HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 9/20/2011 (3) Tymon, Judy From: Willett, Tim Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 11:46 AM To: Tymon, Judy Cc: Thibodeau, Bruce; Willis, Gene Subject: Proposed Subdivision at 1679 Osgood Street Hi Judy, I have reviewed the above referenced plan and offer the following comments. 1. The existing water main in Bradford Street is 12-inch diameter, not 8-inch as shown on the plans. 2. The Division of Public Works is pursuing the installation of sewerage facilities in Osgood Street and Bradford Street in this area. Therefore, this site opens up sewer possibilities for the surrounding areas. The Town should acquire a 30-foot wide sewer easement from Osgood Street to the proposed right-of-way. If the proposed roadway is to remain private,then the sewer easement should extend all the way to Bradford Street. Proposed drainage structures in the roadway should be moved to the side of the road to allow for future sewer installation in the middle of the road. Very truly yours, Timothy J. Willett Operations Manager Please note the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office has determined that most emails to and from municipal offices and officials are public records.For more information please refer to:htto://www.sec.state.ma.us/ore/oreidx,htm. Please consider the environment before printing this email. 1 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS 384 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MASSACHUSETTS 01845-2909 BRUCE D. THIBODEAU,P.E. DIRECTOR Eugene P. Willis, M.S. PE f NCRTM Telephone(978) 685-0950 Director of Engineering 3?•�':1��� �'��0� Fax(978) 688-9573 ON f. • •i i�y� +# June 16, 2011 1SSACMU�E'( North Andover Planning Board Osgood Landing 1600 Osgood St. North Andover, Ma. 01845 Re: 1679 Osgood St. application for Definitive Subdivision Approval Dear Board Members: The DPW Engineering Dept. has received a request for comment on the above referenced project. Based on the Definitive Subdivision Plan Tax Map 61 Lots 16, 34, 31, &4 revised May 20, 2011 by Jones &Beach Engineers Inc. Stratham, NH. I offer the following comments: 1. The inspector responsible for completion of Form N should be designated. 2. To my knowledge, neither the proposed pavement widths,nor the proposed hammerhead turnaround designs for the roadway off Saracusa Way accessing lots 16- 5, 16-6 & lot 31 have ever been accepted by DPW for roadway maintenance or trash pickup. If this roadway comes before the Town for acceptance as designed,the DPW will recommend against acceptance by the Town. 3. There are extensive drainage/runoff structures proposed outside the roadway right of way. DPW does not have the personnel to maintain these facilities. A homeowner's association should be established to maintain these facilities in perpetuity. a. The Board's decision should reflect this fact, preferably with deed restrictions on the individual lots. 4. The applicant is requesting a waiver from granite curbing. Curbing is essential to the structural integrity of the road edge. Should the board grant this waiver, DPW requests that the 12" gravel sub base be extended for the 4' shoulder width on both sides of the road. 5. The applicant is requesting a waiver of the 26' required pavement width to 24' in Saracusa Way. This request is not listed in their request for waivers. 6. The applicant is proposing 14' wide pavement accessing lots 16-5, 16-6 & lot 31. This width is not adequate for two way traffic. 7. DMH 1, 2, & 3 should be moved closer to the roadway centerline. 8. The water main shows offsets around CB 2 and CB4 and close to DMH4. It should be moved closer to roadway centerline to allow for a straighter alignment. Page 2 06/22/11 9. Certified as-built plans will be required for all retaining walls installed in the project. 10. All driveway culverts should be a minimum 12"diameter. 11. Engineer should verify the 12"outlet pipe from DMH#3 is large enough for expected flow volumes. 12. A manufacturer's detail for the setting bed requirements and material for ADS pipe should be provided. Sincerely, Eugene P. Willis, P.E. Director of Engineering CC: File,Mr. Bruce Thibodeau, DPW Director TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS 384 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MASSACHUSETTS 01845-2909 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS 384 OSGOOD STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845-2909 BRUCE D_ THIBODEAU. P.E. DIRECTOR i Eugene P. Willis, MS. PE f tORTN , Telephone (978) 685-0950 Director of Engineering Fax(97 8) 688-9573 o yo Ji July 29,2011 0 •` ��SS1CHU 5 North Andover Planning Board Osgood Landing 1600 Osgood St. North Andover,Ma.01845 Re: 1679 Osgood St.application for Definitive Subdivision Approval Dear Board Members: The DPW has received the applicants response to our review dated 6/16/11. The follpwing items remain to be addressed. 1. The inspector responsible for completion of Form N should be designated. C,�n 2. There are extensive drainage/runoff structures proposed outside the roadway right of way. DPW does not have the personnel to maintain these facilities. A homeowner's li association should be established to maintain these facilities in perpetuity. a. The Board's decision should reflect this fact, preferably with deed restrictions on the individual lots. J I offer the following comments: A 1. The DPW does not have the personnel required to do the inspections required under the form N. We request an inspector be designated for quality control inspections and funded by the applicant. I 2. Item 3 of their response mentions the"plans are noted". The DPW requests the L responsibilities for maintaining drainage facilities outside the right of way be recorded in the individual deeds. Sincerely, ugene P. Willis, P.E. Director of Engineering CC: File,Mr.Bruce Thibodeau,DPW Director TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Fire Department Fire Prevention Office Central Fire Headquarters 124 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MASSACHUSETTS 01845 Telephone(978)688-9593 FAX(978) 688-9594 Andrew Melnikas 4ii Fire Chief amelnikas@TownofVorthAndover.com Lt Frederick McCarthy Fire Prevention Officer F.McCarthy@townofnorthandover.com October 29, 2013 To: Judy Tymon, Town Planner From: Andrew Melnikas, Fire Chief Re: Stanton Way The Fire Department has been consistent over the years in their recommendation of residential sprinklers in various developments. On two fairly recent occasions, the activation of residential sprinklers in homes on Carter Field and Sugar Cane Lane save the homes from more substantial damage. In both instances, the residents had left the premises. The most recent statistics, provided by the National Fire Protection Agency, show that the cost of installing residential sprinklers in the home is $ 1.35 per square foot. Therefore, the cost to install these same sprinklers in a 3000 square foot home would be approximately$4, 100.00. This cost hardly seems prohibitive. In closing, the Fire Department will continue to recommend residential sprinklers as they are a valuable tool in the quest to insure the safety of the citizens of North Andover. Chief Andrew Melnikas TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Fire Department Fire Prevention Office Central Fire Headquarters 124 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 Telephone(978)688-9593 FAX(978)688-9594 Andrew Melnikas Fire Chief amelnikasgTownof VorthAndover.com Lt Frederick McCarthy Fire Prevention Officer F.McCarthy@townofnorthandover.com The Fire Department has reviewed the plan for the GMZ Trust Realty Subdivision. We are fine with the shared driveway concept under the following conditions: 1. There will be granite markers at the beginning of the driveways so that they are clearly marked if emergency apparatus is needed. 2. Though not required, the Fire Department continues its request for residential sprinklers in cases involving common driveways. Please call should you have any questions Chief Andy Melnikas TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Fire Department Fire prevention Office Central Fire Headquarters 124 MAIN STRI~',l T NORT ANDOVER, MASSAC14US TTS 011845 William Martineau. Telephone(97 8) 688-959> Chief(?f D par tmeni FAX (978) 688-9594 Michael Beime wmartineaurr,i)'l'ownofNortlAsndover.conI Deput1 1"ir e Chief ra.beirne<r�TownofNorthAndover.com amelizikas(i�TownofNortl-LAndover.com Lt. Anc3re� �leh�ika�� .Fire Prevention Of The Fire Department has reviewed the plans for the proposed development by GMZ Realty, located at 1679 Osgood St and we have the following recommendations 1. Hydrants be placed strategically in the development 2. Residential sprinklers be installed in all homes. Please call should have any questions. Lt Andrew Melnikas Enright, Jean From: Grant, Michele Sent: Thursday,January 21, 2016 8:10 AM To: Enright,Jean Subject: RE: Stanton Woods Hi Jean, All Septic Systems for Stanton Woods have been completed and signed off by the Health Department. Michele E.Grant Public Health Agent Town of North Andover 1600 Osgood St I Suite 2035 North Andover,MA 01845 Phone 978.688.9540 Fax 978.688.8476 Email mQrant@townofnorthandover.com Web www.TownofNorthAndover.com From: Enright, Jean Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 8:05 AM To: Grant, Michele Subject: Stanton Woods Michele, Michael Green (developer for Stanton Woods) has requested a bond reduction for this subdivision. Do you have any concerns with the septic system installs? Sincerely, Jean Enright Assistant Director Community and Economic Development Town of North Andover 1600 Osgood Street,Suite 2035 North Andover,MA 01845 Phone 978.688.9533 Fax 978.688.9542 Email: ienright@townofnorthandover.com Web: www.TownofNorthAndover.com 1