HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-19 Conservation Commission Minutes ()ONSLUI,VATIO:v COAUIUSSION
A public hearing was held by the North Andover Conservation Commission
on Wednesdayp March 19, 1975, in the Meeting Room at the North Andover
Fire Department. The following Members of the Commission were present ;
Patricia Trombly, Chairperson; Ailliam Lafond, William Chepulisl Joseph
DeAngelo, Arthur. Resca, and Associate MemberB Vincent Turano and Henry Fink,
Ms. Trombly called the hoaring to order. at 700 PX The first item
was a public hearing on a Notice of Into of tho Massachusetts Deyartme&L
of Pvblic Uorks on the TOPICS plans on certain sections of North Andover
for State improvemont projects, File Noy 242-10.
Piancis Burke, System; Design Engineer, Massachusetts Department of
Public Works requested that the bill for the advertisement of the hearing
be sent to the Chief Engineer, his atteqjion, and then introduced the
projects under consideration.
(1) Sidewalk, Now High School area - There is wetlands conflict at
Cochichewick Brook, where the existing culvert will be extended five (5)
feet with a sidewalk. The contractor must Qosply w!''Gh the Clean Water
Act, especially near the brook to prevent siltation, etc. He must submit
a schedule of operations. The project will be done one side at a time to
limit the amount of siltation, and the water will be directed to thio same
area where it is nm
(2) Chickering Road at Andover Street intersection - Channelization
groject, The only drainage no, is to an 8" steel pipe which the State
intendsto extend resulting in no more surface drainage in the area. K
This will not add or subtract water in any direction.
(3) Route 125-114 intersection - The State wants to put in a clo3ed
system which will be outletted in the same location as it now does.
(4) Hillside Road, West - Assistins catch basin is being moved in a
we5terly direction because of Andover By-Pass. The same 12" pipe is bin„
put in which will run parallel to the By-Pass. The water Is now runnin��
off the road, The State plans to put in catch basins which will Sower the
amount of oedimentation and will dig up the old road for a 900 intersection
with and over the By-Pass. A ditch still goer: under Arena Road. There
will be an 18" pipe into the existing ditch.
Mr. Chepulis questioned if all work was being done on State property.
Mr, Burke Informed him that it was either Yate property or that easements
hbeen asked
obtained. Mr. Gelinas
ad as to the direction of water flow
In the 8" pipe along the north side of Chic%ering Road at Po ern Street
Intersection. Mr. Burke replied that the flow will continue southvewl,
He also stated that the State has complied with Chapters 61 and 62 of the
State Environmental Acts. K. Trombly asked for further questions on the
projects outlined. There being none, Mr. Chop"Tis moved to take the
ppojects described under advisement, No. Trombly moved to Voue the
Waring on the TOPICS projects at 800 P.M,
Chairperson, M8. Trombly, reopened the meeting at 6:20 P.M. , for a
public hearing on a Notice of Intent of the Planni, Office for Urban
Affairs, Archdiocese of Boston, File No. 242-9. The Archdiocese was
represented by Er. Stephen Diamond, Mr. Peter Ogren, and Mr. James Dolan,
Attorney for the Archdiocese. Ms. Trombly outlinod the provisions of the
Wetlands Act pertaining to the action under consideration. Filing for
thio heaxing is pormi5sible before the State Houoing Appeals Committee
issues a comprehonsivo permit, Within tvanty-one (21) days after Tiling,
• hearing must be hold after which there ore twenty-ono (21) days to iss"o
• permit with conditions on It, Once the docislon Is made, there are
ton (10) days when appeal can be madu by the ArchQocevo or anyono affected
by the decision, The Department of Natural Resources hao senny-001) da; s
to ovaluate the caws and issue an or&r and than there are ten (10) days to
ask the Department of 3atural Resources for a hearing. Attorney KmW
Dolan introduced Mr. 03ren who prevented the plans for tho proposed drainage
project gith the assistanco of Mr. Diamond,
Mr. Ogren began uith a Geodedic Survey Map, 1966 (Plan 1) showing the
hydrolooic features of the site at that time, Aftor development of Herita3e
Green in 1967, the hydxaullc changes belan to appear, The plan showed the
pipe draina6e system at Heritage Groen. A series of photographs were then
presented, Photograph I - Flom this point, water flown throuSh land of
the Archdiocese along tho come tory to a 36" culvert and other cul verts.
lie noted "Point A" as a discharge point from Herltaoe Creen. There is a
unique catch basin wherein a pipe dead-ends and water flows up over the
top of oald catch-basin and down through the cemetery sito. Photograph 2
Shows the new water course in the area. Photograghs 3 and 4 - Show 11
geologic feati.n':es which indicate that a now water courze has developed in
recent years. The major change in the hydraulics in the area seem to be
from the up-flow catch basin which has diverted wafer through the cemetery
land and around the cemetery plot.
(Plan 2) - The Heritage Green Original Site Plan, 1966: This shows
a pipe going out "to the stream". The developer at Heritage Green apparently
did not route the water from the catch basin to the stream, The Kainage
system terminated at the catch basin and this allowed the water to find its
own route through the Archdiocese site.
(Plan 3) - Camp, Dresf:er 6: McKee: This plan shows a courses similar
to the original plan, The Archdiocese proposed to take drainage at "Point A"
and pipe it down through the cemetery site to Waverly Road to the same,
point of discharge in a westerly direction along Waverly Road and down to
the Shawnheen River. This area was identified ,as a problem in the Camp,
Dresser & McKee study. The major change is that the drainage sy8tom will
go OR land of the petitioner, not on other land as pTopoved by Camp, Dresser
& McKee.
(Plan 4) - Schematic drawing of Drainage and Utility Systems: All
water which appears at "Point A" and "Point B" (Wood Lane) flows out at an
existing 36" drain at "Point C" going under Waverly Road. 12" culvnrt!-�
are "Points D and 2" on the Notch. The Archdiocese intends to roatorc
the hydraulics in the area to what they were in 1966. A 43" culvert is
"Point F",
(Plan 5) - Proposed Drainage Plan (Same as the plan sketch In book) :
This plan restores original conditions from "Point A" to "Point F" and
discharges watcT where Camp, Dresser and McKee said It should go. The
ratio of flows are! 50 of flow t"at now appears at "thin point" will
go down Waverly Road Into a 30" culvert next to the existing 48" culvert;
40% continues to pass in a 36" culvert at "Point C". The 12" culverts
remain essentially unchangod. Xr. Ogren stated that he believed that this
is adequate capacity for ton and twenty-five year stoTms,
The presentation then retuxnod to r1an 4, Schematic Drawing of
Drainage and Utility Syste=, An 18" sanitary Eewer lino was outllned
In Waverly Road, which would service all unitn. Nater lines will be
coastructed from YaVerly Road and tie into thu- Farr devel.opmanit for
feeds from three (31 points.
Ms. Trombly asked wheTe the water goeo from watorohed "Point A" and
Autran Avenue, through an open ditch. Xr. Ogren answored that it onlers
a 8mal1drainpipe which discharges Into a little drainage ditch and dQeo
not enter the site. Ms� Trombly as%Q if there was any data on soil tests.
Mr. Ogren answered that soil tests wore -dug on the proporty and he does not
see any structuyal problom, for houses of this wine. No porvolation tests
wore made because thern would bo no discharge into the ,!to. Rr. Rc-cat
asked as to the character of the soil tests, Mr. Ogren ansuered that there
was a high water content and clay type soil which was charactaristic of
retaining ound water. Ms. Trombly a5ked if putting zo much water into a
piped system could change thi hra-ter table. Nrc. Oc'roa adv Sod that they
were talking about a A run-off which will not mako any significant difference
to the water table, Mr. Turano notea that there wore two drainage
alternativ=: closed conduit and open conoult systems= Why was the olo sed
system choBen? Q. Ogren explained that it would be cheaper to develop
an open system, but that % Vto was steep and the velocity of flow fast
and had a tendency to create 02 own 3radjant (i.e. the No& on the site
which has done just that! and causes tromendons erosion, Therefore, this
water cannot be contained without a clonod system; also tho safety of
children was taken under con5ideration. M*. Trombly asked who owned the
property at the outflow of the culvert at "point F" , the ditch behind
Demoulas. Mr, Ogren advised that it was D Bealty and an adjoining land-
owner, Fournier. Ms. Trombly then asked if the Archdiocese had easements
to dump the water. Mr. Ogren said that there were no easements and that
the krohdiocese felt that the wator belonge to this flow, Ms. Trombly then id
requested that Mr. Ogren further disQuwa "Point F". He then peoduced a
display of photographs and an accompanying plan,
PhOtOgra& I - UP Roche property toward the barn. Fhotograph 2
Upstream side at Roche property. The culvert Wa5 replaced by the Town
and last year the area was basically ponacd. Photograph Looking
down Raverly Road past culvert site. Photograph 4 - Looking downs ural to
Jov&opod or utilizod land of landowner. Photo6raph 5 Looking down5tream A
toward open aroa and wetland. Photograph 6 C103e-up of lower portion
of outfall. Photograph 7 - Flood IJain or low area. It was noted that
there is a very short distance beta oon the site and the area which
remains flooded, Mr, Ogren observed that the outfall. Is suitable for
dischargo because it provionoly discharged in this area. The Camp,
Dresser W McKee Study showed that the 48" pipe should be adequate to
handle the flow the Archdiocese pats in, but that officials indicatod A:
it would be botter to discharge individually instoad of through the; State
pipe. Mr. 03ren stated thatthe Archdiocese will reinstall curbing, etc.
around pipes as In State installation.
Mr, Cyr, North Andover Highway Surveyor, requested that Ms. Trombly
read his letter previously submitted to the Commission into the record.
Said letter indicated his strong disapproval of drainage plans boing
presented and his reasons for said rejection.
Ms. Trombly asked if it was within Mr. Cyr's jurisdiction to deny
Permission to dig up the otreot to lay 2ipe. Mr. Cyr replied, "yen".
He also stated that a 4' culvert invialled by the Tona, with ;ate
apycoval; was not dono because of the Camp, Dresser & McKee Report. It
was installed because of the danger of water in the Nartin and Autran
Avenlic'. The Edgulawn drain, Martia Avenue, Autran Avenue and Roche
proporty caused the 4' culvert to bo constructed, The water course that
now flows from the drain On Welawn Avenue from point of discharge has
been dreaged out by machine. He stated he would not, under any circ"mstances,
allow water to be piped uodor Wyerly Rood because he feels the Town would
bo open to lawsuits by landowners Whure the water is to be dincharged. He
repeated his opposition to drainage plans as proposed and otated he had not
seen the drainage plan boing presented by the Archdiocese at this hearing,
MT. Ogren stated that the celetary caretakor had constructed a 10' dike
to caune water to go around the cemetery, not through It, This caused the
6' drain which runs along the cemetery border, Mr, DoAn3elo asked when
Heritage Green completed the culvert and when water started to go through
the Archdiocese property, Mr. Ogren advised that It was after 1966.
Mr. DoAngelo then asked ift after 1966 when water did start to cause
erosion, It would take ei6ht Years for such a large ditch to be created.
Mr. Ogren replied that the increasing flow, as a result of improvemonts
which took place ovor the yearG, has flowed into the brook anal through a
Poriod of time the dike was built and the drainage couxse altered to
ac=Wate the water, Ms. TroAbly then opened the hearing to questions
from the floor.
James Roche, abutter, *aid that all water went down to Points A and B
and then trees absorbed the water over fifty years. cwignally, this land
was a swamp; water came down Andovor Street to Wood Lane before the Parr
James Uattie, 655 Waverly Road, made some comments on the dTainage.
Points D and E go between his property and that of another, He has had to
reseed his property for the past four years. No expressed concern about
more ruiioff due to hot-topping of the proposed site, and advioed that the
culverts on his land have to cleaned out every three days. He also wantecl.
to know why the Archdiocone did not make any percolation tosts on the site
and would not let any of the North Andover residents who volunteered to
make such tes ts, into the: site. Mr. Dolan replied that the. Arc;hdi oceno
has engaged 1L-. Ogren, a professional r ngi.ncer, hydrologist, and trust
his judgement; and that the: Archdiocese has complied with the law.
Mr. Ogren advised that culver& D and E have showod very little hydraulic
change. In fact, some reduction has occurred, The stay the; now draina; e
is designed, Sh/; of the flow will go to culvert F. The drainage will
follow the natural water courses.
Mr. Beattie stated that he has lived in the axea. Fourteen years and
had no probl cm for the; fiat tea years, but has had an erosion problem
for the past four years and has had to reseed his property and may now
lose a, tree because of erosion. He is seeing a lawyer to sue because of
the erosion problem. He would like to see: percolation tests on the:
Archdiocese property. Mr. Scanlon, Board of Health, advised that
180 ani.ts were built in the adjoining apoxt tent complex in 1969 which may
be the cause of Mr. Beatta e's water problem.
Ms. Tiombly asked if any engineering could be dour-, on culverts
which would eliminate clogging. Mr. Ogron said that :sumps :such as those
used by the State could be installed.
Kay Hoar, 667 Waverly Road, advised that 'choir- homes were all, built
on filled land, and that when the: culverts blocked daring the last three
years, witer runs down her driveway like a stream.
Ms. T ombly <:.::ked if there was any s'ay the people could handles the
problem on their own property. Mr, Cyr advised that it was not lossible
right now. He said the only solution is to get permission from Mr. Roche
to pipe Edgelawn water through his proDerty or doHn Wood .Lanae to Greene
Street and into the river. Hr. Dolan said that he had talked with sir. Roche
Owned Piling 2/3 of the water thro"gh his site) to nee if he would
agree to allow the Archdiocese to pipe the water all the way, and Mr. Roche
decided against this. Mr. Ogren indicated lural: the same results can be
achioved with tho proposed Archdiocese Vai.nage plans.
V�r. Ogren :stated he had view& the site where the 4' culvert exists.
Vory little flowed through and thore was a sizeable ponding area, upstream.
Mx. Beattie: said that if Mr. Ogren has noti.cod the large pond on the
Northeast side, how can the Archdiocese propose to channel more water into
the area whore it i o going to back app into the farm prolarty. 0. Trombly
replied that, the Arc:hdi.oceso cion; not intend to tie into the 45" cu-lvert,
but intends to put in a 30" calvert which vill discharge downstream. The
culvert will be on the lame side as the cemetery.
Mr, Cyr said that if water from Lctgelawn Aven"o, Adams Avenue, Autran
Avenue, and Martin Avenue is to be piped, the first thing to be done is to
obtain an casement. 2/3 of the water on the site is going to be picked
up by the site drainage system. This is water which was not inteided to be
discharged at this point. Water now flows down to Rache prorcrty. If
Mr. Roche would agree to an casement it would eliminate a problem.
Mrs. Hoar stated that the photographs exhibited did not shovt the
erosion problem that e^xlt5ted behind their ho;iies. Dejnoulas had to build
a wall to contain eroded selime-ot 1-Yhich i;,- now overflowin- said
Mr. Dolan said that the /-krchdl.t)cese will roduce the erosion, problem in th(,
area, indicated, and All doqjosit the water downstream. 1�fir:. OU-ren said
that the proposod area, 1111exe the water will be. dischax-ed has a lesser
gradient which will result in 105s erosion.
Ms. Trombly suggested that the Archdiocese ma%e percolation tests
available -to the public.
A question arose as to whether there were any catch basins Ixoposed
for they site. Mr. Ogren roplied that there were two catch basins and
indicated their location on the plans. 1,11r. Dolan said that the krchdiacese,
has to subriAt more re-fined and detailed plans of I.-he. -Ate at a, later &t t 0,
Mr. Cyr stated lie had never witnessed planej showing a sepaXate 30"
oulvert going undor Waverly Road. Mr. Dolan said that thel3e, Plans were.
necossit%ted because of Mr. Cyr:'s concern, at the Housing Appeals committoo
heaying.rj that the 48" culvert would. not cont-cain all the crater.
Mr. Donahue asked which way the cemetery draInage is to be plpeda'
Mr. Ogren repliod that there is no Intent"Lon to t:l_e Ll the cometory to
the proposed drainage system. Mr, Beattie; -that the tho
cemetery now goes across -the. road. Mir. Ogren said that the-re is
presently a 12" dxainage pipe from the cemetery. Kr. Cyr noted that
the present catch basin d-ischarges into a 36" culvert.
fir. Q-,ren said that If the Town pats in berms It could divert
drainage oil "lavorly Road Into catch ba"Flins and til-, 111to the proyjos("d
Archdiocese drainage system. The street-A grado, above. tho culvert slope,-,
from 61,6 to 53,5,
Mr. ChOPU13.3 Inade several obsorvatlon,7, as to inforviation appuiring
on the, Environmental Impact Statement regarding, water consumption, sepia
disposal, and trach disposal. Particular intarc-,,A was -n��Arjud regarding
tra,-ih dasposal in vlof i of future consideraiionz for land,-,Cill rcqulre�ilents.
Ms. Ttrombly asked if all buildings were to be. constructed on a slab.
Mr. %-ren replied that this was the proposed co nstlru-c lAon in order 'to
cause as little grad-J.:; di.stlarbanco. cis po.,islble. The nteep entering crado
will be cut down to Pitt in a road. Ms. Trombla, rius-Lzostod that Catch bas I n S
should be ins t.alled along the road entering the prol)erty if severe cut-down
of Grade Is interided.
The question was raised., from IL',he floor, a.S to whether all, catch
basins proposed have a sump for sedimentation. 11,1r, O�-ren replied that thoy
do. The spectator then asked what kind of pipe was going to be u6ed.
Mr. Ogren replied that It waz reinforced concretue with an expected life of
over 100 years.
Mr. Beattie a.,,,ked if the Town system can hold the acldltlonal
flow from the property, t fi. Tror-,ibly rioted th'at the AchdiucieLse ha,, to �;et
a permit to t."u-, in to Town sewage. Mr. Dolan said he had tic) ro,,,.S3ofi to
believe that the Town system could not hold the additional -floi-t frrjm the
Ma, Trombly suggested that thoy co"Id check w1th Mr. Borgesi regarding
sewer Wacity. Mr. Gelinas and Ms. Trombly then diocussed the obtaining
of State or local permission after dotermination of whether the sewage
system can handle the eAra flow,
Ms, Trombly noted that Mr. Ogren will Submit soil data and that the
Commission has twenty-one (21) days to make a decision. If anyone wishes,
they may see the secretary in arouad two (2) weeks to find out if a permit
bas been issued or fox copies of the Wetland Act.
A question was asRed, from t1r. audience, as to what was a "Coir prehenAve.
Pormit". Ms. Trombly gave a brief definition for the spectntors.
Ms. Wombly asked for further questions, There being none, Mr. Chepulis
made a motion to take the petition under. advioement, The he aria was
adjourned by the Chairperson at 10:00 P.M.