HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-20 Planning Board Minutes North Andover Planning Board Unapproved Minutes January 20, 2004 Regular Meeting Members Present: Alberto Angles, Chair,George White,Vice Chair,John Simons James Phinney,Associate Member,Felipe Schwarz, Clerk k Rick Nardella Staff Present: Julie Parrino,Town Planner,Debbie Wilson,Planning Assistant Heidi Griffin,Community Service Director______ The Chair called the meeting to order: 7:02pm Informal Discussions: Carter Fields Bond Reduction Request—$95,500.00 The Planner stated that The Special Permit for a Planned Residential Development was issued on December 27, 2002 for construction of a 17- Iot subdivision. The original bond was posted in the amount of$480,866. On September 23, 2003, a bond reduction in the amount of $211,866 was issued. The applicant is seeking a release of$95,500 leaving a balance of$173,500. Jack Sullivan of DPW has reviewed the request and has submitted a written recommendation to release the requested funds. The majority of the release relates to the installation of the on-site sewage pump station. The station was tested and approved by Dennis Bedrosion of the Water Treatment Plant. The Planner has reviewed the site and to date the binder road is in,the fields have been constructed, 5 houses are under construction and the pump station has been completed. The site has been properly monitored and maintained. The Planner read the zoning regulations to the board for clarification of the bond release regulations. Mr.Zahoruiko, applicant for this project stated that the work has been done and he would appreciate the recommended release. Schwarz made a motion to release 95,500 from the Carter Fields bond account leaving a balance of 173,500,second by White Discussion none Motion carries 4-0 [Simons arrived 7:17pm] R-4 Zoning Amendment Heidi Grim, Community Development& Services Director addressed the board and read the draft to the audience that she prepared for the rezoning of the R4 proposal. The proposal would require a minimal lot area of 20,000 square foot parcel and maximum lot coverage of 75%. The second section requires that the application be conforming to the new bylaw and also the North Andover Zoning Bylaw, She stated that an informal citizens discussion meeting was held on Tuesday, January 13, 2004 to identify the concerns of the public with regards to the allowance of two family dwellings in the R-4 district. Their primary concern was the recent conversions of single-family homes into two family homes. Ms. Griffin stated that the article could be presented in the form of a Citizen's Petition at Town Meeting. Angles stated that he would like to involve the zoning board of appeals. Nardella stated that he would like to have more time to review this proposal.Nardella asked what area of town would be affected. Ms. Griffin stated that the R4 district runs from Mass Ave to Waverly Road and to Sutton Street. Nardella asked if this proposal could force someone to construct a 40B. Ms. Griffin stated that she did not think that this would happen with this proposed change. Schwarz stated that the ZBA should look at aesthetics. Public Comment: Dan Morin stated that some of the houses are not placed on the lot facing the proper way. James Barry,36 Walnut Ave. stated that the problem exists when non-owner occupied people are making the changes to the neighborhood. Nardella stated that the zoning bylaw does not state a difference if it is owner occupied or not. Simons stated that he read the bylaw and indicated that not all applicants requesting a two family have to go for a special permit and that would need to be looked in to, Angles stated there is a difference in tearing down an entire property or just adding to an existing structure. Steve Anthony asked for clarification of lot coverage and if it would include a garage. Ms. Griffin explained the difference between lot coverage and lot size to the audience. Kith Reardon stated that she would like a developer to go through a permitting process so that a developer could not just move in and build a two family house without the neighbors being notified. Simons asked if it was the way the homes looked or was it the size of the home on the lot that was the issue. Eric Holden stated that he does not like the way the houses are being put in on the lots. He stated that the property near him has been put on the lot sideways with the door on the side of the home instead of the front of the home. He indicated that the homes do not fit in this neighborhood. Karen Carol stated that her concerns are not about two families,but more about condex units with two different people owning the property. White stated that there needs to progress, but still maintain the integrity of the neighborhood. Schwarz stated that the zoning board should be involved. Simons asked how many units went before the zoning board and Ms. Griffin stated two. Michael Hogan stated that he feels there are two families in the use table because some of the homes were pre-existing. He stated he went through the process because he increased his gross living space and he stated there needs to be a process for everyone to go through. Angles stated that this is just the beginning of the process and the zoning board of appeals needs to be involved. Simons concurred there needs to be a process and the two boards are capable of working out who should issue special permits, but a dialog needs to take place with Zoning. Evan Sullivan asked what the process is currently to make their home a two family if it is non-conforming. Simons stated that he would need to go before the zoning board of appeals. Bill Dolan,Fire Chief stated that it is how much the builder can get on one lot rather than it being about esthetics. He stated that the front door should also be in the front of the house for fire and safety issues since his concern is that an ambulances and the need to find a correct entrance. Joan F'itzgibbon's stated that she is also concerned about safety and the location of the front of the homes needs to be addressed. Michael Hogan stated that he feels this is a Planning Board issue. Ms. Griffin stated that in summary she drafted some design standards since that was an issue at the last meeting. She asked the board or public to make comments on her draft and let the board know how it should be drafted. Dave Abbot stated that it comes down to common courtesy and community. He lives next door to the double cape that is being constructed and wants to know why he was never notified. He stated that he wants a community where he would be notified and not find out when the bulldozer comes in. Jeannine McEvoy wants to see numbers to see how many two family homes could be let in the R4 area currently. She stated that there would be traffic concerns if the lot requirements do not change and people are allowed to continue to build as they currently are. Angles stated that Ms. Griffin will initiate a meeting with zoning and planning before the public is notified again. Ms.McEvoy stated she would coordinate the residents and inform the public as needed. Ms. Griffin will establish a meeting to include o residents and a member from the board on a sub-committee level. a Executive Session—Verizon 8:15pm to 9:10pm Willow Street—John Smolak&client David Murray,proposed building The Planner stated that applicants requested an informal discussion to discuss construction of a building on a vacant lot on Willow Street, but were unable to attend tonight's meeting. Mr. Smolak has requested an informal discussion at the next meeting. 3 Country Club Estates—Bond Money Return Request The Planner stated that the Planning Board issued the Definitive Subdivision permit on August 20, 1998. On June 17, 2003, $38,000 was released, leaving a balance in the amount of$48,650($86,650 originally posted). Jack Sullivan of DPW has issued his review letter recommending$20,450 be released leaving a balance of$28,200. The subdivision is built to substantial compliance with DPW standards and the developer is in the process of filing for street acceptance in May of 2004. $8,000 is currently bonded for sidewalks and will need to be donated to the sidewalk fund. $11,200 is currently bonded for installation of trees. Trees were not planted however the Planner stated that the developer did an excellent job in preserving the natural woodlands throughout the subdivision. The Board must decide if the bond monies should be returned for the trees or if a separate tree fund can be established.Nardella stated that if they are on the plans the trees should be put in. The Planner stated the As-built plans dated 11/13/04 were submitted. The Planner stated she reviewed the site, Due to snow conditions it was difficult to determine the stability of the site, however, it appears the site has been stabilized for quite some time and no obvious problems were identified. The Planner read the decision to the board to clarify the waiver to build sidewalks since$8,000 is stated for the sidewalk fund. Motion by Nardella to release all but$28,200 of the bond money, second by Schwarz Discussion none Motion carries 5-0 Approval of the minutes—The board requested that this be done at the next meeting New Public Hearings No new public hearings Continued Public Hearings: CVS—Rte 114 & Peters Street—Site Plan Review Special Permit Pat Dunford addressed the board and introduced Bill Stark to discuss the building design. Mr. Stark presented building proposal C to the board with the revision as requested by the board. He indicated that he lowered the building two feet and changed the building material. He presented a set of plans as requested by Mr. Phinney. Schwarz asked about the signage. Schwarz stated it dominates the building and does not comply with the zoning bylaw. Simons stated that it still does not look as good as the Brooks building. He stated the overhang makes the building appear larger than it should be. Simons stated that he wants this to be attractive for the site. Schwarz wants to see the signage conform to the bylaw on the actual plans being presented. Schwarz stated that the signage is internally lit and that is not allowed in the zoning bylaw. Mr. Stark indicated that he thought the board liked the plans presented last time and only minor building modifications were needed. Schwarz stated that the plans should conform to the zoning bylaw in its presentation. Mr. Stark presented a smaller set of plans to the board. Angles stated that the sign band could be minimized. White stated that the building style looks more like a garage on the sides of the building. Schwarz stated that he does not have a problem with the brick columns if the landscaping is done properly. Schwarz stated he would like to see the building plan and landscaping plan combined on one plan. Simons stated that the corner overwhelms the building and the sides appear too much like a garage. Schwarz stated he would like to see the signage ban lowered. Mr. Stark presented a picture of CVS to the board with a different look to it. Nardella requested a red band around the building to add color. Mr. Stark clarified for the next set of plans that the dormers should stay and he should introduce red trim around the building. Simons stated he would like to see fake windows to break up the fapade of the building. Mr. Stark stated that he would show plantings on the next set of plans.Nardella asked how wide the sidewalks would be and it was stated four feet. Schwarz would like to see plantings along the side of the building approximately two feet wide with some trellises. Frank Stewart introduced the landscaping plans to the board, Mr. Stewart stated that oak tress would be planted 30 feet from each other. He stated the oak trees that would be planted are 3 1/2 to 4/12 inches in caliper. The existing stonewall would be reconstructed at the site and a perennial garden would be planted to add color to the site with flowering crab trees in the back.Nardella asked where the signal pole was located on the plans. Mr. Stark clarified the location to the board on the plans. Angles asked if there were sidewalks on the site. Mr.Danford stated that he has discussed this with Mass Highway and would be making this site pedestrian friendly. Nardella asked who would be mowing the lawn. Mr. Stark stated CVS would hire someone to mow the lawn. Mr.Dunford stated that since the tree will be removed special landscaping was added to enhance to the site. Schwarz would like to see a fence to help screen the site. Mr. Stark stated that 4 feet of shrubs would be added for additional screening. Mr. Stark stated a Paper Bark Maple Tree would be planted at the corner of the site.Nardella asked if there would be mulch in the landscaping. Mr. Stark stated that mulch would be included in the landscaping. Nardella asked if the stonewall could continue down the Rte 114 side of the project. Mr. Stark stated he would look into the stonewall. Schwarz asked about the tree. Mr.Dunford stated that the landscaping is making up for the removal of the tree. Phinney stated that a street level view was requested and it needs to be submitted for the next meeting. Schwarz stated the plans should be submitted in advance.Nardella asked about the dumpster. Mr. Stark stated Pine Trees will be planted with a full enclosure around the dumpster that includes a six foot high cedar fence. Mr.Dunford stated that he has had many discussions with MI* and will have answers in a formal package to the board shortly. He stated that traffic flow is being kept as simple as possible. The Peters Street access is the main access to the site and they are still working with Mass Highway. Mr.Danford stated that at the Peters Street access they would eliminate the island. Mr. Dunford stated that the road would be26 feet to the center- line of the curbing for better traffic flow. There will be a roadway treatment plan for traffic to the site. Schwarz asked how the trucks would flow in to the site. Mr.Danford showed the traffic flow to the board on the plans. Schwarz asked what other CVS had two drive through windows. Mr.Danford stated he believed it was Franklin Mass. Schwarz asked if the road would be striped, Mr. Dunford stated yes.Nardella asked what could be done to widen the entrance to the site. Mr. Dunford stated that they could make the site entrance wider if the board would like to see it that way. Mr. Dunford stated that he can work on the entrance, but does not want to take away from the landscaping, Mr.Danford stated the pedestrian access would be on the Lawrence Eagle Tribune side of the building. Angles would like to see the sidewalk wrap all along to the Peters Street entrance. Mr. Dunford stated that he would look in to a better access for foot traffic. Mr. Dunford stated that if a sidewalk is put in place an agreement would need to be made with town for maintenance, snow removal etc.Nardella stated he would like to see the sidewalk go from the Eaglewood signal up to the CVS site.Nardella asked what could be done on the Peters Street side for foot traffic. Mr. Dunford stated he would work on this and come up with something for the next board meeting. Simons would like to see a couple of options on the site to see how CVS could incorporate pedestrian access. Nardella stated that there is a bus stop and that should be incorporated in the plans. White asked how close is CVS to adding a third lane on Peters Street. Mr.Danford stated that adding the right-turn lane does not add much to enhance the traffic for this area. NardeIIa stated that a right turn Iane would open up traffic for the area. Mr.Dunford stated that he would have some information ready for the next meeting and the balance ready for the following meeting. Simons stated that he wants to see the entire presentation all at once and not in sections. Angles informed the applicants to have all of the revisions and changes ready for the board to review for the February 17`x'meeting. This has been continued to February 17th Planning Board Meeting North Andover High School—Site Plan Review special Permit Rick Rice addressed the board and stated the applicants are requesting to amend the site plan special permit originally issued by the Planning Board on May 14, 2001 for the construction of a 300,649 square foot high school building located within the Residential-2 Zoning District. The amendment proposes changes to the northern and southern playfields. Frank King addressed the board and stated that they will be speaking with VHB for their final comments to the site.Nardella stated that he had reviewed the proposal and indicated the applicant had done a good job with this proposal. The Planner asked if the loss of ten spaces would make an impact to the project. Mr. Rice stated no. The Planner asked for Iandscaping details on theplans. Simons asked how the bleachers would be built. Mr. Rice stated that the bleachers would be built into the slope. Mr. Rice stated that the press box would be handicap accessible.Nardella asked if the emergency access was paved. Mr.Rice stated that it was paved. Dale Harris presented turf, track and grass samples to the board. . This has been continued to the February Yd Planning Board meeting. Decisions: Ea lewood—Site Plan Review Special Permit: This has been continued to the February 3rd meeting Motion by White to ad'ourn at 11:42pin,second b-y Schwarz Discussion none Motion carries 5-0