HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-23144 hundred square feet to twenty-thousand square feet. This reco~ended ammendment was adopte.d at a special Town Meeting held on April 27, 1955 by the Town. During the year, the Board has in conformance with the vote of the special Town Meeting held October 18, 1954 is conducting a complete study~ for revision of the Zoning By-Laws. This has been done under the direction of Mr. John T. Blackwel~, professional planning consultant. The matter has been given thorough and lengthy study, and the Board has conferred with the pertinent Town officials and departments on the 'Zoning problAms of the Town The ~lanning Board will make a report on the progress of this ~roject at the annlm~ Town Meeting i~ M~rch. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. It was~ unanimous. Ehairman Clerk February23, 1956 D~e to the large attendence, t~e Board held the scheduled four PDblic Hearings at the ~ Bradst~e~ School. The meeting was ca,led to order at 7:45 P. M. N~mbers present were: Nicholas ~. Nicetta, Chairman, Ralph Finck, John Osgood, Howard Gilmanand Jam~s ~Bannan. The first Hearing scheduled ~as that of William B. Kent who seeks a change in classification of land at Hillside Road and Turnpike Street from general residential to Business. Mr. Kent intends to build furniture mov~bg transportation center and a fire proof warehouse. Attorney A. H. Salisbury, representative for Mr. Kent stated that no ch4nge in the Zoning By-Laws of the Town withing the power of the Town unless the chance is £or the public good. If it is for public good and that the fact that some individual will benefit it is not bad. At present, Attorney Salisbury stated that Mr. Kent's business located on Second Street, a Residential area is under a non-conforming use permit. The petition asks that the owner be permitted to take his business with its traffice out of the Residenital area and into the country. Attorney Salisbury pointed out that the area of Hillside and Turnpike Street has been designated a natural business area by the North Andover Board of Trade. He referred to the B~ac~zwell Report and pointed out that some portion will be obscure that it~ill take a great deal of time and drafting before ful~ evaluation can take place. He, further said if the Blackwell Report were adopted toning in toto we would still have requests for changes in Zoning now~ and that there is no reason to wait for the P~port for this specific proposal. Mr. Finck questioned to how many residencem would be buil~ on this land and was told five. Mrs. Kent brought out it would be nicer to be away from that location because of the children of the new St. Michael's school which will be opened in the Fall. The majority of those who expresse~ their opinion in this matter were in favor of the change. Listings of these names are below. 145 Febm,~ry23, 1956 IN FAVOR: Andrew D. Mille, 312 Turnpike St. Roy C. Fountain, Stonington St. Ray Bodin Kent Bailey, !O1 M~rblehead St. Ar~ur Bodin George Rea, 671 Chestnut St. Russell Dot.nelly, 27 Francis St. Warner Berthal, 200 Osgood St. Andrew Coffin, 305 ~utton St. ~rgaret K!ier, 200 0sgood St. Edward Melmued A!lanRansehousen, 17 FautkuerRoad Ralph Vernile, 19 Young Road OPPOSED: Bill Buckley Ray G~l]ine, 44 Bay State Read Roy Boob_man, Jr. H. P. Eaton Richard Graham, ~ Prospect St. ~'~s. Florence Reran, ~3 Johnson St. Cecil ~odes Hilda Shea, 21~ Osgood St. Elizabeth Elliot, 50 Tolland Road Stewart S~L~ers,126 Pembrooke Road Elizabeth MI] tot Stewart Stummers, ~4 Second Street ~. Robert Leyland, 312 Turnpike St., opposes because has invested life savings in home which he purchawed to get away from Business Areas. Brought out that Hemt-L~my Trucking also desired to m~intain their business in that area but were denied. Mms. Robert Leyland, 312 Turhpike St. Mrs. Oardiner R. Humphreys, 322 Turnpike Street E. Dimon, 67 Chestnut St. Mr. Mallory, l0 Cotuit Street Thomas Carrell, 9 Brewster Str~[et Eleanor ~lvey, 312 Turnpike St. Caroline Broderick, 580 0sgood St. Robert Leyland, 312 Turnpike Street T~ner Bridges, 160 Foster Street Joseph A. Defusco, 7 Peters Street In favor of waiting till Black~ell Report becomes public; Roland Ha~ond Alfred Defuscio~ 1 Peters Street J. Griffiths, ~4! Checkering Road IE~ediately After Attorney Salisbury stated he had had a preview of the Blackwell Report, Selectm-n Arthur P1 Kirk addressed the Planning Board and said as a member of the Board of Selectmen he has not had the advantage of reading the Report, and doesn't thing anyone else should Have the advantage until it is completed. ChairmauNicetta replie~ that the Boards ~entiment is .~ctly aS his, and ~s unaware how an advanced view cottld have been seen. Mr. Finck made the motion to take the petition under advisedment. It was unanimous. Public Hearing: Ellen Driscoll Heirs land at Peters and Turnpike Street to be changed from ~neral residenital to busSness. wilii~m. DriscoLt, 146 Turnpike Street opposes because his Mother's house is ~ithin the area th~ lsnd to be re-zoned. She has been a resident there for thirty years, and feels it is unfair to bring business into the area. She is an heir to the land in question. In favor of waiting till Black~ll Report becow2s public: Mrs.-/~ E. Bridges, 136 Foster ~treet 2 Joseph A. DeFuscio, 7 Peters Street 9PPOSF~: Mrs. Joseph Anning 9% Peters Street, Joseph Court, 14 Brewster Street~ DriscoLl, ~urhpike St., Mm. ~s. Donovan, Mrs. S. Driscoll, Turnpike Stl~ 146 February 23, 1956 Helen S. Driscoll, Peters Street, in favor Mrs. Helen Drisco!l, 146 Turnpike Street, against. Motion wasmade and seconded that ~etition be taken under advisement. It was unanimous. Public Hearing~ Petition of Effie Kostandfn to rezone a parcel of land at Sutton and 0sgood Streets. The location of which Charle's Streak House.. Part of the land is zoned Business and where an extension was built its a non-confo~dng use based on a yearly per~it from the Board of Appeals. Mr. Edward Ryan, 850 Osgood street, opposes to the chan~e as he purchased resOUrce, and fails to see why Mr. Kostandin wishes to re-zone as A General Residential District will not affect him at all. Mrs. Griffin, Chickering Road, opposes Mr. WilEinson John F. 0~Neil, Chadwick Street Carolyn Rogers, 5~00sgood St. ~s. Roger O'Malley, Cotuit Street Horatio Rogers~ 580 Osgood Street Mrs. George, 3o0 Andover Street Mr. Bannan moved that the petition be taken underadvisement, Mr. Gtlm~n seconded this motion. It was unanimous. Public Hearing: Land on Chickering Road to be re-zoned from General Residential to Business for use as Shopping Center. Cosmos DeBonis, 267Lewell Street, Lexington, and AllenBerger, 8WoodwardAve., Reading one of the de~eloper's o~ the Shopping Center petitioners. Mr. Debonis showed to the citizens a picture of the proposed Center which will have 20 to 25 store units and parking for l~OO0 cars minimum. He stated they have erected stores in Beford, one being constructed in ~ewksbury, and one to be b~ilt in Billerica. He stated to the citizens the benefits of a Shopping Center in the Town: $60,000 in tax revenue; All policing expenses to be paid by the Shopping Center; Employment ; ~roperty values of the ebbuttors would increaseacc~rding to a national survey; Reliable business; Traffic is slowed down at Shop~ng Center Areas; The effect on the Town Merchants would be a slowing-off of customers for a period of approximately eight weeks,~but when newness is overcome the walk-in customers and regular customers retDrn to Town Merch~uts. At the Finish of Mr. Debonts's statements, Attorney McNiff stated that hehadbeenretained by 300 residents which he gawe the signatures to the Chairman who are opposed to the Shopping Center. Mr. Debonis then took the floor and said he was not mw are that the Boardwould accept petitions and if he had known eovld have presented one also. Attorney McNiff called the attention to the Board on the matter of zoning and Spot-Zoning. the said that the amenc}ment to be legall~ acceptable must sea-ce the public health, morals~ sefetyandw~lfare to the pebpel of the Town. Mr. NcNiff stated that the only people gaining in this instance were to two owners of the land in :~uestion who are Robert Burke, Chickering Road, and EdwardMalemed of Andover Street. He pointed out that one year ago that RobertRurke wes opposed of a motel establishment in that area. Attorney McNiff asked theBoard to deny the petition because of the laud-owners in the area"~o now have a singular atmosphere of conduciveness to fine living." He then re~.uested the Board to examing the Bedford Shopping Center operated by the devel~pe~ of the proposed Center. He stated that the single one story building was of inexpensive material and already showing signs of wear. The rear of the shops are unsightly. The 147 February 23, 1956 of the Center were gasoline stations and other commercial buildings. The Center, in Bedford is assessed at $138,OO0 with a tax rate of $50.00. The Town of Bedford receives revenue &f $6,900. 8n the basis of theproponents statement he said the Town of North Andover would only get $20,000 or $21~000. He stated that the welfare of the Town in general, the residents, and interests of home owners show no ttrgency in the petition. OPPOSED: Edward Dixon, 67 Chestnut Street Frarc~s P. Bridges, 160 Foster Street wants to wait till Blackwell Report is publicized feels he is far,beSter equipped to finding a shopping Center. Horatio Rogers, 550 Osgo~.d Street, it is for the people of the Town to decide. It would be foolish to Pay Mr. Blackwell to try and help us with the long range planning and should wait for the Blackw~ll Report. Mr. Defuscio, 7 Peters Street, traffic is now hazardous and with p~oposed Shopping Center would increase. ~.~lcolmNorwood, speaking in behalf of Main Str~etMerchants worked hard to build business, / k ~and thin s if Town would help them b~ying in their stores. He further stated that Andover ~was the same as North Andover but as of today it has one of the nicest streets for shopping ~they have ever seen around here. The Planning Board in 19~2 designated Main Street as the Business district, and given a few years it will grow. He stated that the Merchauts pay taxes and deserve consideration. OP?OSED: Joseph Court, lg Brewster St. ~.~. Wilkins, Ednond Road l,~s. Court, 14Brewster St. Lawrel Carrell, 9 Br~wster St. Thorn, s Carrel!, 9 Brewster St. Helen Driscoll, ]%6 Turnpike St. Eileen Dricoll, 94 2\trnpike St. Donovan, 322 A~dover St. ~. Donoven, 25 Peters Street Dan G. Donovau Esther Dixson, 67 Chestnut St. Grace H. Driscoll, 152 Turnpike St. ElainPerking, 8~lChick~ring ~oad I~s. George,360 kudcver Stl Edwin Johnson, :Al Chickering Road Eleanor Mallory, l0 Cotuit St. Robert Driscoll, 12lO Tux~pike St. Edward Eyan, 650 Osgood St. Wil!ian Driscol}, Turnpike St. Janet Latho Pattl Driscol!~ Motion Mas.made and seconded that the petition be taken tmder advisement. Public Hearings commenced at 10:25 P. M. It was unanimous. The members returned to the Town Bui]_ding to give Mr. Frank Murphy the Blackwell Report to be publicized in the T~bune. Chairman