HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-08-18 Planning Board Minutes Planning Board Meeting
Senior Center
August 18, 1998
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to
approve the minutes for August 4, 1998 as amended.
Phillips Common- fence
William Patterson was present to speak on behalf of Phillips Common. Mr. Patterson
stated that when the plan was filed the plan included a fence on the outside perimeter of
the street. Mr. Patterson stated that the fence has been painted twice in five years. Mr.
Patterson stated that they have a voluntary homeowners association. Mr. Patterson stated
that they are in the process of getting quotes to get the fence fixed but, one homeowner
has decided to take down his fence. Mr. Patterson stated that another homeowner
bumped into the developer Tom Laudani and Mr. Laudani told him that the fence is a
requirement. Mr. Patterson stated that he is asking the Board whether they have a choice
to tear down the fence. W. Rowen asked if the fences were on Town property or private
property. Mr. Patterson stated that he believes that they are on private property. Ms.
Colwell stated that the only thing she found in the file was the fence being shown on the
subdivision plan. Ms. Colwell stated that there is no covenant. Ms. Colwell stated that it
is part of the decision because it is shown on the plans. Ms. Colwell stated that it is up to
the Board if they let them take down their fences. Mr. Mahoney asked how many
homeowners want their fences. Mr. Patterson stated about 60% of them. Mr. Mahoney
stated that he thinks they're attractive and make the subdivision look nice. Mr. Rowen
stated that the homeowners have the right to either have the fence or not to have the fence
but, he believes it raises your property value. Mr. Mahoney suggested that they give their
kids a bucket of paint and let them paint the fence. Mr. Patterson stated that we have
thought of that but, some homeowners did not want to do it. Mr. Patterson stated that
there also was lighting at the entrance of the subdivision and recently an electrician came
and took out the meter. Mr. Patterson asked he would do about getting it put back on.
Ms. Colwell stated that if you can get the homeowners to pay the bills she doesn't see a
problem but, you would have to speak to ConCom.
Lot F Flagship Drive- site plan review
Shirley Griffin of Seecamp Environmental was present to represent Lot F Flagship Drive.
Ms, Griffin stated that the site is stable and the grass is about 2" high. Ms. Griffin stated
that there is no gullying and nothing is moving. Ms. Griffin also stated that there is a clear
trickle that is coming out of the pond, which is good. Ms. Griffin stated that things are in
good shape. Mr. Rowen asked if they water the grass until September should they be fine.
Ms. Griffin stated yes. Ms. Colwell stated that her proposal would be to schedule to
receive written reports every two weeks and then have them come before the Board at the
September 18, 1998 meeting and hopefully that will be the final time.
Laurel Heights --preliminary subdivision
John Soucy of Merrimack Engineering was present to represent Laurel Heights. Mr,
Soucy stated that at the last meeting they were asked to submit a plan showing the cul-de-
sacs which they did and the plan is here tonight. Mr. Soucy stated that they have done a
lot of looking at the plan. Mr. Soucy stated the if they did a through road it would have a
9% slope. Mr. Soucy stated that he believes that the Ist alternative plan has the least
impact. Mr. Soucy stated that he could give assurance that the design for the runoff onto
the hill towards Johnson Street would be better. Mr. Soucy stated that the grading that
was submitted does show disruption to the site. Mr. Soucy stated that they would like to
move forward tonight to find out which way the Board would like them to go. Mr.
Rowen stated that they needed a through road and I for one will not be in favor of this if it
is not connected to Johnson Street. Mr. Rowen stated that if connecting this road is
causing disruption we will have to vote appropriately. Mr. Simon stated that they could
easily cause less disruption with fewer lots. Mr. Soucy stated that they will not ask for
more lots than are allowed to us. Mr. Simons stated of course you wouldn't and he does
not think this is good for the Town. Mr. Mahoney stated that he totally agrees with Mr.
Simons, we are not in San Francisco we're in North Andover and he thinks they're
approaching something very tough. Ms. Colwell stated in the decision she will
recommend that no waivers be given and she would refer to the comments made at the
meeting. Mr. Rowen stated that if you do come_ in with a definitive subdivision you will
have to show a 24' road. Mr. Soucy asked that the Board waive the slope requirement
because the slope is 9%. Mr. Rowen suggest that he meet with the Town Planner before
they re-file.
On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, the Board voted unanimously to
deny the preliminary subdivision known as Laurel Heights.
A resident questioned there impact of the decision. Mr. Rowen stated that we will render
a decision denying this preliminary plan and identifying why we did not approve it. Also
whether or not we approve or deny the preliminary plan doesn't matter when they come to
file the definitive plan. A resident asked if these lots fell under the building moratorium.
M. Rowen stated that they would fall under the Growth Management Bylaw.
Bradford Street -Form-A
The Board did not endorse the plan for Bradford Street because they did not feel that
there was sufficient frontage for the lots.
Meadowood Phase III
Ms. Colwell received a letter from Tim Willett, DPW Staff Engineer recommending a
bond release of $16,500.00 and retain $18,648.00.
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Nardella, the Board voted unanimously
to release $16,500.00 and retain $18,648.00 for Meadowood Phase III.
Central Metal Finishing- site plan review
Ms. Colwell stated that the site is complete and the as-builts have been submitted. Ms.
Colwell inspected the site with the engineer also. Ms. Colwell recommends releasing the
$10,000 bond.
On a motion by Ms. Nardella, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to
release the $10,000 bond for Central Metal Finishing..
Public Hearings (7:30 p.m.)
Lyons Way - definitive subdivision
Paul Marchionda of Marchionda Associates was present to represent Lyons Way. Mr.
Marchionda stated that Lyons Way is off of Campbell Road on 9.6 acres of land. The
property is mostly surrounded by state forest except for 1 house. Mr. Marchionda stated
that the proposed road is 1200' with 7 lots on town sewer and town water. Mr.
Marchionda stated that there is a 1% slope on the road and then at the cul-de-sac it has a
2% slope. Mr. Marchionda added that prior to this filing this site has been approved
twice. Mr. Rowen asked if these lots are one acre. Mr. Marchionda stated yes. Mr.
Rowen asked if this subdivision will be tying into the west side interceptor. Mr.
Marchionda stated that it will be. Ms. Colwell stated that this was approved before for
septic but, the permits ran out. Mr. Simons asked what the posted speed is on Campbell
Road. Mr. Marchionda stated that it is about 30-35 mph. Ms. Colwell stated that she
thinks the traffic consultant should review that. Mr. Mahoney questioned the tree clearing
area. Mr. Marchionda showed the Board the tree clearing area. Mr. Simons stated that
he has a real problem with the tree clearing line and would like them to go back and try to
save more trees. Mr. Marchionda stated that 80% of the tree clearing is for house
construction, road construction and the detention ponds. Mr. Marchionda went over the
location of the detention areas with the Board. Mr. Marchionda stated that he will look at
the tree clearing line. Mr. angles asked what the maximum depth of the detention ponds
are. Dave Willett of Marchionda Associates stated that they are 4' -5' deep. Ms.
Lescarbeau asked who would maintain the storm water trenches. Mr. Marchionda stated
that the homeowners will be responsible. Debra Acciacca of 168 Campbell Road stated
that she lives right next to the property and she was not notified properly, she said that she
read it in the newspaper. Ms. Acciacca stated that she read in the newspaper that this was
in the R-2 zoning and wondered if that was correct. Ms. Acciacca also asked who takes
care of the number of children in the schools. Ms. Lescarbeau asked what her concern
with the schools were, Ms. Acciacca stated that the Sargent School is brand new and it is
already at full capacity. Ms. Acciacca stated that they are putting houses up everywhere.
Mr. Simons stated that if you own property you have the right to do what you want with
it. Mr. Simons stated that we have to follow the rules to deny and approve projects. Mr.
Simons stated that he would love to see a forest out there but, if they coarse to us and meet
the requirements we can't deny them. Ms. Acciacca asked if they could keep more trees.
Mr. Rowen stated that we can do the best we can we're looking for the best design. Ms.
Acciacca asked if this will be on sewer. Mr. Rowen stated that it will be. The Board
scheduled a site walk on Wednesday August 26, 1998 @ 6.00 p.m. Ms. Acciacca had
' concerns where the new road would be located. Mr. Marchionda showed the Board
where the road would be going in. Mr. Acciacca had concerns with the location of the '
road with the wetlands. Mr. Marchionda stated that they originally had the road in
another location but, Mike Howard told him that this would be less wetland crossings.
Mr. Marchionda stated that he is looking for two waivers. One is for no sidewalks and
they will donate to the sidewalk fund and the other is to reduce the widths of the
Continued until September 15, 1998.
Executive Quarters (Hillside and Rt. 125 bypass) -site plan review
Paul Marchionda was present to represent the Executive Quarters. Mr. Marchionda stated
that it is a:three story 24,047 SF four story building with office space on three floors and
they are supplying a parking garage underneath. Dermit Kelley of DJK Associates went
over his traffic study. Mr. Kelley stated that he saw 30,000 cars per day on Rt. 125 which
cam out to 1,100 cars an hour. Mr. Kelley stated that Rt. 125 has a no access line. Mr.
Kelley stated that if you put a driveway at Rt. 125 you would have to cross three lane of
traffic to go south on Rt. 125. Mr. Kelley stated that the access out of the parking lot
would be controlled by a stop sign.. Mr. Kelley stated that the existing queue would be
four cars and only thirty four cars would exit the site in the evening. Mr. Mahoney asked
Mr. Kelley to repeat the number of cars per day. Mr. Mahoney asked who the building is
geared for. Mr. Marchionda stated that W. Mesiti will be taking the majority of the
building. Mr. Simons asked what the number of parking spaces there are. Mr.
Marchionda stated that there are 80 spaces. Mr. Rowen asked what the number of spaces
required were. Mr. Marchionda stated 80. W. Rowen stated that this building is huge for
the community it's located in. Mr. Marchionda stated that the height requirement is 60
feet and we are at 60 feet. Mr. Simons asked why they did not put a curb cut in on Rt.
125 between Hillside Road and Osco Drug. Mr. Kelley stated that if a car was traveling
south on Rt. 125 they would have to make a U-turn to access the building. Ms.
Lescarbeau stated that they could make a right turn only exit if they did a curb cut after
the island on Rt.125. Mr. Kelley stated that it is very rare that the state would let you
access a no access line. Mr. Rowen asked what plans would you do to make it so people
don't cut through Chestnut Green and Hillside Road, Mr. Kelley stated that he would put
a right turn only sign at the exit. Mr. Simon asked if they could put a curb cut into where
the island ends. Mr. Kelley stated that he could go back to the state and ask. Mr. Kelley
suggested that they put a Do Not Enter sign at the back entrance to Chestnut Green. Mr.
Nardella asked Mr. Kelley if he thought there was an access to turn out to Rt. 125 would
that alleviate congestion on Hillside Road. Mr. Kelley stated yes. Wayne Gendran asked
when the count was taken. Mr. Kelley stated one count was taken on March 13, 1998 and
the other was taken March 24, 1998 and it was when Merrimack College was in session.
Jim Tobin 19 Meadowood Road asked what time they did the counts. Mr. Kelley stated
that they were done at 7-9 a.m. and then 4-6 p.m. Mike Rosenberger of Bucklin Road
stated that he got a list together with the other neighbors and they also did their own
traffic study and they counted 1300 cars. Mr, Rosenberger asked if they counted the
number of vehicles that enters Hillside Road, Mr. Kelley stated that he did not count that.
Mr. Rosenberger stated that they did their study from 12:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m, and they
found 3 cars per minute that go through Hillside Road and 76% were cars cutting through.
Mr. Rosenberger stated that the cut through was left there for emergency access only, per
the safety officer. Mr. Rosenberger stated that the parking now in Chestnut Green is
insufficient and people are parking on Hillside Road, Mr. Rosenberger stated that it is
very difficult pulling off of Rt. 125 onto Hillside Road as it is and there are also snow
issues and rain issues. Ms. Lescarbeau asked if there is a no parking sign on Hillside
Road. Mr. Rosenberger stated no, and there are also school buses that travel down the
road. Mr. Rosenberger stated that there have already been four accidents reported and
our other concern is people coming out of the other exit of Meadowood. Mr. Rowen
stated that he does not think they will use the other exit. Mr. Rosenberger asked if they
considered Stop & Shop. Mr, Kelley stated that they considered Stop & Shop and
Forestview. Mr. Rosenberger stated that there are thirty five children in the neighborhood
that are under the age of six. Mr. Rosenberger stated that they have asked for signs to be
put up for the people to slow down but, no one ever put them up. Ms. Lescarbeau stated
that she would suggest they call and complain every day until you get the signs.
Paul Hajec, the towns traffic consultant was present to talk about traffic. Mr. Hajec stated
that in his review of the proposed development was that he feels the same way as the
Board. W.Hajec went over some of his issues that he felt were important. Mr, Hajec ,
stated that the design and the location of the driveway is a concern. Another problem is
that there is no access line and connecting to Chestnut Green is crossing a wetland. Mr.
Hajec stated that the driveway proposed is the best they can do. Mr. Hajec stated that
they did the best they could do on land restraints. Ms. Lescarbeau asked what Mr. Hajecs
feeling is on the right turn only onto Rt. 125, Mr. Hajec stated that if the no access line
was not there it would be all right but, they need to evaluate the exit with the signage.
Mousad Roya asked if Mr. Hajec thought that they should widen Hillside Road. Mr.
Hajec stated that he does not think that is necessary. Mr. Roya stated that when people
are trying turn it is very difficult to see if people are parking on Hillside Road. Bob Craft
stated that they have been putting a lot of signal lights on Rt.125 in Andover and asked if
the town has any input on putting a traffic light in. Mr. Rowen stated that the cars are
going a lot faster at that part of Rt. 125 where Andover is putting in lights. Mr. Hajec
stated that the state bases getting signal on signal warrants and he does not think that this
intersection meets any signal warrants. Bob Craft stated that he does not agree. Bob
Craft stated that he has been discussing this before Meadowood was put in and this town
has done nothing to alleviate traffic, all's they did was put in a silly island.
Gary William the architect stated that this is a four story building with ground level
parking. Mr. William stated that there will be a lobby in the center of the building and
three floors of office space. Mr. William stated that there will be a metal roof and lime
stone arches The building will be made of textured block. Mr. Simons asked what the
sides of the buildings looked like. Mr. William stated that it is the same as the front but,
without the palladium window, Mr. Nardella asked how this resembles the height of
r- Chestnut Green. Mr. Barrett stated that it is the same. Mr. Rowen stated that this is an
awful looking plan and it doesn't go with the neighborhood. Mr. Simons stated that this is
so different from anything else in the neighborhood. Mr. Simons stated that this building
4 belongs in a business park on Rt. 128 and you didn't even show side views of the building
which is a requirement. Ms. Colwell stated that we definitely need to have side elevations.
Mr. Mahoney stated that we have to consider the abutting properties which it states right
out of the zoning bylaw. Mr. Nardella stated that all the other buildings in the town are
country looking. Mr. Marchionda stated that Mr. Mesiti could not be here tonight but
that he would like Mr. Mesiti to tell the Board his feelings on the building. Mr. Rowen
suggested that they down size the building. Mr. Marchionda asked if the height of the
building or the design of the building. Mr. Rowen stated that the roof looks like a squatty
little hat that doesn't fit the building. Ms. Lescarbeau stated to Bill Barrett that he has
been around the town long enough to know what this Board is looking for and we've tried
to get a village look. Ms. Lescarbeau stated that we've tried to get a village look and she
does agree this is a little to much for this site. Bill Barrett stated that we did take a lot of
time to design this and we want this first class. Mr. Barrett stated that he will be in the
building,Mr. Mesiti will be there and another tenant. Mr. Barrett stated that he did not
want an Osco Drug. ,Mr. Nardella asked why textured block and not wood. Mr. Barrett
stated that is so they don't have to paint it every five years. Leslie 121 Winter Street
stated that at the beginning of the meeting they said it will be three stories but, it looks
four stories. Mr. Rowen stated that the fourth floor is the underground parking. Mousad
Roya stated that the Chestnut Green building is much more appealing. This is the gateway
to North Andover and we need to make something more appealing. Mr. Angles stated
that this does not match anything in the neighborhood.
Continued until September 15, 1998.
350 Winthrop Avenue (Market Basket site plan review
John Soucy of Merrimack Engineering was present to represent 350 Winthrop Avenue.
Mr. Soucy stated that this is a simple addition and we have supplied the elevations for the
building and have agreed to have restricted times for deliveries in the decision. Mike
Kettenbach who is the agent for Market Basket stated that they will be re-striping the
parking lot and will be re-paving in front of the building and repairing the damaged part of
the parking lot. Ms. Lescarbeau stated that she will not go there until you re-pave the
parking lot and get security. Mr. Kettenbach stated that the damage of the parking lot
was caused by a beaver dam and that has been resolved. Mr. Rowen stated that he
remembers three or four years ago the Board had a lengthy discussion on security. Mr.
Rowen asked if Ms. Colwell remembered the wording in that decision. Ms. Colwell stated
that camera's and uniformed police were to be added to the mall. Mr. Kettenbach stated
that during the holidays we have hired uniformed police and have had hundreds of arrests.
Mr. Rowen stated that you need to make the shopping mall safe. Ms. Lescarbeau stated °
that she looks in the citizen every week and this mall is at the top of list with arrests. Mr.
Nardella asked about the dirt area. Mr. Kettenbach stated that it will be paved. Ms.
Lescarbeau asked about delivery times. Ms. Colwell stated that the Board of Health
wrote a letter stating that there could be no deliveries form 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m, and the
dumpsters being enclosed will be a big help. Mr. Kettenbach stated that he would like it if
we send certified letters to the tenants stating that they could only have certain hours for
dumpster pick ups. Ms. Kettenbach went over the area being re-paved on the plan with
the Board. Ms. Colwell stated that she would like to see the islands be brought further
down closer to Rt. 114.
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously
to close the Public hearing for 350 Winthrop Avenue and have staff draft a decision for the
September 1,1998 meeting.
200 Chickering Road ennies site lan review
Peter Shaheen was present to represent 200 Chickering Road. Mr. Shaheen stated that
they are here tonight to follow up on some open issues. Mr. Shaheen stated that the hours
of operation would be 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mr. Shaheen stated that those are the
potential hours if they were to get a coffee shop in there. Mr. Shaheen stated that he can't
say what size delivery trucks will deliver but, he does not see it being a problem. Mr.
Shaheen stated that he would not want that conditioned because it is the companies that
are in control of the trucks. Mr. Shaheen stated that they did change the rear of the
building for Mr. Simons. Reiner Koake stated that they dropped down the roof in the rear
of the building instead of painting a stripe on the rear of the building. Mr. Koake stated
that 50% of the HVAC units will be inside and the outside units would be hidden by the
railings that really are walls that are insulated. Mr. Shaheen stated that restaurants are
allowed per the agreement but, not full service restaurants. Mr. Nardella asked if there are
different calculations if you were to put in a deli, Mr. Shaheen stated that no, it's by the
number of tables. Mr. Gross stated that it is based on 1 parking spot per 200 SF and you
can only put in the number of tabled per SF. Mr. Rowen stated that we are not trying to
restrict what tenants occupy the building, but we do want to make sure that the planned
uses conform to the zoning bylaw, particularly in regards to parking requirements. Joe
Scott of Scott Construction stated that he does not mind if the Board put in the decision
"if parking is permitted". Ms. Colwell stated that there is outstanding drainage issues and
John Chessia has two weeks to respond but, he is working on it. Mr. Gross stated that
Mr. Chessia received the information on August 10, 1998. Ms. Colwell stated that
September 15, 1998 is the deadline for us to make a decision and hopefully it will be taken
care of before that.
Continued until September 1, 1998,
Countu Club Estates - definitive subdivision
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the definitive subdivision decision for Country Club Estates as
465 Great Pond Road -watershedspecial permit
On motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, the Board voted unanimously
to approve the watershed special permit decision for 465 Great Pond Road as amended.
315 Turn ike Street errimack College Cultural Arts Center - site plan review
On a motion by Mr. Nardella, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted 5-0 to approve '
the site plan review decision for 315 Turnpike Street as amended. Mr. Rowen abstained
because he missed the meeting when the plans were presented
285 Holt Road - site plan review
The Board started to go over the decision. Joan Kulash asked for the Public Hearing to
be re-opened. The Board did not re-open the Public Hearing. Mark DiSalvo stated that
he would like to speak. Mr. Nardella asked if there is a guideline that Wheelabrator
suggests for shutting.down the plant in case of CEM equipment failure. Marty Healy
_ stated that the decision should follow permit requirements set by the EPA and DEP. Mr.
Rowen asked if a thermocouple fails is there a time you would feel uncomfortable running
without monitoring and is there something in DEP that states that you would have to shut
down. It was pointed out that there is redundant equipment monitoring through
temperatures in the combusters and at the filter fabric inlets. Timothy Porter stated there
was no specific time in the permit after which the plant would shut down after loss of
CEM. However, the permit calls for continuous monitoring and meets the qualifications.
Ms. Kulash tried to speak but Mr. Rowen stated to the public that the Public Hearing was
closed two weeks ago at the last meeting. Joan Kulash asked what would make you not
want to hear us speak. Marty Healy stated that if this becomes a debate he will be very
concerned. If this becomes a Public Hearing he will withdraw his comments. Ken
s Kimmell stated that we had an air quality consultant to answer issues to require automatic
shut down. Mr. Kimmell stated that we should leave it for another day and have the
consultant respond to the Planning Board with data. Mr. Kimmell thinks that the air
quality consultant should get back to the Board with a shut down time. Mr. DiSalvo
stated that he would like to have the public speak. Mr. Rowen stated that we had the
Public Hearing two weeks ago. Mr. DiSalvo stated that this topic was not on the table at
that time. Mr. Rowen stated that any point was on the table at that time. A resident
asked why the Board let the public in tonight. Mr. Rowen stated that if they have one
speaker he will listen to the speaker. A resident stated that there is no reason to rush this
through. Joan Kulash stated that we're not your enemies, were due your ears. A resident
asked if the Board would like the public to leave the room so they could have a candle lit
room to talk. Mr. DiSalvo stated that the Board should make their decision only when the
Board has received all the information if it is only a week. Mr. Healy stated that Mr.
DiSalvo's comments are misleading. Mr. Healy stated that if MRI is meeting EPA
standards we don't have to shut down the plant. Mr. Healy stated that we have also set
up a program to share our information with the community. Joan Kulash started to speak
out. Mr. Rowen asked her to sit down . Ms. Kulash asked why the Board is shutting us
out. Ken Kimmell went over his draft amendments for the decision. Mr. Nardella asked if E
MRI was to have a wish list of back-up parts what would you pick. Timothy Porter stated
that they have an independent parts manager who is on call and he gets there within
twenty four hours for unexpected failures. Mr. Nardella stated that what you're saying is
that within twenty four hours most monitoring issues will be resolved. Ken Kimmel] read
his revised comments. Mr. Kimmell stated that he would like to add in"The air quality
consultant retained by the Town shall specifically investigate and address the extent to
which MRI's continuous emissions monitoring equipment is not functioning and report to
the Planning Board based on actual data as to whether a standard stricter that imposed by
DEP and USEPA should be imposed to address this issue. Such stricter standards may
include but are not limited to, imposing a requirement that a combuster be shut down if a
continuous emissions monitoring system fails for an excessive amount of time, or requiring
redundant continuos emissions monitoring equipment. The Planning Board reserves the
right to revisit this issue after receiving reports from the air quality monitor. A resident
handed the Board an editorial from the Citizen. Mr. Nardella went over his changes for
the draft decision. Mr. Simons stated that he would like to see dioxin tests be done on a
quarterly basis. Mr. Healy stated that he feels that it would be objectionable to go above
what DEP and EPA require. Mr. Rowen stated that the one thing he would like to include
in the decision would be that the town's monitor should be informed two weeks prior to
testing, and that all mercury and dioxin testing be done at a time which accurately
represented the operation of the facility. Cynthia Hibbard of Camp, Dresser and McKee
stated that they test quarterly for mercury and every nine months for dioxin. Even though
MRI is not constantly tracking mercury they are tracking surrogates whose performance is
an indicator of mercury emission performance. Mr. Porter stated that it is the solid waste
law to test every nine months. Mr. Simons asked what the dioxin test involved, how much
it cost and how long it takes. Mr. Porter stated that it takes two days to do one
combuster for five hours and each combuster$15,000 and there are two combusters. Mr.
Simons stated that he would like to have them test quarterly for dioxin. Mr. Simons stated
that mercury and dioxin are the public health hazards and this is where the risk is. Mr.
Rowen stated that he would like to certainly have them do it for the first year of operation
and if the tests are consistent we could back off. Sean Brewster representing NESWC
stated that we look at DEP and EPA rules that are really protective and he thinks the town
will be adding costs that are not necessary, Mr. Simons stated that MRI can do extra tests
for a year and then if the tests come back O.K. they can do away with the extra. Mr.
DiSalvo stated that our tax dollars are paying for the tests anyway. Ms. Lescarbeau went
over her amendments for the draft decision. Mr. Mahoney went over his amendments for
the draft decision. Ms. Colwell stated that she would like to specifically reference the
plans and the reports that.were submitted. Mr. Rowen stated that there will be five voting
members. Mr. Angles, Ms. Lescarbeau, Mr. Rowen, Mr. Simons and Mr. Nardella, Mr.
Mahoney will be abstaining. A resident asked if the Board incorporated the ash in the
decision and who's responsible for the ash once it leaves the incinerator. Mr. McIver
stated that it will be owner by NESWC until it gets to the landfill. A resident asked for the
clarification on who's responsible for the ash. Mr. Rowen stated that the responsibility for
the ash is outside the scope of this Board.
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Simons the Board voted 4-1=0 to
approve the draft site plan review decision for Mass. REFUSETECH at 285 Holt Road.
Mr. Angles yes
Ms. Lescarbeau yes
Mr. Simons yes
Mr. Nardella no
Mr. Rowen yes
Mr. Mahoney abstained
Mr. Mahoney stated that he abstained because he left early at the last meeting. Mr.
Mahoney stated that he spent ten hours listening to the people for the environment,
reading the citizen and three hours at a ZBA meeting listening to your issues. Mr.
Mahoney stated that he is totally aware of their concerns. Mr. Mahoney stated that he
heard all the testimony relative to the site plan approval application but, he did not vote
because he left early one meeting and he thought he could be challenged. Mr. Nardella
stated that our zoning bylaw requires us to look into the environment. Mr. Nardella stated
that he for one would like to note although he did work hard on this, we got the best
decision we could get but, he couldn't vote for it.
Executive Session:
Heritage Estates
Continued until September 1, 1998.
Adj ournment:
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously
to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 a.m.