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Febn~a~ 29, 1956
The first of a series of Public Meetings 9as held at the Kitteridge Auditorium at 8:35 P. M.
Members present: Nicholas Nicetta, Chair~an, John Osgood, Ralph Finc$~ Howard Gilman and
~.-e_ s Barman.
Mr. John Blackwell, professional Planning Advisor took the floor and stated this meeting was the
result of two yea~rts work which began in November of 1954 Of Town Planning and Zoning. The
purpose of these meetings is to hear some reaction from the Town, then the Board will determine
what changes are necessary in the text to be proposed at the Town Meeting.
In accordance, with every text map passed there will also be a draft-zoning map. At the next of
the series of these meetings, will be accompanying slide and colored maps. He then reviewed
subject Industrial sections 3 E,F,G. on pages 8,9 and l0 also pages 13 and 18. Mr. Blackwell
went through the district descriptions. At the present meeting, there x~re two maps showing
Existing Land Use and Recom~endedMajor Land Uses. He suggested the B~siness area should be from
the Airport to Western Electric begin.~ing with the Town Boundary az Haverh~ll. He then reviewed
section 3.82 and said he would like to pass over pge 3G as far as the detail of the description
goes. He stated that area wasa comparable area for ex~ension, and will likely be filled up
between the next five or ten years. He went on to read pages 8,9,8nd 10.
Mr. Dyer then questioned as to the variance of land of any point extending to the North East side
of the brook~ and is the entire industrial variance of land on the airport side of the brook.
Mr. Blackwell replied "no." He referred Mr. ~yer to p~.ge~ 3F. Mr. Blackwell w~t on to say the
purpose of every Town ~as two purposes to accept by recording the questions of Manufacturing
District. One is, Com~ity Safety, a. nnd tl~eir benefit to the inhabitants, and advanceness.
. He suggested setting up performance standards which offers more safety, incoming
more feeling of assurance. He pointed out that the people should only want suitablly
noiseless substantial industry free from mauufactured disturbances as odor and agencies. He went'
on to read Paragraphs ~.3 and 4.4. He went on further to say it seemed wise to ask food services
and some of th~ retail and retail automotive activities not to come into the Menufact~zring
District wdthout review of the intended location of buildings by the Board of Appeals, and if ther~
is no land would recommend it for m~nufacturing development. He feels it should not be made for
any kind of use~ until there is manufacturing or a retail shopping center which would be wiAe
to keep them separate.
He reviewed ~aragraph 4.5 on the subject of Outdoor lighting and remark6d with the major
new highway going by, it wonld be wise~ not to allow a creation of unneceasarv hazard which is
going to be the access way to the ~amtfacturiug District. ~he only exception for Zoning Districts
is General Business. Mr. Dyer questioned Mr. Blackwell o?- this subject and the Advisor referred
him to Page 9. Mr. Black~211 praised the Blue Book of suggestions concerning Town Planning
and zoning published by the North ~ndover Boe~d of Trade of which many parts of his report are
reflected. Mr. Blackwell pointed out on the ~ap illustrated that the area colored in purple
at the Town Botmdary is the only place to h~ve a manufacturing community.
In North Andover at the Nouthwesterlybrauch · betweenthe Airport and comes almost to the
end of the Lake at 0sgeod Street and is branched one again by the high rolling lsmd of
Street. He stated he didn~tknowHaverhill and Boxford ~tudy plans. He stated that no other
town except Lawrence is affected and the river separates the area from Lawrence.
Mr. Salisbury, Attorney said he was under the impression that a great part of the proposals
of the Industrial Zone will be zoned Business Industry, and section ~ does not provide
the fellow who comes ~ to build should ~ave to go the Board of Appeals for which no
porvision is required.? Mr. Blackwell referred him to section 4.%4. Mr. Salisbury questioned
on if some of the home-owner's property was ~rned down more than 65% he could not rebuild it
and was that quite fair. Mr. Blackwell replied "no." in general if the land is mainly going
February29, 1956
to be for parking lots and storage areas, eot., it is not an area ~,~11 suited for long
cont.inued residential occupancy. He referred to Section 9.
Attorney Willis questioned if the Industrial Area included the Old Davis & Furbur at the
corner of Elm and Water Streets which Borders Water Street. Ne. Blackwell Jaid it would
be excluded and said so much of that was Industrial than Residential and believed the owners
wotGd rather it be Residential. Mr. Willis q~est~nned him on the zoning of the Railroad
if it would have to apply for a non-conforming areal Mr. Blackwel! replied "no" and re-
ferred him to page 19.
Mr. B!ac~a.~ell went over Page 14 Paragraph 7.2, page 15, Building Hights and Paragraph 8.5.
Lot sizes in Industrial Districts pages 17 and 18. ~. Blackwell then answered questions
pertaining to 2and which does not abDt on a street, and s~ggested that they sho~d be made
streets for a manufacture coming in is not expected to provide ways across his land and some
provision should be made.
The Public meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. The Beard meeting adjourned at 10.30 P. M
March 5, !956
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. E. by the Chairm~n. Members present:
Nicholas Nicetta, Chairman., Howard Oi!~an, James ~annan, John Osgood~ Ralph Finck.
The Board signed vouchers for Boston Blue Print $161.64, Clerk i~26.87, Andover Press Ltd.,
~13.50, Policeman Ernie Roberts, $5.19 for services rendered at' the Town Building on
February 2~, 1956, and George Cttu~ingham -~7.50 for Janitorial services in the Bradstreet
Secretary Cilman rear a letter from Ed~Rrd Greenwood favoring the petition of Wil!dam
B, Kent who seeks a~.~lassification of a parcel of land on Hillside Road and Turnpike
Street from Agricult~zra2 to Business. Also, from John D. Driscoll, 7~ Turnpike Street
in regard to the petition of the Et]on Driscoll Heirs.
The minutes of Febz~ary 6, 1956 and were accepted unanimo~sly.
The petition of Wi!!i~m B. Kent ~ms thorough2y discussed. The Bo~rd feels that by
rewovJn~ bis business fro~ Second Street to Hillside Road and T~n~npike Street, it woD_ld
be f6r~ the welfar~ to the Tox.m eliminating a menace for the greater public health and
There w~s some discussion if~. Kent sho~ld se]llhis present property on Second Street
for which is hon-cor_for~.~ing, The Board would not wa~ to see another trucking concern
buy it. Mr. Nicet?a telephoned Mr. Kent regarding th~s problem. Mr. Kent replied he
was wi~iin~ to work out soF_ething ~.~th the Boardj At the conclusion of this discussion
Chairman N~cetta stated the Board will have to insert a clause in the new By-laws to
remedy this condition, if whould occur again.
~. Bannsn moved that favorable motion be recommended at the Town Meeting. Mr. Gilman
seconded this motion. It ~ms unanimously carried.