HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-24 Conservation Commission Minutes
North Andover Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2018
Members Present: Louis A. Napoli, Chairman, Albert P. Manzi, Jr. Vice Chairman,
Joseph W. Lynch, Jr., Deborah A. Feltovic, John T. Mabon, Sean F. McDonough and Douglas
W. Saal.
Members Absent: none
Staff Member Present: Jennifer A. Hughes, Conservation Administrator
Meeting came to Order at: 7:05 pm Quorum Present.
Pledge of Allegiance
Acceptance of Minutes
A motion is made by Mr. Manzi to approved the minutes as reviewed and amended,
seconded by Mrs. Feltovic
Vote unanimous
242-xxxx, ANRAD, 0 Rea Street (Messina Development) (Williams & Sparages)
Mr. Manzi has recused himself from this hearing.
Mr. Napoli addresses the audience and explains the request for an ANRAD is for the
approval of the Wetland line and that there is no development proposal being reviewed
Greg Hochmuth, Williams & Sparages, presents on behalf of the owner of this property
Messina Development. He states the subject property is what is known as 0 Rea Street. This
section is the undeveloped portion of Rea Street that extends to North and South Cross Roads
the parcel is a 7.3 acres of undeveloped woods that backs onto a substantial wetland and
BVW and contains riverfront area.
Mr. McDonough arrives at the meeting (7:08 pm)
Mr. Hochmuth states that Mosquito Brook flows behind the property and joins another
stream before flowing under culverts that are on the North Cross Road section. These
culverts are substantial and a large amount of water does flow through there. There is a Flood
Plain, which was part of the original ANRAD filing but was removed from the filing request
and will be submitted with development plans. Mr. Hochmuth describes the difficulty
showing the floodplain due to flood plain elevation changes which drop down 8 feet from
one side of Rea Street to the culverts. Mr. Hochmuth states Mean High Water was partially
done using aerial photos. He states the channel is in a different location today than what is on
the FEMA maps. The current filing is just for the Riverfront Area and the BVW. Mr.
Hochmuth states that the BLSF will be addressed if or when a Notice of Intent is filed.
The Administrator has walked the property with Mr. Hochmuth on 11/30/17 and the changes
and states changes to BVW flags are now reflected on the plan. At that time a portion of the
mean annual high water on the subject parcel was flagged and reviewed.
Mr. Hochmuth states that the remainder was marked using aerial photographs. The bulk of
the Riverfront Area is offsite but there are portions that shed the 200 Riverfront Area on to
this site.
Mr. Hochmuth would like to have a meeting with the Administrator to discuss and review the
photographs of the site and adjust the line if needed.
Mr. Mabon would like to know where the property intersects with Mosquito Brook.
Mr. Hochmuth refers to the ANRAD plan dated 01/10/2018 to show the location of Mosquito
Brook and where the culverts that were discussed earlier are located. Mr. Hochmuth also
states that there is a rather substantial Beaver dam located near the culverts by North Cross
Mr. Mabon is questioning the dotted green line vs. partial solid green line on the ANRAD
plan legend dated 01/10/2018 revs. 01/24/2018.
Mr. Hochmuth states that the dashed green line is the BVW line and the solid line is the 100
foot buffer from that BVW. The light blue color is the delineated mean high water associated
with Mosquito Brook, the solid blue line without flags is based on the aerials.
Mr. Mabon asks if there is a cleared portion of the property that looks like a logging road.
Mr. Hochmuth refers to the ANRAD plan legend dated 01/10/2018 revs. 01/24/2018 and
confirms that yes there is a section like that on the property.
Mr. Hochmuth points out to the Commission using the ANRAD plan legend that there is also
a detention pond just off the property from the subdivision.
The Administrator gives the Commission some background on the proposed location and the
existing detention pond. The Administrator also states that detention pond was constructed
before 1996 can be jurisdictional but this one is not associated with any BVW of any variety.
It is clearly a dug basin that may have vegetation but is not part of any BVW.
Mr. Lynch asks Mr. Hochmuth if the Commission is being asked to confirm the Wetland
Line and address the Flood Plain at a later time. Secondly the Wetland line is still under
review and a meeting with the Administrator is requested to confirm the line before the next
Mr. Hochmuth confirms that the line is being heard by the Commission under this ANRAD
but the floodplain will be addressed at a later time and that a meeting with the Administrator
is requested.
The Administrator explains what might be needed to configure in order to get the floodplain
Mr. Hochmuth states that the applicant might choose to get their own analysis
A motion to continue to the February 14, 2018 meeting is made by Mr. Feltovic seconded by
Mr. McDonough.
Vote unanimous
WPA Form 4A Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation, prepared by Greg
Hochmuth, dated 01/10/2018
Copy of checks made of to the Town of North Andover and the Commonwealth of
ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form
Project Narrative, prepared by Greg Hochmuth, dated 01/10/2018
MassDEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland Delineation Field Form Data, prepared Greg
Hochmuth, dated 11/30/2017
US Geologic Survey Map, Locus Map
Natural Resources Conservation Service, dated 01/10/2018 Web Soil Survey
FIRM. Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date 07/03/2012
Affidavit of Service, prepared by Greg Hochmuth, dated 01/11/2018
Notification to Abutters
Town of North Andover Abutters Listing, prepared by Skip Cheney, dated 12/04/17
ANRAD Plan, Wetland Location Plan, prepared by Philip G Christiansen, dated 01/10/2018
242-1719, Massachusetts Ave. @ Chickering Rd. (MassDOT) (Green International Affiliates)
(cont. from)
A motion to continue to the February 14, 2018 meeting is made by Ms. Feltovic seconded by
Mr. Lynch
Vote unanimous
Email from Kristen Hayden requesting a continuance until 02/14/2018
242-1721, 562 Boxford Street (Sirius Development, LLC) (Christiansen & Sergi, Inc.) (cont. to
A motion to continue to the February 14, 2018 meeting is made by Ms. Feltovic seconded by
Mr. Lynch
Vote unanimous
Email from T.J Melvin requesting a continuance until 02/14/2018
242-1724, 21 High Street (RCG) (Civil Design) (cont. from 11/29/17)
Tania Hartford presents the changes to the Plan dated 01/15/2018. She states TEC has
finished their review and are satisfied.
Mr. Napoli asks if the changes in the path material were made.
Philip Henry, Civil Design Group LLC, states that yes the stone change was made to the
and other stormwater changes were made per the peer review.
Mr. Napoli asks about the subgrade information on the pavers that are being proposed.
Mr. Saal asks about the fire lane and the access points in regard to safety.
The Commission and the Administrator discuss what type of paver detail is required for the
Fire Truck access.
Linda Fucca, 21 High Street, states that approximately 9 years ago large trucks and clearing
happened on this site.
There is discussion is amongst the Administrator and the Commission on the history of the
Julie Vondrak, Wetland Permitting Consultant, states that a sewer line was installed in the
on this site.
relatively the same.
Ms. Fucca states there is a petition with 31 signatures that would like to preserve the location
for the wildlife (no petition was submitted to or received by the Commission).
A motion is made by Mr. Manzi and seconded my Mr. Lynch to close the public hearing and
issue an Order of Conditions within 21 days
Vote unanimous
East Mill Parking Table Updated, dated 12-1917
Storm Water Report, dated 10/27/17 revs.12/19/17 prepared by Civil Design Group.
Phase IIB Definitive Plan for Pond Building @ East Mill, dated 10/30/17, revs.11/02/17,
revs 01/15/18, prepared by Civil Design Group
Elevations, dated 11/02/17, prepared by Civil Design Group
Letter, dated 01/05/2018, prepared by Civil Design Group re: Supplemental Waiver &
Alternative Analysis.
Letter, dated 01/11/2018, prepared by Civil Design Group re: TEC Response to Comment #2
Post Development, dated 01/12/18
Stormwater Narrative, prepared by Civil Design Group
Permeable Pavers Specs
FEMA Map, dated 01/17/18
242-1725, 16 Beaver Brook (Christian & Sergi) (cont. from 01/10/2018)
The Administrator gives the Commission an update on the project since the last meeting on
January 10, 2018. She states the commission received the after the fact filing for widening of
the patio and deck.
shown on the as-built plan and did receive a COC in 1998. There are paving blocks under the
deck but they appear to be laid on top of the soil.
The Administrator would like to know what type of foundation is being proposed under the
new addition and states a soil stockpile location should be added to the plan.
T.J. Melvin, Christian & Sergi, presents the new plan on the behalf of the owner Mr. Patel
who is also present tonight.
Mr. Mabon would like monumentation of the No-Disturbance zone
Mr. Lynch asks why a wall was not proposed for the permanent monumentation.
The Administrator states that monumentation has been added to the plan, but would like to
see at least boulders i
should extend around to the driveway side of the lot as well.
Mr. Mabon suggests the trees be monumented.
There is discussion amongst the Commission on how to mark the No-Disturbance.
n parallel to A16, A11
the posts.
Mr. Lynch inquiries about the patio and deck, Mr. Lynch feels a stone wall is justified due to
the fact the deck was built without permits.
The Commission would like to see a 2x2 fieldstone wall with markers along the tree line and
a location of the soil stockpile shown on the plan.
The Administrator asks that dewatering be shown on the plan as well.
The commission states it is generally in favor of granting a waiver for the addition.
A motion to continue to the February 14, 2018 meeting is made by Ms. Feltovic seconded by
Mr. Lynch
Vote unanimous
Letter, prepared by Philip Christiansen, dated 01/17/18.
Letter, prepared by Philip Christiansen, dated 01/17/18, re : Waiver request
Application Checklist- Notice of Intent (NOI)
Letter revised 01/17/2018 project description
WPA Form 3 Notice of Intent (Resubmittal), prepared by Philip Christiansen, dated
NOI Wetland Transmittal Form
Notice of Intent Plan, prepared by Philip Christiansen, dated 12/18/17 revs 01/15/18
242-1692, Amendment of OOC Request, 1210 Osgood Street (Princeton) (Forgetta) (cont. From
The Administrator states that at the time of the last meeting Lisa Eggleston was still
reviewing the Stormwater and at this time the review is complete and she has signed off on
the drainage. Revised plans have been submitted to the Commission and the Commission has
copies of Ms. Eggleston's comments and letter dated 01/12/2018 as well.
The Administrator states that an updated O&M plan was needed and has now been
submitted. The infiltration information from the last meeting has been revised and
resubmitted to the Commission for review.
Jeff Brown, Princeton Properties, gives a chronological update on the request for an
Amended Order of Conditions. At the Conservation Meeting on January 10, 2018, Lisa
Eggleston had suggested that new infiltrations system locations be up gradient, closer to
Osgood Street, to balance the infiltration of groundwater. Mr. Brown states that Hancock
Associates did speak to Lisa Eggleston and have relocated 4 of the infiltration systems up
gradient, closer to Osgood Street.
Mr. Mabon would like an overview of the changes in the plan
Mr. Edward Cullen, Hancock Associates, reviews the changes to the plan per Ms.
A Motion is made to close and issue an Order of Conditions in 21 days is made by Ms.
Feltovic and seconded by Mr. Manzi
Vote Unanimous
Letter, prepared by Eggleston Enviromental, dated 01/12/18 re: Stormwater Review
Stormwater Report, prepared by Hancock Associated, revised 01/12/18
Permit Site Plan Proposed Mixed Use Development, dated 06/17/16, revs. 07/14/16,
08/03/16, 09/17/16, 10/20/16, 11/21/16, 10/20/17, 12/21/17, 01/15/18. Prepared by Hancock
Letter, prepared by Hancock Associates, dated 01/15/2018 re: Update to Peer Review
Response Comments.
Stormwater Report, prepared by Hancock Associated, revised 01/15/18.
Stormwater O&M Report, prepared by Hancock, dated 01/15/18
242-1117, COC Request 213 Berry Street (25 Hesper St LLC) (Casey)
A motion to continue to the February 14, 2018 meeting is made by Ms. Feltovic seconded by
Mr. Lynch
Vote unanimous
Email from Kyle Lally requesting a continuance until 02/14/2018
242-1644, COC Request 287 Forest Street (Marnoto) (Williams & Sparages)
The Administrator reviews the compliance letter which states some of the plantings were not
done. She shows the commission photos of the area that was to be planted. She states oak
seedlings dominate the area and she is fine with the area re-establishing naturally. She states
the remainder of the buffer zone restoration was planted and is thriving.
A motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance is made by Mr. Lynch seconded by Ms.
Vote unanimous
Letter dated 12/28/2017, prepared by Richard L. Williams, Williams & Sparages
WPA Form 8A Request for Certificate of Compliance, dated 01/08/2018
Photos 1-4 Site 287 Forest Street
Plan of Land, dated 12/27/2017, prepared by prepared by Richard L. Williams, Williams &
242-1724, 21 High Street
The Administrator drafted an order of conditions and which she reviews with the
The bond would be $10,500.00
The Administrator would like to see an additional no snow piling sign added to the site
Mr. Lynch would like to see something to monument the end of the paver path.
Add a condition to limit access to the fire lane
A motion to issue as amended is made by Mr. lynch, seconded by Ms. Feltovic
Vote unanimous
242-1692, 1210 Osgood Street
The Administrator drafted an order of conditions and reviews it with the Commission,
The bond and monitoring is still the same
The commission discusses leaving voided conditions in the Order to avoid changing the
A motion to issue as amended is made by Mr. Mabon seconded by Ms. Feltovic
Vote unanimous
A motion to adjourn at 8:29 is made by Mr. Mabon seconded by Ms. Feltovic
Vote unanimous