HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-18June ~8, 1979 - M0~DAY
Regular Meeting
The PLAI~ING ~ held a regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, June 18, 1979
at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and
voting: William Chepulis, Chairman; $oh~ J. Monteiro, Vice-Chairman; ~ichael P. Roberts;
Paul Hedstrom, Clerk~
- HI,INS, Poster ~t.: plan d~ted June 8, 1979 showing lots 7A, SA, 10A, ~d 11A;
~em~ts sho~ we~ e~ablished on ori~al pl~ ~%ed 4/77; p~ose is for lot line
c~s. Mo~i~ ~ ~. M~eiro ~o endorse ~he r~ised pl~ of l~d ~ed J~e 8~ 1979
not ~ir~g appr~al ~der ~i~sion control law. ~. Ro~s seceded ~d the
vote was ~imous.
2 - COMEAU, Boxford ~t.: plan dated June 5, 1979 showing a re-subdivision of a previous
plan; the gentleman that owns property wants to gain access to remaining 24 acres; 20 f~.
easement in deed will stipulate that trees will not be allowed to be cut. ~r. Monteiro
made a motion to endorse the plan of land showing lot l~B as not requiring approval under
subdivisi~n control law. Mr. Roberts seconded. Mr. Hedstrom questioned the access
easement and whether or not they have destroyed their setback. Monteiro amended his
motion to include "subject to corrections being made on the plan such as Forest ~t. being
changed to Fo~ter St. Roberts secended. U~animous vote. Paul asked Atty. Co, eau to
send a copy of the access easement once it is recorded. ~he agreed to do so.
3 - FLIq~N, Candlestick Lane: purpose is to remove drainage easement between lots 1 & 2;
Mr. 0yr stated that he had been approached to eliminate the easement and would have no
objection to it; this easement not shown on the plan; plan dated M~y 1979. ~usan ~t.
Pierre cc~mented that if this is changed then our approved subdivision plan will not
agree. Motion by Mr. Roberts to allc~ the applicant to withdraw without prejudice; he
should conform to the request of the BOARD (name to be written through engineer's seal
and place correct definitive plan referral on the plan) and resubmit. Joyce Di?ore ~
seconded and the vote was unanimous, i
4 - ~ NI~.LOWS, ~rnpi~e ~.: pla= prepared for Willows Iadustrial Park date~ June 18,
1979. Same plan came i~ a couple of weeks ago with frontage om Nillow ~. a~d was denied
at tb~_t time because Willow S~. is a p~per street. T~is submittal h~s frontage on T~r~-
pi~e ~. The 60 f~. wide access easement to go into land owned in the back; plan shows
lots C, D, & E. ~ud Cyr said if they wamt to do iit right they should come in with a
subdivision. ~he ~IARD felt i~ is a subdivision ~ecause there is no positive verification
that they have access on ~rnpike S~. Scott Gil~s representing s~ated that they ~cu't
need State permissien ena Form A plan. Discussion about the 100 f~. setback fro= R~e.
114. Ohepulis thought that if they removed the access ,easement amd have the ~orm A lots
frout on ~mr~pike S~. then it could be endorsed. Scott Giles said they coul~ do it that
wa~ but that access easements d=a't have to come before the Pluming ~oa~t. Much discus-
sion. Mrs. DiTore maxte a motion that the plan o~ land above constitutes a subdivision
and ~herefore is denied. Mr. M~teiro seconded and the vote was unanimous.
5 - NEIKLE - Salem St.: it was noted that the application was no~ signed and the
engineer's signature was not through the seal; propose to cut out an acre around the
existing house lot and pl~ to sell; plan dated July 1978. Mo%ion By Mr. Roberts to
endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control. Second by Mrs. DiTore
and unanimous vote.
6 - JANES CRANE, ~averly Rd.: plan dated June 15, 1979 showing ~2~ & ~28 ?limina~ing
the common driveway by incorporating it with ~28;i #28 is largely in/~s zone.
June 18, 1979 - cont.
Upon motion off F~r. Roberts and second By Nrso DiTore the :~OAR~ voted ,,-~-imously to
endorse ~s not requiring approval under su]xlivision control law the above plan of la~d.
7 - MALOI~EY, Bostc~ St.: plan dated June 15, 1979 showing lot ~.A; couldn't get perc
on original plan. Notion by Roberts to emdorse above as not requiring approval under
subdivision control law. Second By DiTore and unanimous vote,
8 - FRANE & BES~SA KOZDRAS, Salem S~.: plan dated Ma~ 1979 showing lots A & B. Motion
to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law by Roberts and second
by DiTore. Unanimous vote.
FGREST ESTATES.. REQUEST FOR ~ A~OU~T - Discussion rs potential Campbell Forest
subdivision and whether or not wells are going in or municipal water. John Thompson,
BP~, stated that there was an agreement By Arthur Ealogianis to put water in going
down Campbell Rd. to this subdivision. Motion by Mrs. DiTore to set the bond at
$91,000, $75,000 for Highway and $16,000 for ~PW in accordance with their letters.
Mr. Robex'ts seconded and the vote was unanimous.
RULES FOR SPECIAL PERMIT (;RANTIN(; AUTHORITY~ Susan urged that the Boa~]) adopt these
tonight because proposals lying in the Watershed will be coming in. The 20aw~ had
already reviewed the draft. Upon motion of Mr. Monteiro to adopt the Rules along with
the sample application form and second By Mr. Roberts the vote was unanimous. During
discussion it was suggested that cost of mailing and legal advertising be included;
4 copies of the application and 12 copies of the plan will be reqatired; a public hear-
ing will be held for this adoption if necessary.
~ILLOW RIDGE - Request for Release: tabled from las~ meeting, waiting for letter from
Cyr. Letter now received and he recommends no additional release or extension of time.
John Monteiro made a motion that Town Counsel be notified %o act 'in our behalf to take
the remaining bond money. Itedstrcm seconded. Cyr said Scott Follansbee will do what
he wants done and will meet with him this week. John withdrew his m~tion. Cyr ~tated
that the entrance to subdivision needs woodchips, also loam, grass seed is needed.
New motion by Mr. Roberts to extend time until July 2, 1~79 to ccmplote the work. If
not completed By then, we take the bond money with no i~u~her discussion. Mrs. DiTore
seconded and the vote was unanimous.
DISCUSSI0~I: A~ CIRCLE - Susa~ explained the situation with the tm around, catch
basins as represented By the person residing in the to~mbonses. Dangerous situation
due to high mound in middle of t.~n around which blocks view of on-coming cars, children
on Bikes. Cyr has $1,000 held by the Town plus other money fr°m the Gas .Co. and Scott
Follansbee that can be used to finish up sug there. He will remove some of the fill
from the circle and use it at the disposal site for cover by July 1st. Scott said he
would supply the other $400 needed to complete the work, according to Cyr. Roberts made
a motion to inform the person from the townhouses %hat the work will Be completed by
July 15th. Mrs. DiTore seconded and the vote was unanimous. Seorsts~ry's no~e: we were
personally ~hanked for our part in gsttin~ the job done.
]~AI~[DOW - Request for ~cnd Release: Did not have a formal letter of request but A1
Higgins said he was not familiar wi~h 2he procedure and anything in the future would
be accompanied by a letter. Cyr's letter dated June 18, 1979 recommended #36,000 could
be released. Motion by Monteiro to release $36,000 as recommended. Roberts seconded
and vote was unanimous. Higgins will su~mit letter of request.
accompanied by a fence and strongly suggest that fixed routes be established for whatever
Jm~e 18, 1~79 - coat.
gravel is transported from She premises. Also, request that the ~pplicant of this
Earth Hemoval operatic~ cc~fform to the drainage systems that have Been previously
specified and agreed upon with the Highway Dept. and the PLANNING B~. (Hefer to
Ingalls Crossing original subdivisiou approval) John Thompson, BPW, brought up the
fact that it should Be looked at as to the quality of the water in the area. Above
was made in form of motion by Mr. Roberts and seconded by Frs. DiTore. Unanimous vote.
Vinos Turano He ~e_~dtoour% Es%ares: felt it is a re-hearing and not a reconsideration
because informatic~ has changed in light of the reversal of the position of the Board
of Health. Motion by Heds%rom to re-open all m~tters ' concerning this subdivision.
Second by Men%sire and vote unanimous.
Selectmen Re Ad Hoc Com, rittee: Committee to s~u~y feasibility of acquisition of ~
acres off S~lem & Ingalls 5't., letter dated June 5, 1979 was re~d and on file. John
said he would like to include others on the Committee such as the Highwa~ Surveyor.
~0No O(~. LEGAL NOTIOES~ A) Ben Oegood, Moody S~.; B) M. B~alower, Lot 2, Greenwood
Lane East. So noted and filed.
Legal Notices: ~averhill - on file.
Susan requested subscribing to the "Mass. Advocate" instead of Hud "0hallenge" maga-
zine. BOARD approved of this change.
JO~N THOMPSON RE EL E, GREAT PC~D RD. - Hr. Thompson told the B0kRD that about
about ~ months ago E1 Hefni has taken ~own trees on Town property and bull dozed into
the pond. Since that time, he stated, he has ~alked to Turano and the Building
Inspector and the m~tter w~s supposed to be taken care of but the situation ba~ been
on-going for 3 months with a dozer, back hoe and ~O-wheeler. He has hauled out and
dowm close to the road Bed. He felt he had been getting lip service from the Con. Com.
and B. I. and the situation is in complete violation of the zoning law and within 2~0
ft. of where he needs a special permit. It is an erosion problem and traffic hazard,
he claimed, is way out of hand and has to be stopped. Hr. Thompson then requested
that a Cease & Desist Order be served on the individual until all plans can be formal-
ized and established and information regardingI what the total impact is or will be.
Secretary to write ~o Building Inspector requesting an investigation and pending his
findings anf Order be issued if necessary.
The meeting adjourned a~ 11 P.M.
//Gilda Blaoks%ock, ;eoretary