HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-19May 19, 1980 - Monday Regular Neeting The PLA31N~O BOARD held a re~u].ar monthly meeting on Nonday evening, at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Neeting Room. The following members were present and voting: Willia~ Chepulis, Chairman; John J, MonteAro, Vice-Chairman; Joyce A. DiTore. PLANS NOT REQU]~IN~ APPROVAL: 1 - CHAS. ~JHNER, Sutton Hill Rd. - resulting from variance received from Board of Appeals which has to be signed by Planning Board for recording purposes. Plan dated March 13, 1980 does not have the joining symbol for lots 62 & 63A and should have a notation refer- ring to the action taken by the Board of Appeals. !Motion by Monteiro that the plan be endorsed subject to the addition of a notaticn refSrencing B. A. action for the side setback variance. Second By DJ?ore. Petitioner t° be informed of our acticm before plans signed. Unanimous vo~e. 2 -ONAS. E. TN~tNT~N, Mill Rd. - plan dated Apr. 4980 showing Lot 2. Motion by Nonteiro to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law.. Second by DiTore and tmonimous vote. 3 - NARY A. STELLA, Gray S~. - Mt~e ~tella, Sr., representing stated that they are cutting one lot out of the larger piece, 2~+ acres in the whole parcel. Plan dated April 1980. 0~ motion made by Monteiro and seconded by Roberts it was unanimously v~ted to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law. 4 - FRANK OLMS, Abbott St. - Mr. 01ms present. Pla and lA, 2A, & 3A, for Land Oou~ purposes. Motion as n~t requiring approval subject to the notations uniformity with Lots 2 & 3. Second by Roberts. Si of correction. Unanim~ae vote. a dated Nay 1980 showing Lots 1, 2, 3, by Monteiro that the plan be endorsed m~ Lot 1 & lA being reversed to be in nature to be affixed upon completion 5 - GRE~OOD ASSOC., Sutton Hill Rd. - plan sut~nitted previously. These plans reflect changes requested by the BOARD, dated April 10, revised May '12, 1980. DiTors made a motion ~o endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law. Second by Monteiro and unanimous vote. 6 - JOHN J. WILLIS, SR., TO~N C(N~NSEL, PLAN FGR pLAENING OFPICE FOR ~ AFl'AIRS - Town Counsel acting in behalf of the Town of N. A. for s~dewalk easement to be deeded to the town and h__as to be endorsed by the BOARD. Plan dated April 1980, ~averly Rd. ~ voted unanimously to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law upon motion and second of Roberts and DiTore, respectively. CC~TINUED PUBLIC ~ARINO: M~NICUCCY - Atty. Oagle and Louis ~inicucoi present. Cagle asked if the BOARD had made a decision Based upon the sit~ walk which to°k place on Sat. - no, bee,,se they are waiting for a profile. He presented a profile dated Nay 19, 1980. The Clerk read letter from the Building Inspector datedi Ma~v 19. Also, letters from BPI~ and Cyr Engineering dated Na~ 19 were read and are on f~le. Monteiro stated that he felt the driveway should be located on the right side ratherI than the lef~ based on site walk obeex-~mtion due to the natural drainage in the area~ Bud C~'s letter was re-read byhis request. Cyr felt slight'ed because he was not invited on the site walk. Chepulis explained that the area is in its natural s~ate and actually the natural drainage is t~g place ~ithin Ninicucci's lot. Water from Driscoll's land comes into that swale; at the Bottom there is a catch basin that is supposed to c~ect with another one and runs down Great Pond Rd. There is a catch basin at ~he end of Dris~oll's driveway. Cagle said that they have been told by their engineers that the drainage~is sufficient. Engineer will draw a profile showing both sides with driveway. Bud Cyr Stated that it has been a problem in Nay 19, 1980 - cont. the__~nter. Che~ulis then asked for clar~ficatic~ of sc~e of the fig~es on ~he p~file. ~e Con. C~, a~er s~e ~eo~ion s~a~ed verB~ly ~ ~he~ is no enoroa~en~ wetl~ds. ~neers ~id it wo~d Be shee~ ~ow ~hr~ ~i~ en~neer~g practices. Bill ~iscoll said %~ ~ so~ ~ ~he ~ f~ezes i$ ~c~es a sl~oe~ ~d ~ders the ~ s~%em ~ope~ble. Ro~s felt t~ ~he ~ c~ld not proceed the ~ ~yor ~s %he oppo~i~y %o ~ew %he new plus. Moti~ ~ ~Tore o~%~ue ~he he~ ~il J~e ~6. Sec~ ~ M~teiro. ~g sho~ ~s~sion, Atty. C~le s~ed t~% %hey h~ been befo~ ~he B~ 3 or 4 ~es ~d did not w~t ~o put ~s clien~ 2~ ~ more e~ense ~less th~ ~ ~bly ~ of ~he ~tc~e. ~e pl~ w~d be ~nde~d ~workable if they ~ve ~o ~% ~he ~iv~ ~ %he right side fr~ ~dpo~t of s2eepness, ~, ici~ ~d aesthetics. Chep~is then re~es~ a cl~i- fica%i~ of ~he drivew~ ~ b~h sides, e%a%e c~is~s. Un,imps vote ~ ~ s~a~ed motif. AI~nl I'dZIO - Discussion of O~e Driveway for 4 Lots: Tony Foresta stated they are located on the D~le St. end of the Bridle Path development; they would like to put one driveway in for 4 homes owned by family members. Monteiro cfuestioned what would happen if one of them sells his property and, also, services to the ~rea. Foresta said they didn't care about town services. DiTore stated that she felt the plan constitutes a subdivision. Roberts aa~ed, it is against our Rules & Regs. and couldn't do it even if they wanted to. Ohepulis noted %hat what they are proposing is short--range a~d the BOARD has to look at it from a long-range point of view. Ail members ~greed and g~ve opinion that it is a subdivision. J. ~J~lJ~: ~IDLE PAW & TIN~F~ !.A~FE - ~uttle requested deleting the connection between the two streets Because he promised the neighbors he would dc so. ~he Pla~er stated thai the question was not whether it would be connected but when it would be connected. Motion m~xle by Roberts to adhere to the plans as approved and the Order of Conditions. Second by DiTore and unanimous vote. Monteiro inquired whether or not ~ttle could make the July 1 completion d~te-yes? HAP~0URT ESTATES: a) Bond ~e~ittal - motion By DiTore to approve and sign the mort- gage bond agreement for station O+00 to 16+41.27 in amounts of $136,000, Highway, $36,000, water. Second by Roberts and unanimous vote. b) Release - Motion made by Roberts to sign the Form #~. Second by )~onteiro. After discussion the motion and second was withdrawn. R~berts made a motion to grant tentative approval and sign Form "J" if M~rden and/or Warlick gives the recorded bond number and other informaiion required. At that time the Form will be re~eased. Second by DiTore and unanimous vote. IN~.lttS CROSSIN~ TI: a) Security - P. ~el~nas stated that the final drainage plan wo~ld be ready by Friday. No figure from Highway Surveyor until he revises the plan. ~hen we can set the security figure. INGALLS CROSSIN~ I - Completion: dated was Ma~ l, 1980. Arthur Ealogianis, developer, requested a ~O day extension to allow for last couple of foundations to go in. This is on advice from Cyr. ~ud Cyr stated that he could go along with an extension as long as the bonding is secure. Motion by Hedstrom to extend for 90 days, until Aug. 1. Second by Monteiro and unanimous vote. WII~ HILL ESTATES: a) Completion of Phase I - Oyr thought that Higgins did receive our letter because he met with him out in the field. Suggested that if we don't hear from Higgins within the next couple o£ weeks that we follow it with additional corres- pondence. Secretary directed to send a follow-up letter indicating that we will h~ve to take the remaining security. b) Letter from H. R. Prescott & Sons, Inc. Re Past due account - ~he Planner to compose l~3.y 1~, 1~80 - cont. a reply explaining why we cannot release any monies. JAY BUREE: FULLER FARMS - Board agreed to send ai cease and desist letter due to the fact that he has started construction and we havei not received a covenant to date. PAUL AHEAPd~ - WILDWOOD ESTATES: send letter stating that if the security is not forthooming by Jmae 2~ we ~ri. ll have to ~oscind th~ approval of the ~mbdi-~rision, Jo l~hL0: !~h.~IGI:ITAVE~ II l~'~t.lRI~f -Barl:~gallo not present and no seom'ity S~I.W&~E I ¢~I.~I~1: ~avite l~-~bagallo in again; send eame letter as to Ahem, ~INI~IVE SUBMITTAL: "WOODCHUCK LANE" - Susan S{. Pierre told the membership that this involves t~e little stub of ro~t. that we pre'~io~sly had them elindnate, Set publio hearing date for June 16, 1~80. BOARD agreed to advertise in Lawrence Eagle-Tribune. LEGAL NOTICES: And~ver - read~ on file. MINU~'~: Notion by Nonteiro to accept minutes as'received from March to April 15. Second by DiTore and unanimous vote. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS: BOARD authorized the Planner to apply for 701 ~unding to the E.O.C.D. June 1 deadline. PRESCOTT ~T. DEVELOPM~2{T PLANS: B. Colsia gave us a set of plans but understand that they are not the ones received by the state. Susan advised the BOARD to ask them to come in under the subdivision control law. ~ney Have already star~ed work and an3rthing that is oh~g~d has to come before the BOARD. Iflthis matter comes before the ~oard of Appeals prior to our receiving the plans we will ~otify ~hem that the building permit should be denied until such time as we receive same. Letter to be sen{ to Schiavoni/ Colsia stating that if the plans are not received iby June 2 the approval of the entire subdivision will be revoked. Copy to Con. Com. REORGANIZATIC~I: Motion by Monteiro that in pollxtg the members of the ~OARI~ our Present officers be retained for one more year. Second by Roberts. Unanimous vote= Chepulis, Ch~rman; Monteiro, Vice-Chairman; Hedstrom, Clerk. MVPC CO~ISSIONER - DiTore made a motion that John Monteiro be appointed as Commissioner. Second by Roberts and unanimous vote. Chairman Chepulis stated that the Master Plan Co~ittee is concerned that the study is just being done as an exercise. They see no reference made by the P~N~ING BOARD to the Master Plan. If they are going to do a good job i~ will take a year or two and some money. The Committee h~e depleted. Susan added t~at they went ]~3ARD participation and support. . William Che~pu~s Gilda Blackstock