HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-1415,21 March~, 1956 In the present zoning w~p all business sites are indicated by black dots. Mr. 0ates, Florist said the proposal of non-conformiag uses would mean .the continuing and i tmpendt-~ fear ca hostile Board of Appeals. Attorney Charles Trembly expressed the same opinion. Others opposing non-conforming uses were: Joseph Byron, and George Ba~ker, · land owner and farmer, and operator of a roadside stand ~ 0sgood Street suggested that the area across from Western Electric be zoned Industrial. Attorney Arnold Salisbury stated that he' had originall brought up the problem at last Weekts · e~ting, and wh~le avare of all implications, he felt that instead of a peppered map, that restriction for rebuilding could be taken out in the cases of existing businesses and p~missim could be writted into the law permitting contiz~,~ce of existing ~siness as long as owners wanted. He objected to paragraph 10.3 page 20 as a compromise if it were just struck out, and only if business discontinues for a period of t~w~_ the owner could not rebuild. Attorney Trcanbley expressed that it vas unfair to the non-conformers t° exclude them being zoned business. Mr. Black, mil replied he wasn't pleased at the idea, but would consider it. He recommended that the right of way onTurnp~ke Street be Pr°teotedand i~proved. The to~n will need more streets to handle traffic. Attorney Willis questio~ if a business c~_ before the Board for zoning, would it have to use the whold acre. This question was in regards to Neighborhood Businesses. Mr. Blackw~ll replied, "no", and would like the Board zone Just one lot. There was a question if Neighborhood Business be conducted in tb~ northerly part of the To~? Mr. Blackwell replie~ "yes." Attorney W~l~is pointed out to page 17, and Mr. Blaokwell replied it was a clerical error. ~e pointed out that North Andoverwas not lacking in area, but couldn't rec~endlandc~ Sutton and OsgoodStrees as far as retail business for the service of now andthefu~re te the residential developamnt of the Town. He expressed the nearer toward the middle of torn the better.. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 P. M. Chair~- Cle~k Maroh l4, 1956 The third of a series of Public Meetings was held at the High S~hoel ~_=m__~ers present.' Nicholas Nicetta, Chair~n, Ralph Finek~ James B_~nnan, Jokn Osgood and Hovard Due to the inclement weather, the Country Rural Phase topic for the 'evening would be discussed lightly, and another date set so it ~y be delved into thoroughly. Mr. Blackwell took the floor and explained the differeaxt maps pertai-!~g to Rural Resident Districts. He recommended that the to~n adopt measures to permit ~si~ent liulldi~g t~ ge~ on down to~n only in a modest extent, as too -,,ch building would overload schools;streete, eot. 153 The lot size down tows be so~%h~i~g in the vicinity of 15 thousand sq,,~-e feet, As to Villiage Residencial would suggest making a fourth classification, making it apply below Greet Street and Parker Street. Mr. Finck question paragraph 9.7, page 18. ~r. Black- well suggested North Andover adopt in place of paragraph 9.7 which would clearly set forth lots that are small size have flexibility. He was questioned it it ~ould be sup,re,deal in its' entirety. The ple--4-g ~advisor replied the zoning by-laws are to protect the co~ity as a whole and the purpose of these meetings are training the text from his recomaondations to the Planning Board into the towns draft zoning by-laws Attorney Willis questioned if Green and Parker Streets would be VillAge Residantial. Mr. Finck asked if there was a fourth area whynet let the Board of Appeals go below it. ~r.. Blackwell stated this area in regard to the Board of Appeals was a good idea. Mr. Dyer took the floo~ and stated that area where there are 40, 50, 75 foot lots it would be wise to try to stay to Iow lot sizes. J~e questioned as Sh~ he is listing single, duplex residences in one area who are treading on perfor~-~e standards in Residential zones. He referred to Page 4, section 4, page 6, section 4,1~ (b) and stated they should be more specific. Mr. Blaekwell replied perhaps he was relying on co.~,,.,~m~ty economics and land econom~ CS tOO much, The planning adviser stated that two tenements are nearly extinct. Th~ question of conversion, it was hatter in some reasonable way related to size of residence lot, and would prove less of a fire hazard. He suggested making most of the to~m ex~lqsively single family. Land use future of most of North Andover w~thil~some very broad limits everywhere outside of Chick.ring Road would be all single family Awellings. The first point in dividing North ~Andover would be the principle duplex, side by side, and exclusively single residences. He expressed that citizens on a 15, 20, 30 thousand foot lot ~6uld want to keep many animals. A question arose im a location within 30 thousand square feet could he be permitted keeping his herd of Cattle. Mr. Blackwe~l was questioned as to ~how far north of Green Street would 'the fifteen foot lots go? Ne replied to Osgood Street. It was then brought out if there were enough provisions for the "little man" in the Town providing facilities for a smaller are. Mr. Blaekwell stated that the area houses 80 or 90 thousand people of the town and the whol~ dovn town ~:at least some what move attractive if it were a l~ttle more spaciaus. The question of the awtlability of se~wrs had anything to do about setting up ~ot sizes. ~-. Blackwell answered yes. Mr. Dyer expressed that not only t~m~f-~m~y residences be permitted b~t four family in set out areas for the individual who c~not afford to buy or dews not wish too, and should be considered in,the overall picture. He pointed out that it does not provide agrioultura~ districts which are. important to the co~munity and the farmer needs the right tooparete without Jeopardy. Mr. Blaekwell replied that he thought they were well protected through Section 4.17 a. There was a great deal of amusement when Attorney Trombley pointed out. in the zoning laws that citizens down to~n could keep a cow. Mr. Blackwell pointed out tb_~_t the Board of Health would enter the picture. Mrs. Ro~ers pointed out there should be some regulation 4~ residential uses that allow musuems, libraries, eot., as to the size of lot it should be on because of the treffice it ~nvolves. ' At the conclusion of the meeting, Chair,~ Nioetta stated there would follow in the future a more o~plete hearing of the Country and Rural Phase. Meeting adjournad at 9:45 P. M 154: March 21, 1956 The fourth of a series of Public Maetings was held in the High School Auditorium. Me~bers Prezent~ Nicholas Nicetta, Cb-~an, John Osgood, Ralph Finck~ J-w~s ~-~. Rt. ~lackwell, professional pl-~ner discussed the V~lage Residential districts in which lot sizes would be 15,000 sq,~A~e feet. Sm~ller lot sizes th-~ 15,000 square feet apply to the ~ore denser part of the Village, north of Green and Parker Streets. Questions of ]-",~ use property in Vill~ie Residential districts loert.~f~'~r,-g to the keep~Bg of animals be l~ted and in ,~_~y cases prohibited. Mr, Duff~Y questioned as to the attitude ~ of the ~st~ng layout in the areas mentioned, and questioned Mr. Blackwe~ if he recommended getting ~er l~to than 15,000 s~,~e feet. He answered perhaps 10,000 s~,_,re feet. The Pq~Bner read substitute words of Par~_graph ~7, page 18. At this point 1/r. Finck asked him what wcr~ls were different that were sho~a to the legislature, and Mr. Blackw~11 suggested going through it privately ~rlth the Bbard. Subdivision plans newly opened to the PI-~t~E Board and approved and recorded, after the date of adopted suggested provision would after a period be protected fr~n anF further c~ of increase to lot size that mtght later be adopted by the Town. · Country Residence was taken up and Mr. Blackwell proposed lot sizes would be not less than 35,000 qquare feet. -. Land use property ~ Country Residence would he the ~ as V~age Residential as the previsions are flexible with regard to lot size and relocation of the Town. ~e ~fas questi¢~ed whether professional offices should be -~owed in this spec.ified phase, and answered, he didn't think there would be much objection to having a doctor, eet.~ At this a citizen ~rought out the feature of the desirability of an undertaking establishment or a funeral parlor in the residenital district. Mr. Blackwell stated that this particula~ question is not one that responds to an adequate answer through definition. He i~u~daer went on to say whether or not an undertaker is a professional man or a business one and can only be resolved by the majority sentient in the co~;~.~m~ty. The matter is an emotional one, he stated, _~ ~-~ct be Justified in black and white:~ithe~ way. Mr. Blaekwell pointed on the map in regard to Rural Residential ar~a. thedevelopme~t of traffic on streets is directly affected by the mumher of houses on the street and neighbor~ land use goals. In North Andover at present outside the settled area of the old center and west of Chicker~g Road there is mainly traffice to places outside of North Audove~, but /f somewhere between 3,000 and %000 more homes were built it would ~erease, and on that basis it eee~s that the Town should be th~-~-g of preserving and ask the State te maintain the right of way of traffic at Mass. Ave. Rural Residential lot sizes prOposed would be 60,000 thousand sq,,-~e feet. At this statement Mr. Barker a~se and pointed out that so much land ~ot~ld be difficult for ~ae peraon to upkeep, and vacant lots are a menace to everyone around, not menticedmg the wasteoof land also. Mr. Blackwell pointed out the problem of water sewerage and disposal. Mr. Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10~00 P. M.