HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-21 Nay 21, 1979 - M(~DAY Regular Meeting The P!,AwNING BOARD held a regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, Nay -21,~ 1979 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were .present and v~ting: William Chepulis, Chairmam; John J. Monteiro, Vice-Ohairmem; Paul Hed~trom, Clerk; Michael P. Roberts. PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL: I - W. NARTINEAU, FOster St.: proposed single ~uilding house lot; plan showing L~t A; Motion made by Mr. Monteiro that plan of land dated Na~ 15, 1979 be endorsed as not requiring apprc~al under sulmiivieion control law. Mr. Roberts secended and the vote 2 - G~GE FARR, SAL~ ST.: Susan St. Pierre, Planner, told the BOARD that lot 45 was increased by combining land remaining behind it; only a 40 f~. right of way; S. Giles stated that i~ was previously established thr~,_gh Form A's on Salem St. ~m-, Monteiro made a motion to endorse the plan of land dated Nay 7, 1979 as nee recKdiring apl~roval under subdivision control law. Mr. Roberts seconded and the vote was unanimous. 3 - OLYMPIC CC~STRUOTI(N, 0LYMPI0 LANE: this is a cb=nge in lot lines to facilitate a subsurface disposal system; plan showing lots 28, 29A, 30A & 31; Mr. Che~alis asked for a benchmark for location purposes. Motion by Mr. Monteiro to endorse the plan dated Na~ 15, 1979, revised Nay 18, 1979 as not requiring approval under subdivision control law subject to a reference for location Being placed on the plan. Mr. Roberts seconded and vste unanimous. 4 - JO~ ~ARLIOK, GREAT ~ RD.: plan showing lot 2A and 3A; due to an engineering error foundation was f~und to Be incorrect and this will make it conform to zoning; ~_r. Monteiro made a motion to endorse the plan of land dated ~y 8, 1979 as no~ requiring approval under subdivision centrol law (also plan of F. O. Gelinas dated 3/14/79 and revised 3/23/79) subject to the addition of the plan title of the referenced plan. Mr. Roberts seconded and the vote unanimous, ~ - ROBERT WATSON, FOREST ST.:' plan drawn for Andrew Circle Realty Trust dated May 21, 1979; Upon motion ma(lo by Mr. Menteiro to endorse the plan as not requiring approval under subdivision control law showing lots 7-12 subject to a reference point for location purposes and second by Mr. Roberts the ~c~e was unanimous. 6 - BAY STATE ANES~IA, WiLLOW ST.: Motion made by Mr. Monteiro to deny the plan at this time because of a question of a paper street as the frontage used on the plan. Mr. Roberts seconded and the vote was unanimous. 7 - T. BE*D (w~1~.2 OF LEO MURPHY), SttARPK~ER'S P0~D RD.: Cyr and Monteiro questioned the culvert and felt there would be a ponding problem; plan shows lots 1,2,3 & 4. Tabled until Bill NcLeod arrives. FOR ~0~ ~I~G: ARTICLE 50: H(2~E 0C01IPATI(E~S: Notion by Mr. Mon%eiro to recommend favorable action. Second Roberts, n~animous vote. ARTICLE 51: FAMILY SUITE: Much discussion pro and con with Mike RoBerts. Paul Hedstrom made a motion to table the recommendation until a meeting before Town Meeting. Nike said he would like to know ~h~t is happening in other towns. Paul withdrew his motion. Motion was then made by Mr. Monteiro that this Article Be recommended for favorable action, as amended by the Boa.~d (see copy). No second. Motion by Roberts to recommend May 21, 1979 - cont. unfavorable action. Reason: because there is a great uncertainty in.the Article. No second. Mr. Eedstrommade another motion to amend the Article and add "a separate dwelling unitwithin or attached to an existing dwelling"... More dis- cussion. Charlie Foster felt that there is iadequate control at the hearing level under the special permit procedure to ensur~ that it is in conformance with the specific area. Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion; Eedstrom & Monteiro in favOr, Roberts opposed. Notion passes. ARTICLE52 - Sign By-Law: Insert the word "temporary" before Zeal estate". Notion by ~edstrom for favorable recommendation, Roberts second and vote unanimous. ARTICLE 49 - Cluster Zoning: Notion by Monteiro to recommend favorable action with amendment (see copy) as presented. Reason: eliminates infringement on wet areas and the problems associated with it. Mr. Hedstrom seconded and VOTE as follows: Favor - Hedstrom and Monteiro; Opposed - Roberts; Motion passes. ARTICLE 53 - Re-zoning, Osgood ~t.: re-zone 245 Osgood St. from R-~ to B-1. Notion by 1/r. Hedstrom to reocmmend unfavorable action due to the great amount of public opposition and the potential for traffic problems. No second. John and Nike say they will abstain from voting due to biased opinion because they know the buyers personally. Mr. Ohepulis suggested a ~pecial Meeting at 6:30 P.M. on Nay 29, 1979 at~e Riddle School. Mr. Monteiro then madea motion to recommend favorable action. No second received. ?. REID PN1L~ C0~T'D - Bill MoLeod now present stated that the plan was ~ut~itted in 1978 at which the BOARD asked for location of ~dlvert to be shown; Salemme signed; the client had second thoughts about Lots 1 & 2; saw Mr. L. Phillips at that time and requested revising the plan whereby it had not been recorded and he said it would be ~kay provided they submit new forms; Salemme then sent a letter asking him to appear before the BOARD; MoLeod called Mr. Salemme and explained that he had talked to Phillips and was told there must be a misunderstanding and to re-submit. Now, he had received another letter (from Mr. Chepulis) and at the same time the client asked for resubmittal of m new plan which has been revised which invalidates Mr. Sal- emme's original signature. Bud Cyr thinks the culvert on the road is going to cause problems later. McLeod stated t~e% the culvert is shown and the plan meets the area and frontage recfmirements; the Con. Com. has ialready approved with an Order cf C~ndi- tions. Oyr is asking for an easement. McLeed stated that he cannot act in his client's behalf and grant the easement but the client may be agreeable to it in the future. Motion made by Mr. Roberts to endorse the plan of land dated Nay 25, 1978, revised ~une 21, 1979 as not requiring approval unde~ subdivision control law. Mr. Monteiro seconded. VOTE: Monteiro and Roberts in favor; Hed~trom opposed. Notion carried. G~.w~ ROAD - Mr. Chepulis explained what had happened with the recent court case, etc. Mrs. Mawy Armitage was present and stated her oonoems such as drainage, fire protec- tion, police protection, to~n services. The frontage of the pork chop lots is on Sandra Lane. Glen Rd. is just m dead end street on the plan and doesn't go from Sut- ton Hill Rd. to ~utton Hill Rd. as originally layed cut. She questioned if there shouldn't be easements for drainage, turn around for fire apparatus. Armitage's letter is cm file to be activated upon request. RULES FOR SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTING AUTHORITY: Due to lateness of the hour at this point John Mon%eiro suggested that a special meeting be called for later on in the week. Susan ~t. Pierre suggested that all members receive a copy to s~Ady and vote on it after discussion at the ne~t meeting. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to adjourn the meeting; no second. 21, 1~'/9 - oon%'d, INGALLS CROS-~INQ RE~T FC~ PARTIAL 7?~r.~..A.C~.: Tabled until recc~,enda%ion reoeived LETTER FRO~ BD. C~ ~q~.AT.'"~ RE HARDT~O~RT ESTATES~ letter was which reversed their original reoommendation on %he subdivision. Discussion. ~otion by ~r. Nonteiro sign a~d approve %he plans for reasons as submitted by the Bd. of withdrawn. Hr. Roberts then made a motion %o contest Town Counsel a~d see which way we should proceed. Hr. Hedstro~ seconded and the v~te was unanimous. LETTER l~OM TO~N C(~JNSEL & FEE RE OARLETON FAR~S EAST AND WES? - received, read and on file. ~'S INFO.: Russ Reeve, LiBrary, asked for a Library Service Analysis and to set up a S~eering Committee. No conclusions. Letter to Selectmen stating %ha% John ia Chairman and i~ reprebenting BoA~/) on the Ad Hoc Committee. The meeting adjourned at 12 mid~ight. Gilda Bla~ks%ock, Secretary