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October 15, 1956
Special M~g.
~efore the meeting was called to order the Board with Mr. Blackwell met with the
Selectment regarding the existence of a public way on Bradford Street. Ail the
details were not disclosed.
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p. m. Members present: Nicholas F. Nicetta,
Chairman, John Osgood, Se cretary, Ralph Fihck, James Barman and Howar~ Gilman.
Mr. Forbes Rockwell, member of the School Building Oommittee was present at this
~eeting. Mr. Blackwell took the floor and stated that in July of 1955 the Town applied
to the State Department of Conmnerce for allocation of funds under 701. Since that date,
the Planning Board feels the need to do some alterations on the original form filed.
The needs of the Town need to be kept in view, and it would be his recommendation as
Planner to keep school needs as one of the topics in the program. He brought out that
the Board must amend and change the program.
Mr. Rockwell stated that the School Building Committee as of the present is under a
great deal of pressure. The Committee has practically unanimously voted to go ahead
and build a school as soon as possible.
He brought out there was a question of site involved. Mr. Rockwell fl~ustrated on a
map the location of the various sites in question. Now being at the intersection of
Andover and Chestnut Street, and the southeast corner, Salem Street and Marbleridge
Road. He stated that 5 to 7 acres of land is required for the new school which should
accommodate in the vicinity of 300 children.
Mr. Blackwell expressed that the Planning Board would be happy to aid in any way
possible, but only if the School Committee and the School Building Commuittee asked
us to do so. Mr. Rockwell, at this point, stated the ~ommtttee is in need of help,
and was trying to express the sentiment of the Committee.
Mr. Rockwell delved into the class-room situation, which he stated was crowded, some
of the grades having to be divided. He brought out the point of using the old High
School, but for various reasons, he did not think it should be used. He stated ~here
is a need for a grammar school.
Mr. Rockwell pointed out the danger to the Town relative to one group favoring one
site an another favoring a different site. He discussed the project of butlding an
addition onto the Kittredge School, many of the advantages being not having to supply
a new auditorium, BoSestic Science rooms,. The school in question has bout 6 acres c~
land. Mr. Rockwell read a letter from the School Building C~ittee, dated September
12, 1956 that the sentiment of the Board was ~nanimo~s for the present need for a
Mr' Finck, came in at this moment. Mr. Blackwell stated that he and his collegue,
Mark Fortune, cottld make a survey for the School B~tlding Committee constructively on
his own account and risk thus excluding the Plann~ug Board.
Mr. Rockwell left a map showing sites for consideration for a school. He stated that
~f the Planning Board felt one of these sites as a mistake, to please inform the School
Bu~]ding Committee. Mr. Dully and Mr. Joseph Sullivan of the Board of ~ablic Works sat
in on this discussion.
The Board of Selectmen entered at this time. The Planning Board told Mr. Puffy that
he was asked to appear on the basis of Chapter 701. Mr. D~ffy replied that sometime
in the near future a water survey will be available due to the survey being made at
the present time. He suggested that recreation cottld will be an immediate study for
the Planning Board.
Mr. Blackwell e. uestioned if any service would be rendered to the planner by the Plauning
Board for the Board of Selectmen regarding the air-port. Selectmen Arthur Kirk re-
plied definitely. Selectmen, Finneran expressed determining how far the air-port is
going through, but he did not think it would expand as much as the Commission comtemplates
The Board of Selectmen suggested that the survey being made on the B~ilding Code could
perhaps find land use available for the parking of 'trucks, storage for equipment and so
on for the various To~n departments.
Secretary Osgood read a letter from the Town Clerk relative to the Attorney General
requesting in duplicate, copies of the revised map of the new Zoning By-laws. A copy
was attached of the corrections. There was some discussion of a map showing all the
business in the Town of which ~he hume is 38. S~ectmen Kirt urged having the map
published, and if there is not enough in the Planning Board's budget the Selectmen will
take care of the matter.
Chairman Nicetta asked the Selectmen if they would write a report concerning the
Study of the air-port, Mo when this Board writes the amendments, we will have.a letter
file. Also, including a list of the items the Sele~tmenwish the Planning Board to
Secretary Osgood read a letter dated October l0 reagarding the construction of an
addition to The Little Red School House at 1250 Osgood Street~ which is presently
operated tmder a non-conforming use. The Board received no answer from this letter,
and it.was decided that it will go to the press.
The Board sigued condition of the Colgate restrictions. A letter was received from
the Chairman, B~ M. Force of the ~huen Planning Beard desiring to meet with this
Board for the purpose of dimcussing the P~ster Plan. A letter will be sent inviting
the Board to attend our next meeting.
Motion was made by Mr. Osgood, seconded by Mr. Finck that the meeting be adjourned.
Meeting adjottrned at 11:~ p. m.