshire with a principal place of business at 11 Lafayette Road,North Hampton,NH 03862 for consideration paid,and in full consideration of Six Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred and 00/100 ($664,900,00)Dollars grants to Joseph Ruotolo and Julie A, Ruotolo,husband and We, as tenants by the entirety, of 65 Stanton Way,North Andover,MA 01845 with quitclaim covenants the land in North Andover,Essex County,Massachusetts,being bounded and described as follows: [Description and encumbrances, if any] A certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon situated on the Northwesterly side of Stanton Way(being shown as Saracusa Way on the plan hereinafter referenced) and being shown as Lot 16-3 on Sheet A2 of a plan prepared by Jones&Beach Engineers,Inc.being entitled "Plan Name:Lot Layout plat,Project: Tax Map 61,Lots 16,34 and Map 34 Lot 31, 1679 Osgood Street and Bradford Street,North Andover,NIA, Owner of Record: GMZ Realty Trust& SPEC Realty Trust,Dated 8/20/07 with revisions through 11/9/11, Scale 1 11=40"said plan being Bk 14058 Pg269 #27239 f I E recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No, 16957 and said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows; i Beginning at a concrete/granite bound on the Northerly side of Stanton Way and at Lot 16-2 as shown on said flan;thence running NORTH 42°57'56"West along Lot 16-2,254.78 feet to a concrete/granite bound at land now or formerly of Carey Storage 1 LLC;thence turning and running NORTH 761 18' 12"West along said land now or formerly of Carey Storage 1 LLC, 19.98 feet to a concrete/granite bound at remaining land as shown on said Plan,thence running along said remaining land on an arc with a radius of 858,78 feet for a distance of 217,15 feet to a concrete/granite bound; thence running SOUTH 02°21' 03"East along said remaining land 125.07 feet to a concrete/granite bound at Lot 16-4 as shown on said flan; thence turning and running NORTH 861 25'05" East along said Lot 16-4, 113.85 feet to a concrete/granite bound; thence turning and.running NORTH 22°47'21"East along said Lot 16-4,48.20 feet to a concrete/granite bound on the Westerly side of Stanton Way;thence running along the Northwesterly side of Stanton Way on an are with a radius of 80 feet for a distance of 128.97 feet to the point and place of beginning. Lot 16-3 contains 43,618 square feet,more or less, according to said flan. The grantor hereby specifically reserves the fee in and to Stanton Way and all of the other ways which are shown on the above referenced flan, The above described premises are conveyed together with the benefit of and subject to the following; 1. The right, in common with others entitled thereto,to use Stanton Way for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in the Town of:North Andover,Massachusetts. 2, Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,a copy of which is recorded in the Essex North District Registry of Deeds In Book 13569,.Page 120, to the extent applicable, including, specifically, conditions 76, 77, 78,79 and 82 and any others which shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, The Grantor herein hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee herein from any and all expenses relative to bringing the property into compliance with the Order of Conditions and obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. i Bk 14058 Pg270 #27239 3, Terms and provisions contained in the decision of the North Andover planning Board I approving the 9 lot,Definitive Subdivision plan,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148, and in the decision of the North Andover Planning Board granting a f Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Special Permits by Decision dated September 20, 2011,which Common Driveway and Frontage Exception Decision is recorded in Book 13569, Page 143,all to the extent applicable. See also Definitive Subdivision Decision-Insubstantial t Change(changing the street name to Stanton Way)dated September 30,2013,and recorded with said Registry in Book 13673, page 319. 4. Pursuant to Special Condition#i10 in the North Andover Planning Board's Decision recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 148,there shall be no further division or subdivision of part or a portion of the lot. 5. Grant of Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company by instrument dated November 8, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13855,Page 200, 6. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Trust of the Saracusa Way Homeowner Association Trust dated July 24, 2013, and recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179. 7. Terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions and Easements of the Saraoma Way Homeowners Association Trust, as it may be hereafter amended,a copy of which is recorded in said Registry in Book 13569,Page 196, 8. The right and easement hereby reserved by the Grantor,to enable the Grantor,its employees, contractors and others,to enter onto the within described land after delivery of the deed to complete any site work which may be necessary to comply with the terms of the permits issued by the North,Andover Planning Board and/or the Order of Conditions issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission,both of which are referenced hereinabove, The rights retained herein shall terminate once all of the following have occurred: (i)Grantor has applied for and received Certificates of Compliance from the North Andover Conservation Commission for the Orders of Condition referenced above which affect or regulate the work within the Stanton.Woods Subdivision, (ii)the Grantor has completed all work required by the North Andover Planning Board pursuant to the decisions issued by said Board which are referenced hereinabove, and(iii)the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, 9. The Grantor further reserves the right to modify any of the above referenced documents to the extent necessary to comply with the terms of the Planning Board decisions which are referenced hereinabove until such time as the Grantor has received a release of any and all surety bonds and/or performance guaranties with the North Andover Planning Board, The Grantor, being the developer of the above premises,hereby states that the residential, structure on the premises located on Lot 16-3, 65 Stanton Way,North Andover,Massachusetts, is in compliance with the Declaration of Trust of The Saracusa Way Homeowner Association 'frust recorded with said Registry in Book 13569,Page 179. f i Bk 14058 Pg271 #27239 !I i I i The within transfer does not represent all or substantially all of the assets of the Grantor j located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed of Russell Mosohetto,of j al, dated July 24,2013, and recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 13569,Page 171 Witness my hand and seat this Ody of Nover, 15. Cra 1 v s 1;C Ri and W, r n,Manager STATE Off'N AMPS>E M Rockingham,SS, On this day of November, 2015, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appe red Richard W. Green,Manager as aforesaid,and proved to me,through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a driver's license,to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, 4,4 N to Public: My commission expires: -S/a t l J ('Zndlvidual-MatTenants-Tenants In Common.) t CHAPTER 183 SEC.6 AS Ah4EN URD 13Y CHAPTER 497 OF 1969 Every deed presented for record shall contain or have endorsed upon It the fall name,residence and post office address of the grantee and a recital of flit amount of the full consideration thereof la dollars or the nature of the other consideration therefor,if not delivered for a specille monetary suns.The fill eonsidct•aHon 811011 mean the total Price for the convoym,ce without deduction for any liens or eneumbravecs assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon.All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of the deed,Failure to comply with this section shalt not affect the validity of any deed.No register of deeds shall accept it deed for recording unless itis In compliance with lite requirements of ibis section, 1;\YY2e14\oranttold raventmdnCp. WR-ptantonWoodo, 11ortWmdov4,r\ai1e16-3,65 atanton\nee&UU.ang.wpd !t 1