HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaiver - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 9/20/2011 JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 January 14, 2011 North Andover Planning Board Attn: John Simons, Chairman(Hand Delivered) 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Application for Definitive Subdivision Approval Request for Waivers of the Planning Board's Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land, as amended (the "Rules"). Applicant: GMZ Realty Trust JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Chairman Simons and Other Members of the Board: The following is the Applicant's supplemental request for waivers in connection with the request for approval of a definitive subdivision, which was submitted to the Planning Board on January 10, 2010. This supplemental request for waivers is intended to address waivers that are required in order to provide access from the proposed Saracusa Way to the Adams Lot(new Lot 9), including access to proposed Lots 5 and 6. The Plans comply with the applicable provisions of the Rules except for deviations necessitated to provide access between the lot owned by Chris Adams and the proposed Saracusa Way in a manner that will reduce land disturbance and impervious surfaces, and thereby reduce stormwater runoff and improve environmental conditions for the project. Pursuant to G.L. c. 41, § 81R, and Sections 2.7 and 5.1.8 of the Rules, the Applicant hereby requests that the Board waive the requirement of strict compliance with the following provisions of the Rules: 1. Section 5.1.5—Site Evaluation Statement and Section 5.4—Environmental and Community Impact Statement. Request waiver of submission requirement for Environmental and Community Impact Analysis for the proposed subdivision provided under Sections 5.1.5 and 5.4, as such analysis related to the segment extending from Saracusa Way to the new Lot 9 as may not be appropriate for a smaller subdivision as that proposed. 2. Section 6.7.4— Street Name. Request waiver from requirement to name the street segment running from Saracusa Way to new Lot 9, and to instead, name the street subsequent to Definitive Approval but subject to E911 approval by the Town. 3. Section 6.7.5—Street Numbers. Street numbers required to be assigned by Department of Public Works (DPW) and included within the application to the Board. Proposed— Street numbers to be assigned by DPW after Definitive Approval. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-Osgood St\WORD FILES\PB Waiver Request Letter.docx 4. Section 6.8.1 . Minimum R.O.W. Width. Table IA. Required— 50-feet; proposed 40-feet extending from proposed Saracusa Way southeasterly to Lot 9 (Adams Lot). 5. Section 6.8.1. Table IA. Minimum Pavement Width. Required—26-feet; Proposed- 12- feet. 6. Section 6.8.1. Table IA. Cul-De-Sacs. Maximum Length(Roadway plus Turnaround)—600- feet. Proposed 1,020 feet from Lot 9 to intersection with Saracusa Way, plus distance from this intersection to Bradford Street. 7. Section 6.8.1. Table IA. Minimum turnaround R.O.W. radius and pavement diameter. Required 120-feet radius and 100-foot pavement diameter; Proposed—Tee Turnaround layout but pavement only to the extent required length for proposed 12-foot paved driveway for Lot 9 (the Adams Lot) as it runs through the hammerhead layout as depicted on the submitted Subdivision Plans. 8. Section 6.8.7. Permanent Cul-De-Sacs. Permanent dead-end street shall be provided with a cul-de-sac turnaround in accordance with Section 6.8.1, Table IA. Proposed—See proposed permanent hammerhead layout design on submitted Subdivision Plans, with paving as noted in Item 7 above. 9. Section 6.9. Granite Curbing. Required—granite curbing on all new streets. Proposed—no granite curbing. 10. Section 6.11. Sidewalks. Required-one side of street in accordance with specifications. Proposed-No Sidewalk Proposed. 11. Section 6.18. Street Trees. Required—to be located within street R.O.W. Proposed: No Street Trees. Landscaping to be provided as depicted on the submitted Subdivision Plans. 12. Section 6.21. Street Lighting. Required—street lighting at locations determined by the Board. Proposed-No Street Lighting. 13. Appendix LB—Street Construction Specifications—Curbing. Requires curbing to be vertical granite,curb Type VB, and sloped granite edging Type SB, and granite curb inlets in accordance with MHD (now MA DOT) Standards. Proposed—No vertical, sloped, or curb inlets granite is proposed. We are requesting relief from the waivers listed above to enable the roadway and associated improvements to be designed as a low impact development, with minimized land disturbance, reduced pavement, and other requirements to provide decreased stormwater impacts along with a privately owned driveway versus a short Town owned and maintained roadway. The waivers we are requesting relief from are all technical in nature and are relatively small in scale. For each waiver requested, there are reasons which are in the public interest and are consistent with the intent and purpose of the Subdivision Control Law and the Rules to justify the waiver of strict compliance with the respective provisions of the Rules. The granting of these requests for relief are in the public interest because they would result in an attractive development which is adapted to, and will enhance, the unique features of this site. These requests for relief are consistent with F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\PB Waiver Request Letter.docx JONES& BEACH ENGINEERS, INC the purposes of the Subdivision Control Law because the Plan will enable the Applicant to build a subdivision with adequate roads, drainage and utilities to accommodate a development of this size while maintaining flexibility for long-term planning. Requests for Findings and Decisions: The Applicant respectfully requests the Planning Board to grant relief from these waivers for the proposed development design to provide sufficient roadway, utility and drainage services while preserving and enhancing the site's natural features. The granting of relief from the requested Regulations will not impair the functioning, long term maintenance, or appearance of the land, and will not result in any adverse impacts to the areas adjacent to it. The granting of relief from these sections is in the public interest and is consistent with the Subdivision Control Law. I look forward to discussing this with you at our next meeting scheduled for January 18, 2011. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need any additional information, please contact me. Verb truly yours, JON-ES & BEAU 6, GII EERS, INC. J Joeoronati Vicp' President i! cc: Judy Tymon, Town Planner (1 copy of letter via emailed) F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\PB Waiver Request Letter.docx JONES& BEACH ENGINEERS, INC JONES & BEACH Eh1GINEE,RS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 "' II.� M Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 nn L5 "�b i' - _ -Email:,jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 NOV 12 20rn 4t. November 11, 2010 NQRTti ANDOVER:. Ms. Judy Tymony PLANNINGpl+?pRTIy1ENT Nn`! 17 n11t1 r North Andover Planning Board 4 1600 Osgood Streets - rtoRrrtovR; North Andover, MA 01845 PLANNING DEPARTMENT.,- RE: Definitive Subdivision Application—GMZ Realty Trust _ 1679 Osgood Street,North Andover,MA ...."0 JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, We are in receipt of a review letter from Stephen Rhoads, Civil Engineer and Timothy McIntosh, Project Manager, an email from Judy Tymon, North Andover Planner, an email from Timothy Willett,North Andover Public Works, and a review letter from Lisa Eggleston, Eggleston Environmental, We offer the following responses to those comments. Stephen Rhoads and Timothy McIntosh Comments: Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land: 1. The proposed structures have been added to the lot layout plans. 2. A waiver has been requested for test pits to not be included on the subdivision plans. 3. Bench marks have been added to sheet C5 at lot 16-2 and the utility pole near test pit 5 to the northwest. 4. The amount of excess material is listed on sheet Pl, note 26. 5. Permit is pending from Special Permit Granting Authority for earth removal. 6. Lot line frontages are shown on plan sheet P1 —Plan and Profile. 7. Existing and proposed gas mains are shown on sheet U1. 8. Existing grades of the stomwater management facilities are now shown on sheet 18. 9. A waiver has been requested to omit the full flow capacity of the pipes. 10. The storage capacities of the ponds have been added to the pond details. 11. Cross country drain pipes are profiled on sheets D4 and E1. 12. A waiver has been requested to include a detailed traffic analysis. 13. Sheets C4-C6 have been amended from Grading and Drainage plans to Erosion and Sediment Control plans. 14. Proposed house on lot 16-7 and adjusted grading is shown on sheet C6. 15. The proposed street name is included throughout the plans. 16. Yes, the proposed roadway is 850' long with a waiver requested from the maximum 600'. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILE S\Review_Response_Letter.docx 17. a) Sight distance of 250' is shown on sheet H1. b) The posted speed limit of 30MPH on Bradford Street is shown on sheet H1. c) We do not feel a speed study is necessary due to the low speed limit and high sight visibility. 18. Vertical granite curb is now clearly shown at the intersection of Bradford Street and along the cul-de-sac on sheets C5 and C6. 19.Note 13 on sheet U1 has been revised. Utility trench detail on sheet D1 has been revised. 20.Drainage easement 16-3 has been revised on the plans. 21. a) The side slopes accessible from the street are now 4:1. b) Plans have been revised to indicate the 12" deep gravel sub-base material. 22. Plans have been given to the North Andover Fire Department for their review. 23. A short retaining wall is now shown along the westerly property line of lot 16-6, and the area has been graded at 4:1. 24. Planning Board to verify that planting material is acceptable. 25. A waiver has been requested for the polyethylene drainage pipe. 26. The drainage trench detail has been revised as requested on sheet D1. Town of North Andover Zoning Bylaw: 27. Plans are correctly labeled as Corridor Development District 3. 28. A Special Permit is included in the review package. General Comments/Standard Engineering Practice: 29. Infiltration basins and wet pond areas are now fenced. 30. Detail on sheet D2 has been revised and label has been added to sheet P1 to show curb tip down. 31. The permeable concrete paver detail has been removed. 32. Plans have been delivered to the Conservation Commission for review. Timothy Willett Comments: 1. The existing water main in Bradford Street has been revised on our plans. 2. A 30' wide sewer easement has been provided between lots 16-2 and 16-3 to Osgood Street (see sheet A4). A portion of the easement is 17' wide due to an existing single family home. Proposed drainage structures have been moved to the side of the road. Eggleston Environmental Comments: 1. The principal vegetation types on the project are mostly conifer and deciduous trees. According to a neighbor, the site was previously an open gravel pit possibly 40 years ago, therefore it is a fairly young forest. Mark West,the soil evaluator for the project will be supplying a more in-depth assessment of the vegetation. 2. The design has been modified to disconnect the roof and driveway impervious areas from the roadway as much as possible through the use of rain gardens and stone and pipe infiltration systems. This ponds and rain gardens have been designed so that they will not intercept groundwater. 3. The Hydrocad reports have been revised for a 30-hour time span. 4. The Hydrocad reports have been revised to show the 1-yr storm event. FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILE S\Review_Response Letter.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC 5. The hydrocad analysis shows that the highest flow to a catch basin inlet during a 100 year storm event is 1.06 cfs to CB #2. For the 25 year design storm, this flow will be 0.40 cfs. Grate inlet capacity studies show that certain grates will intercept over 1.1 cfs of flow at a 6%roadway slope, which is greater that the 100 year storm event flow that is proposed. 6. A waiver has been submitted for the nitrogen and phosphorus loading calculations. 7. The ponds have been revised so that the storage is either above the seasonal high water table or a liner will be installed so that groundwater will not be intercepted. 8. The Rawls rate of 2.41 in/hr is now used in recharge calculations. 9. The outlet model has been revised so that the culvert is the primary outlet and the orifice is secondary. 10. Wet Pond#3 has been removed from the plans. 11. Wet Pond#5 has been removed from the plans. 12. We have not added an additional catch basin as the flow coming from Bradford Street is minimal and we feel it does not warrant the added expense. 13. Roof infiltration systems are shown on sheets C5 and C6. Roof infiltration detail has been added to sheet D3. 14. A mounding analysis is provided. 15. Runoff from driveways on lots 16-1 and 16-3 has been directed to raingardens. 16. The ponds have been revised to be consistent with DEP design criteria. 17. In an effort to minimize the amount of disturbance, the ponds will be adjacent to 15% slopes in some areas. This project is subject to the DEP regulations only to maximum extent possible due to the fact that it is a small residential project and in order to keep the disturbance minimized, we are seeking relief from this requirement. 18. The basins have been moved to allow 50' from septic systems. 19. The seasonal high water table for each BMP has been listed on Sheet D4.A screen will be required for the orifice and the orifice plate will have an overflow weir. 20. Emergency spillways have been provided. 21. The ponds will need to be pumped out as necessary. 22. Proposed vegetation for the ponds has been detailed on the plans. 23. A Plunge Pool has been added to the plans. 24. The long-term pollution prevention plan is included in the SWPPP. 25.F.E.S. #6 has been removed from the plans. 26. Pervious Concrete Paver detail has been removed from sheet D3. 27. Additional silt fence has been added and called out on the plans. We would prefer that the contractor develop their own plan for interim erosion control measures as they will have a better grasp of how they pian their construction sequence. 28. Construction Sequence note 5 has been modified to require that the tributary drainage areas be stabilized also. 29. The stone for the stabilized construction entrance has been revised as requested, and the detail has been moved to sheet E1. 30. The Conservation Commission will have the opportunity to review the SWPPP. 31. Short term construction related activities are included in the plan notes. The O & M plan has been revised to accommodate the required items. Comment noted. The pond have been reconfigured to accommodate access. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILE S\Review_Response_Letter.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC 32. Comment noted. We are herewith submitting four (4) full size copies of the revised plans and drainage analysis for your review. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact our office. ery truly yours, NES & E K ENGINEERS, INC. J seph . Coronad V ce President C Lisa Egglston(plans and analysis) VHB (pians and analysis) GMZ Realty Trust (plans) F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILE S\Review_Response_Letter.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC JONES , INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603)772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax:(603)772-0227 January 10,2011 Ms. Judy Tymon North Andover Planning Board 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Definitive Subdivision Application—GMZ Realty Trust 1679 Osgood Street,North Andover,MA JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, We are in receipt of a review letter from Lisa Eggleston, Eggleston Environmental, dated December 6, 2010. We offer the following responses to those comments. 1. We have decreased the discharges to a point where the largest increase from any storm event will be less than 0.2 cfs. These minor increases occur for the storm events of 50 years or less at one analysis point(Analysis Point 2) with all other increases occurring in the 10 year or less storm events. For Analysis Point 5, the gravel wetland size was increased to help attenuate the outflow. The increases occur in the 10 year or less storm events,with the largest increase being 0.07 cfs for the 10 year storm. The downstream swale that this drains to is sufficiently armored and this small increase will not have an effect on the overall flow. 2. A mounding analysis is provided along with this letter. 3. An impermeable barrier has been placed within the fill section of the infiltration pond. 4. We have noted seed mixture"C"to be planted on sediment forebay berm and side slopes. The bottom of pond is to remain as PEA Gravel and this has been added to. sheet E1 — Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Details. 5. Inverts of the emergency spillways have been added to plan sheet C5—Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. 6. The high flow outlet of the gravel wetland has been lowered. 7. A removable plug in the outlet weir wall has been added for draining of the gravel wetland and the wall is now centered in the structure for access to both sides. 8. The grading of the rain garden on Lot 16-1 is now labeled. The labels for the temporary stockpile area and the rain garden have been revised on sheets C5 &C6— Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. 9. We have addressed additional stockpile locations and dewatering basins. This will be re-addressed in the Construction SWPPP. 10.We have substituted the pea stone.for the geotextile fabric as suggested on sheet D1 —Detail Sheet. ' r,__._,...,. \n4141 XT A-A--_T K'70_ll--AQt\AATr)PT1 T:TT FC\R—iPw RP.Cnnn QP. T.Ptter?..doex 11.Note#14 has been added to Sheet Al —Overview- Lot Layout Plan to ensure that the rain gardens will not be filled or re-graded and that they will be maintained by the homeowners. 12. The Stormwater Operations &Maintenance Manual now provides the requested information. 13.Notes from sheet D4—Detail Sheet are now incorporated in the Stormwater Operations &Maintenance Manual as suggested. 14. A Maintenance Note has been added to Sheet D4—Detail Sheet for the cleaning of the sediment forebays once per year and has been added to sheet Dl —Detail Sheet. 15. A Maintenance Note has been added to Sheet D4—Detail Sheet for the mowing of the infiltration basin and gravel wetland berm. 16. The Homeowner's Association to be responsible for the maintenance of the gravel wetland and infiltration basins. This will be a Condition of Planning Board Approval. The following items are provided in support of this Special Permit Application: 1. Waiver Request Letters. 2. Special Permits—Common Driveway Special Permit Application. 3. Four(4) full size plan sets. 4. Seven (7) reduced size plan sets. 5. Drainage Analysis. 6. Seven (7)reduced size Common Drive Subdivision Concept. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact our office. V ry truly yours, J NES &B ENGINEERS,INC. Jo ph A. oronati Vi e President cc: Lisa Eggleston(1 copy of plans & 1 bound drainage analysis via US Mail) GMZ Realty Trust (1 copy of plans via US Mail) Conservation Commission, Attn: Jennifer Hughes (1 full size& 1 reduced size plan set) FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Review_Response_Letter2.docx JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 219 :'.Post:Office,Box 484 Alton; NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.coni Telephone: (603) 772-4746 htt�' ww-on• //wesandbeactr,com .Fax: (603)772-0227 j, May 20, 2011 - Ms. Judy Tymon North Andover Planning Board 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Definitive Subdivision Application— GMZ Realty Trust 1679 Osgood Street, North Andover, MA JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, We are in receipt of a review letter from Lisa Eggleston, Eggleston Environmental dated December 6, 2010. We offer the following responses tothose comments. ,i)- We have placed an additional pond at the outlet of the gravel wetland to attenuate the increases of both rate and volume in this location. This pond will recharge more volume to the groundwater the water being recharged will be "clean" as it is coming from the gravel wetland. anal— is il-ic ailed within Appendix 1!r of the Drainage Analysis. 3. An impermeable barrier has been detailed on the plan for the infiltration basin berm. 4. Detail notes have been added specifying grass to be planted on the berms and mowing to be accomplished to keep woody vegetation from growing. 5. Emergency spillway elevations have been added to the plans. 6. The outlet to the gravel wetland has been slightly increased in size so that the high water elevation will be greater than,F below the berm. 7. A watertight plug has been added to the.outlet weir. 8. The grading for rain garden Lot 16-1 has been labeled. The labels for the stockpile area and the rain garden have been corrected.. 9. Additional requirement to remove stockpiles prior to constructing any down- gradient ponds has been added to the SWPPP. 10. 2" of pea stone has been added to the bottom of the rain gadens. 11. Deed language will'be developed so that the rain gardens remain an integral part of the subdivision. 12. A schedule and budget has been developed for the long-term maintenance tasks. 13. The notes regarding the inspection and maintenance of the gravel wetland have been incorporated within the O&M Plan. 14. A note has been added to the catch basin and forebay details that they are to be cleaned onceper year. FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-I679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILE S\Review Response_Letter_5-20-2011.docx 15. A note has been added to the gravel wetland and infiltration pond details to require mowing when grass exceeds 4" in height. 16. Comment noted—we will work this through with the Town.. We are herewith submitting four (4) full size copies of the revised plans and drainage analysis for your review. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need further assistance,please contact our office. Very truly yours, JONES &BEACH ENGINEERS, INC.. Michael J. Kerivan; P.E. Project Engineer CC: Lisa Egglston(plans and analysis) VHB (plans and analysis) GMZ Realty Trust(plans) F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\Review_Response_Letter 5-20-201 l.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC Eggleston Environment-al December 6, 2010 North Andover Planning Board 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 Attn: Judy Tymon, Town Planner RE: Stormwater Management Review 1679 Osgood St. &Bradford St. Dear Ms. Tymon and Board Members: I am writing this letter in follow-up to my August 16, 2010 review letter on the above- referenced project. Since that time I met with the Applicant's engineers and town staff on September 10, 2010 to discuss my comments, and have received and reviewed the November 11, 2010 response letter, November 12, 2010 revised plans (22 sheets), and November 11, 2010 revised drainage analysis from Jones &Beach Engineers, Inc. In response to the review comments received and the discussions at our September 10th meeting, the revised plans reflect a substantial re-design of the drainage proposed for the project. As currently proposed, the runoff from impervious surfaces on the individual house lots would be treated and/or infiltrated onsite; with the roof drainage directed to subsurface infiltration structures and runoff from the driveways draining to biofiltration ein garc'e_is" located on eaclh lot. ,_e two basi—m-s ce;7 ',g b va:< _se subclivision roadway have been moved closer to the roadway, and one of the basins is now proposed as a gravel wetland. In general, the project as currently proposed would adequately maintain the hydrology of the site and provide improved access for maintenance of the two drainage basins. My specific comments, once again aimed at assisting both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission in their respective reviews of the project, are as follows: 1. As stated in the revised drainage report, the proposed project would result in increased rates of runoff at several of the locations where runoff leaves the property and decreases at others, with a net decrease in the total rate of runoff. Although not specifically called out, the drainage analysis also indicates that the volume of discharge would increase at some locations and decrease at others, with a net decrease in volume leaving the site during small storms (due to increased recharge), and an increase of up to about 18 percent in the total volume leaving the site during the larger 100-year design storm. Since the rate of delivery would be attenuated, the closed drainage system in Osgood St/Route 125 should be able to handle the increase in volume, provided there are no significant flow restrictions in the system downstream. The one concern I have is with the projected increase in both the rate and volume of runoff discharged through the existing stone swale in the northwest corner of the site (Analysis Point #5) under 55 Old Coach Road Sudbury MA 01776 tel 508.259.1137 fax 866.820.7840 1679 Osgood Street, Teclumical Review 2 December 6. 2010 all design storm conditions, since it does appear to drain across an abutter's property between the site and Osgood Street. The impact of an increase in discharge at this location needs to be assessed. 2. The response letter (comment #14) indicates that a mounding analysis for the proposed infiltration basin was included in the revised submittal; however I was unable to locate one in the materials I reviewed. 3. Jones & Beach's response letter indicates that they are seeking relief from the DEP setback requirement of 50-ft from a slope in excess of 15 percent for the proposed infiltration basin. Given its proximity, I do have some concern that there is potential for breakout along the downgradient slope of the infiltration basin, since it extends approximately four feet below the bottom of the basin. In lieu of a greater setback, I recommend that an impermeable barrier be placed inside the fill slope to prevent seepage. 4. The proposed vegetation in the infiltration basin and the surrounding berm is not detailed on the plans. Vegetation should be non-woody and easily maintained. 5. Inverts of the emergency spillways should be identified on the plans. 6. The elevation of the high flow outlet of the gravel wetland should be lowered to provide one foot of freeboard below the emergency spillway. 7. The design should provide some means of draining out the gravel wetland if needed for maintenance, e.g. through a removable plug in the outlet weir wall that would provide access for pumping. 8. The grading of the rain garden on Lot 16-1 needs labeling. Also, I believe that the labels for the temporary stockpile area and the rain garden on that lot are reversed (Sh. C5 and C6). 9. There are only two temporary stockpile areas shown on Sheet C6, and both are just upgradient of proposed rain gardens. The sequence of construction should ensure that the stockpiles are removed prior to the installation of the rain gardens. I believe that other stockpile locations, and possibly dewatering basins, will be needed—this should be addressed in the Construction SWPPP. 10. I recommend substituting several inches of pea stone for the geotextile fabric underlying the rain gardens, as it will be less prone to clogging. 11. he proposed rain gardens are an integral part of the drainage design for the ubdivision, therefore there needs to be some way of ensuring that they will not be filled or re-graded and that they will continue to be maintained by the individual homeowners. 1679 Osgood Street. Technical Review 3 December 6. 2010 12. The maintenance checklists and inspection forms included with the O&M Plan pertain primarily to the inspections that will occur during the construction phase of the project, not the long term maintenance of the stormwater BMPs. The DEP regulations call for an O&M schedule, budget and log form for the long-term maintenance tasks. 13. The notes on Sheet D4 regarding inspection and maintenance of the gravel wetland should be incorporated in the O&M Plan. 14. Catchbasins and sediment forebays should be cleaned a minimum of once per year. 15. In addition to the forebays, the infiltration basin and gravel wetland berm will likely also need periodic mowing. - -le the revised plans provide improved access to the basins, I still question ether it makes sense to have the Town maintain the infiltration basin and gravel wetland once the road is accepted, or whether these should be maintained by a private contractor funded through a homeowners association. Once again, I appreciate the opportunity to assist the North Andover Planning Board with the review of this project, and hope that this information is suitable for your needs. Please feel free to contact me if you or the applicants have any questions regarding the issues addressed herein. Sincerely, EGGLESTON ENVIRONMENTAL 55 Lisa D. Eggleston, P.E. C: Jennifer Hughes,North Andover Conservation Commission JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone: (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com M Fax: (603) 772-0227 LS @ 1E U V R 1E D July 8, 2011 JUL 5 2M1 Ms. Judy Tymon North Andover Planning Board NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Definitive Subdivision Application—GMZ Realty Trust 1679 Osgood Street,North Andover,MA JBE Project No. 06163 Dear Ms. Tymon, We are in receipt of a review letter from Lisa Eggleston, Eggleston Environmental dated January 27, 2011. We offer the following responses to those comments. 1. We have placed an additional pond at the outlet of the gravel wetland to attenuate the increases of both rate and volume in this location. This pond will recharge more volume to the groundwater the water being recharged will be "clean" as it is coming from the gravel wetland. A mounding analysis is included within Appendix III of the Drainage Analysis. 2. The outlet structures have been added to the model for this pond. 3. Both ponds have been modified to provide one (1) foot of freeboard for the 100-yr storm. 4. Note 26 on Sheet D5 has been modified to include the details on sheet D4 and El. 5. The O and M Manual has been revised to differentiate the Town and Homeowner long term maintenance tasks. 6. Raingarden maintenance has been added to the O and M Plan. Additionally, deed language is included that will be placed in all deeds regarding the future maintenance of the raingardens. 7. The O and M Manual has been revised to include the cleaning of the catchbasins. We are herewith submitting one (1) full size copy of the revised plans and drainage analysis for your review. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact our office. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILE S\Review_Response_Letter 7-8-2011.docx Very truly yours, JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. � v /�' // Michael J. Kerivan, P.E. Project Engineer CC: Lisa Egglston(plans and analysis) FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILE Saeview Response_Letter_7-8-2011.docx JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 484 Post Office Box 219 Alton, NH 03809 Stratham, NH 03885 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Telephone. (603) 772-4746 http://www.jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 July 25, 2011 North Andover Planning Board Attn: Judy Tymon, Planner JUL 2 7 ?rl 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 NORTH ANDOVER RE: Definitive Subdivision Review PCANNlNG DEPARTMENT 1679 Osgood Street,North Andover,MA JBE Project No. 06163.1 Dear Ms. Tymon and Board Members, We are in receipt of a review letter from Eugene Willis, PE,North Andover Division of Public Works, dated June 16, 2011 and VHB's comments on July 15, 2011. We offer the following responses to those comments. Department of Public Works Comments 1. We contacted the Town about who the inspector will be and at this point, they are not sure who will be inspecting and filing the Form N. 2. The common driveway off of Saracusa Way is designed and permitted to be a private way and will be maintained by a homeowner's association. 3. The plans are noted that the Homeowner's Association will maintain all stormwater features outside of the Right of Way. See Note 10 on Sheet Al. 4. We are providing granite curbing on the main road(Saracusa Way) as that will someday become a Town road. The common driveway will have cape cod curbing for 280'. This design is based on minimal impact to the wetlands and the driveway will be privately owned and maintained and will never become a maintenance item for the Town. 5. A waiver of required pavement width has been added to the plans. The Planning Board already granted this waiver. 6. The width of 14' was agreed upon with the Fire Department because this driveway only services 3 homes. 7. The reason the drain manholes are located as shown is for the future sewer that we were required to provide an easement for. If sewer is ever extended down this roadway and into the easement we provided, then the sewer will need to be in the center of the road in order to be 10' from the watermain. 8. Once again, if we move the drain manholes and the watermain, the future sewer will not be able to be installed in the middle of the roadway. 9. As-built plans will be prepared for all retaining walls installed in this project. See Note 3 on Sheet P1. F:Tand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\06163.1-N.Andover-1591-Osgood-Street-Adams\WORD\Review Response Letter.doc 10. The minimum culvert size has been added as Note#14 on Sheet P1. 11. Our engineer has confirmed that the 12" outlet pipe is sufficient from DMH 3. 12. A detail has been added to the plans for the setting bed requirements and material for ADS pipe. VIIB Comments 1. Map 34, Lot 4 is one of the owners of record and they are listed in the Owner's block on the bottom right of the plan. 2. We have requested a waiver and the Planning Board has granted it for the common driveway consisting of 3 lots only. The main roadway which is to be public in the future has a 50' Right of Way. 3. We have modified the plans so that the areas of public and private Right of Ways are listed separately so the roadway can someday be deeded to the Town. 4. The driveway configuration makes for a hammerhead turnaround. The Fire Department has reviewed and approved the plans as is. We are herewith submitting 2 full size copies and 7 half size copies of the revised plans for your review. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact our office. Very truly yours, JO S & SEA H INEERS, INC. Jos h Cor ati Vic President CC: Tim McIntosh, VHB (One plan set, via US Mail) Eugene Willis, DPW(One plan set, via US Mail) John Smolak, Attorney(One plan set, via US Mail) FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\06163.1-N.Andover-1591-Osgood-Street-Adams\WORD\Review Response Letter.doc JONES&BEACH ENGINEERS, INC JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. 85 Portsmouth Avenue Post Office Box 219 Post Office Box 484 Stratham, NH 03885 Alton, NH 03809 Telephone: (603) 772-4746 Email:jbe@jonesandbeach.com Fax: (603) 772-0227 http://www.jonesandbeach.com September 6, 2011 North Andover Planning Board Attn: Judy Tymon, Planner (via email and hand delivery) 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Definitive Subdivision Review 1679 Osgood Street, North Andover,MA JBE Project No. 06163.1 Dear Ms. Tymon and Board Members, We are in receipt of a review letter from Eugene Willis, PE, North Andover Division of Public Works, dated July 29, 2011, received September 1, 2011, and offer the following responses to these comments. Department of Public Works Comments 1. In our response letter of June 16, 2011, we noted that "We contacted the Town about who the inspector will be and at this point, they are not sure who will be inspecting and filing the Form N." Unfortunately we have still not been informed who will be inspecting and filing the Form N but we are agreeable to have a firm outside of the DPW perform this inspection work which . 2. We have discussed with the Planning Staff that the responsibility of detention pond maintenance outside of the Right of Way will be the Homeowner and Homeowner Association. These documents will be reviewed and approved as conditions of approval and we are agreeable to this item as well. Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact our office. V ry truly yours, J NES & BE NGINEERS, INC. J seph C onati ice President cc: Eugene Willis, DPW (Letter via email) FA\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\06163.1-N.Andover-1591-Osgood-Street-Adams\WORD\Review Response Letter 2.doc