HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-01-14193 tex~ ~ another sheet. He stated he needed the Bo~rd~o help to correct stree% ~s in'the Village Residential District. No n~med Second Street which shou2d have been Sutton S~reet and Elm Stree~ has been nmned more thmn ouce. The Smunders S~ree% ~rea af the description of ~iue is ~iven eas~, ~nd the deE~eeo ere ~. He gave the foll~wimg as missing: Ten elements ~f missing descriptiou, J~mbled descriptim, 12 e~ the 3§ business spots c~,1~ not be located, including StoAS, Leuis McAI~Is coutract~nE firm~ Mr. Nicetta peinted emt to Mr. Blaekm~l_l ~hat there ,~s a~ exper e~ page ~0, paragraph 3.81. Mr. Black~-ell ~tated he thought he had it as the Tow~ veted. 'It was brought out that 14 er 15 businesses should be zoued for Nei~box~ood Busdness. Mr. Nicetta stated that Mr. Blackwell has been instructed to make c~-~ecttous necessary Lu the tex~ and the various changes mecessary frem the General Basinesses to Neighherhe~d Basinesses. The Beard was i~ agreement. The meeting adJouraed at 10:30 p.m~ Jam~ary 14, 1957 - Regular Meeting The meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m. Members present were: Ni~a~las F. Niee~ta, Ohairmaa; Jehm B. Osgeod, Secretary; Ralp~ F~ ~iaek, Nm~m~d ~ amd Miss Tm~pki~s, a alerk fe~ Mr. Bla~, was pre,em% at ~ mee~. ~e shewed the following amemdmeats te th~ Beard ~e go imto ~e ~ew N~th A~dov~r A~icle 1. To see if ~e Tc~n w~]] vote to insex~ in ~e Nm'th A~lovm' Zcaiug By-La~ words describing the northeast m~l., the southweat boumdaries be~e~ the FAllage Residence Zoue alang the north side c~ Sutton St~ee%, (at 3.54 sad the Imtustrial Zc~e ~f Paragraph 3.81) so that said Paragraph sb=l~ read as fo21ews: Artiele 2. To insert w~rds mere exactly describing t~e easterly ~ ~ that per%iou ef ~t11~ge Resideatial District requested by Mrs. Herber~ E. NcQ~este~ in paragraph 3.53 a~d 3.82. Article 3. Wc~ds describing a segment, n~ missf~E ef the s~storly bcm~ ef ~he Gem~ral B~si~ess Zcme i~ p~agraph 3.75 a~ Tur~p~ Street amd Hillside R~ad~ Article 4. Classify Neighborhood Bmsi~ess ~he property ~own as Ntltem*s Variety amd describe i~ paragra~ 3.74 (35) adjolaing ether l~eighbc~h~d BUSiness prepay z~xed described ~ para~ 3.63. 194 Cont. Article 5. Strik~ out descriptions cf the bo~ies ~e~wee~ the Im~Astrial , General ~usinses and V~llage Residence Districts not far from the Nort~ Andover B. & M. R;41~oad Sta. tion as described in paragraphs 3.51, 3.71 an~ 3.81. Artiele 6. Te classify as Neighborhood Business the 16 p~operties know~ as ami described in 3.74 and transf~ them to para~rap~ 3.64 a~ ~ring them as sub-paragraphs thereunder amd inserting werds ~ clearly descx~be 'the gemeral location cf said properties so that said s~b-~am~gr~- so reed as follows: a~d by striki~ them out as sub-~ap~s. The above ei~d para~ap~ 3.?4 The members cf t~e Board ex~ned to Miss Tompkims t~ ~i~ net *~4.v the Ei-~po~ m~ould be zeroed for Ne~orho~i B~si~ess. Also, there was seine ~esti~ as to t~e zoning of Verda~s garage w~ieh is zame~ i~ Neighb~rh~ ~siness. Sections 4.2 and 3.64 are contradictory because diffe~emt businesses are i~ sectic~ 3.6~, t~as =~,.ing filling statics i~ the Ne~borhood Business area~ The Board was in agre~ ~t that Glennie,s s~ould he zoned for Ge~aral Business. Al~o t~at the rest cf C~neral Business be feathered, striking out ~ other sub- paragraphs, except 3.74. Lakesi~® f,-I~4,~ station was ~ot shown on the As for McAloon~s ~,4~ding and Contracting Basinass, t~e Beard desires it to be put on as No, 18. Mr. Rez~m made ametica, seccade~ by Mr. Osgoed, that the K. M~ Cr~£erd place lecated on Middlesex Street be reverted back to a~-.~anf~-m~,.g use. Mo~ion was made and seconded that item 18 ec~cer~img t~e pro~7 of M~. McAloon remain ~ ~simess un$il proper location is give~. Mr. Banna~ seconded the motion. ~ were in f~vor. Motion was ma~e and saccmied that Item 22 be placed in Neighborhood ~asi- mess. It was u~a~tmously cam~ied. The meeting sdJmumsd at 10:30 p.m. ~. A~ Balzius Clerk The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Members p~ese~t were: Nicholas F. Nice%fa, Chairman; John B. Osgccd, Secretax~ Ralph E. Finck a~d