HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-17January 17, 1~77 - Xonday
Re~'alar Meeting
The PLANNING BOAI~ held a regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, January 17, 1977
at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting:
Fritz Os~herr, Chairman; William Chepulis, Vice-Chairman; William N. Sale,me, Clerk; John J.
1. SCOTT NELSON - Union S~.: Atty. Henry N~der and Mr. Nelson were present. Plan of land
in North Andover, Ma. dated Oct. 11, 1976 owned by Stanley & Freida Kotce. These plans were
recorded. A motion was made by Mr. Monteiro to endorse the subject plan as not requiring
approval under subdivision control law to be signed by a BOARD member when new prints and
linen are submitted. Mr'. Saleratus seconded .and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Ostherr requested
that new prints be submitted because the prints at hand were inked in.
~ALEN FOREST - i~T FOR RELEASE: letter from Mr. Cyr on certification of read work was
not received to date. Mr. Oetherr asked George Fart what steps he was taking to correct
the problems found by this BOARD and the Con. Com. Mr. Farr aaswered that it is too late
to do some of the things now but he will do exactly what he was told to do. He put the
culverts down deeper which cost him more money in time and engineering, he said. Mr. 0stherr
then asked for a statement from him as to what he is going to do to straighten out the
drainage system - Mr. Farr said if he raised the culvert there would not be enought cover to
comply with Mr. Cyr's requirements. Mr. Ostherr informed him again that the box culvert was
the criterion for the drainage plan and that it has been violated. Mr. Gelinas, engineer,
painted out that it is a dilemma because to reditch it causes almost as mush disturbance
as to keep from doing it. He felt they could come within a fo~t proposed to come up with ~
some as built elevations to be put on the plan to show the difference from what was approved.~
He requested a meeting with the Highway Surveyor and PLANNING BOARD at that time. ]~r. Cyr
voiced concern because he had brought up this problem last summer - this 3 ft. of cover
is a minimum requirement in standard construction procedures and this was a deliberate
error with the intent of draining this property. There has been no attempts to provide
turn-arounds, there are open ~ater trenches, open drainage trenches, he continued, and he
did not want to be the scapegoat for this situation. Mr. Chepulis mentioned that Mr.
Gelinas' proposal cannot rectify what has already happened in the area. Mr. Ostherr re-
ported that there is a big, flat rook in the traPezoidal ditch which could be put at the
correct invert elevation and a dam built from that.
Regarding the release, Mr. Cyr informed the BOARD that even though the problems do exist
the work as far an gravel and hottop was done in an approved manner and that $20,000 is
sufficient to pay for that. Mr. Ramey, road construction, said that this work was done
before the BOARD rescinded the subdivision apprOVal. Mr. Farr said he would rectify the
sitmation but didn't know how. Mr. Gelinas said it could be done engineering wise.
Mr. Nonteiro made a motion to release $20,000. Mr. Salemme seconded. Mr. Ramey said he
felt the job could be done and that Mr. Farr has enough money left in the bond to cover the
cost. Mr. Chepulis asked if in light of the corrections talked about would there be any
effect on the road. Mr. Cyr's opinion was no, i$ would not. Mr. Chepulis noted that the
BOARD did not ask for the inverts, they were given to them. Mr. 0etherr said he did ask
for them. The vote on the motion was unanimous.
Mr. Gelinas requested being on the Agenda for February meeting. A meeting for Jan. 29th
at 8 A.M. with Mr. Gelinas and Mr. Cyr was agreed to by all parties.
Jan. 17, 1977- cont.
The request for release of $8,500 was not approved.
GREAT POND WOODLAND - BOND S~TTAL: Mr. No~teiro made a motion to accept the covenant,
release and bond from Nr. Turtle. No work other than tree cutting and grubbing may be
done prior to April I without the permission of the Highway Surveyor (per Cyr's letter).
Mr. Salemme seconded the motion. The letter from Nr. Cyr, dated Jan. 17, 1977 was read
and is on file. Mr. Turtle said he would like to cut and grub the trees and lay the
drain pipe in March. He would talk with Nr. Cyr at that time. Mr. Cyr said the To~n
has nothing to gain in gambling with road construction in the winter. A discussion
took place regarding the wording of the bond in the first phase of construction. The
vote on the motion was unanimous.
DECISION: TRAFALGAR ESTATES - letter received from Atty. Willis granting extension of
time limit on approval/disapproval. The Chairman said he had spoken with Mr. Willis
on the matter of doing something with Becky's Pond. They would rather do it on a cash
contribution to the Town so they would have no liability - it would run about $4 , 500 to
do this and Flatley would put up $2,000. Frank Gelinas presented a plan converting
the Pond into a viable retention area which it presently is not, and read a letter stat-
ing what could be done. Could go from 2/10 of an acre to 1½ acres in retention, propos-
ing enlargement of surface area, aesthetics. Mr. Cyr said he would like it to be done
either under him or under the Board of l~ablic Works and not in conjunction with both
because it has not worked in the past. Much discussion followed regarding oouceru for
Becky's. Mr. Cyr felt it is a necessary project to help the drainage in the area and
should be footed by the developer. Mr. Donovan, Flatley Co., said he could see the
necessity for cleaning up the pond and asked for a figure on the project. Mr. Willis
said they would be prepared to committ themselves to $5,000 to be done by the Town.
They will submit a letter of committment to ~r. Cyr rather than have it a condition of
A motion was made by Mr. Salemme and seconded by Mr. Chepulis to approve Trafalgar
Estates subdivision subject to the following conditions plus the standard conditions:
1. That water and sewer improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the
standards of the Board of Public Works.
2. That fire protection improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the
standards of the Board of Fire Engineers includi~g the fire alarm system consisting
of 3 benes.
3. That roadway ~.ud surface drainage shall be constructed in accordance with the
stan~.rds of the Highway S~rveyor.
4. That area of Lot 48 shall be designated on plan.
That water loop on Tolland Rd. to Turnpike shall be shown on plan.
6. Sidewalk to the Franklin School shall be shown on plan and cover of bituminous
concrete shall be so marked.
A sidewalk plan of the site shall be provided.
Street names - Rock Rd. and Foss Rd. shall replace Summit and Farnum.
There shall be an 18" pipe at split on Summit Ave.
10. Berkeley Rd. shall be paved to Turnpike ~t.; Tolland Rd. shall be paved to meet
the existing Tolland Rd.
The 30" drain pipe to Andover S~. shall be shown on the plan.
ANDREW CIRCLE: Mr. Monteiro made a motion to accept the bank passbook in the amount of
$1,000 in substitution of the performance bond. Mr. Salemme seconded and the vote was
ARTICLE FOR TOWN WARRANT RE CH. 808: The secretary was directed to send a letter to the
Selectmen advising that the BOARD proposes an article consisting of non-controversial
Jan. 17, 1977 -cont,
items in order to bring the Z~L into conformance with Ch. 808. An~hing considered
controversial will be treated as a separate item.
It was decided that a working session on Ch. 808 would be held on Jan. 22nd at 8:30
~oard of Appeals to be contacted.
P~: Mr. Salemme reported that the Personnel Board seemed to be receptive; the
ciuestion reme_~ining is the salary - Board recommendation to them was $15,000-16,000.
Both Messers Chepulis and Salemme had contacted several to,ns and are waiting for the
information. They are to meet with the Personnel Board on Wed. evening.
BODGET: approved as submitted; provides for Planner, if hired. Unanimous vote.
The BOARD voted to meet on Jan. 31st in lieu of Feb. 7th meeti~g.
Preliminary plans were submitted on INGALLS CROSSING AND 3TONECLEAVE E~TATE"J.
Secretary ~o send for the "Language of Zoning" from ASP0 by unanimous vote.
Miscellaneous Ma~%ers - Letter to be send to Board of Selectmen regar~ingTrafalgar
Estates stating that up to $5,000 is to be made available by the developer with the
stipulation that the work is to be done under the supervision of the Highway Surveyor.
Henry Pink and Charles Foster brought up that there is no provision in the ZBL for low
density recreation such as at the Bosten Hill Ski Area; thought this might be one area
the BOARD could spend some time on.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Fri~'z Ostherr
0ilda Bla~kstook