HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Report - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 7/8/2011 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL For Definitive Subdivision Plan Tax Map 61, Lots 16 & 34 Route 125 & Bradford Street North Andover, Ma. 01845 For G.M.Z. Realty Trust 1679 Osgood Street North Andover, Ma 01845 Prepared by: Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. 85 Portsmouth Avenue P.O. Box 219 Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4747 May 18, 2011 Revised July 8, 20.1-1--- JBE Project No. 06163 Inspection and Maintenance of Facilities and Property A. Maintenance of Common Facilities or Property GMZ Realty Trust is responsible for maintenance of all stormwater infrastructure associated with the facility and the property. This includes all temporary and permanent stormwater and erosion control facilities, roadways, and parking areas during construction. Once the roadway is accepted, the Town of North Andover will be maintaining the drainage system within the Right of Way (R.O.W.). All drainage facilities outside the road R.O.W. are to be maintained by the homeowners association. B. General Inspection and Maintenance Requirements 1. Temporary and permanent stormwater and sediment and erosion control facilities to be maintained on the site include but are not limited to the following: a. Silt fencing and/or organic filter berms b. Temporary diversion and swales c. Erosion control blankets d. Culvert and catch basin inlet protection measures e. Construction entrances f. Culverts g. Swales h. Vegetation and landscaping i. Roadways j. Riprap inlet and outlet protection aprons k. Multi-stage discharge outlet structures 1. Water Quality ponds in. Plunge pools n. Gravel wetlands o. Raingardens 2. Maintenance of temporary measures shall follow the following schedule: a. The general contractor shall strictly adhere to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) during construction operations. b. During the construction process, all silt fencing will be inspected during and after storm events to ensure that the fence still has integrity and is not allowing sediment to pass. Any section of fence that has failed or is failing is to be replaced immediately, overlapping adjacent fence sections by at least one foot. If the problem persists, measures such as additional fencing (i.e. double) or the addition of haybales on the project side of the fence line should be considered. Sediment is to be removed from behind the fencing if found to be deeper than six inches and disposed of properly. CADocuments and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx .c. Sediment is to be removed from behind diversions if found to be deeper than six inches and disposed of properly. d. Areas protected by erosion control blankets should be inspected after every major rain event in order to ensure that that matting has not come loose from the underlying soil. Any areas found to be out of place should be re-secured with the appropriate staking material. e. Culvert inlet protection measures should be inspected once per week and after every major storm event. Sediment accumulations around the stone should be removed if they are deeper than six inches. If extensive amounts of sediment appear to have become trapped within the gravel filter stone such that proper operation of the structure has become impractical, the stone should be cleaned or otherwise replaced. f. The stabilized construction entrance(s) shall be inspected weekly and after every rain event in order to ensure that the pad(s) are not becoming choked with sediment. Additional stone shall be added if required. g. All stormwater facilities, including catch basins and detention ponds, shall have any accumulated sediment and debris removed from them and disposed of properly once construction has been completed. h. All construction debris and trash shall be removed from the site at the completion of construction and disposed of properly. i. Once construction has been completed, the contractor is to remove all temporary erosion control measures and, if necessary, smooth and revegetate the areas disturbed by the removal. 3. Town Maintenance of permanent measures shall follow the following schedule: a. Normal winter roadway maintenance including plowing and snow removal, salting, and sanding. b. Road sweeping at the end of every winter, preferably at the start of the spring rain season. c. Inspection of culvert inlets and outlets at least once per month during the rainy season(March to November). Any debris is to be removed and disposed of properly. d. Annual inspection of the site for erosion, destabilization, settling, and sloughing. Any needed repairs are to be conducted immediately. e. Annual inspection of site's vegetation and landscaping. Any areas that are bare shall be reseeded and mulched with hay or, if the case is extreme, loamed and seeded or sodded to ensure adequate vegetative cover. Landscape specimens shall be replaced in kind if they are found to be dead or dying. CADocuments and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx f. Deep sump catch basins should be inspected and cleaned a minimum of once per year. Any sediment accumulated shall be removed if it is deeper than one half the depth from the bottom of the basin to the lowest pipe invert in the basin. 4. Homeowner/Homeowner Association Maintenance of permanent measures shall follow the following schedule: a. Ponds require timely maintenance and should be inspected after every major storm event, as well as frequently during the first year of operation, and annually thereafter. Every five years,the services of a professional engineer should be retained to perform a thorough inspection of the pond and its infrastructure. Any debris and sediment accumulations should be removed from the outlet structure(s) and emergency spillway(s) and disposed of properly. Pond berms should be mowed at least once annually so as to prevent the establishment of woody vegetation. Trees should never be allowed to grow on a pond berm, as they may destabilize the structure and increase the potential for failure. Areas showing signs of erosion or thin or dying vegetation should be repaired immediately by whatever means necessary, with the exception of fertilizer. Rodent borrows should be repaired immediately and the animals should be trapped and relocated if the problem persists. b. Gravel wetlands and sediment forebay inspection and maintenance criteria is as follows: 1st Year Post-Construction: Inspection frequency should be after every major storm in the first year following construction. • Inspect to be certain system drains within 24-72 hrs (within the design period, but also not so quickly as to minimize stormwater treatment)). • Watering plants as necessary during the first growing season • Re-vegetating poorly established areas as necessary • Treating diseased vegetation as necessary • Quarterly inspection of soil and repairing eroded areas, especially on slopes • Checking inlets, outlets, and overflow spillway for blockage, structural integrity, and evidence of erosion. Post-Construction: Inspection frequency should be at least every 6 months thereafter, as per USEPA Good House-Keeping Requirements. Inspection frequency can be reduced to annual following 2 years of monitoring that indicates the rate of sediment accumulation is less than the cleaning criteria listed below. Inspections should focus on: • Checking the filter surface for dense, complete, root mat establishment across the wetland surface. Thorough revegetation with grasses, forbs, and shrubs is necessary. Unlike bioretention, where mulch is commonly used, complete surface coverage with vegetation is needed. • Checking the gravel wetland surface for standing water or other evidence of riser clogging, such as discolored or accumulated sediments. • Checking the sedimentation chamber or forebay for sediment accumulation, trash, and debris. C:\Documents and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx • Inspect to be certain the sedimentation forebay drains within 24 to 72 hrs. • Checking inlets, outlets, and overflow spillway for blockage, structural integrity, and evidence of erosion. • Removal of decaying vegetation, litter, and debris. • Mow grass areas periodically so that grass does not exceed 4" in height. Cleaning Criteria for All Sedimentation Forebays: Sediment should be removed from the sedimentation chamber(forebay) when it accumulates to a depth of more than 12 inches (30 cm) or 10 percent of the pretreatment volume. The sedimentation forebay should be cleaned of vegetation if persistent standing water and wetland vegetation becomes dominant. The cleaning interval is once every year. A dry sedimentation forebay is the optimal condition while in practice this condition is rarely achieved. The sedimentation chamber, forebay, and treatment cell outlet devices should be cleaned when drawdown times exceed 60 to 72 hours. Materials can be removed with heavy construction equipment; however this equipment should not track on the wetland surface. Revegetation of disturbed areas as necessary. Removed sediments should be dewatered (if necessary) and disposed of in an acceptable manner. Cleaning Criteria for Gravel Wetland Treatment Cells: Sediment should be removed from the gravel wetland surface when it accumulates to a depth of several inches (>10 cm) across the wetland surface. Materials should be removed with rakes rather than heavy construction equipment to avoid compaction of the gravel wetland surface. Heavy equipment could be used if the system is designed with dimensions that allow equipment to be located outside the gravel wetland, while a backhoe shovel reaches inside the gravel wetland to remove sediment. Removed sediments should be dewatered (if necessary) and disposed of in an acceptable manner. Draining and Flushing Gravel Wetland Treatment Cells: For maintenance it may be necessary to drain or flush the treatment cells. The optional drains will permit simpler maintenance of the system if needed. The drains need to be closed during standard operation. Flushing of the risers and horizontal subdrains is most effective with the entire system drained. Flushed water and sediment should be collected and properly disposed. c. Raingarden- Bioretention Cells: • Visually inspect monthly and repair erosion. Use small stones to stabilize erosion along drainage paths. • Check the pH once or twice a year. Apply an alkaline product, such as limestone, if needed. • Re-mulch any void areas by hand as needed. • Every 6 months, in the spring and fall, add a fresh mulch layer. • Once every 2 to 3 years, in the spring, remove old mulch layer before applying new one. • Immediately after the completion of cell construction, water plant material for 14 consecutive days unless there is sufficient natural rainfall. • When trees have taken root, or at least by 6 months, remove stakes and wires. C:\Documents and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.doex • Once a month (more frequently in the summer), visually inspect vegetation for disease or pest problems. • If treatment is warranted, use the least toxic approach. • Twice a year, from March 15th to April 30th and October 1st to November 30th, remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation considered beyond treatment. • During times of extended drought, look for physical features of stress (unrevived wilting, yellow, spotted or brown leaves, loss of leaves, etc.). Water in the early morning as needed. • Weed regularly, if needed. • Prune excess growth annually or more often, if desired. Trimmed materials may be recycled back in with replenished mulch or land filled if there is a concern of heavy metals accumulation. • After rainstorms, inspect the cell and make sure that drainage paths are clear and that ponding water dissipates over 4-6 hours. (Water may pond for longer times during the winter and early spring.) • KEEP IN MIND, THE BIORETENTION CELL IS NOT A POND. IT SHOULD NOT PROVIDE A BREEDING GROUND FOR MOSQUITOES. MOSQUITOES NEED AT LEAST FOUR (4) DAYS OF STANDING WATER TO DEVELOP AS LARVA. d. House Roof Infiltration System: The following recommendations will help assure that the roof infiltration system is maintained to preserve its effectiveness. • Once the system has been constructed, it should be tested by inserting a garden hose into the inlet and allowing the water to run for a minimum of one (1) hour. The water should stay underground within the gravel. If water comes out of the overflow, the system should be further inspected and possibly replaced. This procedure should be performed every year during the fall inspection. • In the spring and fall, visually inspect the area around the system and repair any erosion. Use small stones to stabilize erosion along drainage paths. Re-mulch any void areas by hand as needed. Also inspect the roof collection and piping and clean and repair as necessary. • Do not plant deep rooted trees and shrubs within 5' of the system. • Keep heavy vehicles from driving or parking over the system. CADocuments and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx Any inquiries in regards to the design, function, and/or maintenance of any one of the above mentioned facilities or tasks shall be directed to the project engineer: Jones and Beach Engineers, Inc. Attn: Michael Kerivan, P.E. 85 Portsmouth Avenue P.O. Box 219 Stratham,NH 03885 T#: (603) 772-4747 F#: (603) 772-0227 C:\Documents and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.doex Commitment to maintenance requirements I agree to complete and/or observe all of the required maintenance practices and their respective schedules as outlined above. G.M.Z. Realty Trust Print Name Date CADocuments and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION REPORT(Page 1 of 3) FORM C-1 G.M.Z. Realty Trust Inspections/reports must be completed every seven(7)days and before and within 24-hours after a storm event. Inspection Type: O Routine(every 7 calendar days) ODuring Storm Date: O Pre-Storm O Post-Storm Weather information for period since last inspection: Weather during inspection: Storm Start Time: Storm Duration: Description of any discharge during inspection: Approximate Amount of Rainfall(inches): Based on the results of the inspection,necessary control modifications shall be initiated within 24 hours and completed within 48 hours. These reports shall be kept on file as part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for at least five (5) years from the date of completion and submission of the Final Stabilization Certification/Termination Checklist and Notice of Termination. A copy of the SWPPP shall be kept at the site at all times during construction. Certification Statement: "I certify under penalty of perjury that I personally conducted this inspection and I personally prepared this inspection summary report noting the deficiencies in BMPs and the corrective actions taken. I certify that the information in this report is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including fines and imprisonment for knowing violations" Name of Inspector: Title of Inspector: Qualifications of Inspector: Inspector's Signature: Construction phasing/sequencing is consistent with the SWPPP and Erosion Control Plans: 1 Yes !No Compliance Certification I certify that,based on no incidents of non-compliance identified during the inspection,the site is in compliance with the SWPPP and the Construction General Permit Name of Authorized Representative(Printed): Signature of Authorized Representative: Date: *Note: This Compliance Certification is only to be signed by Authorized Representative(Project Manager)when there are no"unsatisfactory"conditions and the construction phasing/sequencing is consistent with the SWPPP, rendering the site in full compliance with the SWPPP and the Construction General Permit. C:\Documents and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx Form C-1 Continued Satisfactory Inspection Areas Location Maintenance Needed Implementation Date Yes No N/A Indicate if BMP is Inadequate For The Location of Corrective Action Points of Discharge(if inaccessible inspect nearby downstream locations Construction Entrance/Exit Perimeter Control Measures Temporary Sediment Basins, Gravel and Rip-rap Basins and Sediment Traps Inlet Protection Outlet Stabilization Material Laydown and Staging Area Storm Drainage Culverts Curb and Gutter Gravel Wetland#1 Infiltration Basin#2 Non-Stormwater Discharges Slope Stabilization Stormwater channels Page 2 of 3 Form C-1 Continued Satisfactory Inspection Areas Location Maintenance Needed Implementation Date Yes No N/A Indicate if BMP is Inadequate For The Location of Corrective Action Temporary or Permanent Seeding,Sodding,Mulching or Landscaping Pipe Slope Drains Material Management and Storage Solid and Construction Waste Sanitary Wastes Non-Stormwater Discharges Raingarden Lot 16-1 Raingarden Lot 16-2 Raingarden Lot 16-4 Raingarden Lot 16-5 Raingarden Lot 16-6 Raingarden Lot 31 Headwall F.E.S.#1 F.E.S.#2 Location(s)Where Additional BMP is Needed That Was Not Shown On The Plan "As of the date set forth below I certify under penalty of law that I personally reviewed this inspection report and personally noted any incidents of non-compliance with permit conditions. Where this report does not identify any incidents of non-compliance I have certified that the construction project or site is in compliance with the SWPPP and this permit (Form C-1 page 1 of 3). Based on my observations of the inspection report and of the site, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information in this inspection report is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Pate 3 of 3 Project Manager: C:\Documents and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Stabilization Schedule for Major Grading Activities FORM C-2 Note:If activities'cease for more than 14 days these columns-need to be completed. Type of Stabilization Major Site Begin Completion Temporary Resume Date Begin Date for Begin Date for (List measures used such as stone, Contractor Responsible Construction Activity Date Date Cease Date Stabilization Stabilization seeding,mulch,landscaping,',etc..) for Work Areas Temporary Permanent Temp.Gravel Const.Entrance Sediment Trap/Basin Mass Grading Entry Drive Stormwater Detention/Retention Pervious Areas STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FORM C-3 G.M.Z. Realty Trust *To be completed prior to initiation of construction by the contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for implementing all erosion control and storm water management control structures. The Contractor may designate these tasks to certain subcontractors as they see fit,but the ultimate responsibility for implementing these controls and ensuring their proper functioning remains with the Contractor. *Proposed *Proposed I Actual Actual Contractor Construction Activity Initiation Date Completion Initiation Completion Responsible for Date Date Date Implementation A pre-construction meeting shall be held by the Project Manager and the Operator's Engineer prior to land disturbing activities. 14 days prior to the start of any land disturbing activity,it is the responsibility of the site's General Contractor and the Site Developer (or Owner)to both file a Notice of Intent(NOI)form and a copy of one (shared) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) with the State of MA Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) in order to gain coverage under the MADES Construction General Permit for Construction Activities. Construct temporary construction exits at locations shown on the SWPPP plan sheet. Install perimeter silt fences and temporary sediment basin in the locations shown on the SWPPP plan sheet. Begin clearing and grubbing operations.Clearing and grubbing shall be done only in areas where earthwork will be performed and only in areas where building is planned to commence within 14 days after clearing and grubbing. Commence site grading. Disturbed areas of the site where Construction Activity has ceased for more than 14 days shall be temporarily seeded and watered. Install inlet/outlet protection at the locations of all grate inlets,curb inlets,and at the ends of all exposed storm sewer pipes. Finalize pavement subgrade preparation. Construct all curb and gutter,gutter inlets,area inlets, and storm sewer manholes, as shown on the plans. Inlet protection may be removed temporarily for this constriction.Place required riprap at locations shown on the plans. Remove inlet protection around inlets and manholes no more than 48 hours prior to placing stabilized base course. Install base material as required for pavement. Carry out final grading and seeding and planting. Remove silt fencing only after all paving is complete and exposed surfaces are stabilized. Clean site and all drainage strictures, pipes, and sumps of all silt and debris. Remove temporary construction exits only prior to pavement construction in these areas(These areas are to be paved last). C:\Documents and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN MODIFICATION REPORT FORM D-1 G.M.Z. Realty Trust CHANGES REQUIRED FOR STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The SWPPP must be amended whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to the waters of the United States that has not been previously addressed in the SWPPP, if inspections or investigations by site staff,local, state or federal officials determine that discharges are causing water quality exceedances or the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in storm water discharges from the construction site,or based on the results of an inspection,or there is a release containing a Hazardous Substance or Oil in an amount equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity established under either 40 CFR Part 110, 40 CFR Part 117, or 40 CFR Part 302 occurs during a 24 hour period,the SWPPP must be modified to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct identified problems. Revisions to the SWPPP must be completed within seven (7) calendar days following the inspection. Modifications that are the result of inspections shall be initialed within 24 hours and completed within 48 hours. To: Project Manager Date: Address: Site: Telephone: Facsimile: Sent Via: ❑ Facsimile ❑ Courier ❑ US Mail MODIFICATION INSPECTOR: DATE: NUMBER: (Print) (Signature) QUALIFICATIONS OF INSPECTOR: CHANGES REQUIRED TO THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN: REASONS FOR CHANGES: TO BE PERFORMED BY: ON OR BEFORE: Project Manager: C:\Documents and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Inspection Report for Long Term Maintenance Activities(to be performed by the Town of North Andover) Satisfactory Inspection Areas Location Maintenance Needed Implementation Date Yes No N/A Indicate if BMP is Inadequate For The Location of Corrective Action Points of Discharge(if inaccessible inspect nearby downstream locations Inlet Protection Outlet Stabilization Gravel Wetland#1 Gravel Wetland#1 Outlet Pond Infiltration Basin 42 Storm Drainage Culverts Deep Sump Catch Basins Curb and Gutter Stormwater channels CADocuments and Settings\jenright\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outloolc\LUCSNFEL\06163-Stormwater Operations Maintenance Report.docx