HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-02-04i96 Attorne~ Peah~y estimated the cost of the proposed dwel~_~ugs be~,~en. ~16~000 and $20~000, l~e $~ ~e~e ~ no dead end in the.water syst~. Mr. Peters, ~hut~er, took the floor and stated that in behalf ~ ~he abutters and neighB~ the sub-div~_sic~ Oc~l~ol I~, has Been enacted te ~ect the safe~ and c~venience of ~he citizens. "In ~ ~p~c~" he · ~.he welfare of the ceemmit7 can mean its ecenomic welfare., He pointed that more residents at this time would overtax the sche~l ~yStem m~re, and all' the w~-~cipalities are over-burdened at the present. The ~mairman questioned if az~me else was ag~st ~he applicables. Ruth T~wmc~s, 203 Dale Street, replied: ~We are ovar-cro~ded., S~e pointed out that the prepesed new school w~]~ be ready ~ 1958, and wi~h this develepmem% bringing ~re children, it is possible that cB~dren w~ be attem~g ~ ~y sessieas. ~ Florence SanBorn, 228 Dale Street, also ~pposed, sta+~ed the water pressure ha~ dropped with the few houses built in that vic~mity, and with ~ew h~uses it will be of less pressure. O~ncer~Mg Mr. Sanb~rn~s st~t regarding the water shed, Mr. Bannan read a le~te~ fr~n the Board of Health. Mr. E. F. I~land, Jr. took the floor a~d stat~i he ~,~s all ~he land ~ the noA;~h side c~ the develc~ne~t, and q~estioned whether $~e p~oposed new ~llings w~uld use his land f~r dr*~age. He e~plafned his land is all ditched se the dr~ge goes into the lake above the Pumping Station near ~he Ner~h Audove~ Ooun~ Olub. He further we~t c~ to say ~ha% the drainage, fr~a ~he houses ~ha~ are on Dale Street at the present, x~u indirectly int~ his Mrs. S,mh_.~.~. q~x-ied as to what ~he applicaats were going to do about a swamp would be graded over and built up. Mr. Mariuo sh~i ~a the plan the s~rface water and By culv~r~tng it putting in catch-basins, it would take care of ~he situatic~. Harold I~nch, Dale Street, ~e~ of c~e ef ~he h~xses the ~ C~wp. has built, sta+~ no ~atter where yeu live the coun~ ~ gr~. As f~r the tax problem, North Andover has to meet it as well as other t~s, he stated, Mr. Leland questioned as to how many h~mes ~an be M,~t without w~_~ing a wate~ hazard for ~he Nr. ~ read a letter fr~m the Board of Public Works c~ncerning the application. Mr. Cadogan, t00 Dale Street, took the floor an~ questioned what the Lanter~ 0°rp. plans to do with the 1% or 20 acres of loam off the land. ~e pointed it was a hazard for the children. He pointed out th~e was a dust stoma when the wind blew fr~n this parcel of land. He also brought out there ~as a let of noise connected with ~he truck~ werking c~ the project. Mr. Brasseur in answer te Mr. Cadogan.s state,ant that the appliea~t has cut into a side ~f hill withi~ the area that is being develeped in$o lets, and the sectie~ is being takea care of at the present. He fur+Jae~ wen~ ~n t~ sa~ 197 the loam that has beem taken e~f wtll go Haekfer ~ an +_~_~ ~e~ read the plm~ M~. Peters arose amd stated: ~e are taking the tax matter too lightly,. ~ fmr~he~ s=~d it was easy te hide behind various Boards, mad it w~uld appear that the ~ Board~s responsibility sh~ald ge stoas.hat deeper. At this s~atemauH, Mr. Peters was imformed by the Beard that the tram is geveraed by the Supreme Judicial Ceurt a~ an~ question that was br~aght up, was wit~ refereaee te the suitability of the laad a~d ~_11 the facts. These recorded agatn._~t the petition were: Mr. J~ OWComno~ ~ale S~ree~ Those recorded in favor of the petitian: J~m~s A~iresse~, 125 Dale S~reeH Ralph Amiresse~, 206 Dale Stree~ I.,e~c,~'~e Andressem, 206 Dale Street Mr. Bacmm~ moved that the petitian be taken under advisemanH. Mr. Finek sece~ded this moticm. It was u~sB4monsl7 carried. Three heamdngs were scheduled for Wednesday~ Febraary 20, 1957: that of Framcis B. Kittredg~, Charles W. Trembly and the hearimg on the proposal of the new Z~ming B~-La~ for corrections amd other adJus+~euts. The meeting adJouraed at 10:45 p.m. E. A. Balzius _Gle~k -(-~d H7 ~ Donahue) February 20, 1957 The first P~bltc Hearing was cal~ed to order at ? :30 p.m. M~m~ers present were: Nicholas F. Nieetta, Chairman; John B. 0sgood, Secretary; Ralph E. Fi~ck, James M. Barman amd Howard ~-t'l~,ari. This Hearing was on the a~plicatian of Louis H. McAloon, Jr., Francis B. Kittredge and others for rezoning of a parcel of land located in the northerly portion of the tract bounded by First Street, M~in S~reet, School Street amd Second Street from ~illage Residential ~o ~ime~s. The Secretar~ of the Board read the legal notice published i~ The Evening Tribune to ~11 present.