HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Report - 1679 OSGOOD STREET 6/30/2011 DRAINAGE ANALYSIS SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN D 9� lay / eJ ok Definitive Subdivision Plan cpeoig.-, Haab 0,0/y Tax Map 61 Lots 16 & 34 ffi4 yA'/) vey'A100 Route 125 & Bradford Street North Andover, Ma. 01845 For G.M.Z. Realty Trust 1679 Osgood Street North Apg#qyer, Ma 01845 KERIVAN No.394,84 �---� Prepared by: s � ^< Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. 85 Portsmouth Avenue P.O. Box 219 Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4747 July 12, 2010 Revised June 30, 2011 JBE Project No. 06163 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., on behalf of our client, GMZ Realty Trust, respectfully submits a drainage report for Preliminary Subdivision for the referenced parcel. The intent of this project is to subdivide the property into seven (7)residential lots with private individual wells and on-site leach field areas. In utilizing the Department of Agriculture, Soils Conservation Service Soil Survey, we have broken the site into two basic soils groups. They are 255C, Windsor loamy sand, 8 to 15 % slopes, 256A, Deerfield loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes. GMZ Realty Trust proposes to construct a new subdivision containing two (2) new roads with cul-de-sacs and seven residential homes. A drainage analysis of the entire site was conducted for the purpose of estimating the peak rate of stormwater runoff and to subsequently design adequate drainage structures. Two models were compiled, one for the area in its existing(pre-construction) condition, and a second for its proposed (post-construction) condition. The analysis was conducted using data for the 2 Year - 24 Hour (3.1"), 10 Year - 24 Hour (4.50"), 25 Year - 24 Hour (5.3"), 50 Year - 24 Hour (5.85") and 100 Year - 24 Hour (6.4") storm events using the USDA SCS TR-20 method within the HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System environment. A summary of the existing and proposed conditions peak rates of runoff is as follows: COMPONENT ANALYSIS PEAK RATE OF RUNOFF (CUBIC FEET/SECOND) 1 Year 2 Year 10 Year 25 Year 50 Year 100 Year Analysis Point#1 Existing 0.0 0.1 1.8 4.4 6.1 8.4 Proposed 0.0 0.1 0.9 1.6 2.0 2.5 Analysis Point#2 Existing 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.6 1.1 Proposed 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.7 1.1 Analysis Point#3 Existing 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.3 1.8 Proposed 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.6 1.0 Analysis Point#4 Existing 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.9 1.3 1.8 Proposed 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.8 1.2 1.7 Analysis Point#5 Existing 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.6 1.0 Proposed 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.7 The project site is located primarily in the Residential R2 zone, with a portion located within the in the Corridor Development District 3 (CDD3) zone. The subject parcel is mostly composed of woods with Four (4) housing units located off of Route 125 (Osgood Street) in the west corner of the lot. The site slopes generally from east to west and drains to an existing closed drainage system in Route 125. The existing conditions site analysis requires 6 subcatchments that drain to 5 analysis points at the property line. The proposed site development consists of the construction of a roadway, eight (8) stormwater treatment facilities and seven houses. The addition of approximately 74,613 square feet of impervious area, in addition to site grading, yields 23 subcatchments that drain to the 5 analysis points for proposed conditions site analysis. Stormwater from the proposed development will be directed to various treatment practices including deep sump catch basins with grease hoods, sediment forebays, bioretention areas (rain gardens), infiltration pond and gravel pond systems. As shown in the above table, the proposed peak rates of stormwater runoff vary from decreases to increases. However, the total flows when added together show an overall decrease of runoff from the site. All of the water from the site drains to the west to the existing drainage infrastructure in Osgood Street, therefore this system will experience an overall reduction in peak flow. It should be noted that for the largest increase of the 25-year storm at analysis point #2, the volume of water has decreased from 0.116 acre-feet to 0.097 acre-feet, meaning that there will be a reduction in the amount of water leaving the site at this location. Groundwater recharge will be achieved by the "Static" Method where the entire required roadway recharge volume will be stored below the lowest invert in the infiltration pond and allowed to percolate into the underlying soil. There will be 35,444 s.f. of impervious area covering Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) `A' soil and an additional 7,351 s.f. of impervious covering HSG `B' soil. The required recharge volume is 1,987 c.f. The storage volume below the invert of infiltration pond equals 6,092 c.f. of storage, which is greater than the required recharge volume. The infiltration pond is located within the HSG `A' soil group and has a texture class of loamy sand/sandy loam as shown within the soil logs. The drawdown time for the _pond will be 69 hours. Calculations can be found in Section 3.0, Proposed Conditions Analysis. Sediment forebays have been designed to capture a minimum of 0.1 inch per impervious acre. Infiltration Pond #1 will require 243 c.f, of storage. The proposed forebay volume is 430 c.f. > 243 c.f. For Infiltration Pond #2, the required volume is 183 c.f., whereas the proposed volume is 187 c.f. For Wet Pond#3, the required volume is 21 c.f., whereas the proposed volume is 40 c.f. For Wet Pond#4, the required volume is 38 c.f., whereas the proposed volume is 54 c.f. For Wet Pond #5, the required volume is 143 c.f., whereas the proposed volume is 152 c.f. Calculations can be found in Section 3.0, Proposed Conditions Analysis. Gravel Wetland #1 and Infiltration Pond #2 have been designed to hold the Required Water Quality Volume of 1-inch of water over the impervious area. Gravel Wetland #1 will require 1,786 c.f of storage. The proposed pond volume below the lowest outlet invert is 7,855 c.f. > 1,786 c.f. Infiltration Pond #2 will requirel,165 c.f. of storage. The proposed pond volume below the lowest outlet invert is 6,092 c.f. > 1,165 c.f. Calculations can be found in Section 3.0, Proposed Conditions Analysis. In addition, the potential for increased erosion and sedimentation is handled by way riprap outlet protection and seeding and mulching of slopes as soon as they are completed. The use of Best Management Practices have been applied to the design of this drainage system and will be observed during all stages of construction. All land disturbed during construction will be stabilized within thirty days of groundbreaking, and existing wetlands and abutting property owners will suffer minimal adversity resultant of this development. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary USGS Quadrangle 1.0 Rainfall Characteristics Page 1 2.0 Existing Conditions Analysis Page 1 3.0 Proposed Conditions Analysis Pages 1-2 4.0 Sediment & Erosion Control Best Management Practices Pages 2-8 5.0 Conclusion Page 8 Appendix I Existing Conditions Analysis 1 Year-24 Hour(Summary) 2 Year- 24 Hour(Summary) 10 Year- 24 Hour(Complete) 25 Year- 24 Hour(Summary) 50 Year- 24 Hour(Summary) 100 Year—24 Hour(Summary) Appendix II Proposed Conditions Analysis 1 Year- 24 Hour(Summary) 2 Year- 24 Hour(Summary) 10 Year- 24 Hour(Complete) 25 Year- 24 Hour(Summary) 50 Year- 24 Hour(Summary) 100 Year—24 Hour(Summary) Appendix III Charts, Graphs, and Calculations Appendix IV Stormwater Management Operation and Maintenance Manual Appendix V Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Enclosed: Sheet W 1 Existing Conditions Watershed Plan Sheet W2 Proposed Conditions Watershed Plan PP a IT f4 I 1 1.0 RAINFALL CHARACTERISTICS This drainage report includes an existing conditions analysis of the area involved in the proposed development, as well as a proposed condition, or post-construction analysis, of the same location. These analyses were accomplished using the USDA SCS TR-20 Method within the HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System. The curve numbers were developed using the SCS TR-55 Runoff Curve numbers for Urban Areas. A Type III SCS 24-hour rainfall distribution was utilized in analyzing the data for the 2 Year- 24 Hour(3.1"), 10 Year—24 Hour (4.5"), 25 Year- 24 Hour(5.3 50 Year-24 Hour(5.85") and 100 Year- 24 Hour(6.4") storm events. 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS The project site is located primarily in the Residential R2 zone, with a portion located within the in the Corridor Development District 3 (CDD3) zone. The subject parcel is compiled of woods and grasses. The topography of the site slopes from east to west. The eastern portion slopes at about 6% down to the west. A NRCS map was obtained from Department of Agriculture website. Soils are predominantly in the 255C, Windsor loamy sand, 8 to 15 % slopes, and 256A Deerfield loamy sand 0 to 3% slopes. For the purposes of determining the amount of stormwater runoff that would result for various storm events, Hydrologic Soil Group 1 was used. 3.0 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ANALYSIS The proposed site consists of the construction of seven new houses with associated parking, and a new roadway with curbing. The proposed storm run-off will be captured through the use of site grading, closed stormwater collection systems and roof drains directed to the proposed stormwater treatment facilities. The site grading and drainage structures yield 21 subcatchments for proposed conditions site analysis. All outlet structures will have rip rap outlet protection aprons installed to resist erosion from the velocity of the water. The riprap outlet protection has been designed with the equations depending on inlet or outlet control and using a 25-year storm event. As the table in the Executive Summary demonstrates, the proposed peak rates of stormwater runoff vary from decreases to increases. However, the total flows when added together show an overall decrease of runoff from the site. All of the water from the site drains to the west to the existing drainage infrastructure in Osgood Street, therefore this system will experience an overall reduction in peak flow. Groundwater recharge will be achieved by the "Static" Method where the entire recharge volume will be stored below the lowest invert in the infiltration ponds and allowed to percolate into the underlying soil. There will be 35,444 s.f of impervious area covering Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) `A' soil and an additional 7,351 s.f. of impervious covering HSG `B' soil. The required recharge volume is: 35,444 s.f x (0.60" x 1/12 `/") + 7,351 s.f. x (0.35" x 1/12 `/") = 1,987 c.f. The storage volume below the invert of the infiltration pond equals 6,092 c.f. of storage below the invert, which is greater than the required recharge volume. The infiltration pond is located within the HSG `A' soil Paige 12 group and has a texture class of loamy sand/sandy loam as shown within the soil logs. The drawdown time for the pond will be as follows; using a Rawls Infiltration Rate of 1.02 inches/hour (sandy loam, HSG B), pond #1 which has 6,092 c.f of storage and 1,033 s.f of bottom area will drain within 6,092 c.f. /(1.02 "/hr)(1 ft/12 in)(1,033 s.f) = 69.4 hours< 72 hours. Even though a Rawls Rate of 1.02"/hr was used for the drawdown time, there is a loamy sand, HSG A component to the soil which has a Rawls Rate of 2.41 "/hr. This higher rate will increases the required Water Quality Depth from '/2" to 1". Therefore, a 1" Water Quality Depth has been used to determine the Water Quality Volume. In using the two different rates, an additional factor of safety is achieved in both calculations. Sediment forebays have been designed to capture a minimum of 0.1 inch per impervious acre. For Gravel Wetland #1, the impervious area draining to the pond is 0.492 acres, which will require (0.1")(1'/12") x 0.492 Acre = 0.0041 Acre-feet (43560 s.f./acre) = 179 c.f. The proposed forebay volume is 311 c.f. > 1793 c.f. For Infiltration Pond #2, the impervious area draining to the pond is 0.321 acres, which will require (0.1")(1'/12") x 0.321 Acre = 0.0027 Acre-feet (43560 s.f./acre) = 117 c.f. The proposed forebay volume is 397 c.f. > 183 c.f. Gravel Wetland #1 and Infiltration Pond 2 have been designed to hold the Required Water Quality Volume of 1-inch of water over the impervious area. For Gravel Wetland #1, the impervious area draining to the pond is 0.492 acres, which will require (1")(1'/12") x 0.492 Acre = 0.041 Acre- feet (43560 s.f./acre) = 1,786 c.f. The proposed pond volume below the lowest outlet invert is 7,855 c.f. > 1,786 c.f. For Infiltration Pond#2, the impervious area draining to the pond is 0.321 acres, which will require (1")(1'/12") x 0.321 Acre = 0.027 Acre-feet (43560 s.f./acre) = 1,165 c.f. The proposed pond volume below the lowest outlet invert is 6,092 c.f. > 1,165 c.f. 4.0 SEDIMENT &EROSION CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The proposed site development is protected from erosion and the roadways and abutting properties are protected from sediment by the use of Best Management Practices as outlined in the Stormwater Management, Volume One Stormwater Policy Handbook; Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Any area disturbed by construction will be re-stabilized within 30 days and abutting properties and wetlands will suffer minimal adversity resultant of this development. All swales and drainage structures will be constructed and stabilized prior to having runoff directed to them. 4.1 Silt Fence/ Construction Fence The plan set demonstrates the location of silt fence for sediment control. Sheet El — Erosion and Sediment Control Details, has the specifications for installation and maintenance of the silt fence. In areas where the limits of construction need to be emphasized to operators, construction fence for added visibility will be installed. Orange construction fence will be VISI Perimeter Fence by Conwed Plastic Fencing, or equal. The four-foot fencing to be installed using six foot posts at least two feet in the ground at a spacing of six to eight feet. 4.2 Stabilized Construction Entrance A temporary gravel construction entrance provides an area where mud can be dislodged from tires before the vehicle leaves the construction site to reduce the amount of mud and sediment PagEc 13 transported onto paved municipal and state roads. The stone size for the pad should be between 2 to 3 inch coarse aggregate, and the pad itself constructed to a minimum length of 50 feet for the full width of the access road. The aggregate should be placed at least six inches thick. A plan view and profile are shown on Sheet E2. 4.3 Vegetated Stabilization All areas that are disturbed during construction will be stabilized with vegetated material within 30 days of breaking ground. Construction will be managed in such a manner that erosion is prevented and that no abutting property will be subjected to any siltation, unless otherwise permitted. All areas to be planted with grass for long-term cover will follow the specification on Sheet El using seeding mixture C. 4.4 Riprap Outlet Protection Riprap Outlet Protection will be provided at the outlet of all culverts that discharge runoff into the environment (as opposed to a catch basin). The riprap outlet protection has been designed with the equations depending on inlet or outlet control. Details of the protection design can be found on Sheet El —Erosion& Sediment Control Details. 4.5 Catch Basins A catch basin is a pre-cast concrete structure intended for the capture of stormwater utilized in streets and parking areas. All catch basins are to be equipped with four-foot sedimentation sumps in order to provide an area for sediment to settle out of runoff prior to its discharge from the structure. Grease hoods attached to the outlet pipe of the structures allow for the capture of grease, oils, and other floatable solids from runoff, thereby minimizing their presence in the subsequent discharge. 4.6 Drain Manholes A drain manhole is a pre-cast concrete structure intended for the transport of stormwater, typically utilized in streets and parking areas. These structures are to be cleaned regularly. 4.7 Infiltration Ponds The channel or floor of the detention pond will be constructed at a slope of 0.5 percent with a minimum of ten-foot channel width and a maximum of 3:1 side slopes. Based on an onsite soil investigation, an exfiltration rate of 6 min./in. was found to characterize the soils underlying the proposed pond area. Although this would be an acceptable value for design, a rate of 3 min./in. was utilized in order to introduce a margin of safety to the calculations. The sump of the proposed earthen pond will be 1.0' below the inlet of the leaching basins in order to allow room for the deposition of sediments and promote the establishment of wetland vegetation. 4.8 Erosion Control Blanket (Jute Mat) In newly graded areas where there exists the potential for extensive erosion prior to the establishment of an adequate vegetative cover, an erosion control blanket or jute mat may be required. A tightly woven fabric of fibers (preferably biodegradable) or a synthetic mesh, the blanket provides stability by trapping soil particles, shields loam and seed from rain and runoff, retains moisture for p (} GI4 seed germination, deposits additional bio-mass after the blanket rots, and provides temporary (or permanent) reinforcement to turf on slopes, in channels, and along shorelines. 4.9 Construction Sequence 1. Prior to the start of any activity, it is the responsibility of the site's General Contractor and the Site Developer (or Owner) to both file a Notice of Intent (NOI) form and a copy of one (shared) Stormwater Pollution Prevention -Plan (SWPPP) with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to gain coverage under the NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities (this applies only to projects having a total area of disturbance of one acre or more over all phases of the proj ect). 2. Cut and remove trees in construction area as required or directed. 3. Install silt fencing, hay bales, and construction entrances prior to the start of construction. These are to be maintained until the final pavement surfacing and landscaping areas are established. 4. Clear, cut, grub, and dispose of debris in approved facilities. This includes any required demolition of existing structures, utilities, etc. 5. Construct and/or install temporary and permanent sediment and/or detention basin(s) as required. These facilities shall be installed and stabilized prior to directing runoff to them. 6. Strip loam and pavement, or reclaim existing pavement within limits of work, and stockpile excess material. Stabilize stockpile as necessary. 7. Perform preliminary site grading in accordance with the plans, including the construction of any retaining walls. 8. Prepare building pad(s)to enable building construction to begin. 9. Install the sewer and drainage systems first, then any other utilities in accordance with the plans and details. Any conflicts between utilities are to be resolved with the involvement and approval of the engineer. 10. Install inlet protection at all catch basins as they are constructed, in accordance with the details. 11. All swales and drainage structures are to be constructed and stabilized prior to having runoff directed to them. 12. Daily, or as required, construct temporary berms, drainage ditches, check dams, sediment traps, etc., to prevent erosion on the site and prevent any siltation of abutting waters and/or property. 13. Perform final fine grading, including placement of any"select" subgrade materials. 5 14. Pave all roadways with initial base course. 15. Perform all remaining site construction (i.e. building, curbing, utility connections, etc.). 16. Loam and seed all disturbed areas and install any required sediment and erosion control facilities (i.e. riprap, erosion control blankets, etc.). 17. Finish paving all roadways and parking areas with finish course. 18. Complete permanent seeding and landscaping. 19. Remove temporary erosion control measures after seeding areas have been established and site improvements are complete. Smooth and re-vegetate all disturbed areas. 20. Clean site and all drainage structures,pipes, and sumps of all silt and debris. 21. Install all painted pavement markings and signage per the plans and details. 22. Upon completion of construction, the contractor is to file a Notice of Termination with the EPA in order to satisfy the requirements under the NPDES General Permit (if applicable). 4.10 Temporary Erosion Control Measures 1. The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one time. At no time shall an area in excess of five acres be exposed. 2. Erosion, sediment and detention measures shall be installed as shown on the plans and at locations as required, or directed by the engineer. 3. All disturbed areas shall be returned to proposed grades and elevations. Disturbed areas shall be loamed with a minimum of 4" of loam and seeded with seed mixture "C" at a rate not less than 1.10 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet of area (48 lbs. per acre). 4. Silt fences and other barriers shall be inspected periodically and after every storm even of 0.50" or rain or greater and once a week during the life of the project. All damaged areas shall be repaired, and sediment deposits shall periodically be removed and properly disposed of. 5. After all disturbed areas have been stabilized, the temporary erosion control measures are to be removed and the area disturbed by the removal smoothed and revegetated. 6. Areas must be seeded and mulched within 3 days of final grading, permanently stabilized within 15 days of final grading, or temporarily stabilized within 30 days of initial disturbance of soil. 7. All proposed post-development disturbed areas which do not exhibit a minimum of 85% vegetative growth by October 15th, or which are disturbed after October 15th, shall be 1= age- 16 stabilized by seeding and installing erosion control blankets on slopes greater than 3:1, (with North American Green s75 erosion control blankets or an equivalent approved in writing by the engineer), and seeding and placing 3 to 4 tons of mulch per acre, secured with anchored netting, elsewhere. The placement of erosion control blankets or mulch and netting shall not occur over accumulated snow or on frozen ground and shall be completed in advance of thaw or spring melt events. 8. All ditches or swales which do not exhibit a minimum of 85% vegetative growth by October 15th, or which are disturbed after October 15th, shall be stabilized with stone or erosion control blankets appropriate for the design flow conditions. 9. After November 15th, incomplete road or parking surfaces shall be protected with a minimum of 3 inches of crushed gravel, or if construction is to continue through the winter season to be cleared of any accumulated snow after each storm event. 10. In addition to the required seeding, specific site conditions may call for some or all completed swales and any completed slopes steeper than 3:1 to be stabilized with erosion control blankets appropriate for the design flow conditions. Contractor shall coordinate with the engineer to determine specific blanket requirements, if any. 4.11 Temporary Best Management Practices Silt Fencing During the construction process, all silt fencing will be inspected during and after storm events to ensure that the fence still has integrity and is not allowing sediment to pass. Any section of fence that has failed or is failing is to be replaced immediately, overlapping adjacent fence sections by at least one foot. If the problem persists, measures such as additional fencing (i.e. double) or the addition of haybales on the project side of the fence line should be considered. Sediment is to be removed from behind the fencing if found to be deeper than six inches and disposed of properly. 4.13 Permanent Erosion Control Practices 1. Normal winter roadway maintenance including plowing and snow removal, salting, and sanding. 2. Road sweeping at the end of every winter, preferably at the start of the spring rain season. 3. Inspection of culvert inlets and outlets at least once per month during the rainy season (March to November). Any debris is to be removed and disposed of properly. 4. Annual inspection of the site for erosion, destabilization, settling, and sloughing. Any needed repairs are to be conducted immediately. 5. Annual inspection of site's vegetation and landscaping. Any areas that are bare shall be reseeded and mulched with hay or, if the case is extreme, loamed and seeded or sodded / to ensure adequate vegetative cover. Landscape specimens shall be replaced in kind if they are found to be dead or dying. 6. Vegetated swales should be inspected weekly during the first few months following construction in order to ensure that adequate vegetation has become established. Subsequently, semi-annual inspections should be performed so as to evaluate slope integrity, vegetative health, soil stability, erosion, ponding, and sedimentation. Areas where vegetation has not become established or has died should be reseeded, or additional loam and seed or sod may be required. Mowing should be performed at least once a year, but not shorter than four inches, and all grass clippings removed. Sediment build-up in swales is to be removed if it is deeper than six inches, and any debris also removed; required repairs should be performed immediately. 7. Permanent stone check dams should be inspected annually in order to ensure that they are in good condition. Any sediment accumulated behind them shall be removed if it is deeper than six inches. 8. Rock riprap should be inspected annually and after every major storm event in order to ensure that it has not been displaced, undermined, or otherwise damaged. Displaced rock should be replaced, or additional rock added in order to maintain the structure(s) in their undamaged state. Woody vegetation should not be allowed to become established in riprap areas, and/or any debris removed from the void spaces between the rocks. If the riprap is adjacent to a stream or other waterbody, the water should be kept clear of obstructions, debris, and sediment deposits. 5.0 CONCLUSION This proposed site development located east of Route 125 in North Andover, Ma and will have minimal adverse effect on abutting infrastructures or properties by way of stormwater runoff or siltation. The post-construction peak rates of runoff from the site will be decreased from the existing conditions for all analyzed storm events. Appropriate steps will be taken to eliminate erosion and sedimentation through timely stabilization of all disturbed areas. The use of Best Management Practices developed by the State of Massachusetts have been utilized in the design of this system and their application will be enforced throughout the construction process. Respectfully Submitted, JONES & BEACH ENGINEERS, INC. I Michael J. Kerivan, P.E. Project Engineer APPENDIX I EXISTING CONDITIONS DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Summary 1 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 2.5" Summary 2 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 3.1" Summary 10 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 4.5" Summary 25 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 5.4" Summary 50 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 5.9" Summary 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 6.5" 1 S Analysis Pt #1 Subcatcment 1 4R — 4S Analysis Pt #4 Subcatchment 4 2R Q- 2S 5 R 5S Analysis Pt #2 Subcatchment 2 3aS Analysis Pt #5 Subcatchment 5 3R Subcatchment 3a Analysis Pt #3 6R �-- 3bS Flow Thru 3a Subcatchment 3b Drainage Diagram for 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Subcat Reach on Link Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., Printed 7/8/2011 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:13 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HVdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 1 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 12.764 30 Woods, Good, HSG A (1 S, 2S, 3aS, 3bS, 4S, 5S) 2.018 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A (3aS, 3bS, 4S, 5S) 2.066 54 1/2 acre lots, 25% imp, HSG A (1 S) 3.304 55 Woods, Good, HSG B (2S, 3bS, 4S, 5S) 0.685 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B (3bS, 5S) 2.065 70 1/2 acre lots, 25% imp, HSG B (1S) 0.601 98 Paved parking & roofs (3aS, 3bS, 4S) 23.504 TOTAL AREA 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:13 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 16.848 HSG A 1 S, 2S, 3aS, 3bS, 4S, 5S 6.055 HSG B 1 S, 2S, 3bS, 4S, 5S 0.000 HSG C 0.000 HSG D 0.601 Other 3aS, 3bS, 4S 23.504 TOTAL AREA 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Type 11124-hr 1 year Rainfall=2.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:15 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Time span=0.00-24.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: Subcatcment 1 Runoff Area=291.936 sf 15.41% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.02" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=50 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.013 of Subcatchment 2S: Subcatchment 2 Runoff Area=293.060 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=1,104' Tc=13.6 min CN=37 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 3aS: Subcatchment 3a Runoff Area=48.368 sf 24.40% Impervious Runoff Depth>004" Tc=5.0 min CN=52 Runoff=0.01 cfs 0.004 of Subcatchment 3bS: Subcatchment 3b Runoff Area=173.226 sf 0.75% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=1,539' Tc=23.1 min CN=36 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 4S: Subcatchment 4 Runoff Area=69.993 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.02" Flow Length=723' Slope=0.0830 '/' Tc=8.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Subcatchment 5S: Subcatchment 5 Runoff Area=147.255 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=40 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.013 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.013 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.01 cfs 0.004 of Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.004 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 6R: Flow Thru 3a Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vet=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=312.0' S=0.0946 '/' Capacity=231.96 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Total Runoff Area=23.504 ac Runoff Volume=0.019 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.01" 93.05%Pervious=21.870 ac 6.95%Impervious =1.634 ac 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Type 11124-hr 2 year Rainfall=3.10" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:18 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Time span=0.00-24.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: Subcatcment 1 Runoff Area=291.936 sf 15.41% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.11" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=50 Runoff=0.10 cfs 0.061 of Subcatchment 2S: Subcatchment 2 Runoff Area=293.060 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=1,104' Tc=13.6 min CN=37 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 3aS: Subcatchment 3a Runoff Area=48.368 sf 24.40% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.15" Tc=5.0 min CN=52 Runoff=0.04 cfs 0.014 of Subcatchment 3bS: Subcatchment 3b Runoff Area=173.226 sf 0.75% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=1,539' Tc=23.1 min CN=36 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 4S: Subcatchment 4 Runoff Area=69.993 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.09" Flow Length=723' Slope=0.0830 T Tc=8.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.012 of Subcatchment 5S: Subcatchment 5 Runoff Area=147.255 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.00" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=40 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 1R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=0.10 cfs 0.061 of Outflow=0.10 cfs 0.061 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.04 cfs 0.014 of Outflow=0.04 cfs 0.014 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.012 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.012 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 6R: Flow Thru 3a Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs .0.000 of n=0.030 L=312.0' S=0.0946 T Capacity=231.96 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Total Runoff Area=23.504 ac Runoff Volume = 0.087 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.04" 93.05% Pervious =21.870 ac 6.95%Impervious= 1.634 ac 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Type 111 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:20 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Time span=0.00-24.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Scor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: Subcatcment 1 Runoff Area=291.936 sf 15.41% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.50" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=50 Runoff=1.77 cfs 0.279 of Subcatchment 2S: Subcatchment 2 Runoff Area=293.060 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.07" Flow Length=1,104' Tc=13.6 min CN=37 Runoff=0.06 cfs 0.037 of Subcatchment 3aS: Subcatchment 3a Runoff Area=48.368 sf 24.40% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.59" Tc=5.0 min CN=52 Runoff=0.47 cfs 0.055 of Subcatchment 3bS: Subcatchment 3b Runoff Area=173.226 sf 0.75% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.05" Flow Length=1,539' Tc=23.1 min CN=36 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.015 of Subcatchment 4S: Subcatchment 4 Runoff Area=69.993 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.45" Flow Length=723' Slope=0.0830 T Tc=8.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.35 cfs 0.061 of Subcatchment 5S: Subcatchment 5 Runoff Area=147.255 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.13" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=40 Runoff=0.06 cfs 0.038 of Reach 1R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=1.77 cfs 0.279 of Outflow=1.77 cfs 0.279 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.06 cfs 0.037 of Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.037 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.47 cfs 0.070 of Outflow=0.47 cfs 0.070 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.35 cfs 0.061 of Outflow=0.35 cfs 0.061 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.06 cfs 0.038 of Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.038 of Reach 6R: Flow Thru 3a Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.70 fps Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.015 of n=0.030 L=312.0' S=0.0946 T Capacity=231.96 cfs Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.015 of Total Runoff Area=23.504 ac Runoff Volume= 0.484 of Average Runoff Depth =0.25" 93.05%Pervious=21.870 ac 6.95%Impervious = 1.634 ac 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Type ///24-hr 25 year Rainfall=5:40" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:21 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Time span=0.00-24.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing byDyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: Subcatcment 1 Runoff Area=291.936 sf 15.41% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.86" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=50 Runoff=4.41 cfs 0.481 of Subcatchment 2S: Subcatchment 2 Runoff Area=293.060 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.21" Flow Length=1,104' Tc=13.6 min CN=37 Runoff=0.21 cfs 0.116 of Subcatchment 3aS: Subcatchment 3a Runoff Area=48.368 sf 24.40% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.99" Tc=5.0 min CN=52 Runoff=1.01 cfs 0.091 of Subcatchment 3bS: Subcatchment 3b Runoff Area=173.226 sf 0.75% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.17" Flow Length=1,539' Tc=23.1 min CN=36 Runoff=0.09 cfs 0.057 of Subcatchment 4S: Subcatchment 4 Runoff Area=69.993 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.80" Flow Length=723' Slope=0.0830 T Tc=8.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.91 cfs 0.107 of Subcatchment 5S: Subcatchment 5 Runoff Area=147.255 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.33" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=40 Runoff=0.32 cfs 0.092 of Reach 1R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=4.41 cfs 0.481 of Outflow=4.41 cfs 0.481 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.21 cfs 0.116 of Outflow=0.21 cfs 0.116 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=1.01 cfs 0.147 of Outflow=1.01 cfs 0.147 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.91 cfs 0.107 of Outflow=0.91 cfs 0.107 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.32 cfs 0.092 of Outflow=0.32 cfs 0.092 of Reach 6R: Flow Thru 3a Avg. Flow Depth=0.01' Max Vel=0.81 fps Inflow=0.09 cfs 0.057 of n=0.030 L=312.0' S=0.0946 T Capacity=231.96 cfs Outflow=0.09 cfs 0.056 of Total Runoff Area=23.504 ac Runoff Volume=0.944 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.48" 93.05% Pervious =21.870 ac 6.95%Impervious = 1.634 ac 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Type 11124-hr 50 year Rainfall=5.90" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:22 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Time span=0.00-24.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: Subcatcment 1 Runoff Area=291,9.36 sf 15.41% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.09" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=50 Runoff=6.13 cfs 0.610 of Subcatchment 2S: Subcatchment 2 Runoff Area=293.060 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.32" Flow Length=1,104' Tc=13.6 min CN=37 Runoff=0.56 cfs 0.177 of Subcatchment 3aS: Subcatchment 3a Runoff Area=48.368 sf 24.40% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.24" Tc=5.0 min CN=52 Runoff=1.35 cfs 0.114 of Subcatchment 3bS: Subcatchment 3b Runoff Area=173.226 sf 0.75% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.27" Flow Length=1,539' Tc=23.1 min CN=36 Runoff=0.20 cfs 0.089 of Subcatchment 4S: Subcatchment 4 Runoff Area=69.993 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.02" Flow Length=723' Slope=0.0830 '/' Tc=8.4 min CN=49 Runoff=1.30 cfs 0.137 of Subcatchment 5S: Subcatchment 5 Runoff Area=147.255 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.47" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=40 Runoff=0.59 cfs 0.131 of Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=6.13 cfs 0.610 of Outflow=6.13 cfs 0.610 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.56 cfs 0.177 of Outflow=0.56 cfs 0.177 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=1.35 cfs 0.203 of Outflow=1.35 cfs 0.203 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=1.30 cfs 0.137 of Outflow=1.30 cfs 0.137 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.59 cfs 0.131 of Outflow=0.59 cfs 0.131 of Reach 6R: Flow Thru 3a Avg. Flow Depth=0.02' Max Vel=1.06 fps Inflow=0.20 cfs 0.089 of n=0.030 L=312.0' S=0.0946 T Capacity=231.96 cfs Outflow=0.19 cfs 0.089 of Total Runoff Area=23.504 ac Runoff Volume= 1.259 of Average Runoff Depth =0.64" 93.05%Pervious =21.870 ac 6.95%Impervious = 1.634 ac 06163 PRE-DEVELOPMENT Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:39:24 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Time span=0.00-24.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 481 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1S: Subcatcment 1 Runoff Area=291.936 sf 15.41% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.39 Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=50 Runoff=8.40 cfs 0.778 of Subcatchment 2S: Subcatchment 2 Runoff Area=293.060 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.47" Flow Length=1,104' Tc=13.6 min CN=37 Runoff=1.15 cfs 0.265 of Subcatchment 3aS: Subcatchment 3a Runoff Area=48.368 sf 24.40% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.56" Tc=5.0 min CN=52 Runoff=1.79 cfs 0.144 of Subcatchment 3bS: Subcatchment 3b Runoff Area=173.226 sf 0.75% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.41" Flow Length=1,539' Tc=23.1 min CN=36 Runoff=0.46 cfs 0.137 of Subcatchment 4S: Subcatchment 4 Runoff Area=69.993 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.31" Flow Length=723' Slope=0.0830 '/' Tc=8.4 min CN=49 Runoff=1.81 cfs 0.176 of Subcatchment 5S: Subcatchment 5 Runoff Area=147.255 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.66" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=40 Runoff=0.99 cfs 0.185 of Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=8.40 cfs 0.778 of Outflow=8.40 cfs 0.778 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=1.15 cfs 0.265 of Outflow=1.15 cfs 0.265 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=1.79 cfs 0.281 of Outflow=1.79 cfs 0.281 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=1.81 cfs 0.176 of Outflow=1.81 cfs 0.176 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.99 cfs 0.185 of Outflow=0.99 cfs 0.185 of Reach 6R: Flow Thru 3a Avg. Flow Depth=0.03' Max Vel=1.45 fps Inflow=0.46 cfs 0.137 of n=0.030 L=312.0' S=0.0946 T Capacity=231.96 cfs Outflow=0.45 cfs 0.136 of Total Runoff Area=23.504 ac Runoff Volume= 1.686 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.86" 93.05% Pervious =21.870 ac 6.95%Impervious = 1.634 ac APPENDIX II PROPOSED CONDITIONS DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Summary 1 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 2.5" Summary 2 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 3.1" Summary 10 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 4.5" Summary 25 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 5.4" Summary 50 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 5.9" Complete 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR Rainfall = 6.5" 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:21 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 1 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 7.525 30 Woods, Good, HSG A (10S, 11S, 20S, 22S, 23S, 24S, 30S, 40S, 50S, 53S, 55S, 56S, 57S) 6.993 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A (10S, 11S, 20S, 22S, 23S, 24S, 30S, 31 S, 32S, 33S, 34S, 35S, 40S, 50S, 51 S, 52S, 53S, 54S, 55S, 56S, 57S) 2.066 54 1/2 acre lots, 25% imp, HSG A (11S) 1.817 55 Woods, Good, HSG B (20S, 22S, 23S, 40S, 50S, 56S, 57S) 1.133 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B (20S, 21 S, 22S, 23S, 34S, 35S, 37S, 50S, 51 S, 55S, 56S, 57S) 2.065 70 1/2 acre lots, 25% imp, HSG B (11 S) 0.040 98 Driveway (56S) 0.909 98 Paved parking & roofs (21S, 22S, 24S, 30S, 32S, 33S, 34S, 35S) 0.138 98 Paved parking, HSG B (11S, 37S) 0.492 98 Paved roads w/curbs &sewers (52S, 53S, 54S, 55S) 0.300 98 Paved roads w/curbs &sewers, HSG A (40S) 23.479 TOTAL AREA 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:21 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 16.884 HSG A 10S, 11 S, 20S, 22S, 23S, 24S, 30S, 31 S, 32S, 33S, 34S, 35S, 40S, 50S, 51 S, 52S, 53S, 54S, 55S, 56S, 57S 5.153 HSG B 11 S, 20S, 21 S, 22S, 23S, 34S, 35S, 37S, 40S, 50S, 51 S, 55S, 56S, 57S 0.000 HSG C 0.000 HSG D 1.441 Other 21 S, 22S, 24S, 30S, 32S, 33S, 34S, 35S, 52S, 53S, 54S, 55S, 56S 23.479 TOTAL AREA 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 1 year Rainfall=2.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:28 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Time span=0.00-30.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 3001 points x 3 Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 10S: Subcatchment 10S Runoff Area=58.319 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=32 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 11S: Subcatchment 11S Runoff Area=223.165 sf 22.18% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.13" Flow Length=1,080' Tc=139.5 min CN=58 Runoff=0.09 cfs 0.057 of Subcatchment 20S: Subcatchment 20S Runoff Area=95.330 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=537' Tc=12.1 min CN=42 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 21 S: Subcatchment 21S Runoff Area=5,402 sf 30.90% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.53" Tc=125.0 min CN=72 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.005 of Subcatchment 22S: Subcatchment 22S Runoff Area=58.065 sf 10.04% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.00" Flow Length=446' Tc=130.8 min CN=46 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 23S: Subcatchment 23S Runoff Area=42.081 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=295' Slope=0.0400 '/' Tc=5.0 min CN=38 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 24S: Subcatchment 24S Runoff Area=75.289 sf 6.94% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=485' Tc=134.2 min CN=39 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 30S: Subcatchment 30S Runoff Area=99.455 sf 11.87% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=20.0 min CN=43 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 31 S: Subcatchment 31S Runoff Area=9,011 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=5.0 min CN=39 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 32S: Subcatchment 32S Runoff Area=12.900 sf 51.07% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.42" Tc=5.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.11 cfs 0.010 of Subcatchment 33S: Subcatchment 33S Runoff Area=6,998 sf 47.13% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.36" Tc=5.0 min CN=67 Runoff=0.04 cfs 0.005 of Subcatchment 34S: Subcatchment 34S Runoff Area=8,339 sf 26.06% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.10" Tc=5.0 min CN=56 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Subcatchment 35S: Subcatchment 35S Runoff Area=4,304 sf 69.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.18" Tc=5.0 min CN=85 Runoff=0.14 cfs 0.010 of Subcatchment 37S: Subcatchment 37S Runoff Area=3,894 sf 39.27% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.69" Flow Length=100' Tc=121.2 min CN=76 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.005 of Subcatchment 40S: Subcatchment 40S Runoff Area=69.969 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.02" Flow Length=692' Tc=10.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Subcatchment 50S: Subcatchment 50S Runoff Area=93.131 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=41 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 1 year Rainfall=2.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:28 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Subcatchment 51S: Subcatchment 51S Runoff Area=7,983 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.02" Tc=5.0 min CN=50 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 52S: Subcatchment 52S Runoff Area=10.092 sf 39.37% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.22" Tc=0.0 min CN=62 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.004 of Subcatchment 53S: Subcatchment 53S Runoff Area=36.409 sf 18.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=5.0 min CN=45 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 54S: Subcatchment 54S Runoff Area=4,796 sf 70.64% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.94" Tc=5.0 min CN=81 Runoff=0.12 cfs 0.009 of Subcatchment 55S: Subcatchment 55S Runoff Area=70.360 sf 10.31% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=8.0 min CN=44 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 56S: Subcatchment 56S Runoff Area=6,612 sf 26.63% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.42" Tc=125.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Subcatchment 57S: Subcatchment 57S Runoff Area=20.840 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=335' Tc=6.5 min CN=40 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 22R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.025 L=434.0' S=0.0541 T Capacity=337.83 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 23R: Flow thru 21S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.025 L=338.0' S=0.0444 '/' Capacity=1,135.73 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 24R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=85.0' S=0.0882 '/' Capacity=448.89 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 38R: Flow thru 30S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=415.0' S=0.0807'/' Capacity=300.14 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 56R: Stone Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.040 L=190.0' S=0.0737'/' Capacity=597.18 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT 7-6-11 Type /// 24-hr 1 year Rainfal1=2.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:29 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Reach 58R: Flow thru 50S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.022 L=200.0' S=0.0750 '/' Capacity=187.40 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 61 R: Flow thru 10S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=240.0' S=0.0917'/' Capacity=175.97 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 1P: DMH 1 Peak Elev=111.89' Inflow=0.12 cfs 0.009 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=97.0' S=0.0325'/' Outflow=0.12 cfs 0.009 of Pond 2P: DMH 2 Peak EIev=108.64' Inflow=0.12 cfs 0.009 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=180.0' S=0.0328 '/' Outflow=0.12 cfs 0.009 of Pond 3P: DMH 3 Peak EIev=102.66' Inflow=0.15 cfs 0.013 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=146.0' S=0.0099 '/' Outflow=0.15 cfs 0.013 of Pond 4P: DMH 4 Peak EIev=95.20' Inflow=0.14 cfs 0.011 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=134.0' S=0.0224'/' Outflow=0.14 cfs 0.011 of Pond 5P: DMH 5 Peak EIev=89.30' Inflow=0.29 cfs 0.026 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=45.0' S=0.0667'/' Outflow=0.29 cfs 0.026 of Pond 21 P: Lot 16-4 RG Peak EIev=87.09' Storage=23 cf Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.005 of Discarded=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Pond 22P: Lots 16-5,6 RG Peak EIev=96.00' Storage=1 cf Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Discarded=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 24P: Lots 16-7,8 RG Peak EIev=113.00' Storage=0 cf Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Discarded=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 25P: Box Culvert Peak EIev=106.00' Storage=0 cf Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of 24.0"x 12.0" Box Culvert n=0.012 L=25.0' S=0.0800 '/' Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 31 P: Infiltration Pond 2 Peak Elev=84.15' Storage=236 cf Inflow=0.29 cfs 0.026 of Outflow=0.09 cfs 0.026 of Pond 32P: CB 7 Peak Elev=92.68' Inflow=0.11 cfs 0.010 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167 '/' Outflow=0.11 cfs 0.010 of Pond 33P: CB 8 Peak Elev=92.61' Inflow=0.04 cfs 0.005 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167'/' Outflow=0.04 cfs 0.005 of Pond 34P: CB 5 Peak Elev=95.28' Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Pond 35P: CB 6 Peak Elev=95.45' Inflow=0.14 cfs 0.010 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.14 cfs 0.010 of Pond 37P: Lot 16-2 RG Peak EIev=99.04' Storage=1 cf Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.005 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.005 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.005 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 1 year Rainfall=2.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:29 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 H droCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Pond 51 P: Gravel Wetland 1 Peak EIev=99.90' Storage=133 cf Inflow=0.15 cfs 0.013 of Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.013 of Pond 52P: CB 3 Peak EIev=103.08' Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.004 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.004 of Pond 53P: CB 4 Peak EIev=103.01' Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 54P: CB 1 Peak Elev=112.19' Inflow=0.12 cfs 0.009 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.12 cfs 0.009 of Pond 55P: CB 2 Peak EIev=112.00' Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 56P: Lot 16-1 RG Peak EIev=104.01' Storage=2 cf Inflow=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Discarded=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Pond 58P: Outlet Pond Peak EIev=97.50' Storage=0 cf Inflow=0.05 cfs 0.013 of Discarded=0.05 cfs 0.013 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.013 of Pond 60P: Lot 31 RG Peak EIev=91.40' Storage=390 cf Inflow=0.09 cfs 0.057 of Discarded=0.06 cfs 0.057 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.057 of Total Runoff Area =23.479 ac Runoff Volume= 0.115 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.06" 87.59% Pervious =20.566 ac 12.41%Impervious=2.913 ac 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=3.10" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:37 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Time span=0.00-30.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 3001 points x 3 Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 10S: Subcatchment 10S Runoff Area=58.319 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=32 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 11 S: Subcatchment 11S Runoff Area=223.165 sf 22.18% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.31" Flow Length=1,080' Tc=139.5 min CN=58 Runoff=0.26 cfs 0.131 of Subcatchment 20S: Subcatchment 20S Runoff Area=95.330 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.01" Flow Length=537' Tc=12.1 min CN=42 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.001 of Subcatchment 21 S: Subcatchment 21S Runoff Area=5,402 sf 30.90% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.87" Tc=125.0 min CN=72 Runoff=0.03 cfs 0.009 of Subcatchment 22S: Subcatchment 22S Runoff Area=58.065 sf 10.04% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.05" Flow Length=446' Tc=130.8 min CN=46 Runoff=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Subcatchment 23S: Subcatchment 23S Runoff Area=42.081 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=295' Slope=0.0400 '/' Tc=5.0 min CN=38 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 24S: Subcatchment 24S Runoff Area=75.289 sf 6.94% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=485' Tc=134.2 min CN=39 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 30S: Subcatchment 30S Runoff Area=99.455 sf 11.87% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.01" Tc=20.0 min CN=43 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.003 of Subcatchment 31S: Subcatchment 31S Runoff Area=9,011 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Tc=5.0 min CN=39 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 32S: Subcatchment 32S Runoff Area=12.900 sf 51.07% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.72" Tc=5.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.23 cfs 0.018 of Subcatchment 33S: Subcatchment 33S Runoff Area=6,998 sf 47.13% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.64" Tc=5.0 min CN=67 Runoff=0.10 cfs 0.009 of Subcatchment 34S: Subcatchment 34S Runoff Area=8,339 sf 26.06% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.25" Tc=5.0 min CN=56 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.004 of Subcatchment 35S: Subcatchment 35S Runoff Area=4,304 sf 69.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.67" Tc=5.0 min CN=85 Runoff=0.20 cfs 0.014 of Subcatchment 37S: Subcatchment 37S Runoff Area=3,894 sf 39.27% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.08" Flow Length=100' Tc=121.2 min CN=76 Runoff=0.03 cfs 0.008 of Subcatchment 40S: Subcatchment 40S Runoff Area=69.969 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.09" Flow Length=692' Tc=10.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.012 of . Subcatchment 50S: Subcatchment 50S Runoff Area=93.131 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=41 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.001 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 11124-hr 2 year Rainfall=3.10" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:37 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Subcatchment 51S: Subcatchment 51S Runoff Area=7,983 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.11" Tc=5.0 min CN=50 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Subcatchment 52S: Subcatchment 52S Runoff Area=10.092 sf 39.37% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.44" Tc=0.0 min CN=62 Runoff=0.09 cfs 0.008 of Subcatchment 53S: Subcatchment 53S Runoff Area=36.409 sf 18.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.03" Tc=5.0 min CN=45 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Subcatchment 54S: Subcatchment 54S Runoff Area=4,796 sf 70.64% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.39" Tc=5.0 min CN=81 Runoff=0.18 cfs 0.013 of Subcatchment 55S: Subcatchment 55S Runoff Area=70.360 sf 10.31% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.02" Tc=8.0 min CN=44 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.003 of Subcatchment 56S: Subcatchment 56S Runoff Area=6,612 sf 26.63% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.72" Tc=125.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.03 cfs 0.009 of Subcatchment 57S: Subcatchment 57S Runoff Area=20.840 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00" Flow Length=335' Tc=6.5 min CN=40 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=0.15 cfs 0.032 of Outflow=0.15 cfs 0.032 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.001 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.001 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.003 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.003 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.012 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.012 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.001 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.001 of Reach 22R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.025 L=434.0' S=0.0541 T Capacity=337.83 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 23R: Flow thru 21S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.025 L=338.0' S=0.0444 '/' Capacity=1,135.73 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 24R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=85.0' S=0.0882 T Capacity=448.89 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 38R: Flow thru 30S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=415.0' S=0.0807 '/' Capacity=300.14 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 56R: Stone Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.74 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.001 of n=0.040 L=190.0' S=0.0737'/' Capacity=597.18 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.001 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT 7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 2 year Rainfall=3.10" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:37 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Reach 58R: Flow thru 50S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.022 L=200.0' S=0.0750 '/' Capacity=187.40 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 61 R: Flow thru 10S Avg. Flow Depth=0.02' Max Vel=0.98 fps Inflow=0.15 cfs 0.032 of n=0.030 L=240.0' S=0.0917'/' Capacity=175.97 cfs Outflow=0.15 cfs 0.032 of Pond 1 P: DMH 1 Peak Elev=111.94' Inflow=0.18 cfs 0.016 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=97.0' S=0.0325 '1' Outflow=0.18 cfs 0.016 of Pond 2P: DMH 2 Peak EIev=108.69' Inflow=0.18 cfs 0.016 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=180.0' S=0.0328 '/' Outflow=0.18 cfs 0.016 of Pond 3P: DMH 3 Peak EIev=102.73' Inflow=0.26 cfs 0.027 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=146.0' S=0.0099 '/' Outflow=0.26 cfs 0.027 of Pond 4P: DMH 4 Peak EIev=95.25' Inflow=0.21 cfs 0.018 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=134.0' S=0.0224 '/' Outflow=0.21 cfs 0.018 of Pond 5P: DMH 5 Peak Elev=89.41' Inflow=0.53 cfs 0.044 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=45.0' S=0.0667 '/' Outflow=0.53 cfs 0.044 of Pond 21 P: Lot 16-4 RG Peak Elev=87.23' Storage=63 cf Inflow=0.03 cfs 0.009 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.009 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.009 of Pond 22P: Lots 16-5,6 RG Peak EIev=96.01' Storage=12 cf Inflow=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Discarded=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Pond 24P: Lots 16-7,8 RG Peak EIev=113.00' Storage=0 cf Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Discarded=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 25P: Box Culvert Peak EIev=106.00' Storage=0 cf Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of 24.0"x 12.0" Box Culvert n=0.012 L=25.0' S=0.0800 '/' Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Pond 31P: Infiltration Pond 2 Peak Elev=84.34' Storage=544 cf Inflow=0.53 cfs 0.044 of Outflow=0.09 cfs 0.044 of Pond 32P: CB 7 Peak Elev=92.76' Inflow=0.23 cfs 0.018 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167'/' Outflow=0.23 cfs 0.018 of Pond 33P: CB 8 Peak Elev=92.67' Inflow=0.10 cfs 0.009 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167'/' Outflow=0.10 cfs 0.009 of Pond 34P: CB 5 Peak Elev=95.33' Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.004 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.004 of Pond 35P: CB 6 Peak EIev=95.50' Inflow=0.20 cfs 0.014 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.20 cfs 0.014 of Pond 37P: Lot 16-2 RG Peak EIev=100.11' Storage=45 cf Inflow=0.03 cfs 0.008 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.008 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.008 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type l//24-hr 2 year Rainfall=3.10" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:37 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Pond 51 P: Gravel Wetland 1 Peak EIev=100.08' Storage=244 cf Inflow=0.26 cfs 0.028 of Outflow=0.08 cfs 0.028 of Pond 52P: CB 3 Peak EIev=103.16' Inflow=0.09 cfs 0.008 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.09 cfs 0.008 of Pond 53P: CB 4 Peak EIev=103.03' Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Pond 54P: CB 1 Peak Elev=112.24' Inflow=0.18 cfs 0.013 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.18 cfs 0.013 of Pond 55P: CB 2 Peak EIev=112.04' Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.003 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 T Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.003 of Pond 56P: Lot 16-1 RG Peak EIev=104.33' Storage=76 cf Inflow=0.03 cfs 0.009 of Discarded=0.01 cfs 0.009 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.009 of Pond 58P: Outlet Pond Peak Elev=97.57' Storage=67 cf Inflow=0.08 cfs 0.028 of Discarded=0.06 cfs 0.028 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.028 of Pond 60P: Lot 31 RG Peak EIev=92.02' Storage=1,126 cf Inflow=0.26 cfs 0.131 of Discarded=0.07 cfs 0.098 of Primary=0.15 cfs 0.032 of Outflow=0.23 cfs 0.130 of Total Runoff Area =23.479 ac Runoff Volume= 0.252 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.13" 87.59% Pervious =20.566 ac 12.41% Impervious =2.913 ac 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:46 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 11 Time span=0.00-30.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 3001 points x 3 Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 10S: Subcatchment 10S Runoff Area=58.319 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.00"- Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=32 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Subcatchment 11 S: Subcatchment 11S Runoff Area=223.165 sf 22.18% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.90" Flow Length=1,080' Tc=139.5 min CN=58 Runoff=1.00 cfs 0.386 of Subcatchment 20S: Subcatchment 20S Runoff Area=95.330 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.19" Flow Length=537' Tc=12.1 min CN=42 Runoff=0.08 cfs 0.035 of Subcatchment 21 S: Subcatchment 21S Runoff Area=5,402 sf 30.90% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.82" Tc=125.0 min CN=72 Runoff=0.06 cfs 0.019 of Subcatchment 22S: Subcatchment 22S Runoff Area=58.065 sf 10.04% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.33" Flow Length=446' Tc=130.8 min CN=46 Runoff=0.07 cfs 0.037 of Subcatchment 23S: Subcatchment 23S Runoff Area=42.081 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.09" Flow Length=295' Slope=0.0400 '/' Tc=5.0 min CN=38 Runoff=0.01 cfs 0.007 of Subcatchment 24S: Subcatchment 24S Runoff Area=75.289 sf 6.94% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.11" Flow Length=485' Tc=134.2 min CN=39 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.016 of Subcatchment 30S: Subcatchment 30S Runoff Area=99.455 sf 11.87% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.23" Tc=20.0 min CN=43 Runoff=0.11 cfs 0.043 of Subcatchment 31 S: Subcatchment 31S Runoff Area=9,011 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.11" Tc=5.0 min CN=39 Runoff=0.00 cfs 0.002 of Subcatchment 32S: Subcatchment 32S Runoff Area=12.900 sf 51.07% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.60" Tc=5.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.56 cfs 0.040 of Subcatchment 33S: Subcatchment 33S Runoff Area=6,998 sf 47.13% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.46" Tc=5.0 min CN=67 Runoff=0.27 cfs 0.020 of Subcatchment 34S: Subcatchment 34S Runoff Area=8,339 sf 26.06% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.80" Tc=5.0 min CN=56 Runoff=0.14 cfs 0.013 of Subcatchment 35S: Subcatchment 35S Runoff Area=4,304 sf 69.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.91" Tc=5.0 min CN=85 Runoff=0.35 cfs 0.024 of Subcatchment 37S: Subcatchment 37S Runoff Area=3,894 sf 39.27% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.13" Flow Length=100' Tc=121.2 min CN=76 Runoff=0.05 cfs 0.016 of Subcatchment 40S: Subcatchment 40S Runoff Area=69.969 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.46" Flow Length=692' Tc=10.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.35 cfs 0.061 of Subcatchment 50S: Subcatchment 50S Runoff Area=93.131 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.16" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=41 Runoff=0.05 cfs 0.029 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:46 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 12 Subcatchment 51S: Subcatchment 51S Runoff Area=7,983 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.50" Tc=5.0 min CN=50 Runoff=0.05 cfs 0.008 of Subcatchment 52S: Subcatchment 52S Runoff Area=10.092 sf 39.37% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.14" Tc=0.0 min CN=62 Runoff=0.34 cfs 0.022 of Subcatchment 53S: Subcatchment 53S Runoff Area=36.409 sf 18.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.30" Tc=5.0 min CN=45 Runoff=0.09 cfs 0.021 of Subcatchment 54S: Subcatchment 54S Runoff Area=4,796 sf 70.64% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.55" Tc=5.0 min CN=81 Runoff=0.34 cfs 0.023 of Subcatchment 55S: Subcatchment 55S RunoffArea=70.360 sf 10.31% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.26" Tc=8.0 min CN=44 Runoff=0.13 cfs 0.035 of Subcatchment 56S: Subcatchment 56S Runoff Area=6,612 sf 26.63% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.60" Tc=125.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.07 cfs 0.020 of Subcatchment 57S: Subcatchment 57S Runoff Area=20.840 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.14" Flow Length=335' Tc=6.5 min CN=40 Runoff=0.01 cfs 0.005 of Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=0.92 cfs 0.274 of Outflow=0.92 cfs 0.274 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.08 cfs 0.042 of Outflow=0.08 cfs 0.042 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.11 cfs 0.043 of Outflow=0.11 cfs 0.043 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.35 cfs 0.061 of Outflow=0.35 cfs 0.061 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.05 cfs 0.029 of Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.029 of Reach 22R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.025 L=434.0' S=0.0541 T Capacity=337.83 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 23R: Flow thru 21S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.87 fps Inflow=0.01 cfs 0.007 of n=0.025 L=338.0' S=0.0444 '/' Capacity=1,135.73 cfs Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.007 of Reach 24R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.68 fps Inflow=0.01 cfs 0.007 of n=0.030 L=85.0' S=0.0882 '/' Capacity=448.89 cfs Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.007 of Reach 38R: Flow thru 30S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=415.0' S=0.0807 '/' Capacity=300.14 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 56R: Stone Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.74 fps Inflow=0.05 cfs 0.029 of n=0.040 L=190.0' S=0.0737 '/' Capacity=597.18 cfs Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.029 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 10 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:46 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 Reach 58R: Flow thru 50S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.022 L=200.0' S=0.0750 '/' Capacity=187.40 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 61 R: Flow thru 10S Avg. Flow Depth=0.05' Max Vel=1.93 fps Inflow=0.92 cfs 0.274 of n=0.030 L=240.0' S=0.0917 '/' Capacity=175.97 cfs Outflow=0.92 cfs 0.274 of Pond 1 P: DMH 1 Peak EIev=112.03' Inflow=0.34 cfs 0.058 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=97.0' S=0.0325 '/' Outflow=0.34 cfs 0.058 of Pond 2P: DMH 2 Peak EIev=108.78' Inflow=0.34 cfs 0.058 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=180.0' S=0.0328 '/' Outflow=0.34 cfs 0.058 of Pond 3P: DMH 3 Peak EIev=102.89' Inflow=0.60 cfs 0.101 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=146.0' S=0.0099 '/' Outflow=0.60 cfs 0.101 of Pond 4P: DMH 4 Peak Elev=95.39' Inflow=0.48 cfs 0.037 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=134.0' S=0.0224'/' Outflow=0.48 cfs 0.037 of Pond 5P: DMH 5 Peak EIev=89.70' Inflow=1.31 cfs 0.096 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=45.0' S=0.0667'/' Outflow=1.31 cfs 0.096 of Pond 21 P: Lot 16-4 RG Peak Elev=87.65' Storage=241 cf Inflow=0.06 cfs 0.019 of Discarded=0.03 cfs 0.019 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.03 cfs 0.019 of Pond 22P: Lots 16-5,6 RG Peak Elev=96.11' Storage=114 cf Inflow=0.07 cfs 0.037 of Discarded=0.06 cfs 0.037 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.037 of Pond 24P: Lots 16-7,8 RG Peak Elev=113.03' Storage=40 cf Inflow=0.02 cfs 0.016 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.016 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.016 of Pond 25P: Box Culvert Peak Elev=106.01' Storage=2 cf Inflow=0.01 cfs 0.007 of 24.0"x 12.0" Box Culvert n=0.012 L=25.0' S=0.0800 '/' Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.007 of Pond 31P: Infiltration Pond 2 Peak Elev=84.97' Storage=1,707 cf Inflow=1.31 cfs 0.098 of Outflow=0.11 cfs 0.098 of Pond 32P: CB 7 Peak Elev=92.92' Inflow=0.56 cfs 0.040 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167'/' Outflow=0.56 cfs 0.040 of Pond 33P: CB 8 Peak Elev=92.79' Inflow=0.27 cfs 0.020 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167'/' Outflow=0.27 cfs 0.020 of Pond 34P: CB 5 Peak Elev=95.49' Inflow=0.14 cfs 0.013 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.14 cfs 0.013 of Pond 35P: CB 6 Peak Elev=95.59' Inflow=0.35 cfs 0.024 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.35 cfs 0.024 of Pond 37P: Lot 16-2 RG Peak EIev=101.10' Storage=245 cf Inflow=0.05 cfs 0.016 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.016 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.016 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 10 year Rainfall=4.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:46 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 14 Pond 51 P: Gravel Wetland 1 Peak EIev=100.97' Storage=1,142 cf Inflow=0.62 cfs 0.109 of Outflow=0.15 cfs 0.108 of Pond 52P: CB 3 Peak EIev=103.32' Inflow=0.34 cfs 0.022 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.34 cfs 0.022 of Pond 53P: CB 4 Peak EIev=103.16' Inflow=0.09 cfs 0.021 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.09 cfs 0.021 of Pond 54P: CB 1 Peak Elev=112.33' Inflow=0.34 cfs 0.023 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.34 cfs 0.023 of Pond 55P: CB 2 Peak EIev=112.20' Inflow=0.13 cfs 0.035 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.13 cfs 0.035 of Pond 56P: Lot 16-1 RG Peak EIev=105.82' Storage=421 cf Inflow=0.07 cfs 0.020 of Discarded=0.01 cfs 0.019 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.01 cfs 0.019 of Pond 58P: Outlet Pond Peak Elev=98.78' Storage=1,652 cf Inflow=0.16 cfs 0.114 of Discarded=0.09 cfs 0.114 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.09 cfs 0.114 of Pond 60P: Lot 31 RG Peak EIev=92.06' Storage=1,177 cf Inflow=1.00 cfs 0.386 of Discarded=0.08 cfs 0.105 of Primary=0.92 cfs 0.274 of Outflow=0.99 cfs 0.379 of Total Runoff Area= 23.479 ac Runoff Volume=0.882 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.45" 87.590/6 Pervious =20.566 ac 12.41% Impervious =2.913 ac 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=5.40" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:56 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 15 Time span=0.00-30.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 3001 points x 3 Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 10S: Subcatchment 10S Runoff Area=58.319 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.06" Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=32 Runoff=0.01 cfs 0.007 of Subcatchment 11S: Subcatchment 11S Runoff Area=223.165 sf 22.18% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.40" Flow Length=1,080' Tc=139.5 min CN=58 Runoff=1.65 cfs 0.596 of Subcatchment 20S: Subcatchment 20S Runoff Area=95.330 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.42" Flow Length=537' Tc=12.1 min CN=42 Runoff=0.36 cfs 0.077 of Subcatchment 21 S: Subcatchment 21S Runoff Area=5,402 sf 30.90% Impervious Runoff Depth>2.51" Tc=125.0 min CN=72 Runoff=0.09 cfs 0.026 of Subcatchment 22S: Subcatchment 22S Runoff Area=58.065 sf 10.04% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.63" Flow Length=446' Tc=130.8 min CN=46 Runoff=0.16 cfs 0.070 of Subcatchment 23S: Subcatchment 23S Runoff Area=42.081 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.25" Flow Length=295' Slope=0.0400 '/' Tc=5.0 min CN=38 Runoff=0.06 cfs 0.020 of Subcatchment 24S: Subcatchment 24S Runoff Area=75.289 sf 6.94% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.29" Flow Length=485' Tc=134.2 min CN=39 Runoff=0.07 cfs 0.041 of Subcatchment 30S: Subcatchment 30S Runoff Area=99.455 sf 11.87% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.47" Tc=20.0 min CN=43 Runoff=0.41 cfs 0.090 of Subcatchment 31S: Subcatchment 31S Runoff Area=9,011 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.29" Tc=5.0 min CN=39 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.005 of Subcatchment 32S: Subcatchment 32S Runoff Area=12.900 sf 51.07% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.25" Tc=5.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.80 cfs 0.056 of Subcatchment 33S: Subcatchment 33S Runoff Area=6,998 sf 47.13% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.09" Tc=5.0 min CN=67 Runoff=0.40 cfs 0.028 of Subcatchment 34S: Subcatchment 34S Runoff Area=8,339 sf 26.06% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.25" Tc=5.0 min CN=56 Runoff=0.25 cfs 0.020 of Subcatchment 35S: Subcatchment 35S Runoff Area=4,304 sf 69.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.74" Tc=5.0 min CN=85 Runoff=0.44 cfs 0.031 of Subcatchment 37S: Subcatchment 37S Runoff Area=3,894 sf 39.27% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.87" Flow Length=100' Tc=121.2 min CN=76 Runoff=0.07 cfs 0.021 of Subcatchment 40S: Subcatchment 40S Runoff Area=69.969 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.80" Flow Length=692' Tc=10.4 min CN=49 Runoff=0.85 cfs 0.107 of Subcatchment 50S: Subcatchment 50S Runoff Area=93.131 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.38" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=41 Runoff=0.27 cfs 0.067 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 25 year Rainfall=5.40" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:56 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 16 Subcatchment 51S: Subcatchment 51S Runoff Area=7,983 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.86" Tc=5.0 min CN=50 Runoff=0.14 cfs 0.013 of Subcatchment 52S: Subcatchment 52S Runoff Area=10.092 sf 39.37% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.69" Tc=0.0 min CN=62 Runoff=0.53 cfs 0.033 of Subcatchment 53S: Subcatchment 53S Runoff Area=36.409 sf 18.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.58" Tc=5.0 min CN=45 Runoff=0.27 cfs 0.040 of Subcatchment 54S: Subcatchment 54S Runoff Area=4,796 sf 70.64% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.34" Tc=5.0 min CN=81 Runoff=0.45 cfs 0.031 of Subcatchment 55S: Subcatchment 55S Runoff Area=70.360 sf 10.31% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.52" Tc=8.0 min CN=44 Runoff=0.40 cfs 0.070 of Subcatchment 56S: Subcatchment 56S Runoff Area=6,612 sf 26.63% Impervious Runoff Depth>2.25" Tc=125.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.10 cfs 0.028 of Subcatchment 57S: Subcatchment 57S Runoff Area=20.840 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.33" Flow Length=335' Tc=6.5 min CN=40 Runoff=0.05 cfs 0.013 of Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=1.58 cfs 0.487 of Outflow=1.58 cfs 0.487 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.39 cfs 0.097 of Outflow=0.39 cfs 0.097 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.41 cfs 0.090 of Outflow=0.41 cfs 0.090 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=0.85 cfs 0.107 of Outflow=0.85 cfs 0.107 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.26 cfs 0.115 of Outflow=0.26 cfs 0.115 of Reach 22R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.025 L=434.0' S=0.0541 T Capacity=337.83 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 23R: Flow thru 21 S Avg. Flow Depth=0.01' Max Vel=0.87 fps Inflow=0.06 cfs 0.020 of n=0.025 L=338.0' S=0.0444 '/' Capacity=1,135.73 cfs Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.020 of Reach 24R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.68 fps Inflow=0.05 cfs 0.020 of n=0.030 L=85.0' S=0.0882 T Capacity=448.89 cfs Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.020 of Reach 38R: Flow thru 30S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=415.0' S=0.0807'/' Capacity=300.14 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 56R: Stone Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.02' Max Vel=0.80 fps Inflow=0.27 cfs 0.115 of n=0.040 L=190.0' S=0.0737'/' Capacity=597.18 cfs Outflow=0.26 cfs 0.115 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 25 year Rainfall=5.40" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:56 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 17 Reach 58R: Flow thru 50S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.022 L=200.0' S=0.0750 '/' Capacity=187.40 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 61 R: Flow thru 10S Avg. Flow Depth=0.06' Max Vel=2.38 fps Inflow=1.57 cfs 0.480 of n=0.030 L=240.0' S=0.091-7 '/' Capacity=175.97 cfs Outflow=1.57 cfs 0.480 of Pond 1P: DMH 1 Peak Elev=112.16' Inflow=0.64 cfs 0.101 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=97.0' S=0.0325 '/' Outflow=0.64 cfs 0.101 of Pond 2P: DMH 2 Peak EIev=108.91' Inflow=0.64 cfs 0.101 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=180.0' S=0.0328 '/' Outflow=0.64 cfs 0.101 of Pond 3P: DMH 3 Peak EIev=103.09' Inflow=1.15 cfs 0.174 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=146.0' S=0.0099 '/' Outflow=1.15 cfs 0.174 of Pond 4P: DMH 4 Peak Elev=95.48' Inflow=0.69 cfs 0.051 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=134.0' S=0.0224 '/' Outflow=0.69 cfs 0.051 of Pond 5P: DMH 5 Peak EIev=89.90' Inflow=1.89 cfs 0.134 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=45.0' S=0.0667 '/' Outflow=1.89 cfs 0.134 of Pond 21 P: Lot 16-4 RG Peak Elev=87.91' Storage=389 cf Inflow=0.09 cfs 0.026 of Discarded=0.03 cfs 0.026 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.03 cfs 0.026 of Pond 22P: Lots 16-5,6 RG Peak Elev=96.63' Storage=756 cf Inflow=0.16 cfs 0.070 of Discarded=0.08 cfs 0.070 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.08 cfs 0.070 of Pond 24P: Lots 16-7,8 RG Peak EIev=113.08' Storage=113 cf Inflow=0.07 cfs 0.041 of Discarded=0.06 cfs 0.041 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.041 of Pond 25P: Box Culvert Peak EIev=106.04' Storage=5 cf Inflow=0.06 cfs 0.020 of 24.0" x 12.0" Box Culvert n=0.012 L=25.0' S=0.0800 '/' Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.020 of Pond 31 P: Infiltration Pond 2 Peak Elev=85.44' Storage=2,754 cf Inflow=1.89 cfs 0.139 of 0utflow=0.13 cfs 0.139 of Pond 32P: CB 7 Peak EIev=93.02' Inflow=0.80 cfs 0.056 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167 '/' Outflow=0.80 cfs 0.056 of Pond 33P: CB 8 Peak Elev=92.85' Inflow=0.40 cfs 0.028 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167 '/' Outflow=0.40 cfs 0.028 of Pond 34P: CB 5 Peak Elev=95.58' Inflow=0.25 cfs 0.020 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.25 cfs 0.020 of Pond 35P: CB 6 Peak Elev=95.66' Inflow=0.44 cfs 0.031 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.44 cfs 0.031 of Pond 37P: Lot 16-2 RG Peak EIev=101.74' Storage=376 cf Inflow=0.07 cfs 0.021 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.021 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.021 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 25 year Rainfall=5.40" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:33:56 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 18 Pond 51 P: Gravel Wetland 1 Peak EIev=101.90' Storage=2,815 cf Inflow=1.28 cfs 0.187 of Outflow=0.20 cfs 0.187 of Pond 52P: CB 3 Peak EIev=103.41' Inflow=0.53 cfs 0.033 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.53 cfs 0.033-af Pond 53P: CB 4 Peak EIev=103.29' Inflow=0.27 cfs 0.040 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.27 cfs 0.040 of Pond 54P: CB 1 Peak Elev=112.38' Inflow=0.45 cfs 0.031 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.45 cfs 0.031 of Pond 55P: CB 2 Peak Elev=112.35' Inflow=0.40 cfs 0.070 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.40 cfs 0.070 of Pond 56P: Lot 16-1 RG Peak EIev=106.66' Storage=652 cf Inflow=0.10 cfs 0.028 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.023 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.02 cfs 0.023 of Pond 58P: Outlet Pond Peak Elev=99.01' Storage=2,037 cf Inflow=0.23 cfs 0.200 of Discarded=0.10 cfs 0.138 of Primary=0.11 cfs 0.048 of Outflow=0.21 cfs 0.186 of Pond 60P: Lot 31 RG Peak EIev=92.08' Storage=1,208 cf Inflow=1.65 cfs 0.596 of Discarded=0.08 cfs 0.107 of Primary=1.57 cfs 0.480 of Outflow=1.65 cfs 0.587 of Total Runoff Area =23.479 ac Runoff Volume= 1.490 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.76" 87.59%Pervious =20.566 ac 12.41% Impervious=2.913 ac 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 50 year Rainfall=5.90" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:34:07 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 19 Time span=0.00-30.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 3001 points x 3 Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 10S: Subcatchment 10S Runoff Area=58.319 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.12" _ Flow Length=644' Tc=7.6 min CN=32 Runoff=0.02 cfs 0.013 of Subcatchment 11 S: Subcatchment 11S Runoff Area=223.165 sf 22.18% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.69" Flow Length=1,080' Tc=139.5 min CN=58 Runoff=2.06 cfs 0.724 of Subcatchment 20S: Subcatchment 20S Runoff Area=95.330 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.58" Flow Length=537' Tc=12.1 min CN=42 Runoff=0.58 cfs 0.106 of Subcatchment 21 S: Subcatchment 21S Runoff Area=5,402 sf 30.90% Impervious Runoff Depth>2.91" Tc=125.0 min CN=72 Runoff=0.10 cfs 0.030 of Subcatchment 22S: Subcatchment 22S Runoff Area=58.065 sf 10.04% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.83" Flow Length=446' Tc=130.8 min CN=46 Runoff=0.22 cfs 0.092 of Subcatchment 23S: Subcatchment 23S Runoff Area=42.081 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.37" Flow Length=295' Slope=0.0400 '/' Tc=5.0 min CN=38 Runoff=0.12 cfs 0.030 of Subcatchment 24S: Subcatchment 24S Runoff Area=75.289 sf 6.94% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.42" Flow Length=485' Tc=134.2 min CN=39 Runoff=0.11 cfs 0.060 of Subcatchment 30S: Subcatchment 30S Runoff Area=99.455 sf 11.87% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.64" Tc=20.0 min CN=43 Runoff=0.64 cfs 0.122 of Subcatchment 31 S: Subcatchment 31S Runoff Area=9,011 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.42" Tc=5.0 min CN=39 Runoff=0.03 cfs 0.007 of Subcatchment 32S: Subcatchment 32S Runoff Area=12.900 sf 51.07% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.63" Tc=5.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.94 cfs 0.065 of Subcatchment 33S: Subcatchment 33S Runoff Area=6,998 sf 47.13% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.45" Tc=5.0 min CN=67 Runoff=0.47 cfs 0.033 of Subcatchment 34S: Subcatchment 34S Runoff Area=8,339 sf 26.06% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.54" Tc=5.0 min CN=56 Runoff=0.32 cfs 0.025 of Subcatchment 35S: Subcatchment 35S Runoff Area=4,304 sf 69.77% Impervious Runoff Depth=4.21" Tc=5.0 min CN=85 Runoff=0.50 cfs 0.035 of Subcatchment 37S: Subcatchment 37S Runoff Area=3,894 sf 39.27% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.29" Flow Length=100' Tc=121.2 min CN=76 Runoff=0.09 cfs 0.025 of Subcatchment 40S: Subcatchment 40S Runoff Area=69.969 sf 18.69% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.02" Flow Length=692' Tc=10.4 min CN=49 Runoff=1.22 cfs 0.137 of Subcatchment 50S: Subcatchment 50S Runoff Area=93.131 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.52" Flow Length=904' Tc=16.6 min CN=41 Runoff=0.45 cfs 0.093 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 50 year Rainfall=5.90" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:34:07 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 Subcatchment 51S: Subcatchment 51S Runoff Area=7,983 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=1.09" Tc=5.0 min CN=50 Runoff=0.19 cfs 0.017 of Subcatchment 52S: Subcatchment 52S Runoff Area=10.092 sf 39.37% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.02" Tc=0.0 min CN=62 Runoff=0.64 cfs 0.039 of Subcatchment 53S: Subcatchment 53S Runoff Area=36.409 sf 18.74% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.76" Tc=5.0 min CN=45 Runoff=0.45 cfs 0.053 of Subcatchment 54S: Subcatchment 54S Runoff Area=4,796 sf 70.64% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.79" Tc=5.0 min CN=81 Runoff=0.50 cfs 0.035 of Subcatchment 55S: Subcatchment 55S Runoff Area=70.360 sf 10.31% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.70" Tc=8.0 min CN=44 Runoff=0.65 cfs 0.094 of Subcatchment 56S: Subcatchment 56S Runoff Area=6,612 sf 26.63% Impervious Runoff Depth>2.63" Tc=125.0 min CN=69 Runoff=0.11 cfs 0.033 of Subcatchment 57S: Subcatchment 57S Runoff Area=20.840 sf 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.47" Flow Length=335' Tc=6.5 min CN=40 Runoff=0.09 cfs 0.019 of Reach 1R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow=2.00 cfs 0.620 of Outflow=2.00 cfs 0.620 of Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow=0.67 cfs 0.136 of Outflow=0.67 cfs 0.136 of Reach 3R: Analysis Pt#3 Inflow=0.64 cfs 0.122 of Outflow=0.64 cfs 0.122 of Reach 4R: Analysis Pt#4 Inflow=1.22 cfs 0.137 of Outflow=1.22 cfs 0.137 of Reach 5R: Analysis Pt#5 Inflow=0.45 cfs 0.182 of Outflow=0.45 cfs 0.182 of Reach 22R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.025 L=434.0' S=0.0541 T Capacity=337.83 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 23R: Flow thru 21S Avg. Flow Depth=0.02' Max Vel=1.04 fps Inflow=0.12 cfs 0.030 of n=0.025 L=338.0' S=0.0444'/' Capacity=1,1 35.73cfs Outflow=0.11 cfs 0.030 of Reach 24R: Flow thru 20S Avg. Flow Depth=0.01' Max Vel=0.68 fps Inflow=0.11 cfs 0.030 of n=0.030 L=85.0' S=0.0882 T Capacity=448.89 cfs Outflow=0.11 cfs 0.030 of Reach 38R: Flow thru 30S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.00 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.030 L=415.0' S=0.0807 '/' Capacity=300.14 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 56R: Stone Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.03' Max Vel=1.01 fps Inflow=0.45 cfs 0.182 of n=0.040 L=190.0' S=0.0737'/' Capacity=597.18 cfs Outflow=0.45 cfs 0.182 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT 7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 50 year Rainfall=5.90" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:34:07 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 21 Reach 58R: Flow thru 50S Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vel=0.66 fps Inflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of n=0.022 L=200.0' S=0.0750 '/' Capacity=187.40 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach 61 R: Flow thru 10S Avg. Flow Depth=0.07' Max Vel=2.60 fps Inflow=1.98 cfs 0.606 of n=0.030 L=240.0' S=0.0917 '/' Capacity=175.97 cfs Outflow=1.98 cfs 0.606 of Pond 1 P: DMH 1 Peak Elev=112.29' Inflow=0.99 cfs 0.129 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=97.0' S=0.0325 '/' Outflow=0.99 cfs 0.129 of Pond 2P: DMH 2 Peak EIev=109.04' Inflow=0.99 cfs 0.129 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=180.0' S=0.0328 '/' Outflow=0.99 cfs 0.129 of Pond 3P: DMH 3 Peak EIev=103.29' Inflow=1.73 cfs 0.221 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=146.0' S=0.0099 '/' Outflow=1.73 cfs 0.221 of Pond 4P: DMH 4 Peak Elev=95.53' Inflow=0.81 cfs 0.059 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=134.0' S=0.0224'/' Outflow=0.81 cfs 0.059 of Pond 5P: DMH 5 Peak EIev=90.06' Inflow=2.23 cfs 0.157 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=45.0' S=0.0667'/' Outflow=2.23 cfs 0.157 of Pond 21 P: Lot 16-4 RG Peak EIev=88.00' Storage=447 cf Inflow=0.10 cfs 0.030 of Discarded=0.04 cfs 0.029 of Primary=0.02 cfs 0.001 of Outflow=0.06 cfs 0.030 of Pond 22P: Lots 16-5,6 RG Peak EIev=97.00' Storage=1,292 cf Inflow=0.22 cfs 0.092 of Discarded=0.09 cfs 0.092 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.09 cfs 0.092 of Pond 24P: Lots 16-7,8 RG Peak Elev=113.18' Storage=260 cf Inflow=0.11 cfs 0.060 of Discarded=0.08 cfs 0.060 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.08 cfs, 0.060 of Pond 25P: Box Culvert Peak EIev=106.07' Storage=9 cf Inflow=0.12 cfs 0.030 of 24.0"x 12.0" Box Culvert n=0.012 L=25.0' S=0.0800 '/' Outflow=0.12 cfs 0.030 of Pond 31 P: Infiltration Pond 2 Peak Elev=85.72' Storage=3,419 cf Inflow=2.23 cfs 0.164 of Outflow=0.14 cfs 0.164 of Pond 32P: CB 7 Peak EIev=93.07' Inflow=0.94 cfs 0.065 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167 '/' Outflow=0.94 cfs 0.065 of Pond 33P: CB 8 Peak Elev=92.89' Inflow=0.47 cfs 0.033 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=15.0' S=0.0167 '/' Outflow=0.47 cfs 0.033 of Pond 34P: CB 5 Peak Elev=95.63' Inflow=0.32 cfs 0.025 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.32 cfs 0.025 of Pond 35P: CB 6 Peak Elev=95.69' Inflow=0.50 cfs 0.035 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0278 '/' Outflow=0.50 cfs 0.035 of Pond 37P: Lot 16-2 RG Peak EIev=102.00' Storage=445 cf Inflow=0.09 cfs 0.025 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.024 of Primary=0.01 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.03 cfs 0.025 of 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 50 year Rainfall=5.90" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:34:07 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 22 Pond 51 P: Gravel Wetland 1 Peak EIev=102.39' Storage=4,111 cf Inflow=1.91 cfs 0.238 of Outflow=0.23 cfs 0.237 of Pond 52P: CB 3 Peak EIev=103.46' Inflow=0.64 cfs 0.039 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 T Outflow=0.64 cfs 0.039 of Pond 53P: CB 4 Peak EIev=103.44' Inflow=0.45 cfs 0.053 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0556 '/' Outflow=0.45 cfs 0.053 of Pond 54P: CB 1 Peak Elev=112.44' Inflow=0.50 cfs 0.035 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.50 cfs 0.035 of Pond 55P: CB 2 Peak Elev=112.49' Inflow=0.65 cfs 0.094 of 12.0" Round Culvert n=0.013 L=9.0' S=0.0222 '/' Outflow=0.65 cfs 0.094 of Pond 56P: Lot 16-1 RG Peak Elev=107.00' Storage=776 cf Inflow=0.11 cfs 0.033 of Discarded=0.02 cfs 0.026 of Primary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.03 cfs 0.026 of Pond 58P: Outlet Pond Peak EIev=99.01' Storage=2,040 cf Inflow=0.29 cfs 0.256 of Discarded=0.10 cfs 0.144 of Primary=0.15 cfs 0.088 of Outflow=0.25 cfs 0.232 of Pond 60P: Lot 31 RG Peak EIev=92.09' Storage=1,225 cf Inflow=2.06 cfs 0.724 of Discarded=0.08 cfs 0.108 of Primary=1.98 cfs 0.606 of Outflow=2.06 cfs 0.714 of Total Runoff Area=23.479 ac Runoff Volume= 1.885 of Average Runoff Depth =0.96" 87.59% Pervious=20.566 ac 12.41%Impervious= 2.913 ac 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 11124-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:15 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 23 Summary for Subcatchment 10S: Subcatchment 10S Runoff = 0.04 cfs @ 13.72 hrs, Volume= 0.024 af, Depth 0.22" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs - Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 47,624 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 10,695 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 58,319 32 Weighted Average 58,319 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 6.1 50 0.1200 0.14 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.10" 1.0 102 0.1200 1.73 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 0.2 135 0.0400 10.80 140.34 Trap/Vee/Rett Channel Flow, Bot.W=8.00' D=1.00' Z= 5.07' Top.W=18.00' n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight 0.2 194 0.1100 20.77 415.43 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=2.00' D=2.00' Z= 4.0 '/' Top.W=18.00' n= 0.025 Earth, clean &winding 0.1 163 0.0800 19.68 1,298.80 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=3.00' D=2.00' Z= 15.07' Top.W=63.00' n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight 7.6 644 Total Summary for Subcatchment 11 S: Subcatchment 11 S Runoff = 2.58 cfs @ 13.95 hrs, Volume= 0.886 af, Depth> 2.08" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 89,970 70 1/2 acre lots, 25% imp, HSG B 90,000 54 1/2 acre lots, 25% imp, HSG A 4,495 98 Paved parking, HSG B 25,435 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 13,265 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 223,165 58 Weighted Average 173,678 77.82% Pervious Area 49,488 22.18% Impervious Area 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type M 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:15 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 24 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.7 50 0.0200 0.15 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.10" 13.4 795 0.0200 0.99 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 0.3 135 0.0200 8.82 282.25 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=10.00' D=2.00' Z= 3.0 '/' Top.W=22.00' n= 0.030 Earth, grassed &winding 0.1 100 0.1000 19.72 631.12 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=10.00' D=2.00' Z= 3.07' Top.W=22.00' n= 0.030 Earth, grassed &winding 120.0 Direct Entry, thru fitlter media 139.5 1,080 Total Summary for Subcatchment 20S: Subcatchment 20S Runoff = 0.93 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 0.145 af, Depth= 0.80" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 5,401 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 1,807 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 44,815 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 43,307 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 95,330 42 Weighted Average 95,330 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity- Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.2 50 0.0800 0.12 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.10" 2.5 210 0.0800 1.41 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 2.3 182 0.0670 1.29 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 0.1 95 0.0540 13.00 383.38 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=20.00' D=1.00' Z= 4.0 & 15.07' Top.W=39.00' n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight 12.1 537 Total Summary for Subcatchment 21 S: Subcatchment 21 S Runoff = 0.12 cfs @ 13.75 hrs, Volume= 0.035 af, Depth> 3.41" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 11124-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:15 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 25 Area (sf) CN Description 1,669 98 Paved parking & roofs 3,733 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 5,402 72 Weighted Average 3,733 69.10% Pervious Area 1,669 30.90% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, 120.0 Direct Entry, 125.0 0 Total Summary for Subcatchment 22S: Subcatchment 22S Runoff = 0.31 cfs @ 14.10 hrs, Volume= 0.121 af, Depth> 1.08" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 5,830 98 Paved parking & roofs 31,708 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 51186 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 12,336 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 3,005 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 58,065 46 Weighted Average 52,235 89.96% Pervious Area 5,830 10.04% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.2 50 0.0800 0.12 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.10" 2.2 190 0.0800 1.41 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 0.7 88 0.0950 2.16 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 0.1 28 0.0350 3.80 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 0.3 43 0.0950 2.16 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 0.1 13 0.0200 2.87 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 0.2 34 0.1100 2.32 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 120.0 Direct Entry, 130.8 446 Total 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:15 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 26 Summary for Subcatchment 23S: Subcatchment 23S Runoff = 0.22 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume= 0.043 af, Depth= 0.54" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hr's, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 4,728 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 4,085 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 25,792 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 7,476 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 42,081 38 Weighted Average 42,081 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 4.9 295 0.0400 1.00 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 0.1 Direct Entry, 5.0 295 Total Summary for Subcatchment 24S: Subcatchment 24S Runoff = 0.17 cfs @ 14.46 hrs, Volume= 0.086 af, Depth> 0.60" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 5,223 98 Paved parking & roofs 38,175 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 31,891 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 75,289 39 Weighted Average 70,066 93.06% Pervious Area 5,223 6.94% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 10.7 50 0.0300 0.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.10" 3.2 275 0.0800 1.41 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 0.1 60 0.0670 19.76 395.14 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=4.00' D=2.00' Z= 3.07' Top.W=16.00' n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight 0.2 100 0.0200 10.79 215.89 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=4.00' D=2.00' Z= 3.07' Top.W=16.00' n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight 120.0 Direct Entry, 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT 7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:15 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 27 134.2 485 Total Summary for Subcatchment 30S: Subcatchment 30S Runoff = 1.00 cfs-@ 12.42 hrs, Volume= 0.165 af, Depth= 0.87" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 11,803 98 Paved parking & roofs 50,077 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 37,575 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 99,455 43 Weighted Average 87,652 88.13% Pervious Area 11,803 11.87% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 31 S: Subcatchment 31 S Runoff = 0.06 cfs @ 12.28 hrs, Volume= 0.010 af, Depth= 0.60' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 9,011 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 9,011 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 32S: Subcatchment 32S Runoff = 1.11 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.077 af, Depth= 3.11" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (so CN Description 6,588 98 Paved parking & roofs 6,312 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 12,900 69 Weighted Average 6,312 48.93% Pervious Area 6,588 51.07% Impervious Area 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 900 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 28 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 33S: Subcatchment 33S Runoff = 0.56 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.039 af, Depth= 2.91" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 3,298 98 Paved parking & roofs 3,700 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 6,998 67 Weighted Average 3,700 52.87% Pervious Area 3,298 47.13% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 34S: Subcatchment 34S Runoff = 0.41 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.030 af, Depth= 1.90" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 2,173 98 Paved parking & roofs 5,370 39 >75% Grass cover,Good, HSG A 796 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 8,339 56 Weighted Average 6,166 73.94% Pervious Area 2,173 26.06% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 35S: Subcatchment 35S Runoff = 0.56 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.039 af, Depth= 4.78" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 29 Area (sf) CN Description 3,003 98 Paved parking & roofs 388 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 913 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 4,304 85 Weighted Average 1,301 30.23% Pervious Area 3,003 69.77% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 37S: Subcatchment 37S Runoff = 0.10 cfs @ 13.60 hrs, Volume= 0.028 af, Depth= 3.82" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 247hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 1,529 98 Paved parking, HSG B 2,365 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3,894 76 Weighted Average 27365 60.73% Pervious Area 1,529 39.27% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 0.8 50 0.0130 0.99 Sheet Flow, Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.10" 0.2 25 0.0130 2.31 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Paved Kv= 20.3 fps 0.2 25 0.1000 2.21 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 120.0 Direct Entry, Tc thru RG Media 121.2 100 Total Summary for Subcatchment 40S: Subcatchment 40S Runoff = 1.72 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.176 af, Depth= 1.32" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type M 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 H droCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 30 Area (sf) CN Description 13,080 98 Paved roads w/curbs & sewers, HSG A 47,051 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 1,938 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 7,900 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 69,969 49 Weighted Average 56,889 81.31% Pervious Area 13,080 18.69% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) . (ft/sec) (cfs) 3.0 50 0.1000 0.28 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.10" 7.4 642 0.0830 1.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 10.4 692 Total Summary for Subcatchment 50S: Subcatchment 50S Runoff = 0.73 cfs @ 12.41 hrs, Volume= 0.130 af, Depth= 0.73" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 5,623 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 15,146 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 53,613 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 18,749 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 93,131 41 Weighted Average 93,131 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.2 50 0.0800 0.12 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.10" 9.0 610 0.0510 1.13 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 0.4 244 0.0740 10.65 212.96 Trap/Vee/Rect Channel Flow, Bot.W=2.00' D=2.00' Z= 4.07' Top.W=18.00' n= 0.040 Earth, cobble bottom, clean sides 16.6 904 Total Summary for Subcatchment 51 S: Subcatchment 51 S Runoff = 0.26 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.021 af, Depth= 1.40" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 900 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 31 Area (sf) CN Description 4,003 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3,980 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 7,983 50 Weighted Average - 7,983 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 52S: Subcatchment 52S Runoff = 0.79 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 0.047 af, Depth= 2.44" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00.hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 3,973 98 Paved roads w/curbs & sewers 6,119 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 10,092 62 Weighted Average 6,119 60.63% Pervious Area 3,973 39.37% Impervious Area Summary for Subcatchment 53S: Subcatchment 53S Runoff = 0.71 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.070 af, Depth= 1.01" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 6,823 98 Paved roads w/curbs & sewers 20,790 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 8,796 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 36,409 45 Weighted Average 29,586 81.26% Pervious Area 6,823 18.74% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 54S: Subcatchment 54S Runoff = 0.58 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.040 af, Depth= 4.34" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 32 Area (sf) CN Description 3,388 98 Paved roads w/curbs & sewers 1,408 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 4,796 81 Weighted Average 1,408 - 29.36% Pervious Area 3,388 70.64% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 55S: Subcatchment 55S Runoff = 1.06 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 0.126 af, Depth= 0.94" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 7,257 98 Paved roads w/curbs & sewers 32,948 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 23,628 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 6,527 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 70,360 44 Weighted Averaae 63,103 89.69% Pervious Area 7,257 10.31% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 8.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 56S: Subcatchment 56S Runoff = 0.13 cfs @ 13.75 hrs, Volume= 0.039 af, Depth> 3.11" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 1,761 98 Driveway 122 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 323 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 397 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 4,009 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6,612 69 Weighted Average 4,851 73.37% Pervious Area 1,761 26.63% Impervious Area 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 33 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, 120.0 Direct Entry, 125.0 0 Total Summary for Subcatchment 57S: Subcatchment 57S Runoff = 0.16 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.026 af, Depth= 0.66" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type III 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Area (sf) CN Description 7,275 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 780 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 8,445 30 Woods, Good, HSG A 4,340 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 20,840 40 Weighted Average 20,840 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 3.0 50 0.1000 0.28 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.10" 0.4 35 0.1000 1.58 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 3.1 250 0.0700 1.32 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 6.5 335 Total Summary for Reach 1 R: Analysis Pt#1 Inflow Area = 6.462 ac, 17.58% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.47" for 100 year event Inflow = 2.54 cfs @ 13.99 hrs, Volume= 0.791 of Outflow = 2.54 cfs @ 13.99 hrs, Volume= 0.791 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Summary for Reach 2R: Analysis Pt#2 Inflow Area = 6.340 ac, 4.61% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.40" for 100 year event Inflow = 1.12 cfs @ 12.33 hrs, Volume= 0.212 of Outflow = 1.12 cfs @ 12.33 hrs, Volume= 0.212 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 34 Summary for Reach 3R: Analysis Pt #3 Inflow Area = 3.237 ac, 19.05% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.61" for 100 year event Inflow = 1.00 cfs @ 12.42 hrs, Volume= 0.165 of Outflow = 1.00 cfs @ 12.42 hrs, Volume= 0.165 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs /3 Summary for Reach 4R: Analysis Pt #4 Inflow Area = 1.606 ac, 18.69% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.32" for 100 year event Inflow = 1.72 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.176 of Outflow = 1.72 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.176 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/ 3 Summary for Reach 5R: Analysis Pt #5 Inflow Area = 5.834 ac, 9.73% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.57" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.73 cfs @ 12.44 hrs, Volume= 0.278 of Outflow = 0.73 cfs @ 12.44 hrs, Volume= 0.278 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Summary for Reach 22R: Flow thru 20S Inflow Area = 1.333 ac, 10.04% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.18" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.16 cfs @ 14.88 hrs, Volume= 0.020 of Outflow = 0.13 cfs @ 15.32 hrs, Volume= 0.020 af, Atten= 20%, Lag= 26.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Max. Velocity= 0.64 fps, Min. Travel Time= 11.3 min Avg. Velocity= 0.64 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 11.3 min Peak Storage= 87 cf @ 15.32 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.01' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 337.83 cfs 20.00' x 1.00' deep channel, n= 0.025 Earth, clean & winding Side Slope Z-value= 4.0 15.07' Top Width= 39.00' Length= 434.0' Slope= 0.0541 T Inlet Invert= 93.50', Outlet Invert= 70.00' 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 35 Summary for Reach 23R: Flow thru 21 S Inflow Area = 2.694 ac, 4.45% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.19" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.22 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 0.043 of Outflow = 0.22 cfs @ 12.38 hrs, Volume= 0.043 af, Atten= 3%, Lag= 3.7 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Max. Velocity= 1.27 fps, Min. Travel Time= 4.4 min Avg. Velocity= 0.89 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 6.4 min Peak Storage= 57 cf @ 12.38 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.04' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 1,135.73 cfs 4.00' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.025 Earth, clean &winding Side Slope Z-value= 20.07' Top Width= 84.00' Length= 338.0' Slope= 0.0444T Inlet Invert= 105.00', Outlet Invert= 90.00' t T Summary for Reach 24R: Flow thru 20S Inflow Area = 2.818 ac, 5.61% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.20" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.22 cfs @ 12.38 hrs, Volume= 0.047 of Outflow = 0.21 cfs @ 12.40 hrs, Volume= 0.047 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 1.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs /3 Max. Velocity= 0.84 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.7 min Avg. Velocity= 0.68 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 2.1 min Peak Storage= 22 cf @ 12.40 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.01' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 448.89 cfs 20.00' x 1.00' deep channel, n= 0.030 Earth, grassed &winding Side Slope Z-value= 20.07' Top Width= 60.00' Length= 85.0' Slope= 0.08827' Inlet Invert= 77.50', Outlet Invert= 70.00' 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 36 Summary for Reach 38R: Flow thru 30S Inflow Area = 0.954 ac, 36.25% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.00" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Outflow = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/ 3 Max. Velocity= 0.00 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.0 min Avg. Velocity= 0.00 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.0 min Peak Storage= 0 cf @ 0.00 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.00' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 300.14 cfs 10.00' x 1.00' deep channel, n= 0.030 Earth, grassed &winding Side Slope Z-value= 20.07' Top Width= 50.00' Length= 415.0' Slope= 0.08077' Inlet Invert= 78.00', Outlet Invert= 44.50' t Summary for Reach 56R: Stone Swale Inflow Area = 5.834 ac, 9.73% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.57" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.73 cfs @ 12.41 hrs, Volume= 0.278 of Outflow = 0.73 cfs @ 12.44 hrs, Volume= 0.278 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 1.6 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Max. Velocity= 1.19 fps, Min. Travel Time= 2.7 min Avg. Velocity= 0.79 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 4.0 min Peak Storage= 117 cf @ 12.44 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.04' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 597.18 cfs 15.00' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.040 Earth, cobble bottom, clean sides Side Slope Z-value= 4.07' Top Width= 31.00' Length= 190.0' Slope= 0.07377' Inlet Invert= 90.00', Outlet Invert= 76.00' 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT 7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 37 Summary for Reach 58R: Flow thru 50S Inflow Area = 0.152 ac, 26.63% Impervious, Inflow.Depth = 0.41" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.12 cfs @ 17.42 hrs, Volume= 0.005 of Outflow = 0.04 cfs @ 15.23 hrs, Volume= 0.005 af; Atten= 64%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Max. Velocity= 1.07 fps, Min. Travel Time= 3.1 min Avg. Velocity= 0.81 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 4.1 min Peak Storage= 8 cf @ 15.23 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.02' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 187.40 cfs 20.00' x 1.00' deep Parabolic Channel, n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight Length= 200.0' Slope= 0.07507' Inlet Invert= 107.00', Outlet Invert= 92.00' Summary for Reach 61 R: Flow thru 10S Inflow Area = 5.123 ac, 22.18% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.80" for 100 year event Inflow = 2.50 cfs @ 13.97 hrs, Volume= 0.767 of Outflow = 2.50 cfs @ 13.99 hrs, Volume= 0.767 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 1.4 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Max. Velocity= 2.84 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.4 min Avg. Velocity= 1.51 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 2.7 min Peak Storage= 211 cf @ 13.99 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.09' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 175.97 cfs 10.00' x 1.00' deep channel, n= 0.030 Earth, grassed &winding Side Slope Z-value= 4.07' Top Width= 18.00' Length= 240.0' Slope= 0.09177' Inlet Invert= 92.00', Outlet Invert= 70.00' 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 38 Summary for Pond 1 P: DMH 1 Inflow Area = 1.725 ac, 14.16% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.15" for 100 year event Inflow = 1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.166 of Outflow = 1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.166 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.166 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 112.46' @ 12.13 hrs Flood Elev= 115.99' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 111.70' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 97.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 111.70'/ 108.55' S= 0.0325 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs HW=112.46' TW=109.21' (Dynamic Tailwater) t-1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 1.49 cfs @ 2.34 fps) Summary for Pond 2P: DMH 2 Inflow Area = 1.725 ac, 14.16% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.15" for 100 year event Inflow = 1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.166 of Outflow = 1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.166 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.166 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 109.21' @ 12.13 hrs Flood Elev= 112.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 108.45' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 180.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 108.45'/ 102.55' S= 0.0328 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=1.49 cfs @ 12.13 hrs HW=109.21' TW=103.66' (Dynamic Tailwater) L-1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 1.49 cfs @ 2.34 fps) Summary for Pond 3P: DMH 3 Inflow Area = 2.793 ac, 17.62% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.22" for 100 year event Inflow = 2.53 cfs, @ 12.12 hrs, Volume= 0.283 of Outflow = 2.53 cfs @ 12.12 hrs, Volume= 0.283 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 2.53 cfs @ 12.12 hrs, Volume= 0.283 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/ 3 Peak Elev= 103.67' @ 12.12 hrs Flood Elev= 105.39' 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 11124-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 39 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 102.45' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 146.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 102.45'/ 101.00' S= 0.0099 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior- Primary OutFlow Max=2.53 cfs @ 12.12 hrs HW=103.67' TW=101.29' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 2.53 cfs @ 3.22 fps) Summary for Pond 4P: DMH 4 Inflow Area = 0.290 ac, 40.94% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.88" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.97 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.070 of Outflow = 0.97 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.070 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.97 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.070 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 95.58' @ 12.08 hrs Flood Elev= 99.11' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 95.00' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 134.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 95.00'/92.00' S= 0.0224 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=0.96 cfs @ 12.08 hrs HW=95.58' TW=90.28' (Dynamic Tailwater) t-1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 0.96 cfs @ 2.05 fps) Summary for Pond 5P: DMH 5 Inflow Area = 0.747 ac, 46.29% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.98" for 100 year event Inflow = 2.65 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.185 of Outflow = 2.65 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.185 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 2.65 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.185 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/ 3 Peak Elev= 90.29' @ 12.08 hrs Flood Elev= 95.56' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 89.00' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 45.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 89.00'/86.00' S= 0.0667 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=2.64 cfs @ 12.08 hrs HW=90.28' TW=84.92' (Dynamic Tailwater) t1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 2.64 cfs @ 3.36 fps) 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 40 Summary for Pond 21 P: Lot 16-4 RG Inflow Area = 0.124 ac, 30.90% Impervious, Inflow-Depth > 3.41" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.12 cfs @ 13.75 hrs, Volume= 0.035 of Outflow = 0.10 cfs @ 14.27 hrs, Volume= 0.035 af, Aften= 16%, Lag= 31.7 min Discarded = 0.04 cfs @ 14.27 hrs, Volume= 0.031 of Primary = 0.06 cfs @ 14.27 hrs, Volume= 0.004 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 88.00' @ 14.27 hrs Surf.Area= 668 sf Storage= 448 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 128.3 min calculated for 0.035 of(100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 128.2 min ( 1,068.7 - 940.4 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 87.00' 1,022 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 87.00 232 0 0 88.00 659 446 446 88.50 1,646 576 1,022 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 87.00' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 0.00' Phase-In= 0.10' #2 Primary 88.00' 90.0' long x 5.0'breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.34 2.50 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.74 2.79 2.88 Discarded OutFlow Max=0.04 cfs @ 14.27 hrs HW=88.00' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration ( Controls 0.04 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.06 cfs @ 14.27 hrs HW=88.00' TW=77.51' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 0.06 cfs @ 0.16 fps) Summary for Pond 22P: Lots 16-5,6 RG Inflow Area = 1.333 ac, 10.04% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.08" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.31 cfs @ 14.10 hrs, Volume= 0.121 of Outflow = 0.25 cfs @ 14.88 hrs, Volume= 0.120 af, Atten= 19%, Lag= 47.1 min Discarded = 0.09 cfs @ 14.88 hrs, Volume= 0.100 of Primary = 0.16 cfs @ 14.88 hrs, Volume= 0.020 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 97.01' @ 14.88 hrs Surf.Area= 1,546 sf Storage= 1,306 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 159.3 min calculated for 0.120 of(100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 159.1 min ( 1,177.7 - 1,018.6 ) 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT 7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 41 Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 96.00' 3,725 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf..Area Inc.Store _ Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 96.00 1,057 0 0 97.00 1,534 1,296 1,296 98.00 3,325 2,430 3,725 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 96.00' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 0.00' Phase-In= 0.10' #2 Primary 97.00' 130.0' long x 5.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.34 2.50 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.74 2.79 2.88 Discarded OutFlow Max=0.09 cfs @ 14.88 hrs HW=97.01' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration ( Controls 0.09 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.16 cfs @ 14.88 hrs HW=97.01' TW=93.50' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 0.16 cfs @ 0.19 fps) Summary for Pond 24P: Lots 16-7,8 RG Inflow Area = 1.728 ac, 6.94% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.60" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.17 cfs @ 14.46 hrs, Volume= 0.086 of Outflow = 0.10 cfs @ 17.38 hrs, Volume= 0.086 af, Atten= 42%, Lag= 174.9 min Discarded = 0.10 cfs @ 17.38 hrs, Volume= 0.086 of Primary = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/ 3 Peak Elev= 113.48' @ 17.38 hrs Surf.Area= 1,767 sf Storage= 758 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 82.4 min calculated for 0.086 of(100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 82.3 min ( 1,144.5 - 1,062.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 113.00' 3,057 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store _(feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 113.00 1,374 0 0 114.00 2,187 1,781 1,781 114.50 2,920 1,277 3,057 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 113.00' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 0.00' Phased n= 0.10' 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 42 #2 Primary 114.00' 245.0' long x 5.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.34 2.50 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.74 2.79 2.88 Discarded OutFlow Max=0.10 cfs @ 17.38 hrs HW=113.48' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration ( Controls 0.10 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=113.00' TW=106.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Summary for Pond 25P: Box Culvert Inflow Area = 2.694 ac, 4.45% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.19" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.22 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume= 0.043 of Outflow = 0.22 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 0.043 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.7 min Primary = 0.22 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 0.043 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 106.11' @ 12.32 hrs Surf.Area= 135 sf Storage= 13 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 1.6 min calculated for 0.043 of(100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 1.6 min ( 952.2 - 950.7 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 106.00' 558 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 106.00 118 0 0 108.00 440 558 558 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 106.00' 24.0"W x 12.0" H Box Culvert L= 25.0' Box, headwall w/3 square edges, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 106.00'/ 104.00' S= 0.08007' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 Concrete pipe, finished Primary OutFlow Max=0.22 cfs @ 12.32 hrs HW=106.11' TW=105.03' (Dynamic Tailwater) t-1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 0.22 cfs @ 1.05 fps) Summary for Pond 31 P: Infiltration Pond 2 Inflow Area = 0.954 ac, 36.25% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.46" for 100 year event Inflow = 2.68 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.196 of Outflow = 0.20 cfs @ 13.86 hrs, Volume= 0.195 af, Atten= 92%, Lag= 107.2 min Discarded = 0.20 cfs @ 13.86 hrs, Volume= 0.195 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:16 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 43 Peak Elev= 86.00' @ 13.86 hrs Surf.Area= 3,636 sf Storage= 4,143 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 316.2 min calculated for 0.195 of(100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 315.3 min ( 1,154.7 - 839.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 84.00' 8,177 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 84.00 1,488 0 0 85.99 2,645 4,112 4,112 86.00 3,662 32 4,144 87.00 4,405 4,034 8,177 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 84.00' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Phase-In= 0.10' Discarded OutFlow Max=0.20 cfs @ 13.86 hrs HW=86.00' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.20 cfs) Summary for Pond 32P: CB 7 Inflow Area = 0.296 ac, 51.07% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.11" for 100 year event Inflow = 1.11 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.077 of Outflow = 1.11 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.077 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 1.11 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.077 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 93.13' @ 12.08 hrs Flood Elev= 95.94' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 92.50' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 15.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 92.50' /92.25' S= 0.0167 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=1.11 cfs @ 12.08 hrs HW=93.13' TW=90.28' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Cuivert (Inlet Controls 1.11 cfs @ 2.13 fps) Summary for Pond 33P: CB 8 Inflow Area = 0.161 ac, 47.13% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.91" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.56 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.039 of Outflow = 0.56 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.039 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.56 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.039 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:17 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 44 Peak Elev= 92.93' @ 12.08 hrs Flood Elev= 95.94' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 92:50' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 15.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 92.50'/92.25' S= 0.0167 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=0.56 cfs @ 12.08 hrs HW=92.93' TW=90.28' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 0.56 cfs @ 1.76 fps) Summary for Pond 34P: CB 5 Inflow Area = 0.191 ac, 26.06% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.90" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.41 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.030 of Outflow = 0.41 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.030 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.41 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.030 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 95.69' @ 12.08 hrs Flood Elev= 98.72' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 95.25' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 9.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 95.25'/95.00' S= 0.02787' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=0.41 cfs @ 12.08 hrs HW=95.69' TW=95.58' (Dynamic Tailwater) t1=Culvert (Outlet Controls 0.41 cfs @ 1.79 fps) Summary for Pond 35P: CB 6 Inflow Area = 0.099 ac, 69.77% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.78" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.56 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.039 of Outflow = 0.56 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.039 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.56 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.039 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 95.74' @ 12.07 hrs Flood Elev= 98.72' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 95.25' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 9.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 95.25' / 95.00' S= 0.02787' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=0.56 cfs @ 12.07 hrs HW=95.74' TW=95.58' (Dynamic Tailwater) t--1=Culvert (Outlet Controls 0.56 cfs @ 2.14 fps) 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:17 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 45 Summary for Pond 37P: Lot 16-2 RG Inflow Area = 0.089 ac, 39.27% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.82" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.10 cfs @ 13.60 hrs, Volume= 0.028 of Outflow = 0.06 cfs @ 14.54 hrs, Volume= 0.028 af, Atten= 35%, Lag= 56.3 min Discarded = 0.02 cfs @ 14.54 hrs, Volume= 0.026 of Primary = 0.04 cfs @ 14.54 hrs, Volume= 0.003 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 102.01' @ 14.54 hrs Surf.Area= 286 sf Storage= 446 cf Plug-Flow detention time= (not calculated: outflow precedes inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 201.8 min ( 1,129.1 - 927.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 98.99' 732 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Voids Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (%) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 98.99 280 0.0 0 0 99.00 280 5.0 0 0 100.00 280 5.0 14 14 101.00 150 100.0 215 229 102.00 280 100.0 215 444 102.50 870 100.0 288 732 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 98.99' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 0.00' Phase-In= 0.01' #2 Primary 102.00' 45.0' long x 5.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.34 2.50 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.74 2.79 2.88 Discarded OutFlow Max=0.02 cfs @ 14.54 hrs HW=102.01' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration ( Controls 0.02 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.04 cfs @ 14.54 hrs HW=102.01' TW=90.02' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 0.04 cfs @ 0.17 fps) Summary for Pond 51 P: Gravel Wetland 1 Inflow Area = 2.976 ac, 16.54% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.23" for 100 year event Inflow = 2.78 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 0.305 of Outflow = 0.25 cfs @ 15.66 hrs, Volume= 0.304 af, Atten= 91%, Lag= 212.8 min Primary = 0.25 cfs @ 15.66 hrs, Volume= 0.304 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type Ill 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:17 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 46 Peak Elev= 102.97' @ 15.66 hrs Surf.Area= 3,433 sf Storage= 5,962 cf Plug-Flow detention time=291.2 min calculated for 0.304 of(100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 288.9 min ( 1,175.0 - 886.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 99.66' 9,957 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Voids Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (%) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 99.66 584 0.0 0 0 99.67 584 5.0 0 0 100.00 584 100.0 193 193 101.00 1,398 100.0 991 1,184 101.99 2,310 100.0 1,835 3,019 102.00 2,562 100.0 24 3,044 104.00 4,351 100.0 6,913 9,957 Device Routing Invert ' Outlet Devices #1 Primary 99.67' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 22.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 99.67' /99.00' S= 0.0305 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #µµ2 Device 1 99.67' 2.3"Vert.. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 ,"i 3 Pnn;a y 1 v3.vv' ..Piv.w"x 30.0" Honz. Orifice-,'Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #4 Primary 103.50' 10.0' long x 6.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.37 2.51 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.67 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.66 2.66 2.67 2.69 2.72 2.76 2.83 Primary OutFlow Max=0.25 cfs @ 15.66 hrs HW=102.97' TW=99.01' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Passes 0.25 cfs of 5.00 cfs potential flow) L2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.25 cfs @ 8.62 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) =Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Summary for Pond 52P: CB 3 Inflow Area = 0.232 ac, 39.37% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.44" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.79 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 0.047 of Outflow = 0.79 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 0.047 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.79 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 0.047 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 103.70' @ 12.12 hrs Flood Elev= 105.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 103.00' 12.0" Round Culvert 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type ///24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:17 AM HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 47 L= 9.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 103.00' / 102.50' S= 0.0556 T Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=0.79 cfs @ 12.00 hrs HW=103.52' TW=103.23' (Dynamic Tailwater) t-1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 0.79 cfs @ 1.93 fps) Summary for Pond 53P: CB 4 Inflow Area = 0.836 ac, 18.74% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.01" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.71 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.070 of Outflow = 0.71 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.070 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.71 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.070 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs /3 Peak Elev= 103.75' @ 12.11 hrs Flood Elev= 105.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 103.00' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 9.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 103.00' / 102.50' S= 0.0556 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior e'er a1__te-e 11 r__ n -A d I A n A n � \ _A nn Tr1 ^ A[=A nn nnl � T_•I....i rnmaryOutrio-w iviax=u.I i cis lw ice. 0 hrs riv"J-iu�.i5 i vv-iu�.66 (Dynamic iaiiwa�er) t-1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 0.71 cfs @ 1.13 fps) Summary for Pond 54P: CB 1 Inflow Area = 0.110 ac, 70.64% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.34" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.58 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.040 of Outflow = 0.58 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.040 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.58 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.040 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 112.55' @ 12.11 hrs Flood Elev= 115.60' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 112.00' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 9.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 112.00' / 111.80' S= 0.0222 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=0.57 cfs @ 12.07 hrs HW=112.52' TW=112.37' (Dynamic Tailwater) t--1=Culvert (Outlet Controls 0.57 cfs @ 2.03 fps) 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:17 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 48 Summary for Pond 55P: CB 2 Inflow Area = 1.615 ac, 10.31% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.94" for 100 year event Inflow = 1.06 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 0.126 of Outflow = 1.06 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 0.126 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 1.06 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 0.126 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/ 3 Peak Elev= 112.69' @ 12.14 hrs Flood Elev= 115.60' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 112.00' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 9.0' CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 112.00' / 111.80' S= 0.02227' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=1.06 cfs @ 12.15 hrs HW=112.68' TW=112.44' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 1.06 cfs @ 1.86 fps) Summary for Pond 56P: Lot 16-1 RG Inflow Area = 0.152 ac, 26.63% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 3.11" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.13 cfs @ 13.75 hrs, Volume= 0.039 of Outflow = 0.14 cfs @ 17.42 hrs, Volume= 0.031 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 220.4 min Discarded = 0.02 cfs @ 15.17 hrs, Volume= 0.027 of Primary = 0.12 cfs @ 17.42 hrs, Volume= 0.005 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 107.01' @ 15.17 hrs Surf.Area= 417 sf Storage= 780 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 322.0 min calculated for 0.031 of(79% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 240.1 min ( 1,187.3 - 947.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 103.99' 1,290 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Voids Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (%) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 103.99 232 0.0 0 0 104.00 232 5.0 0 0 106.00 232 100.0 464 464 107.00 391 100.0 312 776 107.50 1,666 100.0 514 1,290 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 103.99' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Phase-In= 0.01' #2 Primary 106.00' 50.0' long x 5.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.34 2.50 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:17 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 49 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.74 2.79 2.88 Discarded OutFlow Max=0.02 cfs @ 15.17 hrs HW=107.01' (Free Discharge) t-1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.02 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 17.42 hrs HW=107.00' TW=107.01' (Dynamic Tailwater) t-2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Summary for Pond 58P: Outlet Pond Inflow Area = 3.455 ac, 14.25% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.15" for 100 year event Inflow = 0.36 cfs @ 12.33 hrs, Volume= 0.330 of Outflow = 0.28 cfs @ 14.75 hrs, Volume= 0.289 af, Atten= 22%, Lag= 145.6 min Discarded = 0.10 cfs @ 14.75 hrs, Volume= 0.148 of Primary = 0.18 cfs @ 14.75 hrs, Volume= 0.141 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/3 Peak Elev= 99.01' @ 14.75 hrs Surf.Area= 1,751 sf Storage= 2,042 cf Plug-Flow detention time= (not calculated: outflow precedes inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 71.2 min ( 1,227.1 - 1,155.9 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 97.50' 2,954 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 97.50 976 0 0 98.00 1,207 546 546 99.00 1,745 1,476 2,022 99.50 1,985 933 2,954 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 99.00' 60.0' long x 6.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.37 2.51 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.67 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.66 2.66 2.67 2.69 2.72 2.76 2.83 #2 Discarded 97.50' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 0.00' Discarded OutFiow Max=0.10 cfs @ 14.75 hrs HW=99.01' (Free Discharge) t-2=Exfiltration ( Controls 0.10 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.18 cfs @ 14.75 hrs HW=99.01' TW=90.03' (Dynamic Tailwater) t-1=Broad-C rested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 0.18 cfs @ 0.26 fps) 06163 POST-DEVELOPMENT-7-6-11 Type 111 24-hr 100 year Rainfall=6.50" Prepared by Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. Printed 7/8/2011 8:36:17 AM HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03434 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 50 Summary for Pond 60P: Lot 31 RG Inflow Area = 5.123 ac, 22.18% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 2.08" for 100 year event Inflow = 2.58 cfs @ 13.95 hrs, Volume= 0.886 of Outflow = 2.58 cfs @ 13.97 hrs, Volume= 0.876 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.8 min Discarded = 0.08 cfs @ 13.98 hrs, Volume= 0.109 of Primary = 2.50 cfs @ 13.97 hrs, Volume= 0.767 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs/ 3 Peak Elev= 92.11' @ 13.98 hrs Surf.Area= 1,366 sf Storage= 1,244 cf Plug-Flow detention time= (not calculated: outflow precedes inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 20.2 min ( 1,006.6-- 986.4 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 91.00' 2,658 cf Custom Stage Data(Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 91.00 890 0 0 92.00 1,315 1,103 1,103 93.00 1,795 1,555 2,658 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 92.00' 50.01 long x 6.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.37 2.51 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.67 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.66 2.66 2.67 2.69 2.72 2.76 2.83 #2 Discarded 91.00' 2.410 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 0.00' Discarded OutFlow Max=0.08 cfs @ 13.98 hrs HW=92.11' (Free Discharge) t2=Exfiltration ( Controls 0.08 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=2.50 cfs @ 13.97 hrs HW=92.11' TW=92.09' (Dynamic Tailwater) 't--1=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 2.50 cfs @ 0.47 fps) APPENDIX III Charts, Graphs, and Calculations GroundwaterSoftware.com - December 2006 Newsletter: Groundwater Mounding Calcul... Page 1 of 7 The Alonthly Newsletter of Groundwater.Softwcfre.com a . a Vol. 7 No. 12 CALCULATOR DECEMBER SPECIALS Click to download order form for equipment&software specials Click to download order form for WHI software specials Back to Newsletters GROUNDWATER& M00" UNDING CALCULATOR The following calculator performs the groundwater mounding calculation given by Hantush (1967) for a rectangular recharge area. A representation of the groundwater mound is given by: http://www.groundwatersoftware.com/newsletter/dec06/index 7/8/2011 GroundwaterSoftware.com - December 2006 Newsletter: Groundwater Mounding Calcul... Page 2 of 7 r f ✓ yr Ny /f r r ,j � . rr ,� ," r ✓< r pre s✓ L Vertical Percolation Ground level i-- �'� i Initial water level hi The equation representing the groundwater mound beneath a rectangular recharge area is given by: ���� 1 '..7 = 'L 1t�I J K`V`*i'U. rrn— t 1 ll IN ll�t J 4^J 111 where: v=KFS/E F)=0.5(4(0)-h(t)) where hm is the maximum height of the mound; h, is the initial height of the water table; w is the recharge or percolation rate; K is the hydraulic conductivity; t is the time of interest; L and W are the length and width of the rectangular recharge area, and s is the specific yield of the aquifer. S* is an integral equation given by: 7 S*(a,(3) _ erP(-!!-)serf( )dT This equation is estimated in the calculator by using a table of values given by Hantush (1967). Groundwater Mound under a Rectangular Recharge Area Using the Hantush (1967) Derivation http://www.groundwatersoftware.com/newsletter/dec06/index 7/8/2011 GroundwaterSoftware.com- December 2006 Newsletter: Groundwater Mounding Calcul... Page 3 of 7 Input w(Percolation Rate): F201 [L/T] k(Hydraulic Conductivity): .201 [LIT] S (Specific Yield):F3 [-] t'(Time):F� [T] hi(Initial Saturated Thickness):F1- [L] a (Length of Recharge Area): 62 [L] b (Width of Recharge Area): 16 [L] **KEEP UNITS CONSISTENT** Calculate Results **Note that because of estimations of an integral function, this is an estimate** Maximum hydraulic head: 1.66999999 [L] Increase in hydraulic head: 0.66999999 [L] There are many resources available for more information on groundwater mounding. For this newsletter the following journal article was used: Hantush, M.S.(1967). Growth and Decay of Groundwater-Mounds in Response to Uniform Percolation,Water Resources Research vol.3,no.1,pp 227-234. Return to top of Newsletter http://www.groundwatersoftware.com/newsletter/dec06/index 7/8/2011 1.1 Bioretention Systems. With the approval of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of North Andover, bioretention systems shall be installed on Lots 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4, 16-5, 16-6, 16-7, 16-8 and 31. The purpose of this section of the Declaration is to notify future lot owners of these lots of the bioretention systems, and to establish the allowed uses and required maintenance of the bioretention basins. 1.1.1 The Declarant hereby declares the following notice and perpetual obligations for the owners of Lots 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4, 16-5, 16-6, 16-7, 16-8 and 31: 1.1.2 A bioretention system (also called a"rain garden") is a type of stormwater filtration system designed to collect and filter moderate amounts of stormwater runoff using conditioned planting soil beds, gravel beds, and vegetation within shallow depressions. 1.1.3 The location of the bioretention systems on each lot is shown on the subdivision engineering plans approved by and filed with the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts. Any Lot releasing any excess water shall be responsible for any downstream damage caused by excess stormwater released due to lack of maintaining the bioretention system. Design, construction and maintenance of downstream culverts, swales or other stormwater management systems to handle normal upstream releases shall be the responsibility of the Lot upon which the downstream stormwater management system is located. 1.1.4 Lot owners are initially responsible for the maintenance of the bioretention systems. The Association is ultimately responsible for the maintenance of the bioretention systems if the Lot owners fail to maintain them. Maintenance shall be as follows: The systems shall be maintained with 2"to 3" of well aged shredded bark mulch, and may be planted with native, non-invasive plants that are specifically suited to surviving well in the occasionally wet by normally dry conditions of a rain garden. The systems shall not be compacted or grassed over. The systems should be inspected at least twice annually, and following any rainfall event exceeding 2.5 inches in a 24 hour period, with maintenance or rehabilitation conducted as warranted by such inspection. Pretreatment measures (if any) should be inspected at least twice annually, and cleaned of accumulated sediment as warranted by inspection,but not less than once annually. Trash and debris should be removed at each inspection. At least once annually, systems should be inspected for drawdown time. If the bioretention system does not drain within 48 hours following a rainfall event, then a qualified professional should assess the condition of the facility to determine measures required to restore filtration function or infiltration function (as applicable), including but not limited to removal of accumulated sediments or reconstruction of the filter media. Vegetation should be inspected at least annually, and maintained in healthy condition, including pruning, removal and replacement of dead or diseased vegetation, and removal of invasive species. 1.1.5 Lot owners and the Association shall maintain the bioretention systems in compliance with MA Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP). 1.1.6 The Association is obligated to enforce and the MADEP and the Town of North Andover are authorized to enforce compliance with this Declaration but in no case shall any of the entities be responsible for any costs. The Association, MADEP and dip Tn m of Nnrth Andover may record enforcement orders in the registry of deeds that shall run with the land and be binding on subsequent lot owners. The Association shall have the right of access onto Lots 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4, 16-5, 16- 6, 16-7, 16-8 and 31 for the purpose of maintaining and repair of the bioretention systems. The lot owners shall be responsible for any and all costs of the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the bioretention systems. If the Lot owner fails to maintain the bioretention system and the Association expends funds repairing or maintaining the system, the Association shall issue a special assessment against the Lot for the cost of maintenance. APPENDIX IV STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL. For Definitive Subdivision Plan Tax Map 61, Lots 16 & 34 Route 125 & Bradford Street North Andover, Ma. 01845 For G.M.Z. Realty Trust 1679 Osgood Street North Andover, Ma 01845 Prepared by: Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. 85 Portsmouth Avenue P.O. Box 219 Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4747 May 18, 2011 Revised June 30, 2011 JBE Project No. 06163 Inspection and Maintenance of Facilities and Property A. Maintenance of Common Facilities or Property 1. GMZ Realty Trust is responsible for maintenance of all stormwater infrastructure associated with the facility and the property. This includes all temporary and permanent stormwater and erosion control facilities, roadways, and parking areas during construction. Once the roadway is accepted, the Town of North Andover will be maintaining the drainage system. B. General Inspection and Maintenance Requirements 1. Temporary and permanent stormwater and sediment and erosion control facilities to be maintained on the site include but are not limited to the following: a. Silt fencing and/or organic filter berms b. Temporary diversion and swales C. Erosion control blankets d. Culvert and catch basin inlet protection measures e. Construction entrances f. Culverts g. Swales h. Vegetation and landscaping i. Roadways j. Riprap inlet and outlet protection aprons k. Multi-stage discharge outlet structures 1. Water Quality ponds in. Plunge pools n. Gravel wetlands o. Raingardens 2. Maintenance of temporary measures shall follow the following schedule: a. The general contractor shall strictly adhere to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) during construction operations. b. During the construction process, all silt fencing will be inspected during and after storm events to ensure that the fence still has integrity and is not allowing sediment to pass. Any section of fence that has failed or is failing is to be replaced immediately, overlapping adjacent fence sections by at least one foot. If the problem persists, measures such as additional fencing (i.e. double) or the addition of haybales on the project side of the fence line should be considered. Sediment is to be removed from behind the fencing if found to be deeper than six inches and disposed of properly. C. Sediment is to be removed from behind diversions if found to be deeper than six inches and disposed of properly. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx d. Areas protected by erosion control blankets should be inspected after every major rain event in order to ensure that that matting has not come loose from the underlying soil. Any areas found to be out of place should be re-secured with the appropriate staking material. e. Culvert inlet protection measures should be inspected once per week and after every major storm event. Sediment accumulations around the stone should be removed if they are deeper than six inches. If extensive amounts of sediment appear to have become trapped within the gravel filter stone such that proper operation of the structure has become impractical, the stone should be cleaned or otherwise replaced. f. The stabilized construction entrance(s) shall be inspected weekly and after every rain event in order to ensure that the pad(s) are not becoming choked with sediment. Additional stone shall be added if required. g. All stormwater facilities, including catch basins and detention ponds, shall have any accumulated sediment and debris removed from them and disposed of properly once construction has been completed. h. All construction debris and trash shall be removed from the site at the completion of construction and disposed of properly. i. Once construction has been completed, the contractor is to remove all temporary erosion control measures and, if necessary, smooth and revegetated the areas disturbed by the removal. 3. Town Maintenance of permanent measures shall follow the following schedule: a. Normal winter roadway maintenance including plowing and snow removal, salting, and sanding. b. Road sweeping at the end of every winter, preferably at the start of the spring rain season. C. Inspection of culvert inlets and outlets at least once per month during the rainy season (March to November). Any debris is to be removed and disposed of properly. d. Annual inspection of the site for erosion, destabilization, settling, and sloughing. Any needed repairs are to be conducted immediately. e. Annual inspection of site's vegetation and landscaping. Any areas that are bare shall be reseeded and mulched with hay or, if the case is extreme, loamed and seeded or sodded to ensure adequate vegetative cover. Landscape specimens shall be replaced in kind if they are found to be dead or dying. FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx f. Gravel wetlands and sediment forebay inspection and maintenance criteria is as follows: 1 st Year Post-Construction: Inspection frequency should be after every major storm in the first year following construction. • Inspect to be certain system drains within 24-72 hrs (within the design period,but also not so quickly as to minimize stormwater treatment)). • Watering plants as necessary during the first growing season • Re-vegetating poorly established areas as necessary • Treating diseased vegetation as necessary • Quarterly inspection of soil and repairing eroded areas, especially on slopes • Checking inlets, outlets, and overflow spillway for blockage, structural integrity, and evidence of erosion. Post-Construction: Inspection frequency should be at least every 6 months thereafter, as per USEPA Good House-Keeping Requirements. Inspection frequency can be reduced to annual following 2 years of monitoring that indicates the rate of sediment accumulation is less than the cleaning criteria listed below. Inspections should focus on: • Checking the filter surface for dense, complete, root mat establishment across the wetland surface. Thorough revegetation with grasses, forbs, and shrubs is necessary. Unlike bioretention, where mulch is commonly used, complete surface coverage with vegetation is needed. • Checking the gravel wetland surface for standing water or other evidence of riser clogging, such as discolored or accumulated sediments. • Checking the sedimentation chamber or forebay for sediment accumulation, trash, and debris. • Inspect to be certain the sedimentation forebay drains within 24 to 72 hrs. • Checking inlets, outlets, and overflow spillway for blockage, structural integrity, and evidence of erosion. • Removal of decaying vegetation, litter, and debris. • Mow grass areas periodically so that grass does not exceed 4" in height. Cleaning Criteria for All Sedimentation Forgba s: Sediment should be removed from the sedimentation chamber(forebay) when it accumulates to a depth of more than 12 inches (30 cm) or 10 percent of the pretreatment volume. The sedimentation forebay should be cleaned of vegetation if persistent standing water and wetland vegetation becomes dominant. The cleaning interval is once every year. A dry sedimentation forebay is the optimal condition while in practice this condition is rarely achieved. The sedimentation chamber, forebay, and treatment cell outlet devices should be cleaned when drawdown times exceed 60 to 72 hours. Materials can be removed with heavy construction equipment; however this equipment should not track on the wetland surface. Revegetation of disturbed areas as necessary. Removed sediments should be dewatered (if necessary) and disposed of in an acceptable manner. FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx Cleaning Criteria for Gravel Wetland Treatment Cells: Sediment should be removed from the gravel wetland surface when it accumulates to a depth of several inches (>10 cm) across the wetland surface. Materials should be removed with rakes rather than heavy construction equipment to avoid compaction of the gravel wetland surface. Heavy equipment could be used if the system is designed with dimensions that allow equipment to be located outside the gravel wetland, while a backhoe shovel reaches inside the gravel wetland to remove sediment. Removed sediments should be dewatered (if necessary) and disposed of in an acceptable manner. Draining and Flushing Gravel Wetland Treatment Cells: For maintenance it may be necessary to drain or flush the treatment cells. The optional drains will permit simpler maintenance of the system if needed. The drains need to be closed during standard operation. Flushing of the risers and horizontal subdrains is most effective with the entire system drained. Flushed water and sediment should be collected and properly disposed. g. Deep sump catch basins should be inspected and cleaned a minimum of once per year. Any sediment accumulated shall be removed if it is deeper than one half the depth from the bottom of the basin to the lowest pipe invert in the basin. h. Ponds require timely maintenance and should be inspected after every major storm event, as well as frequently during the first year of operation, and annually thereafter. Every five years, the services of a professional engineer should be retained to perform a thorough inspection of the pond and its infrastructure. Anv debris and sediment accumulations should be removed from the outlet structure(s) and emergency spillway(s) and disposed of properly. Pond berms should be mowed at least once annually so as to prevent the establishment of woody vegetation. Trees should never be allowed to grow on a pond berm, as they may destabilize the structure and increase the potential for failure. Areas showing signs of erosion or thin or dying vegetation should be repaired immediately by whatever means necessary, with the exception of fertilizer. Rodent borrows should be repaired immediately and the animals should be trapped and relocated if the problem persists. 4. Homeowner/Homeowner Association Maintenance of permanent measures shall follow the following schedule: a. Raingarden - Bioretention Cells: • Visually inspect monthly and repair erosion. Use small stones to stabilize erosion along drainage paths. • Check the pH once or twice a year. Apply an alkaline product, such as limestone, if needed. • Re-mulch any void areas by hand as needed. • Every 6 months, in the spring and fall, add a fresh mulch layer. • Once every 2 to 3 years, in the spring, remove old mulch layer before applying new one. FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx • Immediately after the completion of cell construction, water plant material for 14 consecutive days unless there insufficient natural rainfall. • When trees have taken root, or at least by 6 months, remove stakes and wires. • Once a month (more frequently in the summer), visually inspect vegetation for disease or pest problems. • If treatment is warranted, use the least toxic approach. • Twice a year, from March 15th to April 30th and October 1 st to November 30th, remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation considered beyond treatment. • During times of extended drought, look for physical features of stress (unrevived wilting, yellow, spotted or brown leaves, loss of leaves, etc.). Water in the early morning as needed. • Weed regularly, if needed. • Prune excess growth annually or more often, if desired. Trimmed materials may be recycled back in with replenished mulch or land filled if there is a concern of heavy metals accumulation. • After rainstorms, inspect the cell and make sure that drainage paths are clear and that ponding water dissipates over 4-6 hours. (Water may pond for longer times during the winter and early spring.) • KEEP IN MIND, THE BIORETENTION CELL IS NOT A POND. IT SHOULD NOT PROVIDE A BREEDING GROUND FOR MOSQUITOES. MOSQUITOES NEED AT LEAST FOUR (4) DAYS OF STANDING WATER TO DEVELOP AS LARVA. b. House Roof infiltration System: The following recommendations will help assure that the roof infiltration system is maintained to preserve its effectiveness. • Once the system has been constructed, it should be tested by inserting a garden hose into the inlet and allowing the water to run for a minimum of one (1) hour. The water should stay underground within the gravel. If water comes out of the overflow, the system should be further inspected and possibly replaced. This procedure should be performed every year during the fall inspection. • In the spring and fall, visually inspect the area around the system and repair any erosion. Use small stones to stabilize erosion along drainage paths. Re-mulch any void areas by hand as needed. Also inspect the roof collection and piping and clean and repair as necessary. • Do not plant deep rooted trees and shrubs within 5' of the system. • Keep heavy vehicles from driving or parking over the system. FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx Any inquiries in regards to the design, function, and/or maintenance of any one of the above mentioned facilities or tasks shall be directed to the project engineer: Jones and Beach Engineers, Inc. Attn: Michael Kerivan, P.E. 85 Portsmouth Avenue P.O. Box 219 Stratham,NH 03885 T#: (603) 772-4747 F#: (603) 772-0227 FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx Commitment to maintenance requirements I agree to complete and/or observe all of the required maintenance practices and their respective schedules as outlined above. G.M.Z. Realty Trust Print Name Date FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION REPORT(Page 1 of 3) FORM C-1 G.M.Z. Realty Trust Inspections/reports must be completed every seven(7)days and before and within 24-hours after a storm event. Inspection Type: ❑Routine(every 7 calendar days) ❑During Storm Date: ❑Pre-Storm ❑ Post-Storm Weather information for period since last inspection: Weather during inspection: Storm Start Time: Storm Duration: Description of any discharge during inspection: Approximate Amount of Rainfall(inches): Based on the results of the inspection,necessary control modifications shall be initiated within 24 hours and completed within 48 hours. These reports shall be kept on file as part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for at least five (5) years from the date of completion and submission of the Final Stabilization Certification/Termination Checklist and Notice of Termination. A copy of the SWPPP shall be kept at the site at all times during construction. Certification Statement: "I certify under penalty of perjury that I personally conducted this inspection and I personally prepared this inspection summary report noting the deficiencies in BMPs and the corrective actions taken. I certify that the information in this report is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including fines and imprisonment for knowing violations" Name of Inspector: Title of inspector: Qualifications of Inspector: Inspector's Signature: Construction phasing/sequencing is consistent with the SWPPP and Erosion Control Plans: 1 Yes i No Compliance Certification I certify that,based on no incidents of non-compliance identified during the inspection,the site is in compliance with the SWPPP and the Construction General Permit Name of Authorized Representative(Printed): Signature of Authorized Representative: Date: *Note: This Compliance Certification is only to be signed by Authorized Representative(Project Manager)when there are no"unsatisfactory"conditions and the construction phasing/sequencing is consistent with the SWPPP, rendering the site in full compliance with the SWPPP and the Construction General Permit. F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx Form C-1 Continued Satisfactory Inspection Areas Location Maintenance Needed Implementation Date Yes No N/A Indicate if BMP is Inadequate For The Location of Corrective Action Points of Discharge(if inaccessible inspect nearby downstream locations) Construction Entrance/Exit Perimeter Control Measures Temporary Sediment Basins, Gravel and Rip-rap Basins and Sediment Traps Inlet Protection Outlet Stabilization Material Laydown and Staging Area Storm Drainage Culverts Curb and Gutter Gravel Wetland#1 Infiltration Basin#2 Non-Stormwater Discharges Slope Stabilization Stormwater channels Page 2 of 3 Form C-1 Continued Satisfactory Inspection Areas Location Maintenance Needed Implementation Date Yes No N/A Indicate if BMP is Inadequate For The Location of Corrective Action Temporary or Permanent Seeding,Sodding,Mulching or Landscaping Pipe Slope Drains Material Management and Storage Solid and Construction Waste Sanitary Wastes Non-Stormwater Discharges Raingarden Lot 16-1 Raingarden Lot 16-2 Raingarden Lot 16-4 Raingarden Lot 16-5 Raingarden Lot 16-6 Raingarden Lot 31 Headwall F.E.S.#1 F.E.S.#2 Location(s)Where Additional BMP is Needed That Was Not Shown On The Plan "As of the date set forth below I certify under penalty of law that I personally reviewed this inspection report and personally noted any incidents of non-compliance with permit conditions. Where this report does not identify any incidents of non-compliance I have certified that the construction project or site is in compliance with the SWPPP and this permit (Form C-1 page 1 of 3). Based on my observations of the inspection report and of the site, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information in this inspection report is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Page 3 of 3 Project Manager: FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Stabilization Schedule for Major Grading Activities FORM C-2 Note:If activities cease for more than 14 days these columns need to be completed. Type of Stabilization Major Site Begin Completion Temporary Resume Date Begin Date for Begin Date for (List measures used such as stone, Contractor Responsible Construction Activity Date Date '' Cease Date Stabilization Stabilization seeding,mulch,landscaping,etc...) for Work Areas Temporary Permanent Temp.Gravel Const.Entrance Sediment Trap/Basin Mass Grading Entry Drive Stormwater Detention/Retention Pervious Areas STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FORM C-3 G.M.Z. Realty Trust *To be completed prior to initiation of construction by the contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for implementing all erosion control and storm water management control structures. The Contractor may designate these tasks to certain subcontractors as they see fit,but the ultimate responsibility for implementing these controls and ensuring their proper functioning remains with the Contractor. *Proposed *Proposed Actual Actual Contractor Construction Activity Initiation Date Completion Initiation Completion :Responsible for Date Date Date Implementation A pre-construction meeting shall be held by the Project Manager and the Operator's Engineer prior to land disturbing activities. 14 days prior to the start of any land disturbing activity,it is the responsibility of the site's General Contractor and the Site Developer (or Owner)to both file a Notice of Intent(NOI)form and a copy of one (shared) Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) with the State of MA Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) in order to gain coverage under the MADES Construction General Permit for Construction Activities. Construct temporary construction exits at locations shown on the SWPPP plan sheet. Install perimeter silt fences and temporary sediment basin in the locations shown on the SWPPP plan sheet. Begin clearing and grubbing operations.Clearing and grubbing shall be done only in areas where earthwork will be performed and only in areas where building is planned to commence within 14 days after clearing and grubbing. Commence site grading. Disturbed areas of the site where Construction Activity has ceased for more than 14 days shall be temporarily seeded and watered. Install inlet/outlet protection at the locations of all grate inlets,curb inlets,and at the ends of all exposed storm sewer pipes. Finalize pavement subgrade preparation. Construct all curb and gutter,gutter inlets,area inlets, and storm sewer manholes, as shown on the plans. Inlet protection may be removed temporarily for this construction.Place required riprap at locations shown on the plans. Remove inlet protection around inlets and manholes no more than 48 hours prior to placing stabilized base course. Install base material as required for pavement. Carry out final grading and seeding and planting. Remove silt fencing only after all paving is complete and exposed surfaces are stabilized. Clean site and all drainage structures, pipes, and sumps of all silt and debris. Remove temporary construction exits only prior to pavement construction in these areas(These areas are to be paved last). F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN MODIFICATION REPORT FORM D-1 G.M.Z. Realty Trust CHANGES REQUIRED FOR STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The SWPPP must be amended whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to the waters of the United States that has not been previously addressed in the SWPPP,if inspections or investigations by site staff,local, state or federal officials determine that discharges are causing water quality exceedances or the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in storm water discharges from the construction site, or based on the results of an inspection,or there is a release containing a Hazardous Substance or Oil in an amount equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity established under either 40 CFR Part 110,40 CFR Part 117, or 40 CFR Part 302 occurs during a 24 hour period,the SWPPP must be modified to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct identified problems. Revisions to the SWPPP must be completed within seven (7) calendar days following the inspection. Modifications that are the result of inspections shall be initialed within 24 hours and completed within 48 hours. To: Project Manager Date: Address: Site: Telephone: Facsimile: Sent Via: ❑ Facsimile ❑ Courier ❑ US Mail MODIFICATION INSPECTOR: DATE: NUMBER: : (Print) (Signature) QUALIFICATIONS OF INSPECTOR: CHANGES REQUIRED TO THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN: REASONS FOR CHANGES: TO BE PERFORMED BY: ON OR BEFORE: Project Manager: F:\Land Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Inspection Report for Long Term Maintenance Activities(to be performed by the Town of North Andover) Satisfactory Inspection Areas Location Maintenance Needed Implementation Date Yes No N/A Indicate if BMP is Inadequate For The Location of Corrective Action Points of Discharge(if inaccessible inspect nearby downstream locations) Inlet Protection Outlet Stabilization Gravel Wetland#1 Gravel Wetland#1 Outlet Pond Infiltration Basin#2 Storm Drainage Culverts Deep Sump Catch Basins Curb and Gutter Stormwater channels FALand Projects 3\06163-N.Andover-1679-OsgoodSt\WORD FILES\06163-Stormwater Operations&Maintenance Report.docx