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aUthorizing~h~m to sign these plans individually for the Bearde
seconded by Mr. Driscoll and it was unanimously vo~ed.
The notion was
The ~atter of signing these plans for the reg~s%ry was discussed at length
and +~he Bo~rd felt that they would like to discuss this matter at 'a later
meeting but that in the meantime Mr. Whipple be authorized Se sign for the
Board. Motion was made by Mr, Driscoll~ seconded by Mr. Lee A~ it was
unanimously voted that Mr. Whipple be authorized to sign these plans for
the Board until the next regular meeting on December ?, '1953.
Motion was made by Mre Lee~ seconded by Mr. Driscoll and it was voted to
adJ.ourn the meeting at 9~ P.M. The next meeting to be held on 12/7/53.
Signed Clerk
December 7, 1~53
The meeting was c=~:led to order by the Chai~=an at 7130 P-M.: in ~he Town
Members present~ R~aholas Nicetta, Chairm~u, Howard
Fra-~ W, Lee~ Richard G. Whipple and Frank G. Driscoll,
The rotter ~f the approval of the plans o£ the layout of ~h~ps Court
was discussed. A letter was received from the M.T. Stevens & Sc~s Ce
that the six conditions set down by the Board before approval would be
given had been mete (Letter in the file) Letters of cer~ification were
received from Ralph B. Brasseur certifying that ~he following conditions
had been mete 1-~ive ~rses had been removed. 2--~tene bounds had been set,
(Letters in file) Letters from the Board of Public Works certifying that
the following conditions had been met. 1-The ~4~ sewer connection ~n
Phillips Court had been c~pletede 2~Easemente had been gre~$ed by
M.T. Stevens & Sons Ce. from Phillips Cdurt to the East side trunk
A letter from the T~wn Clerk ef North Andover ~hat ~easements had been
recorded coverizlg dra~'~ ge on l~ni]]tps Courte
Motion was m~de by Mr. ~hipple, seconded by Mr. ~[lman and it was' t'&~.~'~:,
· aJex~ty vo~ethat t~_h~_ cc~itions set d~wn by the Board for the approval
of the layout of Phillips Cour~ had been met~ a~d ~Bat *the plan~ could
new be signed and given final apprevale Member Lee did act veto on this
question as he was not a member ef ~he Board ~hen the hearing was ~eld.
N~tices ware sent to the Towa Clerk and the Board of Assessors as we~l as
~he ~TJ Stevens & Sons Co that the plans had been signed and approvede
The matter of reoe~endation fr~/ this Board regarding the eld Center
School was then discussed. (See letter from Board of Selectmen da~ed
10/27/53, in the file) Motion was ~ade by Mr. Whipple~ seconded by Mr. Lee
and it was unanimously voted to send a lettsetSe the Board of Selectmen
r~gardt-~ the opinion of the Board relative to the Center School,
December 7, 1953 Cont.
The .following letter was sent to the Board of Selectmen:
Board of Selectmen
North Andover, Mass.
In rep~ $o your letter of October 27, 1953 relative to the Oenter School,
~he Planning Board of North Andover held a meetin~ on December ?, 1953~
at which meeting the following members were presefit, ~c~holas Nicetta~
Chairman, H~ard Gilman, Secretary~ RiehardG. Whipple~ Fr~k W. Lee and
Frank G~ Drisooll, Jr. The membere of the Board voted to recmamend te
you, with reference ~ the possible use of the Center School b~ilding
as an a,,~l~,,,'y' Fire Station, that ~he said Center School building net
be used for suah a ~e for the following reasous= {.
1-The present building is not adaptable wi~hemt excessive expense £er the
use mentionede
2-The Board believes that it w~uld be ~ore economical, t~ the ove~t that it
w~s decided to provide a proposed Anx~_~a~y F~re ttati~n~ ~o buil~ a new
~'f]d4~E f~r such USee
3-I% is also the belief of the Boar~ that for the best interest of the T~n,
the Building sh~ld be razed.
The question ef exten~ fire and poliee protection is ons which req-4~es
considerable study ang the Board is not prepared at this t~-~ to make
recommendation on this subject.
We felt t~t you might wish ~ knew ~ attitude in ~he ~tter of the Center
School as a possible Auxiliary Fire Station.
Very ~ly yours,
l~i.cho:la~ N.ioetta, Chairean
The matter of the appropriation for the Board for 1954 was then discussed.
Upon ~o~ion made by Mr~ Whipple~ seoended by Mr. Driscell it was m~-~usl~
voted t~ request the amoun~ of $750,O0 for next year's appropriation ~kich
amount represents an increase of $250.00 over the appropriation for 1953.
The reason for the .proposed increase is that there is a possib~ty~ because
ef considerable discussion and agitation~ for re-zoning parts of the T~en
for additional residential~ and er Industrial, and er Business usee
The Board feels that it is better t~ have ~ available and not use it
~han to be unable to take such action ~ecause of the lack of funds.
M~tion was the~ made by Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Lee and it was voted
adjourn the meeting at 10=00 P.M. This was the last meeting of the yeare
Signed C~ rk
December 7, 1953
The Flauning Beard members who are also members of the Industrial
Beard held a discussion relative te further planning in the near
future, When the industrial Board was formed it had Been established
that the regular pl~n~ Board would bear am~ expense involved ~uch
as advertising notices, clerical work etc. This matter of e~pense
was also discussed and the Board felt that the clerk of the Planning
Board who also had served as clerk for the Industrial Planning Board
sheuld be. re~anerated for her services. The IndUstrial Planning was
erganized in April 1953 a~d several long lasting meetings were held.
A metion was made by Mr. Gtlman~ seconded by Mr. Driscell and i~ was
v~ted to pay the clerk for the Board the sum of $35.00 for services
rendered i~ connection with the Industrial Planning Board, this
amount to be taken from the regular Planning Board Appropriation,'