HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-10 Conservation Commission Minutes
Approved 01/24/2018
North Andover Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2018
Members Present: Louis A. Napoli, Chairman, Albert P. Manzi, Jr. Vice Chairman,
John T. Mahon, Jr., Deborah A. Feltovic and Douglas W. Saal.
Members Absent: Sean F. McDonough and Joseph W. Lynch, Jr.
Staff Member Present: Jennifer A. Hughes, Conservation Administrator
Meeting came to Order at: 7:06 pm Quorum Present.
Pledge of Allegiance
Acceptance of Minutes
A motion to approve the December 13, 2017 minutes is made by Mr. Manzi and seconded by
Ms. Feltovic
Vote unanimous
NACC #205, 311 Stevens Street,
The Administrator gives a brief description of the project which consists of tree removal
within the buffer zone to BVW. Only one of the four trees that the applicant is asking to be
removed is outside the 100 foot buffer zone from a plan filed when the home was
constructed. The swale at the front of the home was considered jurisdictional at the time the
home was built, it drains down to the Wetlands which is between 311 Stevens Street and 271
Stevens Street. Two of the trees are sapling sized and within the 25’ No-Disturbance Zone on
the edge of the swale. They are growing in to the utility lines but are not eligible for a small
project approval due to their location in the sub zone. The trees have already been tagged-
Mr. Napoli clarifies which trees are included in the small project request and if the trees are
being stumped.
The Administrator states that 6 trees would be removed under the small project ‘L” but trees
B & E would be removed under a hazard tree approval letter by the Commission.
Tolga Yazicioglu and Jennifer Bluff, 311 Stevens Street owners, state that the tree company
will leave the stumps and grind the stumps as close to the ground as possible.
A motion is made by Mr. Manzi to accept this as a Small Project “L” with a hazard tree letter
to approve additional tree removal. Second by Ms. Feltovic.
Vote unanimous
A Motion is made by Mr. Manzi to approve the small project “L” as requested with a second
by Ms. Feltovic with special conditions for a post construction inspection and stumping only.
Vote unanimous
Small Project checklist
Letter, dated 12/29/2017, prepared by Tolga Yazicioglu
Quote, dated 11/28/2018, prepared by Bartlett Tree Experts
Approximate Locations of Proposed Trees
Approved 01/24/2018
Bartlett Proposal “B” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “A” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “C” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “D” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “E” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “F” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “G & H” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “I” Photo
Bartlett Proposal “J” Photo
Notice of Intent (NOI)
242-1719, Massachusetts Ave. @ Chickering Rd. (MassDOT) (Green International Affiliates)
(cont. to 01/24/2018)
A motion to continue until January 24, 2018 meeting is made by Ms. Feltovic and seconded
by Mr. Manzi.
Vote: unanimous
Email requesting a continuance until the January 24, 2018 meeting, dated 11/08/2017,
prepared by Kristen Hayden
242-1721, 562 Boxford Street (Sirius Development, LLC) (Christiansen & Sergi, Inc.)(Cont. to
A motion to continue until January 24, 2018 meeting is made by Ms. Feltovic and seconded
by Mr. Manzi.
Vote: unanimous
Email requesting to continue until January 24, 2018 meeting, dated 01/09/2018, prepared by
T.J. Melvin.
242-1724, 21 High Street (RCG) (Civil Design) (cont. from 10/17/2017)
The Administrator summarizes the information from the previous meeting on December 13,
2017, making note of the change to the fire access way, and that the outfall to the existing
pipe has been moved back and that change is now reflected on the plan.
Tania Hartford, RCG, speaks to the changes made to the plan with the addition of a fire
safety lane after meeting with the Planning Board and the Fire Department. Ms. Hartford also
states that they have received comments from TEC and will be going over those with the
Commission tonight.
Mr. Manzi would like a summary of disparities referenced in the peer review of the plans. In
addition overview of the changes made to address the waiver requests.
Phil Henry, Civil Design Group, states that largely the comments have been addressed. TEC
has responded with a second round of comments the majority of them are addressed although
there are a few items, most noticeably two being addressed tonight.
Mr. Henry asks if the Commission has received the request for 2 waivers dated January 05,
The Administrator confirms that the Commission is in receipt of letter.
Mr. Manzi asks if this area is what is being called the isolated parking lot.
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Mr. Henry confirms that yes this is what is being referred to as the isolated lot.
The first waiver request is related to the land use with more than a 1000 visits a day, which
this site does have as a whole. However this site does have a section of the parking lot which
would not be subject to 1000 vehicles per day due to its location on the site. This location
which has approximately 35 parking spots is at a high point which allows it to drain east,
whereas the rest of the lot drains toward High Street. The isolated parking area would drain
toward a stormwater swale with a fore bay. That would be connected and will directly
discharge to the pond. It will not be subject to the high intensity use that other portions of the
site are currently subject to and which are currently designed for.
Mr. Henry states that the second waiver is for exemption from the Stormwater standard for
no infiltration in the 50 No-Build Zone, Mr. Henry asks the Administrator if this is accurate.
The Administrator referred to the Wetlands Protection Regulations under section
“3.4 Buffer Zone
50-foot No-Build Zone: Construction of any kind is prohibited within 50-feet of the edge
of the wetland resource areas identified in Section 1.3. Structures include but are not
limited to foundations and footings associated with single family dwellings, multi-family
dwellings, commercial and/or industrial buildings, porches, patios, decks, house additions,
building additions, pools, septic systems and sheds. Driveways, roadways, retaining walls
and landscape boulder walls may be allowed in the 50-foot No-Build Zone when no other
feasible location or alternative means of access exists. Stormwater structures and/or
discharge may be allowed in the 50-foot No-Build Zone when no other feasible location
exists or when it is necessary to maintain the hydrology of the resource. An alternatives
analysis showing the net benefit of locating the structure in the No-Build Zone is
The Administrator discusses with the Commission the Waiver request and the Alternatives
Analysis with regard to the voting procedures.
Mr. Henry gives the Commission an overview of what the proposed system is comprised of
explaining that the drainage proposal is for the site per the DEP guidelines. Most of the
drainage is at the 50 foot buffer however there are sections that are at 42 feet which would
put those sections 8 feet within the 50 foot buffer zone. The alternatives to this design would
require the site to be raised.
Mr. Manzi asks the Administrator the procedural requirements for these two waiver requests.
The Administrator details what requirements are needed in order to process the request.
Mr. Mabon has arrived at the meeting 7:26pm
Julie Vondrak, Wetland Permitting Consultant speaks to the proposed project and the need to
have the waivers in order to work within the riverfront on this proposed project. Ms.
Vondrak speaks about the current drainage pipe that leads to the property from Walker Road.
Mr. Henry states that the proposal is to capture this pipe and tie into it underground and have
it drain into the wetlands.
Mr. Napoli is asking about the stormwater management and the subsurface controls that is
being put in place. He is concerned about the roof runoff eroding the walkway. Mr. Napoli
would like to see some stone incorporated into the stone dust on the walkway plan.
Mr. Henry is asking for clarification on the size stone he is requesting.
Mr. Napoli states it is ⅜” size.
Approved 01/24/2018
The Administrator has concerns and would like to see a subsection plan for the porous paver
The Chairman asks if any abutters are present.
Linda Fucca 24 East Water Street is at the podium. Ms. Fucca would like information on the
path that is located on the proposed site. Ms. Fucca would like to see the permits or other
documents on when the path was established on the property.
The Administrator and Mr. Manzi state that the Mills and path predate the bylaw and the
Wetlands Protection Act.
A motion is made by Mr. Manzi to accept paragraph 7.0 and 7.1 of the Alternatives A letter
dated January 5, 2018. Seconded by Ms. Feltovic.
Vote unanimous
A motion to continue until the January 24, 2018 meeting was made by Mr. Manzi seconded
by Ms. Feltovic.
Vote unanimous
Attachment A – Project Narrative, revised 01/08/18
Permeable Clay Pavers, product description
Letter, prepared by Philip R Henry, P.E. Civil Design Group, LLC. dated 01/05/2018
Stormwater Report, prepared by Civil Design Group, dated 10/27/17 revs.12/19/17
East Mill Plan Set, prepared by Civil Design Group, dated 10/30/17 revs, 11/02/17, 12/19/17
Letter, prepared by TEC, dated 01/04/18
242-xxxx, 16 Beaver Brook (Christian & Sergi)
Scott Cameron, Morin Cameron Group, states the home was built in 1998 and the entire
home is within the 75 foot No-Build Zone to BVW and parts of it are within the 50 foot No-
Disturb Zone to BWV. This proposed project is to construct an addition for a 1st floor master
bedroom (addition of 13x42’), there will not be any trees removed. There is a vernal pool
located within the Wetlands.
Mr. Mabon has a question on the delineation at closed point (38 feet). Mr. Mabon would like
to see a monumentation along the tree line to protect the 50 foot no disturb zone.
Mr. Napoli would like to know how long the owner has lived in the home. Mr. Napoli would
like to know when the deck was built and that no permits have been filed for this deck.
The Administrator states that there are no permits for the deck.
Mr. Patel states that no permit was pulled for the deck.
The Commission discusses having Mr. Patel apply for an after the fact permit for the deck.
A motion to continue until the January 24, 2018 meeting is made by Ms. Feltovic and
seconded by Mr. Manzi
Vote unanimous.
Letter, prepared by Philip Christiansen, Christiansen & Sergi, dated 12/21/2017
Application checklist Notice of Intent
Project Description
Alternatives Analysis
WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent, prepared by James Melvin, Christiansen & Sergi
NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form
Notification to Abutters
Approved 01/24/2018
Arial map of property
MassGIS topographic map
Copy of checks to the Town of North Andover and Commonwealth of Mass.
Notification to abutters
Town of North Andover Abutter listing
Notice of Intent Plan, prepared by Philip Christiansen, Christiansen & Sergi, dated 12/18/17
242-1692, Amendment of OOC Request, 1210 Osgood Street
Jeff Brown Princeton Properties, speaks to the request for an amendment to the Order of
Conditions issued by the Town of North Andover Conservation Commission and permits
issued by the Planning Board. The project will be retail, commercial and residential space on
the site. During the development of this project the topography of the site would requires the
applicant to bring in large amounts of fill and upon speaking to Contractors it was realized
that this was impractical, so the project has been redesigned to lower the buildings by two to
three feet across the entire site. The size, locations, number of units and the amount of
impervious area of the buildings remain the same. There has been some concern regarding
traffic and the redesign has accounted for some of these concerns. This project will allow for
900 feet of sidewalk to be installed along Osgood Street.
Mr. Brown states that the Town has been awarded a 2.7 million dollar grant to improve the
roadway along with a sidewalk.
Joe Peznola Hancock associates, the genesis of the change is the need to redesign the original
project and find a different product for the underground infiltration system due to the high
ground water of the site and the low elevation. Mr. Peznola is giving a brief description of
the new proposed infiltration system. He presents plans showing where the original systems
were located and where the new ones will be.
Mr. Peznola states that the changes are currently being reviewed by Lisa Eggleston and that
the preliminary conservations are centered on the maintenance of this product. Mr. Peznola
states that the retaining walls that were permitted by the Conservation Commission are there
on the site just smaller than the original design.
Mr. Mabon is asking if test pits have been done on the site to see if the rain water infiltration
and the new system will work.
Mr. Peznola states that yes there are test pits on the site but that ability to quantify the
numbers is hard to quantify.
The Administrator is clarifying wording of the Bylaw.
Mr. Mabon would like to see more infiltration on the front section of the site. He states that
Stormwater Management of the site is of the utmost importance for this site.
Mr. Mabon is also asking about the maintenance of the proposed infiltration system
Mr. Peznola states that it is a concern of Lisa Eggleston also.
Mr. Manzi is asking for clarification on the infiltration system being proposed for the site and
clarification on what changes are being made from the original proposed system.
Mr. Napoli would like to wait until the Commission received Lisa Eggleston's final report
and recommendations.
Mr. Peznola speaks to the changes to the design of the project and the size of the retaining
Mike Howard, Epsilon Associates, states that the applicant is not looking for relief from the
conditions just the requested changes.
Approved 01/24/2018
A Motion is made to continue until the January 24, 2018 meeting is made by Mr. Manzi and
seconded by Ms. Feltovic.
Vote is unanimous
Copy of check for North Andover Conservation Filing fees
Notification to Abutters
Town of North Andover Abutters Listing
Copies of Certified Mailings
Letter, prepared by Hancock Assoc. Dated 12/21/2017
Letter, prepared by Hancock Assoc. Dated 12/18/2017
Letter Stormwater Review Update, prepared by Eggleston Enviromental, dated 12/15/2017
Letter Stormwater Review, prepared by Eggleston Enviromental, dated 11/29/2017
Stormwater Report, prepared by Hancock Assoc, revised dated 12/21/2017
General Business
242-1117, COC Request 213 Berry Street (25 Hesper St LLC) (Casey)
The Administrator gives some background on this request and the project.
Kyle Lally, Hancock speaks to the discrepancy on the construction of retaining walls and the
fact that they were built of wood instead of a cement.
The Commission is concerned that the wall was not constructed as specified on the plan. The
Commission would like Mr. Lally to do more research on the Original request and Order of
Conditions to see it the wall design was part of the project.
A Motion is made to continue until the January 24, 2018 meeting is made by Mr. Manzi and
seconded by Ms. Feltovic.
Vote is unanimous
WPA Form 8a – Request for Certificate of Compliance
North Andover Conservation Commission Order of Conditions Compliance Certification
Form, prepared by Kyle Lally, dated 12-26/2017
Certification Request Letter, prepared by Vaclav Talacko, Hancock Assoc. Dated 12-26/2017
Photo #1: Leaching Field in front yard, prepared by Hancock Assoc.
Photo #2: North Andover Conservation Commission Protected Wetland Sign, prepared by
Hancock Assoc.
Photo #3: Well in Backyard, prepared by Hancock Assoc.
Photo #4: Septic Tank area, prepared by Hancock Assoc.
As-Built Plan, prepared by Hancock Assoc., dated 01/06/2005
Copy of check for North Andover Conservation Filing fees
Enforcement Order/Violation
440 Great Pond Road (cont. to 01/10/2018)
The Administrator states that a restoration plan has been submitted to the Commission for
their review. She asks why the consultant chose Sycamore trees for the restoration.
Robert Prokop, Wetland Consulting Services, states the reason for the Sycamore trees is to
improve wildlife habitat.
Approved 01/24/2018
Mr. Prokop gives the Commission a brief overview of his Restoration Plan letter, dated
January 4, 2018 and the request not to replant the buckthorn and river birch due to the fact
that they are an aggressive invasive species and the roots were left intact. In regard to the
slash and abandoned structure on the site as a place for a wildlife habitat.
Mr. Prokop references the photos that were provided along with the letter.
Mr. Mabon would like to see some mitigation of the site.
Mr. Prokop would like the Commission to allow him to monitor the site over the spring and
summer to monitor the buckthorn.
The Administrator would like to see the slash and the structure removed.
Mr. Manzi would like the plan revised and revisited when the snow melts.
Mr. Napoli would like to see the structure and the slash removed and the plan to be revisited
once the snow melts.
Mr. Prokop asks if it is the suggestion of this Commission to have the slash and structure
removed and come back to the Commission for a revised site plan.
The Administrator would like the EO revised to allow for the removal of the slash and
structure before the June 2018 meeting.
Ms. Feltovic would like the removal of the buckthorn to be revisited.
A motion to revise the Enforcement Order and continue to the June 2018 meeting is made by
Ms. Feltovic and seconded by Mr. Manzi.
vote unanimous
Letter, prepared by Robert Prokop, Wetland Consulting Services, dated 01/04/2017
Restoration Plan, Figure 1 : Preliminary buffer zone planting plan, prepared by Robert
Prokop, Wetland Consulting Services
Photo A Saplings and shrubs, provided by Jennifer Hughes, prepared by Robert Prokop,
Wetland Consulting Services
Photo B Slash left within the 100 foot buffer, provided by Jennifer Hughes, prepared by
Robert Prokop, Wetland Consulting Services
Photo C Slash left within the wetland area, prepared by Robert Prokop, Wetland Consulting
Photo D Slash left within the wetland area, prepared by Robert Prokop, Wetland Consulting
Photo E Part of the area proposed for planting, prepared by Robert Prokop, Wetland
Consulting Services
Photo F Sapling and shrub planting area within the 100 foot buffer, prepared by Robert
Prokop, Wetland Consulting Services
25 Hollow Tree Lane (Fixler) (Trinity Logging) (Varney Logging)
Mr. Napoli steps aside as chair for this hearing.
Mr. Manzi will chair this hearing.
Attorney Egan is before the Commission in regard to the EO / Violation for removal of trees
on the property at 25 Hollow Tree Lane
Mr. Manzi reads a police report taken by Officer Eric Sewade was read into the record at the
request of Attorney Egan.
Mr. Manzi states that Officer Sewade contacted the Conservation Administrator Jennifer
Hughes that the cutting may have occurred on, in or by Wetlands. The Conservation
Approved 01/24/2018
Administrator then contacted Mr. Manzi in order to conduct a site visit. Upon arrival to 25
Hollow Tree Lane it was apparent that a large section of the property was cleared of both
hard wood and soft wood trees of varying sizes. Mr. Fixler owner of the property at 25
Hollow Tree Lane states that this cutting was done without his permission or consent.
Mr. Manzi states that they then went down to 46 Hollow Tree Lane and met with the owner
Mr. Lally who confirmed that he had hired Trinity Logging to cut the trees on his property,
and for Varney Logging to haul the tree away.
Eastman Varney, Varney Logging states that Varney was subcontracted to haul the lumber
Mr. Manzi asks if anyone from either Trinity Logging or Varney Logging is present tonight.
Mr. Varney, Varney Logging is in attendance.
James Lally 46 Hollow Tree Lane is also in attendance.
The Administrator summarizes the Violations and issued Enforcement Orders. A restoration
plan was required.
Mr. Manzi states that Officer Sewade has taken out criminal complaints on this matter.
The Administrator states that there is a possibility that some of the work done at 25 Hollow
Tree was actually done on the property of 487 Winter Street.
Mr. Varney, Varney Logging, is asking for clarification on how he is responsible.
The Administrator is looking for the Commission to ratify and amend 25 Hollow Tree Lane
to include Mr. Fixler and confirm the Enforcement order and the Cease and desist.
Attorney would like to record to reflect he opposes naming Mr. Fixler on the Enforcement
Attorney Varney would like the record to reflect for the record that they also object to Mr.
Varney being listed on the Enforcement Order.
The Administrator states that Mr. Varney is not listed on the Summons report.
Mr. Varney is asking what if any responsibility he has to the restoration.
Mr. Manzi is clarifying the regulations and the need for restoration.
Mr. Saal states that the courts will clarify who is responsible for the restoration.
A motion to amend the Enforcement Order for 25 Hollow Tree Lane to include Mr. Fixler is
made by Ms. Feltovic and seconded by Mr. Saal.
Vote unanimous
A motion to ratify the enforcement order as amended to include a survey and delineation plan
by the February 21, 2018 (correction: February 28, 2018) meeting for compliance is made by
Ms. Feltovic seconded by Mr. Mabon.
Ratify the Cease and Desist on Varney made by Ms. Feltovic and seconded by Mr. Saal.
Letter, prepared by Jenifer Hughes, dated 12/20/2017
WPA Form 9 – Enforcement Order, prepared by Jenifer Hughes
Letter – Cease and Desist: Violation, prepared by Jenifer Hughes
46 Hollow Tree Lane (Lally) (Trinity Logging) (Varney Logging)
A motion to ratify the enforcement order as amended to include a survey and delineation plan
by the February 21, 2018 meeting for compliance is made by Mr. Mabon seconded by Ms.
Mr. Lally, 46 Hollow Tree Lane, is at the podium to give a brief explanation of the removal
of the trees.
Approved 01/24/2018
Mr. Manzi confirms that the agreement to cut trees was with Trinity Logging
Mr. Lally explains to the Commission as to the series of events that led up to the dispute.
Mr. Manzi is asking if any Wetland delineation of the property was ever done.
Mr. Lally states that no a delineation was ever done the next steps are to get erosion controls
in place and work with Hancock to have a restoration plan in place.
Attorney Egan would like the Commission to know that an Engineer has been retained by
Mr. Fixler.
The Administrator states that Varney complied with the order to appear at the hearing but
Trinity did not.
Letter, prepared by Jenifer Hughes, dated 12/20/2017
WPA Form 9 – Enforcement Order, prepared by Jenifer Hughes
Letter – Cease and Desist: Violation, prepared by Jenifer Hughes
A motion to adjourn is made by Ms. Feltovic and seconded by Mr. Mabon
Vote unanimous