HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-12-02 Planning Board Minutes Planning Board Meeting
DPW Conference Room
a December 2,1997
Members Present:
Richard S. Rowen, Chairman, Alison Lescarbeau, Vice Chairman, Joseph V. Mahoney, Richard
Nardella and Alberto Angles, Associate Member were present. John Simons, Clerk, arrived at
7:25 p.m. Kathleen Bradley Colwell, Town Planner was also present.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to
approved the minutes for November 18, 1997,
Barrington Estates - preliminary subdivision
Elmer Pease, and Ken Grandstaff, of MPG Realty Corp., Atty. Mike Gerstein and Eric Heyland
were present representing Barrington Estates. The applicant is proposing a 7-lot subdivision in
the R-1 district located on the North side of Dale Street, which is in the watershed protection
district, The property consists of 31.58 acres. The lots range from 88,400 - 59,286 SF and all
exceed the cba requirement. The property is on Town water and sewer. No wetland filling is
proposed. There are two access points from Dale Street currently. The access to the property is
within the non-disturbance buffer zone of the watershed. A special permit from the Planning
Board will be required for both the roadway and the lots.
The applicant made some changes to the plan in response to staff comments. The name of the
road was changed per the E911 coordinator, lots 2&6 conform to Section of the North
Andover Zoning Bylaw and the watershed zone lines are on the plan. The applicant stated that
the road width and sag curve issues would be addressed in the definitive plan. The applicant will
review the lot width requirements to confirm that all lots comply.
Michael Gerstein requested an opinion from Town Counsel on the issue of the need for a
variance. The new watershed bylaw created a 75' conservation zone. No special permits were
provided for in this zone therefore the applicant would need a variance to disturb land within this
zone. The question is whether or not this piece of property falls under this new bylaw. Town
Counsel has rendered an opinion that the property is subject to the new bylaw upon the recording
of a subdivision plan. The applicant would be able to go through the subdivision process under
the old bylaw however as soon as the plan was recorded the land would be subject to the new
bylaw. Therefore clearly all lots fall under the new bylaw. The question that remains is whether
or not the road also falls under the new bylaw.
Mr. Simons stated that the intent of the bylaw was to exempt a person who on an existing lot for
a single house. The Board discussed the need for the applicant to receive a variance from the
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ZBA in order to disturb land in the conservation zone for the road, The Board will continue to
discuss this at the next meeting.
Mr. Rowen suggested that they make Dale Street a two way, The applicant should obtain an
opinion from the Fire Department and Police Department.
701 Salem Street - minor modification/update
Scott Town of the Stoneham Savings Bank was present to speak to the Board, Mr. Town stated
that they have been approved for a drive up teller and drive up ATM machine. Mr. Town
proposed to create a free standing 24-hour ATM machine with one drive up lane. It will have a
10' x 66' canopy over the ATM machine. Mr. Town showed the Board pictures of the ATM
machine. Mr. Town stated that they have tied into the existing building design. The one way
traffic will remain, The Board would like to see appropriate striping on the pavement and have
the Town Planner review it when they submit their application.
On a motion by Mr. Nardella, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to
approve the minor modification to the site plan to allow the ATM machine at 701 Salem Street.
The applicant will provide copies of the proposed ATM.
Sutton Street Hangers - site plan review modification
Charles Martin was present to represent the Lawrence Airport. Mr. Martin is requesting a
modification to their site plan. Mr. Martin stated that they have replanted the trees that had died
over the year. Mr. Martin is requesting a modification to eliminate a grass Swale. Mr. Martin
stated that the planting berm acts to divert the water to the grass Swale. The applicant stated that
they found "farmer's drains" at the site which direct water away from Sutton Street. They do not
want to disturb these drains by digging a grass Swale.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to approve
the modification of the plan, The bond will not be released until spring and upon a determination
by the Board that there are no remaining issues.
59 Main Street - site plan review waiver
Wendy Higgins was present to represent 59 Main Street. Ms. Higgins stated that they would like
to put in a bicycle shop. There will be no modification to the building. The applicants are
planning to remove the signage and comply with the Town' new bylaws.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Nardella, the board voted unanimously to
approve the site plan review waiver.
Endorse Plans:
Lots 1&2 Summer Street - Form A
Ms. Colwell recommends the Board sign the plans for the Lots 1 & 2 Summer Street,
The Board authorized Ms. Colwell to sign the plans for Lots 1 & 2 Summer Street.
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Lot/Bond Releases:
Brookview Estates - bond release
Tim Willett, DPW's Staff Engineer, sent a letter to the Board recommending the Board release
$42,900 and retain $94,200.
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr, Simons, the Board voted unanimously to
release $42,900 and retain $94,200.
Seven Oaks -bond release
Tim Willett, DPW's Staff Engineer, sent a letter to the Board recommending the Board not
release any more funds at this time and leave the remaining funds of$23,000.
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted unanimously to retain
the remaining funds of$23,000.
The Board discussed the issue of sidewalks in the subdivision. The applicant would prefer to
donate to the sidewalk fund. Ms. Colwell will review the file to determine whether or not
sidewalks were required.
Public Hearings (7:30 p.m.)
Walnut Ridge - definitive plan
Tom Laudani was present to represent Walnut Ridge. The property is off of Summer Street, at
the end of Cricket Lane. The property consists of 40 acres. There are 10 one acre lots on septic
systems in the R-2 zoning district. Steve Stapinski of Merrimack Engineering was present. Mr.
Stapinski stated that the Mandry property is located on Summer Street and is surrounded by a
large wetland. Mr. Stapinski stated that there will be 11lots with 10 new homes and the driveway
for the existing home will be relocated. The homes will be 3,000 to 5,000 SF. Mr. Stapinski
stated that there are no waivers required from the Board of Health. The plan shows elevations at
the bottom of bed with designed systems.
They conform to all zoning width areas, The plan showed an area of lot 11 as excluded from
cba. The Board informed Mr. Stapinski that he wasn't interpreting this bylaw correctly, and that
much more ,land would be excluded, making the lot non-conforming. The Board made some
suggestions on how to correct the problem. The Board questioned the lot width for Lot 11. Mr.
Stapinski will address this issue for the next meeting.
Mr. Stapinski stated that the drainpipe from Cricket Lane will be removed from the wetland area
and treatment will be provided. The existing cul-de-sac will be eliminated and the property
conveyed to the adjacent property owners. The pavement will be removed and the driveways
John Soucy of Merrimack Engineering stated that the site was comprised of a series of knolls
surrounded by a large wetland. There is very little runoff that reaches the adjacent site. Mr.
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Soucy stated that there is 6% slope at the center of the road and there are 2 low point catch
basins. The curb around the road will help to contain runoff. The entire system is daylighted with
outlets lower than the inlets. The roadway can access the detention ponds. The roof top leaching
basins are designed to take a 100-year storm event. They are designed similar to a septic system.
A three-foot deep pit lined with stone.
Ms. Colwell expressed concern over the long-term maintenance of the roof top leaching basins.
The homeowner must have an obligation to keep the systems in working order enforceable by the
Town, She suggests eliminating them entirely as they will be difficult to maintain in the future.
Ms. Colwell expressed concern about the extent of vegetation on site. The applicant stated that
the new DEP storm water management regulations require approximately 25% more clearing. A
landscape plan has been provided as part of the application. Some trees will remain,
Mr. Rowen asked if the hill in the center of the property would be removed and used as fill on the
outer portions of the site. Mr. Stapinski stated that there will be filling along the center of the
property for the septic systems.
Mr. Stapinski discussed the entire Mandry property and the adjacent Iand. Mr, Stapinski stated
that there is not a significant amount of buildable land adjacent to the property. There is a
possible link to Oaks Drive or Johnson Street. There is no more developable land due to the
homes on Oakes Drive. Ms. Colwell will review Oaks Drive subdivision to determine whether or
not an easement was granted to extend Oaks Drive, The Board discussed the issue of a long dead
end. There was a suggestion of putting sidewalks down the entire length of Cricket Lane. The
applicant agreed to put in sprinkler systems.
The applicant requested a waiver to reduce the pavement at the wetland crossing at the
suggestion of the Conservation Commission. The pavement in Cricket Lane is 26'. Hey
requested a waver to 22' at the crossing, The DPW would prefer 26' but would be willing to go
to 22', The Planning Board asked the applicant to look at off setting the pavement instead.
Mr. Angles had concerns that once the cul-de-sac is eliminated do the lots have sufficient
frontage. Santo Banacourso, asked why couldn't the road come out some place else? Why
couldn't someone on Oak Drive or Johnson Street sell their property to bring a road through?
Mr. Madder of 33 Cricket Lane, stated that a 600' cul-de-sac should be the limit and does not
understand why this should be extended any further. The Board stated that in the past they have
waived this for a good cause but will look at this situation individually.
Mr. Bissell of 337 Summer Street, stated that the sidewalk issue is not that important to him
because there is no sidewalk on Summer Street. The Board stated that the sidewalks might help
mitigate the long dead end street and for public safety issues for the children.
Mr. Banacorso asked if there was enough water pressure for a fire sprinkler system. The Board
answered that there must be enough pressure to get approval from the Fire Department.
Mr. Madder of 33 Cricket Lane, asked if it was true that the property is surrounded by
undevelopabled land. Mr. Laudani stated that the wetland area cannot be developed however,
there are two Form-A lots on Summer Street. The applicant is willing to place a conservation
restriction on the wetlands. The applicant cannot hook up to sewer due to ConCom issues.
Site walk on Saturday December 13, 1997 @ 8:30 a.m.
Continued until December 16, 1997.
Lot 3 Saile Way - watershed special permit
Dan Bailey and Dennis Quintel were present to represent Lot 3 Saile Way. Mr. Quintel stated
that the driveway is within the non-disturbance zone and the driveway is below grade of the
wetland area. They have met the 1992 zoning bylaw criteria and there is no degradation to the
lake. The applicant stated that there is nothing different from the other lots that have been
approved. There is also a catch basin and leach trench for the driveway runoff.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted unanimously to close
the Public Hearing and have Ms. Colwell draft a decision for the next meeting.
Lot 6 Saile Way-watershed special permit
Dan Bailey and Dennis Quintel were present to represent Lot 6Saile Way. Mr. Quintel stated that
the driveway is within the non-disturbance zone and the driveway is below the wetland area.
They have met the 1992 zoning bylaw criteria and there is no degradation to the lake. The
applicant stated that there is nothing different from the other lots that have been approved. There
is also a catch basin and leach trench for the driveway runoff.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted unanimously to close
the Public Hearing and have Ms. Colwell draft a decision for the next meeting.
1635 Osgoad Street - site plan review
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, the Board voted unanimously to
approve the draft decision as amended for 1635 Osgood Street,
492 Sutton Street (Lawrence Airports - site plan review
The Board directed Ms. Colwell to write a letter to the Fire Chief asking him if he would like the
airport to tie into the main fire alarm system and continue the decision until December 16, 1997.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.