HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-18March 18, 1.980 - TUESDAY
Regular Meeting
The PLAY,MING BOARD held a reg~]lar mont.hly meeting on Tuesday evening, March 18,
1980 at 7:30 P.M. in the Selectmen's ~,leeting Room. The following members were present
and voting: William Chepulis, Chairman; Joyce A. DiTore; and Paul A. Hedstrom, Clerk.
The meeting convened at 7:55 P.~. and there were approximately 20 visitors.
1 - Housekeeping Article Re Sec. 4.124: Table 1 does not coincide with allowed uses
under section on permitted uses. This amendment will correct theinconsistency. Ben
Osgood mentioned that when the Master Plan was compiled it was thought that the resi-
dential use was to be included. After discussion a motion was made by DiTore to with-
draw the present wording and substitute to read me~idential uses, include one-family
m~d two-family, apartments with no more than 505 of the total floor area and include
the description of Sec. 4.124. Second by Hedstrom and unanimousvote.
2 - Sec. 4.129 (14), Petition of Charlotte Rea: Atty. James Glynn representing stated
that this matter went before the Board of Appeals in 1975 for a variance; involves
land on the east side of Rte. 114, 1/4 mi. north of the Riding Academ~. The variance
request was denied based on the fact that it was an illegal non-conforming use and
did not come under the pmm~ew of the existing zoning by-laws at that time. There is
a storage of wood chips there now. The petitioner appealed the B.A. decision and the
case is still pending in the courts. In character, the property consists of 4 acres,
2 acres being used for purposes of storage. In 1963 it was leased from Saul and then
purchased in 1965. It has been continually leased by United Freightways since 1963
for storage and curing of bark and wood chips which must be cured in the open to ferment
for a period of time. There is no wholesale selling there as such. Presently~the
By-Law permits wholesaling and warehousing as a secondar~ use. If the amendment is
granted it will not substantially derogate from the intent of the By-Law because it
only seeks to change a use within an industrial area, it is not a case of expanding a
district, it is not an attempt to transcend an existing use but to modify and define
a use, it is not a spot zoning because Ind. 1 is in existence for miles on Rte. 114.
It will not change the use and characteristics of the land involved because it has been
there for~years. The surrounding area is unuseable lamd. Would like the wholesaling
and warehousing of that type of operation permitted without the installation of any
buildings. It was a lumber yard prior to 1963. Hedstrom commented that a problem arises
with the litigation that is still pending.
Glynn told those present that John McLay and Gil Rea were present also to answer questions.
Hedstrom stated that he would much rather see a Board of Appeals determination with a
particular proper~y so that the existence of that legal non-conforming use be confirmed
rather than amend the Zoning By-Law because you are really keying in-to one piece of
property. Glynn replied that they are trying to obviate the spot zoning aspect by
defining the use as a primary one. Discussion regarding I-2 vs. I-1 took place.
Chepulis questioned what was meant by "contractors supplies and products' - anything
indidental to storage of lumber and supplies such as you would find at Merrimack Lumber.
It was noted that whoever prepared the wording took the verbiage from other Industrial
districts. Gil Rea stated that as far back as he can remember there was a saw mill on
that propertyuntil the State used it as a sand pit.
Motion by DiTore to take the matter under advisement. Second by Hedstrom and unanimous
1950 oont.
STE~S STS.: Fritz Ostherr represented the petitioners and stated reason for the
proposal: concern for watershed, Stevens Pond -have had oil spills in both the Pond
and the Lake which heightens our awareness of th~ problem of development in that field.
It would be unwise of the Town to not watch for ~he potential dangers to Stevens Pond
in addition to the Lake as far as subsurface and! surface drainage go regardless of
sewer. A~uy additional traffic or substanti,~l increase in traffic will be a problem
because the Stevens Pond area is a recreational area ~nd most of the children either
walk or ride bikes to' and from; also, any exit rbad that might be proposed to come out
on the hill or onto Great Pond Rd. would be a prpblem. Character of the neighborhood:
all the land around the Lake and Stevens Pond isl R-2 with the exception of Millpond and
another small piece; it is essentially an open p.~~rt of the To,m, it improves the quality
of life, land values, it is a worthwhile thing to have. Hedstrom mentioned that there
are Form A lots which have already been approved within this area~ and what would the
net effect be - Fritz Ostherr: it depends on whether or not the developer pursues
development of the Form A lots. Chepulis com~en~ed that a small portion of this parcel
is in an R-2 district already. There are 16 interior lots that would be effected.
John Turtle stated that he found it ironic that Pritz, after approving many subdivisions,
would propose this when it is in his back yard. I a~, donating a strip of sewer line to
the Town, he continued, giving Buddy Cyr the corner, talking to the Con. Com. about 900
on the Lake, and what person has ever done all that?
Mike Schena asked if he understood correctly that Turtle is under freeze protection.
He was told that the preliminary plan has been submitted and the "clock is ~nuing";
this is due process. Motion then made by Hedst~om to take the matter under advisement,
seconded by DiTore and unanimous vote.
1 - WILLOW I~rDUSTRIAL PARE, off Rte, 114: plan dated 2-20-80; the perimeter plan was
found to be in error along the back line so there ~re some numerical changes shown in
length and distance. Road ca]led Flagship Drivei Lot lines have been revised. DiTore
inquired why the old lot lines were not shown on ithe plan - there is an addition of
another lot, '5[", which is,part of the remainder iof land after subdivision approval.
Chepulis noted that lot "D" should remain '~D" because it did not change. DiTore made
a motion to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law subject to
the revisions suggested on lots D and F , plans to be signed when changes are made.
Second by Hedstrom and unanimous vote.
the BOARD accept an amount for the bond and letter of request was read. Motion by
O I .
Hedstrom to approve a bond am unt of $~6,000. foz7 water, sewer and road constructzon
($12,500. -water; $6,000. - sewer; $7?,300. - rsad). Secretary to send letter to
bank detailing the amounts. Second by DiTore and unanimous vote. Hedstrom requested
letter to Con. Com. regarding construction in the iwet 5rea off Rte. ~14.
2 - BENCH~ CONSTRUCTION, Winter St.: plan dated Jan. 19, revised Feb. 28 &Mar. 14,
~980; Scott Giles representing reminded members that certain things had been requested
to be placed on plan by Mr. Roberts such as, topography and drainage pipe under So.
Bradford St. and have been so done. There were two representatives of the Gas. Co.
present for fielding questions about the gas line issue, Messers Woodburn and O'Connor.
Plan shows lots 1-12 and their intention is to prlovide gas for this particular developer.
It is not their intention to be concerned about other people on the street inasmuch as
this gentleman is pa~ving for the gas to be installed. It is perfectly safe. Hedstrom
commented that it is probably less expensive to run them at the back of the lots, but
it is the BOARD'S contention that it is safer to run the lines down the street.
l~Iarch 18, 1~30
Chepulis inquired if the gas lines are to be marked - Woodburn replied'that they are
supposed to be notified if any excavation is to be done. The easement was drawn up
by the architect and as long as it is all right with the Town they will install the
lines in accordance ~th it. ;~hichever route the Town chooses is the route the gas
company will follow. This is an isolated case because of the cost to the developer,
he added. They keep maps and records and will mark it out if requested to do so;
there is no concern from the Gas. Co. point of view. Normally they would follow street
lines but this is a bit different from the average subdivision.
The Highway Surveyor stated that this is an unfair approach to the Town and the people
that live in the area. His opinion was that they should run the lines along the street
because if not we are short-changing any further development in that part of Town.
Compared it to the idea of running sewer this way. Scott Giles informed the BOARD that
the gas people no longer pick up the expense, this is the first year that the developer
bears the entire cost; there is no way the development is going to be~r the un2<nown
cost. Cyr asked about the water in the area - Giles said there is water out there but
it is insufficient and Borgesi told him that he will not be out ~here for 5 years. It
is definitely a possibility that they will dig wells.
Atty. Helen Comeau, representing Benchmark, was accompanied by an attorney for Antonewicz.
Comeau stated that there is no necessity to have gas, it is just a consideration.
Motion made by DiTore to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control
law subject plan with a notation that if the gas lines are to service these lots the
PI~ING BOARD would like to see them follow the street line. Hedstrom seconded and
the vote was unanimous. Gas. Co. to be sent a letter informing them of this action.
3 - JOHN TUTTLE, Winter St.: plan for Landsail, Inc. dated ~rch 17, 1~80 showing lots
3-7. Turtle told the BOA]~D that ended up with a 5 acre piece of dead back land and
had approached some of the people on Winter St. for purchase of land behind their houses.
These are lots 3A-7A and are not building lots; was originally part of Hollow Tree. Lot
7A is the only lot not yet sold. Hedstrom said he would sooner see ~he lots combined
and lot 7A not shown so that the BOARD is not asked to approve a land-locked piece of
land. Hedstrom then made a motion to withdr~subjec~ to the suggested revision and
Tuttle to resubmit. Second b~r DiTore and unanimous vote.
the plans submitted to the Con. Com. were not the same plans that went through this
BO&P~. Chepulis agreed, the plans did not have the drainage that was approved but the
plan that eventually was submitted to the Con. Com. h~d our drainage plus a new method
of drainage thereon. Swenson felt that the plan submitted to the Con. Com. would better
protect the abutting properties. Susan St. Pierre explained that the original drain
pipes approved by this BOARD were requested to be put on the plan because the original
plan submitted to the Con. Com. did not have these.
Reg. Marden, counsel for Alvin Maillet an officer of A. J. Maillet Construction Co.,
owner of several building lots adjacent to this development, stated that he is not
opposed as long as it does not prevent him from getting the benefit out of his land to
be used for house lots. The drainage as shown on the approved plan is going to be run-
ning into his lots on Noody St. The concern he had is that the pipe is barely adequate
to handle the drainage as it presently exists. The 12" pipe is not sufficient to handle
muy additional drainage without flooding to his land. Requested that the BOARD consider
his problem and t~ke whatever steps necessary to ensure that his building sites will not
'be flooded out. It was noted that at the time this was approved these were not house
lots. Hedstrom commented that at the present time the drainage is before the Con. Com.
?~areh !~ ~9~0 - Cont.
and would be hesitant about getting into this too heavily. Marden had no objection
to deferring this until the Con. Com. rules but asked for the matter to be~considered
at the proper time.
Charlie Bartlett, Moody St., stated that previous to the building of hm~ses on Moody
St. the area was a swamp but they brought it up $', above street level and when there
is a heavy rain all the water and slush comes across the road and floods his cellar.
Voiced concern that if the development is built and the pipes don't take care of the
water he will be flooded out. The drain pipesiput in when they built the houses was
supposed to take care of the run-off from Colgate Dr. and not for the proposed develop-
ment. Bud Cyr asked what portion of that sitelcomes under the Wetlands Protection Act.
Hedstrom made a motion that correspondence be prepared to the Con. Com. that two gentle-
men appeared before this BOARD with real conceMns about changed conditions and we would
like to be kept informed as to their final determination. Chepulis suggested'that the
members of the P. B. might want to attend the Nar. 26 meeting of the Con. Com. Members
agreed. Motion seconded by DiTore and vote wa~ unanimous.
BOARD in approving the subdivision had a elevation of the pond of 102 f%. and when this
came before the Con. Com. they said that it shtuld be 104.5. The PLANNING BOARD in
subsequent discussion felt that the original number should be in effect rather_ than
what the Con. Com. cmme up with but at the moment are somewhat at a stalemate. The
Con. Com. said the higher elevation was required so ti~at the water table would not
suffer, i.e. vegetation would be destroyed otherwise. The higher elevation would
necessitate the road way to be elevated in a similar manner. The PLANNING BOARD is
on record that the road rather thau the pond elevation should be considered.
Scott Follansbee, developer, stated that, for qlarification, he recently said at the
Con. Com. that he could live with either elevation but now realizes that he cannot
live with the design approved by the Con. Com.'i Even with the lack of water and snow
this winter, the r~in the other night breached ithe pond and the elevation was about
6" higher than the top spindle on the hydrant ~t intersection of Salem & Ingalls (or
Olympic). Just for the safety of the people in the area, he did not feel that the
pond could be kept at that elevation much longer. Cyr stated that he had seen the
overflowing of the pond. ~ was called by the~woman at 1809 Salem St. He showed
snap shots of the flooding. Follansbee explained that there would be more storage
capacity with the lower elevation. Cyr said i~ is practical knowledge and felt he
had been getting kicked around with computations and charts lately. If we want to
preserve wetlands, don't develop it and hopea ~hat this would be used as an example
before the people are subjected to some real s~vere flooding. DiTore asked if the
flooding would have occurred today if the pond ihad been set at 102 - Pollausbee said
he doubted it because of storage c~pacity.
Con. Com. to be sent letter explaining what tr~nspired at this meeting and ask them
to reconsider their opinion. Pollausbee has appealed the Order of Conditions issued
by them. Cyr was adamant about no% going along with the "fancy" engineering proposals.
PAUL AKEA~M: WILDWOOD ESTATES - presented a 6 imo. certificate in the name of Linda
Ahearn. Ahearn to take Form H to the bank for !approval. Board oka~.ed the certificate.
Did not have plan of driveway proposal and stated it would be a minimum of two weeks
before it was completed.
LA}~D USE COMMITTEE: there will be another meeting to follow up last Saturday's meeting
to discuss the report further. Chepulis said that his impression was that alot of
things were negative. Joyce DiTore stated thati she was not in favor of it.
March 18, 1980 - cont.
BOARD OF ~JBLIC WOR~S SE~m.~F2~ L~E PLAN: a copy of a plan was received in reply to our
letter of request for any plan or information regarding sewer extensions.
On file.
LEGAL NOTICES: TOI~S received and on file.
C@I. COM. - March 26th re-opening of hearing on Prescott St. Development.
Meeting adjourned a% 1~:30 P.M.
'~~ Chairman
1liam Chepu~d'I~ ~ .,