HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 9/20/2011 (2) CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 March 7, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on March 7, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. Except for plowed areas, snow still covers the site. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work since the last inspection was limited to the house construction on Lots 6, 7, 8, and 31. No excavation work has occurred. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, and 31 continues. 2. The framing of the house on Lot 8 continues. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 March 13, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (CBIS) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on March 13, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place after about 0.4 inches of rain and 2 inches of snow fell on March 12th and 13th. Except for plowed areas, snow still covers the site. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work since the last inspection was limited to the house construction on Lots 6, 7, and 31 . The only excavation work that occurred was the shoring up of the erosion control along and below the driveways. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, and 31 continues. 2. A crushed stone berm was built along the upgradient side of the sedimentation control barrier above the Lot 5 rain garden. There were areas below the barrier where recent runoff had melted channels through the older snow. I cleared the new snow from one of the channels and the grass below was clean. There was no evidence of sediment transport or deposit below the sedimentation control barrier or in the rain garden forebay. 3. Caution tape was installed across the bottom of the Lot 31 driveway to prevent vehicles from driving through an area that is becoming soft as the frost thaws. 4. A crushed stone berm was installed along the right side of the Lot 7 driveway to prevent sediment transport into the downgradient grass swale that leads to the rain garden on Lot 6 and 7. There was no evidence of breaches or overtopping of the berm. 5. A crushed stone check dam was installed across the Lot 7 driveway at a point about 2/3 of the way up the driveway. 6. A pile of crushed stone was placed at the bottom of the Lot 8 driveway. This stockpile acts a filter for any runoff flowing down the driveway. 7. The crushed stone filter strips across the driveways for Lots 6, 7, and 31 were refreshed. 8. There was standing water in the Gravel Wetland, indicating that the runoff from the upper portion of the roadway was being captured by the 4 upper catch basins. 9. There was standing water in the forebay of Infiltration Basin #2. The main basin was covered with ice and snow except for a small area in front of the emergency spillway. There was no evidence of overtopping at the spillway, but the standing water/ice level was just below the spillway elevation. The water level in the basin will continue to be monitored. If standing water remains in the basin as the ice and snow melts the water should be pumped down to reestablish storage capacity and to allow for an evaluation as to why the basin isn't draining properly. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 March 21, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (CSS) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on March 21, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place after about 0.5 inches of rain fell on March 20th. There has also been substantial snow melt during the last week. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the houses this week, and excavation work was started up again. The following observations were noted: 1 . The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, and 31 continues. 2. Exterior framing of the house on Lot 8 continues. 3. The foundation for the house on Lot 4 was being poured at the time of the inspection. 4. The driveways on Lots 31, 6, 7, and 8 were re-graded/re-shaped with native sandy soils and crushed stone. 5. Additional grading of the front yard on Lot 8 occurred. 6. There was silty water in the forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5. It appears that sediment from a small loam pile located to the west of the forebay is washing into the forebay. It was evident that some of the sediment flowed over the forebay berm into the first 10' or so of the rain garden. The accumulated sediment should be removed from the rain garden floor as soon as conditions allow. An erosion control barrier should be placed along the downgradient end of the loam stockpile as soon as possible to prevent further sediment transport into the rain garden, and the stockpile should be removed as soon as conditions allow. I left a message for Brian Dube of Dirt-Pro about this issue. 7. There was standing water in the Gravel Wetland, and the water in the overflow manhole was about an inch below the outlet orifice. 8. There was standing water in the Infiltration basin below the gravel wetland, and in a depression in the woods to the east of the infiltration basin. It appears that most, if not all, of the water in the infiltration basin came from the upgradient depression in the woods and not from the gravel wetland. Water was overflowing from the depression into the infiltration area at the time of the inspection. The water levels in the infiltration basin and depression will be monitored. 9. There was standing water in the forebay of Infiltration Basin #2. The main basin was covered with ice and snow except for a small area in front of the emergency spillway. Though there was no evidence of overtopping at the spillway, it appears that water may be draining through or under the rip-rap of the spillway. The ground along the erosion control barrier below the spillway was very soft and wet. There were two garden hoses in the forebay, so it appears that an attempt is being made to siphon some of the water from the basin. The water should be pumped down to stop the overflow through the rip-rap and to provide retention for stormwater until the infiltration can be restored. Dirt-Pro should perform the noted maintenance and monitor/reinforce the erosion control barriers on a daily basis. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX.-(978)372-3%0 Project No.: 12007 March 28, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File #242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on March 28, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rainfall event was 0.5 inches on March 20th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, and 31 continues. 2. Exterior framing and sheathing of the house on Lot 8 continues. 3. A boulder retaining wall was started at the front right corner of the house on Lot 31 to accommodate the grade change for the garage-under. 4. The foundation for the house on Lot 4 was backfilled and the yard area surrounding the foundation was rough graded. 5. There was standing water in the forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5, just below the overflow elevation. As noted in the previous inspection report, erosion control barriers should be placed above the forebay and between the forebay and the rain garden to prevent further sediment transport into the rain garden. I left a message for Brian Dube of Dirt-Pro this afternoon requesting that these barriers be installed before the heavy rain tomorrow evening. 6. There was an area in the front of Lot 1 where sediment was accumulating at the top of the slope above the forebay of the gravel wetland. An erosion control barrier should be installed across the top of the slope to prevent sediment from flowing into the forebay and gravel wetland. In the message I left for Brian Dube I requested that these barriers be installed before the heavy rain tomorrow evening. 7. The crushed stone filters in the driveways on Lots 6 & 31 are clogged and need to be refreshed. This should be done before work trucks attempt to use the driveways after the heavy weekend rain. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL MASSACHUSETTS 01834$318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3%0 Project No.: 12007 March 31, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on March 31, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. Site contractor Brian Dube from Dirt-Pro was present for the inspection. Brian was on site on both Saturday and Sunday to monitor and maintain/repair the erosion control measures during the storm. Conservation Field Inspector Heidi Gaffney was also present for part of the inspection. The inspection took place after about 2.5 inches of rain fell between March 29th and March 31st. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. The following observations were noted: 1. A washout of a stockpile of stone dust and gravel occurred on Lot 31. Some of the washed out material overtopped the hay bale/silt fence barrier into the woods above the isolated wetland behind the lot. The sediment has stopped just about at the flagged edge of the wetland, near Flag A-7.5. The sediment is primarily a course grained material, and the water flowing over it was clear at the time of the inspection. Brian said that his crew will be back at the site starting on Wednesday, and as soon as it is dry enough will remove all of the sediment that is beyond the erosion control barrier using hand shovels. They will also remove the built up sediment from along the barrier and replace or shore up the barrier as necessary. The upgradient stockpile will be removed and the disturbed area will be finish graded, loamed, and covered with an erosion control mat. 2. There was an area behind Lot 4 where sediment laden runoff flowed either under or through the erosion control barrier. The sediment extends about 15-20 feet beyond the barrier, and is about 60- 65 feet upgradient from Flags C-3 and C-4. As soon as conditions are dry enough Dirt-Pro will remove the sediment from beyond the barrier by hand and shore up or replace the barrier. 3. Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was holding water at its top of berm elevation. There was evidence that the basin had overflowed during the storm (as designed) into the downgradient wooded area. Water was flowing through the orifice of the Gravel Wetland outlet control structure into the infiltration basin, and the ponded water in the depression in the woods to the east of the infiltration basin was overflowing into the infiltration basin. The water levels will continue to be monitored. 4. The water level in Infiltration Basin 2 (on Lot 3) was higher than it was during the inspection before the storm, but there was no sign of overtopping through the spillway. Garden hoses are being used to siphon some of the water out of the basin to restore the capacity. 5. There was standing water within the forebay and main basin of the rain garden on Lot 5. The water was slightly cloudy. The rain garden may need to be raked after it dries out if any sediment remains on top of the mulch. Dirt-Pro intends to start the finish grading and stabilizing of the upgradient disturbed areas later this week. 6. There was standing water within the forebay of the rain garden on Lots 6 and 7. There was no evidence of overflow into the main basin of the rain garden. 7. There was an accumulation of topsoil below the downgradient end of the box culvert under the Lots 5/6/31 driveway. There is no evidence of sediment on the upgradient side of the box culvert, so it appears that the topsoil came from backfilled channel within the box culvert. The topsoil is trapped by the erosion control barrier. The accumulated topsoil should be removed as soon as it dries out enough. Dirt-Pro should perform the noted maintenance and monitor/reinforce the erosion control barriers on a daily basis. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. 8. The standing water noted in the previous report in the infiltration basin below the gravel wetland has nearly all drained into the ground. The ponded water in the depression in the woods to the east of the infiltration basin still holds water, though it is no longer overflowing into the infiltration basin. 9. The standing water noted in the previous report in Infiltration Basin #2 has dropped several inches since the last inspection. There is one garden hose siphoning water from the basin, but it appears that the inflow from the roadway subdrains and melting snow is greater than the rate of the siphon, so infiltration is occurring. Dirt-Pro should perform the noted maintenance and monitor/reinforce the erosion control barriers on a daily basis. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVER-HILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 April 4, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (CBIS) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on April 4, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rainfall event was 3.3 inches on March 29'" - 31st. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1 . The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, and 31 continues. 2. Exterior framing and sheathing of the house on Lot 8 continues. 3. The cleanup of the sand and sediment that washed through the erosion control barrier into the buffer zone behind Lot 31 is underway. A silt sock had been placed across the slope about 10 feet above the edge of wetland, and all sediment has been cleaned up from below the silt sock. The cleanup of the remaining sediment is ongoing, with sediment being scraped up with hand shovels and deposited into a wheelbarrow for removal. 4. The stockpile that created the sediment on Lot 31 has been removed, and the yard area has been re-graded. A swale has been constructed at the bottom of the slope, the swale has been loamed and seeded, and erosion control mats have been installed over the Swale. A hay bale check dam was installed at the top of the swale. 5. There was a shallow area of standing water in the forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5. The bottom of the forebay was covered with mucky leaves. The sediment and leaves should be removed when the forebay dries completely to prevent re-suspension. 6. The main basin of the rain garden on Lot 5 has drained completely since the storm, and the water level in the inspection port was approximately 18 inches below the floor of the rain garden. 7. Hay bale barriers had been added above the forebay of the rain garden on Lot 5 and between the forebay and the rain garden. A silt sock was also added upgradient of the forebay. The area above the erosion control barrier above the rain garden forebay (below the Lot 31 driveway) was re-graded, and accumulated sediment was removed. 8. A pile of crushed had been dumped at the beginning of the Lot 31 driveway and Dirt-Pro was intending to use the stone to refresh the stone aprons this afternoon. 9. The forebay of the rain garden on Lots 6 and 7 has drained completely since the storm. There is a slight coating of silt on the rip-rap in the forebay, but not enough to be a concern, and too little to be cleaned. 10. An inspection was made of the area behind Lot 4 where sediment had flowed either under or through the erosion control barrier. The sediment extends about 15-20 feet beyond the barrier, but is about 60- 65 feet upgradient from Flags C-3 and C-4. The reason for the sediment beyond the barrier is that the silt fence is torn at the bottom and has several holes. I spoke to Brian Dube from Dirt-Pro about this and he said that he would replace the damaged section of silt fence. The slope above the barrier is still too wet to get close enough to remove the built up sediment in front of the barrier, but as soon as conditions are dry enough Dirt-Pro will remove the sediment. 11. Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was holding water about 4 inches below its top of berm elevation. There was a steady flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland and from the upgradient depression in the woods, which was still overflowing into the basin. It appears that the infiltration occurring through the basin floor exceeds the inflow so the basin should continue to drain. The water levels will continue to be monitored. 12. The water level in Infiltration Basin 2 (on Lot 3) continues to drop. It is now about 12 inches below the overflow spillway elevation. There was a steady flow of water into the basin from the drainage system, most likely from the roadway subdrains, and garden hoses were being used to siphon some of the water out of the basin. The rate of water being siphoned out appeared to be about the same as the rate coming in from the drainage system. 13. Additional site grading was ongoing in the front yards of lots 7 and 8. Dirt-Pro should perform the noted maintenance and monitor/reinforce the erosion control barriers on a daily basis. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 April 11, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on April 11, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rainfall event was 0.47 inches on April 7th and 8th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, 8, and 31 continues. 2. The cleanup of the sand and sediment that washed through the erosion control barrier into the buffer zone behind Lot 31 has been completed. 3. The swale that was constructed at the bottom of the slope behind Lot 31 is in very good condition, with no apparent damage or erosion from the rainfall earlier in the week. 4. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding clear water about 10" deep. The hay bale barriers and silt sock above the forebay and the hay bale barrier along the overflow into the rain garden appear to be effectively filtering runoff. There was no standing water in the rain garden. There was no water present in the inspection port (at a depth of about 24" below the floor of the basin). 5. The crushed stone aprons at the beginnings of the driveways to Lots 6, 7, 8, and 31 have been refreshed since the last inspection and were in good condition. 6. A new section of silt fence was placed downgradient of the damaged section behind Lot 4. Bark mulch was placed along the upgradient side of the new silt fence as an additional filter. 7. Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was holding water about 6 to 8" deep (about 12" below the surrounding berm elevation). There was a steady flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The upgradient depression in the woods is holding water about 3 to 4" below the overflow elevation where it was previously draining into the basin. The water levels will continue to be monitored. 8. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 2 (on Lot 3) is dry. (According to Brian Dube from Dirt-Pro, the basin had about 8" of standing water after the rain on Tuesday.) I dug a hole in the middle of the basin about 10" deep, and the bottom of the hole was damp but not saturated. The forebay was holding clear water about 10" deep. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the subdrains). Two garden hoses were being used to siphon water from the forebay. 9. Additional site grading had occurred in the front yard of Lot 4. 10. Additional site grading occurred along the Lot 7 driveway, and fresh hay mulch was spread along the downgradient shoulder and swale. 11. Work was underway on the boulder retaining wall at the front corner of the garage of the house on lot 8. Dirt-Pro should continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3964 Project No.: 12007 April 17, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File #242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on April 17, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rainfall event was 0.76 inches on April 15th and 16th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, 8, and 31 continues. 2. The exterior framing of the house on Lot 4 has started. 3. The swale that was constructed at the bottom of the slope behind Lot 31 is in very good condition, with no apparent damage or erosion from the rainfall. 4. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding clear water about 10" deep. The hay bale barriers and silt sock above the forebay and the hay bale barrier along the overflow into the rain garden appear to be effectively filtering runoff. There was no standing water in the rain garden, though the area immediately below the forebay was damp. There was no water present in the inspection port (at a depth of about 24" below the floor of the basin). 5. Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was holding water about 6" deep. There was a low flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The upgradient depression in the woods is holding water just below the overflow elevation. There were indications that it had overflowed into the infiltration basin during the storm. The water levels will continue to be monitored. 6. Standing water covered about 80% of the bottom of Infiltration Basin 2, to an average depth of about 1". The forebay was holding clear water about 12" deep. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). Two garden hoses were present and had previously been used to siphon water from the forebay, though neither was functioning at the time of the inspection. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Dirt-Pro should continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 April 24, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on April 24, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place one day after about 0.7 inches fell on April 23rd. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, 8, and 31 continues. 2. The exterior framing of the house on Lot 4 continues. 3. The front, left side, and back yards of Lot 31 were brought to subgrade to prepare for final loaming and seeding. The retaining wall and stairs at the right front corner of the house were completed. 4. The swale that was constructed at the bottom of the slope behind Lot 31 is in very good condition, with no apparent damage or erosion from the rainfall. 5. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water about 10" deep. The hay bale barriers and silt sock above the forebay and the hay bale barrier along the overflow into the rain garden appear to be effectively filtering runoff. There was no evidence of overflow into the rain garden, and there was no water present in the inspection port (at a depth of about 24" below the floor of the basin). 6. There was no evidence of flow into or out of the forebay of the rain garden on Lots 6 and 7. 7. Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was holding water about 5" deep. There was a steady flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The upgradient depression in the woods is holding water just below the overflow elevation. There were indications that it had overflowed into the infiltration basin during the storm. The water levels will continue to be monitored. 8. Standing water to a depth of about 2" covered almost the entire bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2. (The basin was dry on the day before the storm.) The forebay was holding clear water about 12" deep. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Dirt-Pro should continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)3730310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 May 2, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on May 2, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place one day after about 0.9 inches fell on April 30th and May 1 st. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1 . The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, 8, and 31 continues. 2. The exterior framing of the house on Lot 4 continues. 3. The foundation for the house on Lot 2 was installed and was being backfilled at the time of the inspection. 4. The swale that was constructed at the bottom of the slope behind Lot 31 is in very good condition, with no apparent damage or erosion from the rainfall. Grass is starting to grow in the swale. 5. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water at the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The first 15 feet or so of the rain garden was wet. The hay bale barriers and silt sock above the forebay and the hay bale barrier along the overflow into the rain garden appear to be effectively filtering runoff. 6. There was no evidence of flow into or out of the forebay of the rain garden on Lots 6 and 7. 7. Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was holding water about 12" deep. There was a steady flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The upgradient depression in the woods was overflowing into the infiltration basin. The water levels will continue to be monitored. 8. Standing water to a depth of about 4" covered the bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2. (There were water marks on the stakes in the basin that indicated that the water level was about 1" higher during the storm.) There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). 9. Additional grading had occurred in the yard on Lot 8. 10. It was noted that the grass seed that was sown last fall is starting to grow along the road shoulders. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Dirt-Pro should continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 May 8, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File #242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on May 8, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place seven days after about 0.9 inches fell on April 30th and May 1 st. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1 . The interior construction of the houses on Lots 6, 7, 8, and 31 continues. 2. The exterior framing of the house on Lot 4 continues. 3. The foundation for the house on Lot 2 was backfilled and rough grading has occurred around the house. 4. The swale that was constructed at the bottom of the slope behind Lot 31 is in very good condition, with grass continuing to grow. 5. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water just below the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The first 15 feet or so of the rain garden was wet. The hay bale barriers and silt sock above the forebay and the hay bale barrier along the overflow into the rain garden appear to be effectively filtering runoff. The Lot 5 end of the swale leading to the forebay was being shaped and loamed at the time of the inspection. 6. Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was holding water about 1" deep. There was a steady flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The water in the upgradient depression in the woods was a few inches below the overflow elevation into the infiltration basin. The water levels will continue to be monitored. 7. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). 8. Pine trees were planted around the front, left side, and back of Infiltration Basin #2 and around the right side of yard on Lot 4. 9. The front yard of Lot 31 has been finished graded and foamed. 10. The area for the septic system on Lot 7 was being excavated at the time of the inspection. 11. The driveway for Lot 31 was being graded in anticipation of paving next week. The shoulders were being shaped. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Dirt-Pro should continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX=(978)372-39W Project No.: 12007 May 16, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File #242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on May 8, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rain event was about 0.9 inches on April 30th and May 1 st. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 4, 6, 7, and 8 continues. 2. The exterior framing of the house on Lot 2 continues. 3. The finish grading and loaming of most of the yard on Lot 31 was completed. 4. The construction of the rain garden on Lot 31 was started. 5. The gravel base for the driveway on Lot 31 was installed. Paving was scheduled to occur later in the day. 6. The swale that was constructed at the bottom of the slope behind Lot 31 is in very good condition, with grass continuing to grow. 7. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water just below the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The first 10 feet or so of the rain garden was damp. 8. The silt sock above the forebay of the Lot 5 rain garden had been pulled out. I called Brian Dube from Dirt pro and asked that it be reinstalled before the rain tonight. 9. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was dry. There was a low flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The water in the upgradient depression in the woods was about 6- 12 inches deep (about 4" below the overflow elevation into the infiltration basin). The water levels will continue to be monitored. 10. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). 11. Pine trees were stocked above the gravel wetland. The trees are to be planted around the sides of the gravel wetland. 12. The septic system on Lot 7 was installed but not backfilled. The downgradient slopes were finish graded and loamed 13. The Lot 7 driveway was paved the morning of the inspection. The driveway shoulders were graded and foamed. 14. Lot 3 was being used as a stockpile area for rock, crushed, stone, soil, & trees. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Dirt-Pro should continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESS[ONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-5318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 May 17, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on May 17, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place after 0.9 inches of rain fell on May 16th and 17th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. There were no apparent erosion control problems after the storm. The following observations were noted: 1. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water at the overflow elevation and was slowly draining into the rain garden. The first 15 feet of the rain garden had standing clear water less than an inch deep. 2. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) had standing clear water about an inch deep immediately below the rip-rap at the inlet. There was a steady flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The water in the upgradient depression in the woods was just below the overflow elevation into the infiltration basin. 3. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry, though water was visible around the edges of the stone where the elevation is slightly below the basin floor elevation. The forebay was overflowing into the infiltration basin ata low rate. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). 4. The forebay of the rain garden on Lots 6 and 7 had 2-3 inches of standing water. There was no evidence of overflow into the rain garden. 5. There was some minor rill erosion on some of the newly loamed slopes, but no significant build-up along any of the erosion control barriers. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Dirt-Pro should continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX_(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 May 23, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File #242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on May 23, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rain event was about 0.3 inches on May 22nd and 23rd. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 4, 6, and 8 continues. 2. The exterior framing of the house on Lot 2 continues. 3. The finish landscaping on Lot 7 was completed. 4. The finish grading and loaming of the rain garden on Lot 31 was completed. 5. Grading was being performed on Lot 1 in preparation for foundation installation. 6. The gravel base for the driveway on Lot 4 was installed. 7. Minor grading occurred on Lot 5 as the lot was being used to access the area of the rain garden on Lot 31. 8. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water just below the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The first 10 feet or so of the rain garden was damp. 9. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was dry. There was a low flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The first 15 feet or so of the basin at the inlet end was damp. There was a low flow of clear water into the basin from the gravel wetland. 10.The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). The forebay held about 4 inches of clear water. 11. Pine trees were planted around the outsides of the berms along the sides of the gravel wetland. 12. Lot 3 continues to be used as an active stockpile area for rock, crushed stone, soil, & trees. 13. The roadway and common driveway to Lots 5/6/31 need to be scraped and swept. Loam that was moved between the stockpile on Lot 1 and the rain garden on Lot 31 has been tracked onto the pavement. I called and spoke to Brian Dube about this and asked that the pavement be cleaned as soon as it is dry enough to do so. Dirt-Pro should clean the pavement areas as noted above and continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL, MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 May 30, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on May 30, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rain event was about 0.3 inches on May 28th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1 . The interior construction of the houses on Lots 4 and 8 continues. 2. The exterior framing of the house on Lot 2 continues. 3. The foundation was installed on Lot 1. 4. The finish landscaping on Lot 31 was completed, with the exception of the planting and seeding in and around the rain garden. 5. The grass on the roadway shoulders has been recently mowed and is well established in most areas. 6. The grass on Lot 7 is starting to grow. 7. Lot 3 has been cleaned up and rough graded. Pine trees have been planted around the limits of what will be the yard area. 8. The underground utilities were being installed to the house on Lot 4 at the time of the inspection. 9. The roadway and common driveway to Lots 5/6/31 were swept and cleaned. 10.The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water just below the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The first 10 feet or so of the rain garden was damp. 11.The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was dry. There was a low flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. The first 5 feet or so of the basin at the inlet end was damp. There was a low flow of clear water into the basin from the gravel wetland. 12. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. There was a low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). The forebay held about 2 to 3 inches of clear water. 13. The silt sacks in the catch basins adjacent to the gravel wetland on Lot 1 are full to within a foot or so of the grate and need to be emptied. I spoke to Brian Dube from Dirt-Pro about this and he will have the silt sacks emptied within the next few days. Dirt-Pro should empty the silt sacks as noted above and continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX=(978)372-3%0 Project No.: 12007 June 6, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on June 6, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The last significant rain event was about 0.4 inches on June 5th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots this week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 2, 4, 6 and 8 continues. 2. The siding of the house on Lot 4 is underway. 3. The foundation on Lot 1 has been backfilled and lumber has been stockpiled in the front yard. Silt fence has been installed along the left side of the yard to protect the gravel wetland. 4. The grass on Lot 31 is starting to grow. 5. The grass on Lot 7 is starting is growing well. 6. Lot 3 continues to be used as an active stockpile area. 7. There has been some tracking of dirt onto the road in front of Lots 2-4. 1 spoke to Matt from Dirt-Pro about this and he said that they will scrape and/or sweep the road later today. 8. The roof drainage system was being installed on Lot 6 at the time of the inspection. 9. The forebay above the gravel wetland on Lot 1 was holding water about 10- 12 inches deep. There was no indication of overflow into the gravel wetland during the previous day's storm. 10. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was dry. There was no flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. 11. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. There was a very low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). The forebay held about 3 to 4 inches of clear water. 12. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding water at the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The first 10 feet or so of the rain garden was damp. 13. The silt sacks in the catch basins adjacent to the gravel wetland on Lot 1 are full to within a foot or so of the grate and need to be emptied. I spoke to Matt from Dirt-Pro about this and he said that they planned on emptying the silt sacks later today. 14. The plantings in the rain gardens on Lots 5 and 6/7 appear to be growing very well. Dirt-Pro should empty the silt sacks and clean the roadway pavement as noted above and continue to monitor the erosion control barriers on a daily basis and reinforce or replace as needed. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERG1, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX=(978)372-3" Project No.: 12007 June 16, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File#242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its post-rainfall erosion and sedimentation control inspection on June 16, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place after about 0.7 inches of rain fell on June 13th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots last week. The following observations were noted: 1 . The interior construction of the houses on Lots 2, 4, 6 and 8 continues. 2. The framing of the house on Lot 1 continues. 3. The footings for the house on Lot 3 were being poured at the time of the inspection. 4. The grass on Lots 7 and 31 is becoming well established. 5. The excavation for the septic system on Lot 6 was taking place at the time of the inspection. 6. The forebay above the gravel wetland on Lot 1 was holding clear water about 6 - 8 inches deep. The bottoms of the main basins of the gravel wetland were slightly damp, with no standing water. 7. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was dry. There was no flow of water into the basin from the gravel wetland. 8. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. There was a very low flow of water into the forebay from the drainage system (water collected by the roadway subdrains). The forebay was almost completely dry with just one small area of standing water. 9. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding clear water just below the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The first 5- 10 feet or so of the rain garden bottom was slightly damp. 10. New silt sacks have been installed in the catch basins adjacent to the gravel wetland on Lot 1. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)373-0310 FAX:(978)372-3960 Project No.: 12007 June 20, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File #242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (CBIS) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on June 20, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place 7 days after about 0.7 inches of rain fell on June 13th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots last week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 2, 4, 6 and 8 continues. 2. The framing of the house on Lot 1 continues. 3. The foundation for the house on Lot 3 was being poured at the time of the inspection. 4. The septic system was installed on Lot 6. The final grading for the driveway was taking place at the time of the inspection. 5. The forebay above the gravel wetland on Lot 1 was holding clear water about 2- 3 inches deep. The bottoms of the main basins of the gravel wetland were dry. 6. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was dry. 7. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. The forebay was also dry. 8. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding clear water a few inches below the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The bottom of the rain garden was dry. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. CHRISTIANSEN & SERGI, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 160 SUMMER STREET-HAVERHILL,MASSACHUSETTS 01830-6318 (978)37"310 FAX:(978)372-3%0 Project No.: 12007 June 27, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Hughes Town of North Andover Conservation Department 1600 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Stanton Woods Subdivision (formerly Saracusa Way) DEP File #242-1492 Dear Ms. Hughes: Christiansen & Sergi, Inc. (C&S) conducted its weekly erosion and sedimentation control inspection on June 27, 2014 to review the status of site conditions, erosion control measures, and wetland resource areas at the subject property. The inspection took place 1 day after about 0.4 inches of rain fell on June 26th. The status report is intended to comply with Condition 52 of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission. Work continued on several of the house lots last week. The following observations were noted: 1. The interior construction of the houses on Lots 2, 4, 6 and 8 continues. 2. The exterior framing and sheathing of the house on Lot 1 is completed and interior work is starting. 3. The foundation for the house on Lot 3 was backfilled and the front yard has been rough graded. 4. Loam piles were placed in the front yards of Lots 1 and 2 in anticipation of final grading and landscaping. 5. The driveway on Lot 6 was paved. The final landscaping was completed, and the yard was being hydro-seeded at the time of the inspection. 6. The forebay above the gravel wetland on Lot 1 was holding clear water about 1 - 2 inches deep. The bottoms of the main basins of the gravel wetland were slightly damp. 7. The bottom of Infiltration Basin 1 (on Lot 1) was dry. 8. The bottom area of Infiltration Basin 2 was dry. The forebay was holding clear water about 2- 3 inches deep 9. The forebay above the rain garden on Lot 5 was holding clear water a few inches below the overflow elevation into the rain garden. The bottom of the rain garden was dry. There are no outstanding erosion control issues at this time. Regards, Daniel J. O'Connell Christiansen & Sergi, Inc.