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ADDRESS OF APPEAL: Town Clerk Time stamp
Procedure & Requirements
for an Application for a Variance
Twelve(12) copies of the following information must be STEP 6:SCHEDULING OF HEARING AND
submitted thirty+U days prior to the first public hearing. PREPARATION OF LEGAL NOTICE:.
Failure to submit the required information within the The Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals schedules
time periods prescribed may result in a dismissal by the the applicant for a hearing date and prepares the legal
Zoning Board of an application as incomplete. notice for mailing to the parties in interest(abutters)and
The information herein is an abstract of more for publication in the newspaper. The petitioner is
specific requirements listed in the Zoning Hoard notified that the legal notice has been prepared and the
Mules and Regulations and is not meant to cost of the Party In Interest fee.
supersede them, The petitioner will complete items STEP 7: DELIVERY OF LEGAL NOTICE TO
that are underlined NEWSPAPER
The petitioner picks up the legal notice from the Office j
STEP 1: ADMINISTRATOR PERMIT DENIAL: of the Zoning Board of Appeals and delivers the legal
The petitioner applies for a Building Permit and notice to the local newspaper for publication.
receivers a Zoning Bylaw Denial form completed by the
STEP 2: VARIANCE APPLICATION FORM: The petitioner should appear in his/her behalf, or be
Petitioner completes an application farm to petition the represented by an agent or attorney. In the absence of
Board of Appeals for a Variance. All information as any appearance without due cause on behalf of the
required in items 1 through and including 11 shall be petition,the Board shall decide on the matter by using
completed. the information it has received to date.
Petitioner submits all of the required plan information as After the hearing,a copy of the Board's decision will be
Cited in page 4, section 10 of this form. sent to all Parties in Interest. Any appeal of the Beard's
decision may be made pursuant to Massachusetts
STEP 4: OBTAIN LIST OF PARTIES IN INTEREST: General Law ch.40.A§ 17,within twenty(20)days after
The petitioner requests the Assessor's Office to compile the decision is filed with the Town Clerk.
a certified list of Parties in Interest(abutters).
STEP 6: SUBMIT APPLICATION: The petitioner is responsible for recording certification of
Petitioner submits one (1) original and eleven (11) Xerox the decision, the Mylar,and any accompanying plans at
copies of all the required information to the Town Clerk's the Essex County, North Registry of Deeds, 354 j
Office to be certified by the Town Cleric with the time Merrimack St.Suite#304, Lawrence MA, X01843 and
and date of filing. The original will be left at the Town shall complete the Certification of Recording form and
Clerk's Office,and the 11 Xerox`copies will be left with forward it to the Zoning Board of Appeals and to the
the Zoning Board of Appeals secretary, Building Department.
978-68&9533 Office of Community Dev, &Services North Andover Town Hall
1800 Osgood St,, Bldg,20, Suite 2035 120 Main Street
North Andover, MA 01845 978-688-9501 Town Clerk's Office
978-688-9542 fax for Community Development offices 978-688-9566 Assessors Office
978-688-9545 Building Department
978-688-9541 Zoning Board of.Appeals Office PAGE 'I of 4
1. Petitioner: *Name, *Address and telephone number:
c� S
*The petitioner shall be entered on the Iega1 notice and the decision as entered above.
2. Owners of Land: Name, Address, telephone number, and number of years under this
Years Owned Land:.
3. Location of Property:
a. Street: �� Zoning District:
b. Assessors: Map number: Lot Number: r%OZ-
c. Registry of Deeds: Book Number: \L� _ Page Number:
4. Zoning Bylaw Section(s)* under which the petition for the Variance is made.
*Refer to the Zoning Bylaw Denial and Plan Review Narrative for supplied by a Building Commissioner,
5. Describe the Variance request:
The above description shall be used for a purpose of the legal notice and decision. A more detailed description is required pursuant to
Zoning Board Rules and Regulations as cited on page 4,section 9 of this application.f=ailure by the applicant to describe the request clearly
may result In a decision that does not address the intent of the applicant. The decision will be limited to the request by the applicant and will
not involve additional items not included above.
6 A. Difference from Zoning Bylaw requirements: Indicate the dimension(s)that wiii not meet
current Zoning Bylaw Requirements. (Lines A and B are in case of a lot split)
Lot Area Open Space Percentage Lot Frontage Parking
Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Coverage Peet Spaces Front Side A Side B Rear
A � %
` Page 3 of 4
6 B. Existing Lot:
Lot Area Open Space Percent Lot Frontage Parking Minimum Lot Setback
Sq.Ft. Sq. Ft. Coverage Feet Spaces Front Side A Side B Rear
6 C. Proposed Lot(s):
Lot Area Open Space Percent Lot f=rontage Parking Minimum Lot Setback
Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Coverage Feet Spaces Front Side A Side B Rear
6 D. Required Lot: (As required by Zoning Bylaw&Table 2)
Lot.Area Open Space Percent Lot Frontage Parking Minimum Lot Setback
Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Coverage Feet Spaces Front Side A Side 8 Rear
7A. Existing Building(s):
Ground Floor Number of Height Total Use of Number
Square feet Floors Sq.feet Building* of Units"*
"Reference Uses from the.Zoning Bylaw&Table 3. **State number of units in building(s).
7B. Proposed Building(s):
Ground Floor Number of Height Total Use of Number
Square feet Floors Sq.feet Building* of Units**
*Reference Uses from the Zoning Bylaw&Table 1.
'State number of units in building(s).
8. Petitioner and Landowner signature(s):
Every application for a Variance shall be made on this form,which is the official form of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Every
application shall be Bled with the Town Clerk's Office. It shall be the responsibility of the petitioner to furnish all supporting
documentation with this application. The dated copy of this application received by the Town Clerk or the Zoning Board of Appeals
does not absolve the applicant from'this responsibility. The petitioner shall be responsible for all expenses for filing and legal
notification. Failure to comply with application requirements,as cited herein and in the Zoning Board Rules and Regulations may
result in a dismissal by t ing Blication as incomplete.
Signature: ,.
T ev
ale a name(s) here: �
9. WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION *10. B. *Plan Specifications:
Application for a Variance must be supported by a 1) Size of plan: Ten(10)paper copies of a plan not
legibly written or typed memorandum setting forth In to exceed 11 N17", preferred scale of 1 5'=40'
detail all facts relied upon. When requesting a Variance In One(1)Mylar,with one block for Registry Use
from the requirements of MGLA ch.40A, Sec. 10.4 and Only,and one block for five(5)ZBA signatures&date.
the North Andover Zoning By-laws, all dimensional m) Plan shall be prepared, stamped and certified by
requirements shall be clearly identified and factually a Registered Professional Land Surveyor. Please
supported.. All.points,A-F,are required to be note that plans by a Registered Professional Engineer,
addressed with this application. Registered Architect, and/or a Registered Landscape
Architect may be required for Major Projects.
A. The particular use proposed for the land or *10 C. *Required Features On Plan;
structure. 1) Site Orientation shall include:
B. The circumstances relating to soil conditions, shape 1. north point
or topography of such land or structures especially 2. zoning district(s)
affecting the property for which the Variance is 3. names of streets
sought which do not affect generally the zoning 4. wetlands(if applicable)
district in which the property is located. 5. abutters of property,within 300'radius
C. Facts which make up the substantial hardship, 6. locations of buildings on adjacent properties
financial or otherwise,which results from literal within 50'from applicants proposed structure
enforcement of the applicable zoning restrictions 7. deed restrictions, easements.
with respect to the land or building for which the n) Legend&Graphic Aids shall include:
variance is sought. 1. Proposed features in solid lines&outlined in red
D. Facts relied upon to support a finding that relief 2. Existing features to be removed in dashed lines
sought will be desirable and without substantial 3. Graphic Scales
detriment to the public good. 4. Date of Plan
E. Facts relied upon to support a finding that relief 5. Title of Plan
sought may be given without nullifying or 6. Names addresses and phone numbers of the
substantially derogating from the intent or purpose applicant, owner or record, and land surveyor.
of the Ordinance. 7. Locus
F. Submit RDA from Conservation Commission when 10 D. Minor Projects
Continuous Buildable Area is applied for in ZBA Minor projects,such as decks,sheds,and garages,
application. shall require only the plan information as indicated with
an. asterisk In some cases further information may
10. PLAN OF LAND be required.
Each application to the Zoning Board of Appeals shall 11. APPLICATION FLLtNG FESS
be accompanied by the following described plan. Plans
must be submitted with this application to the Town 11.A. Notification fees: Applicant shall provide a
Clerk's Office and ZBA secretary at least thirty(30)days check or money order to: "Town of North Andover for
prior to the public hearing before the Zoning Board of the cost of first class, certified, return receipt x#of
appeals. all parties in interest identified in MGLA ch. 40A§11
on the abutter's list for the legal notice check. Also,
A set of building elevation plans by a Registered the applicant shall supply first class postage stamps
Architect may be required when the application for each address listed on the abutter's list, plus an
involves new construction/conversion/and/ora additional 2 for the decision mailing.
proposed change in use. 11. B. Mailing labels:Applicant shall provide four(4)
sets of mailing labels no larger than 1"x2-5/8" (3 copies
10. A. Major Projects for the Legal, and one copy for the Decision mailing).
Major projects are those,which involve one of the 11. C. Applicant shall provide a check or money order
following whether existing or proposed: to: "Town of North Andover"per 2045 Revised Fee
Ij five (5) or more parking spaces, Schedule.
three(3) or more dwelling units, ► A Variance once granted by the ZBA will lapse in
III)2,000 square feet of building area.
I (one)year if not exercised and a new petition must
Major Projects shall require,that in addition to the 10B& be suhrni#ted:-�il
1 OC features,that the plans show detailed utilities, soils,
and topographic Information.