HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-06-03207 Ma~ 6, 19~7 - Con%. there was no division of the lot in question, it did no~ require ~he ELmm~h~ B~rd Mr. Nicetta read a letter regarding the old Fento~ Barber mop cm Marblehead Street. The sender wishes this particular parcel of land t~ be z~ned for Business. Mr. Blackwell, whe was present ~hroughon% the meeting, shewed the members ~f the Board au index map of the T*.~ and ~ views of the st~eete. A letter will be written to ~A Bo~q ef Selectmen answering their March 12t 19%7 letter, referring to the Planning Beard the request of Mr. Delm~_ McNeil for permission t~ st~e feur er five trucks ou Willew Street. The meeting adJm~ned at 11:15 p.~ E. A. Balzius _ Clerk June 3, 1957 - Public Nearing The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. The members present were: Nicholas F. ~leetta, Chairman; J~nes M. Barman and Robert J. ,Burke. The Board attended to several minor matters and signed vouchers. Due to the large mmber of people in attendance for the Hearing of Mr. Joseph Filet$i~ the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. to the fire station in order to mee% properly. Mr. Bonnan made a motion to hear the Filetti petition at the fire station meeting rooms. Mr. Burke seconded the motion, and it was voted una~t~usly. Mr. Nicstta designated Mr. Barman to act as Secretary iu the absence of Mr. Osgoed. Mr. Barman read the notice which was published in the newspaper an May 2Otb. Mr. Nicetta then asked to hear fron enycae in favor of the motel. ~_1 Stella~ attorney for Mr. Filetti~ e~la~ed to all present that they have mil th~ p~2t~ a~ have met ~1~ requirements as specified by $~e By-Laws and the fire l~s. The motel will cost about $140,000 to $150,000, is in a desirable lecaticm and is something that is needed in this town. The oppositiou was then heard. Mrs. John Gardner Coolidge cc~iders the pro- posed motel a fire hazard and a menace, in that y~u cannot control the type of people who stay in a motel. Atty. John McNiff~ counsel for a number of residents in that area, DeFuseo~ Sergi, Giragosian~ etc.; stated that all were opposed to the Board~s a~pro~l~of the motel. They question whether there is a genaine nesessi~y for a metel. Thexm is +~he question of the operation and management of the motel. ~ao to ex~w~ne care~,lly the sections ef the By-La~ which refer to a .vacant lot of land, free of structures, etc. This.proposed lot has a home and other structures for p~zltry purposes. This is violating sections 6.2 and 4~5. 208 J~ 3, 19~? - Cm~t. Mr. De~sCo then protested saying motels are violating laws as provided by AAA, etc. There are schools in that area and children have to pass by, and tha% you never know ~ho is registered in motels and something serious ma~ happen. Mr. Mmeller, 595 Massachusetts Ave., registered a protest saying that a motel would c~erci~l ~ ze Chickering Road and that the t~ itse~ voted agar, et previous attempts to do so. Mr. Edward Mallory, Andcver Street, protested sa~ he doesn,t want any- thing li~e a mc~el near his home; that Mr. F~jtti ~ a fine home ar~ that a motel w,ald net embance the area. Iu rebuttal, Mr. Ste~a stated that Fire O~ief Da~ ~hcmld be 2istened te as far as re~ents c~ fire laws, and all these requirements have been met. The motel is to be a brick building and would net be a fire hazard. Mr. McNiff agAt, questioued the By-La~ in permitting a house let and mctel em the same piece of land. Ne states the law calls for bare la~d. Mr. Barman made a motic~ t~ take the petitian u~der advisement. Mr. B~rke seconded the metier, and it was u~a~tm~usly voted. Mr. Nine%ia stated that a ha~d vote was not necessary, in answer to Mr. DeFasoo. Mr. D~el O~Lear~ asked if the Ro~rd was legal with three m~mbers. To w~ch Mr. Nicetta ~tated that the Bea~d has te wte ~ly for the petitic~ in order te grant it, othe~-.Ise it ~ld be denied~ T~e meeting was thee resumed in the Tcw~ Ba~ldimg. the Lm~remce Gas Co. appeared at the request cf the Planning Beard f~ a rep- resentative to discuss wi~h the Board the possibilities ins~ng gas m~,~, in full,re new developments before the new streets are finiched by ~be teen, in ce~er to avoid the breakimg up of ~ew streets. Mr. Schofield stated he would contact the Lantern Corperati~ and the S~tt~ Devel ~epment and would inform the Planning Beard just what arras cam be m~, with the Ocmpauy. He could not m~e any deft~te statement, but theywill m~ke a care~ol stady of a specific project. Mr. & Mrs. Thorne of Marbleridge Road shewed a plan for a prepes~ c~r~, but csmmet meet the required 30 feet from the side. They were given fe~ms te be filled cut and sent te the Beard of Appeals. Mr. Lymeh cf the Suh~rbau Household Enterprises appeared with p~eper plans. A discussic~ was had with the Board ~ a date will be set for a hearing. Atty. John J. ~illis and Atty. John J. Lynch, representing Mr. Roy Fart, appeared requesting information in order to start develepimg a sectic~ cf the land cn Chicke~ing Road nearest the Rennie hose. After considerable dis~_ssien, it. was decided that the Board would get a ruling from the Selectme~ regarding drainage, since a brook runs ~hrough the property. A letter from the Beard cf Trade was read by Mr. Nicetta, regarding corzmctions and changes to ~he new zoning ls~s. A letter wt31 he seas te Mr. ~lack~ te set a date for a ccmference with the Boar~, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Im~d, etc.