HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 9/20/2011 DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION Agreement to extend time required to take action on a Definitive Subdivision Pian 1. On 7/16/10 an application was received by the North Andover Planning Board (date) submitted by Jones&Beach Engineers, Inc. (name of applicant or applicant's representative) 1679 Osgood Street for a Definitive Subdivision under (street address of subdivision) Massachusetts General Law(MGL), Chapter 41,Section 81U. 2. Pursuant to MGL, Chapter 41,Section 81U,the Board and the Applicant hereby mutually agree that the time within which the Board shall take action on said application is hereby extended to end on j?VF1 YRw0— T51K which shall be one which complies with the time- (date) period requirements of MGL,Chapter 41,Section 81U,for the Planning Board to take final action on a Definitive Subdivision Plan. For the N�rth Andover Planning Board By: � By: t�c �N GAto4T-r (Planning Board airman) (Name ofaappplicant,Title) I�ZE7,-4 vq-J JAW Filed with Town Clerk: : SV14 17 ;F59 •It HV-1i LZ d]S E13Z DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION REVISIONS je.docx AUCs-31-2010 13:02 From: To:19786889542 P.2/2 „(....� 2110H -3 P1}' w TO: FAX# 0�� �� YAX #978-688-9542 - PH-ONE #978-688-9535 Please sign your name and fill in address of premises affected, fill in. current date, return same to fax#978-688-9542. Thank you. "REQ1JEST FORA CONTINUANCE" NAME: ADDRESS OF PREMISES AFFP,CTED: 0 PRONE NUMBER: AREA. CODE:_( (pb 7C-) - � - - -eRC71) oZD/,) 'I WISH TO REQUEST A CON'.l',IN U,ANCE UN TIE NEXT SCHk;: LUXD PLANNING BOARD ME,ETINGN THEREFORE _ WA-WE THE 7TME CONS'IRAIN't'S FOR IS STJLNG OF ANY AND/ALL DECISIONS RELATIVE TO ANY'/AND ,ALL PERMITS OF TIU.PLANNING BOARD FOR TATE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MA. SIGNED 73 ETr11O 2ORREPRESEN'rXrIVE: Signature DATE: ?-,3i - I fill in cui.Tent date ^ tvlUCQN (WVJi MC& EE TO: 2 eorowll FAX: 2010 NOV 17 P1 i * 11 FROM: Jean Enright, Planning Assistant FAX: 978-688-9542 PHONE: 978-688-9535 Please sign your name and fill in address of premises affected, fill in current date, return same to fax 978-688-9542. Thank you. "REQUEST FOR A DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISON CONTINUANCE" NAME: 10::y/ l3 Co,'Qu-k ADDRESS OF PREMISES AFFECTED: by4h an PHONE NUMBER: AREA CODE: ( 1 "I AGREE TO EXTEND THE TIMEFRAME FOR DECISION BY THE PLANNING BOARD TO / 1 d II, THEREFORE WAIVING THE TIME CONSTRAINTS CURRENTLY IN PLACE FOR ISSUING OF ANY AND/ALL DECISIONS RELATIVE TO ANY/AND ALL PERMITS OF THE PLANNING BOARD FOR THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MA." SIGNE BY PETVNRR REPRESENTATIVE: SIGNATURE DATE: ka vj go/P FILL IN CURRENT DATE Updated 9/17/2010 jt 2]10 HC 23 11 r� o TO: o r0 FAX # FROM: Mary, Planning Assistant FAX #978-688-9542 - PHONE #978-688-9535 Please sign your name and fill in address of premises affected, fill in current date, return same to fax #978-688-9542. Thank you. "REQUEST FOR A CONTINUANCE" NAME: ,Jae C i Sod �oroNA TS ADDRESS OF PREMISES AFFECTED: PHONE NUMBER: AREA CODE:_O a cel "I WISH TO REQUEST A CONTINUANCE UNTIL G , THEREFORE WANE THE TIME CONSTRAINTS FOR ISSUING OF ANY AND/ALL DECISIONS RELATIVE TO ANY/AND ALL PERMITS OF THE PLANNING BOARD FOR THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MA. V: /L/zl P ONER OR REPRESENTATIVE: Signature to fill in current date . WCONTINUEANCE OE Noa7H' Town of North Andover j 9SSgcHUSOffice of the Planning Department Community Development and Services Division P(978)688-9535 1600 Osgood Street F(978)688-9542 Building 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION Agreement to exten ti e required to take action on a Definitive Subdivision Plan 1. On L' an application was received by the North Andover Planning Board (dale) submitted by t � � Pea�4-1 (name of applicant or applicant's representative) -71f 7 , J . for a Definitive Subdivision under (street address of subdivis Massachusetts General Law(MGL), Chapter 41, Section 81U. 2. Pursuant to MGL, Chapter 41, Section 81U,the Board and the Applicant hereby mutually agree that the time within which the Board shall take action on said application is hereby extended to 7 � end on which shall be one which complies with the time- (date period requirements of MGL, Chapter 41, Section 81U,for the Planning Board to take final action on a Definitive Subdivision Plan. For the North Andover Planning Board By: �L ✓/ ti/! o L By: (Plarining Board Chairman or designee) (Na a of applicant,Title. Date: ";A,/// Filed with Town Clerk: BOARD OF APPEALS 688-9541 BUILDING 688-9545 CONSERVATION 688-9530 HEALTH 688-9540 PLANNING 688-9535 DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION REVISIONS je Updated 9/28/10 M1YI II �yOFTry Town of North Andover cxOffice of the Planning Department Community Development and Services Division P(978)688-9535 1600 Osgood Street T(978)688-9542 Building 20;Suite 2-36 North Andover,Massachusetts 01845 . DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION Agreement to extend time required to take action on a Definitive Subdivision Plan 1. On 7/16/10 an application was received by the North Andover Planning Board (date) submitted by Jones&Beach Engineers, Inc. (name of applicant or applicant's representative) 1679 Osgood Street for a Definitive Subdivision under (street address of subdivision) Massachusetts General Law(MGL),Chapter 41,Section 811J. 2. Pursuant to MGL,Chapter 41,Section 81U,the Board and the Applicant hereby mutually agree that the time within which the Board shall take action on said application is hereby extended to end on July 3042011 which shall be one which complies with the time- (date) period requirements of MGL,Chapter 41,Section 811J, for the Planning Board to take final action on a Definitive Subdivision Plan. For the North Andover Planning Board By: (Pla ing Board Chairma o 4 / /// r designee) (Name of applicant,Title) 3 Date: v itQ. Filed with Town Clerk: BOARD OF APPEALS 688-9541 BUILDING 688-9545 CONSERVATION 688-9530 HEALTH 688-9540 PLANNING 688-9535 DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION REVISIONS je 4-13-11.docx Updated 9/28/10 IAORTH r^t,�h Town of North Andover i ±i !1I SA US Office of the Planning;Department `` Corrununity Development and Services Division P(978)688-9535 1600 Osgood Street F(978)688-9542 Building 20,Suite 2-36 North Andover,Massachusetts 01845 DEFINTTIVE SUBDIVISION EX'TENSI®N Agreement to exte d ti4e required to take action on a Definitive Subdivision Plan 1. On 5jZ0 I(! an application was received by the North Andover Planning Board dat ) g submitted by s 4'&A k') EN46i RnSj2t!C- (name of applicant or applicant's representative) 1679 Osgood St. for a Definitive Subdivision under (street address of subdivision) Massachusetts General Law(MGL),Chapter 41,Section 81U. 2. Pursuant to MGL, Chapter 41,Section 81U,the Board and the Applicant hereby mutually agree that the time within which the Board shall take action on said application is hereby extended to -0 P, end on 9/x'!/11 which shall be one which complies with the time- (date) period requirements of MGL, Chapter 41,Section 81U,for the Planning Board to take final action on a Definitive Subdivision Plan. For the North Andover Planning Board By. By (Piannl'ig Board Chairman or designee) (Name of applicant,fitle) Date: + Filed with Town Cleric BOARD OF APPEALS 688-9541 BUILDING 688-9545 CONSERVATION 688-9530 HEALTH 688-9540 PLANNING 688-9535 110930 DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION Updated 9/28/10 f NORTH 4 O`tf�ao • �O h p Town of North Andover Office of the Planning Department Community Development and Services Division P(978)688-9535 1600 Osgood Street F(978)688-9542 Building 20, Suite 2-36 North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 TO: �? l",'/ J FAX: FROM: Jean Enright, Planning Assistant FAX: 978-688-9542 PHONE: 978-688-9535 Please sign your name and fill in address of premises affected, fill in current date, return same to fax 978-688-9542. Thank you. Special Permit "REQUEST FOR A CONTINUANCE" NAME: ADDRESS OF PREMISES AFFECTED: gz-a-� fit, PHONE NUMBER: AREA CODE: ( ) "I WISH TO REQUEST A CONTINUANCE UNTIL_ THEREFORE WAIVE THE TIME CONSTRAINTS FOR ISSUING OF ANY AND/ALL DECISIONS RELATIVE TO ANY/AND ALL PERMITS OF THE PLANNING BOARD FOR THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MA." SIGNED BY PETIT OAfiFR OR REPRESENTATIVE: vO=��$E �rwr� _ DATE: (SIGNATURE) � Lv �I (F LL IN CURRENT DATE) BOARD OF APPEALS 688-9541 BUILDING 688-9545 CONSERVATION 688-9530 HEALTH 688-9540 PLANNING 688-9535