HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-02 June 2, 1980 - MONDAY Regular Meeting The PLA~G BOARD held a regular monthly meeting on Mond~v evening, June 2, 1980 mt 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room. ~.e following members were present and voting: William Chepulis, Chairman; John J. Mo~teiro, Vice-Chairman; and Joy~e A. DiTore. Member Hedstrom arrived late. PLANS NOT P~IRING APPROVAL: 1 - J. TUTTLE, Pleasant S~. - Mr. Turtle statedi that they are redistributi~ space on the width of the lots that fron~ on Pleasant St. Plan dated Nay 30, 1980. Bud Cyr noticed that there is no easement shown on Lot 6A. Motion made by DiTore to return the plans to Turtle for correction and to be submitted at another time. No second received. Turtle said that he did grant the easement to Cyr and it shows on the sulxlivision plan anyway. Frank Gelinas, engineer, stated that they are introducing the~easement along with the definitive subdivision plan as pa~ of the landll planning scheme. Requested signatures when they put ~he easement on the plan. Motion by DiTore to endorse the plans am not requiring approval under subdivision control laW subject to the easement being drawn on Lot 6A. Second by Monteiro and unanimous vote.! 2 - GEORGE BARKER, Osgood Bt. - Jo~n Callahan representin& explained that it is an Ind- ustrial lot along the easterly side of Rte. 125, Barker has mpproxi~tely 36 acres in all and this parcel is cut out of that...4 mores. They would like to see only e~e ingress and egress into the whole parcel of 36 acres. Plan dated June 2, 1980. Cmllahan also showed a conceptual plan for the area. Upon motion of Monteiro and second by DiTore it was unanimously voted to endorse as not recfuiring approval under subdivision control law. 3 - JO~ ~.~ICK, Great Pond Rd. - this is a fo~erly approved plan showing Lot 15~A, now called 15B, drainage easement has been put on the plan. Gelinas, repreeenting, stated that this basically only defines the 108.0 high wa~e~ mark of the La~e. There was a discrepancy in the acreage area. Motion by Monteiro ~o endorse the plan of land da~ed Nay 30, 1980 ms not requiring approval under subdivision control law. Plan not to be signed until the change is made with respect to the square footage. Second by DiTore and unanimous vote. 4 - FP~ OLNS, Abbott St. - BOARD checked revi~ed plan - corrections were made and oka~ for signature. P~lan dated Nay 1980 showing Lot~ 1, 2, 3, & 4. Motion made and seconded by DiTore and I[ade~m.~ respectively, to endorse above plan as not requiring approval under subdivision control law. Unanimous vote. ~ -,%~ue as above - plan for l~d 6 - CHAS. T~, Sutton Hill Rd. - plan previously on same designating Board of Appeals action. P'. PAUL ~ARN RE WiLDWOOD ESTATES: Mrs. Ahearn r, certificmte and a form for security which was n. requested security plus m plan of street slopes April 1979 recommended $23,000 and the cer~ific~ June 16. GRANVILLE ~ -Bond Release Request: released $13,000 by vote of the BOARD. letter of authorization to bank. endorsed subject to note being placed .an signed. ~presented her husband and presented a bank ~ signed by the bank. The BOARD had ~ Letter from the Highway Surveyor dated ~te wa~ only for $21,000. To return on letter from Atty. Michael Hart. We have already The sum ;to be released from the ba~ passbook by I~ FARMS: Oelinas s%ated that the Covenant is being worked on ~ut is not back from the 2nd mortgagee. Motion byMonteiro that thelcovenant submittal be postponed until June 16. Developer (J. Burke) to be notified. ~Seoond by DiTore and unanimous vote. r Jta'~e 2, 1~)80 - cont. S~7~T.~VE.II: a) Minor Modification - FTa-~ ~elinas representing. ~hen Duncan Dr. was approved, Lot 20 was a pond lot and, in addition, one of the BOARD'S recfuirements was that a Notice of Intent be filed. In working ~tith the local Con. Com. and appeal to D.E.Q.E. all parties have agreed that a pond will not be dug. The reset is a grad- lng plan and a revised profile to accomodate road drainage, The road~y has been elevated appro~mately 1 f~. and none of the lot lines have chaunted. Gelinas recfuested that the re-activate the origiz~ signatures Because it was never recorded. He added, when they planned this subdivision they had wanted a pond in lieu of a poor looking swamp but, for whatever reasons, the co,,amity, represented by the Con. Cc~., has elected to preserve the red maple s~m~np and his client is willing to sacrifice the aesthetics of the area and comply. I believe, he continued, that Barbagallo has agreed to convey Lot 20 to Dr. Love with the easement to the Town. C~ reo~nmended that during the dry season a distinct swale line sh,uld be maintained which is a ~ for the water to run OUt. The BOARD memBers felt that this proposal is a substantial chn~ge to the originally approved subdivision plan because the pond is being eliminated, drain~ has changed and ro~dwa~ profile has changed. Gelinas asked t~at the ~ sign the plan as affirma- tion of the previous action. And/or send a memo~t fact. ~art~gallo does need s~ne ability to be able to go to the various bodies and say that this plan was approved in July 1979. Hedstrom did not agree that a memo would suffice in light of the drafuuage · odifications that have been requested. DiTore had no objection to se~wg a memo stati~ that the plan was approved and si~ned on Jttl~ 31, 197~. Motion by Monteiro to send a memo to Bar~agn~le that stated above. SecopM by DiTore. VOTE: Monteiro and DiTore in favor; Chepulis and Hadstrom opposed. Motion did not carry. Hegstrom felt it ~ould be re-endorsement of the plan. Gelinas asked him not to construe this as being a re-endorsement, it is Just a statement of what they did in July 1979. He then requested that a public hearis~g date be set and that he would have the new plans generated by next Monday. P~T.~.IGH TAV~ II: Security Submittal - coven_n.~t presented. On file. IN~L~-S C~OSSZ~I~ II - Elevation Plans: (103.2) The change has been agreed to by the Con. Cern. and D.E.Q.E., per Geli~ms. Motion by Monteiro that the BOARD agree to the change in elevation pl--- revised 5-28-80 and that Foll_nnsbee amd Kalo~ agree on the completion of I~aconia Circle. Second by DiTore ar~ ur~ous vote. Cyr t-~ked about soae char~es to the cul-de-sac at Laconia Circle. The developers to mak~ so~e arra~ent to fi~zLsh this up because the Town must have some guarantee and should be included in the bond f~gure for either Follansbee or Kaiogianis. A resolution of this ~ be made by the next meetir~. When Cyr submits bond a~ount he ~ stipulate what ~ ~ ~ transpire. ~INT~ HI~ ESTATES.' a) PHASE I CONPLETION - Bud Cyr said he met ,ith Higgins about a month ago and there is no release in order because nothing has been done for a long time. Motion made by DiTore to start proper procedure immediatel~ to take the bond money in the amount of $20,0(X).92, bank passbook, Andover Savi~ Ba~, so that the Town can complete this work. Second by Hedstrom and ~ous vote. COP~O~CE FROM T. SCHIAVONI RE PRF~COTT ST. PLANS - letter read by the Clerk. Oyr commented that the swale behtn~ the existing structures enters into the street drain a~t ties into corner of Moody & Prescott Sts. The Planner stated that because D.E.Q.E. has not taken action there has been no change in the pla~ per conversation ~ith Atty. Schiavohi. Chepulis mentioned that, acCord:Lng to Ken Tarbell, those 11 lots have nothing to do ~ith the wetlands in the area. They are only interested in the wetlands. June 2, 1980- cont. stated that the only control he has right now is over the drainage on Prescott St. and there is no action they can take until they come in with proper horSt-g, etc. Hedstrom then referred to Sec. 81-~ and revok~tion of approval if circumstances have changed in 7 years. The present zoning wo~d not ~11 ow construction of townhouses out there. Motion made by Monteiro that the BOARD send a letter to the attorney stating that 2 weeks from today we ~ ~ reconsider the whole subdivision and nothing should be continued on this subdivision until reconoideration is adopted. Second by Hadstrom and unanimous vote. A second motion was ma~e by Monteiro to advise Cyr of our intent and, as agent for the BOARD in the To~n of N. A., he be authorized to stop all work on this project. Second by DiTore and unanimo~ vote. STONEC~.EAVE I - J. Barbag~11o stated that the subdivision should .be completed within 30 days, by July 2. BOARD accepted this date for completion. BOARD OF APPEALS LEGAL NOTICES: 1 - WALSH: motion by Monteiro no objection. Second by DiTore and unanimous vote. i o 2 ~ PRESCOTT VTT.L~ TRUST: upon motion of iMonteiro and second by Hedstrom it was unanimously voted that the BOARD is in agreement with the Buil~,~ Inspector's inter- pretation, i 3 - BENINCASA: Motion by DiToret second by Monteiro to make no objection. Unanimous. CON. COM. LEGAL NOTICE: THETFORD REALTY TRUST - so received and on file. ~ISCELLANEOUS MATTEP~: Signatures for Registry and Land Court. The meetim~ adjourned at 10 P.M. William Chepu~is Gilda Blackstock Chairman Secretary