HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-08-05212 August 5, 1957 Public Hearin~ The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. The members present were: Nicholas F. 2~tcetta, Chairman; James M. Barman, Howard L. Gilman and Robert J. Mrs. Griffin, Chickeriug Road, requested information frmn the Board eon- cerning her land on Prescott Street. She would like to sell her land, which contains approximately one acre, so that two houses can be built on it. She has the understanding that the land is zoned Village. Mr. Nicetta read a portion of the By-Law pertaining to her la~d and informed her that it is zoned Country Residence. A further check will be made with the Board of Appeals as to just what she can do ~ith her land. 'Mr. Nicetta called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. In the absence of Mr. Osgood, Mr. Burke read the notice concerning the application of John F. Sawyer to permit the change in classification of a parcel of land from Rural Residence and Country Residence to General Business. Attorney Curcio, representing John F. Sawyer, expl-iued that Charles Donoven and two other men propose to erect a Garden Center. Mr. Donovan has operated a Garden Center in Saugus for over 20 years. The proposed site has some water problem and would net he suitable for residence. Dutchlend Farms has u~d the surrounding land for many years and may have anticipated~ it as a business area. He also plans on selling wrought irc~ garden furniture exclusively. Th!.- type of business would not be offensive to the neighborhood; it w~uld be an im- provement. It would provide additional revenue to the town, since he plans o~ expending approximately $3OO~OOO. It would be an asset to ~he t~,~; and would not interfere with the light and ~w of the neighborhood. He has sketches to show proposed buildings, perking areas, etc. The Engineers and Architect are here to answer any ~estions. Mr. Donoven then went on to explain the sketches. There weald be three parking areas; two exits on Route 114, three on Hillside Road. Mr. Philip Busby asked how many months the Center ~ be in operation. Mr. Donovan exp3-~ued that the business in the main building would be conducted on a 12-month basis, which would mean hahdling bulbs, etc. indoors, the wrought iron furniture sales would not be included. Mr. Busby asked the Board if this would constitute spot zoning. Mr. Barman replied that as an /ndividual member he would not recognize the term, that zoning is spot zoning. Mr. Bannan suggested reclassifying the whole plot which would include a portion of land owned by Dutchland Farms. Mr. Nicetta explained that the Board can c~ly act on the area explained in the petition. 213 August 5, 1957 - 0onto Mr. Donovan went on to explain that everything has been gone over very care- f~,lly. To comply with the Board cf Health, they will fill the land and grade it. He hopes that it wtll not be a 7-day business; he would like to get away from Sunday business, The business will be strictly cash and carry and would be open until dark. There is a house and a barn there now~ and they will stay unless they are in the wa~, then they would get a permit to move them~ The barn would be used for storage. The parking spaces can accomodate about 120 cars. There were no opponents. Mr. Kent thinks it is a nice plan. Mr. Sawyer sa~s it would be an asset to the town. Mr. Lurid a~M Mr. Brasseur were also present. Mr. G~lman made a motion to take the matter under advisement, seconded by Mr. Barman and voted unanimously by the Board. Mr. Gray and Mr. Stafford, from ffinchester, appeared before the Board requesting information regarding the erection of a new motel, which would be located on Chickering Road near the Lur~ Nursery. The Board explained that they could t~e no s. cti,~ no~.~ because of the Court suit on the Filetti motel, however they would listen to what the gentlemen had to say~ ~M, Gray showed sketches to the Board and explained them. Roughly, one-h~l ~ a millian dollars would be spent for the first group of 48 units. They plan on 96 units; have an area of appro~tely 7.4 acres. It would be concrete slab on the ground, wooden floors; brick veneer and co~m~on brick outside. There would be a 10-foot clear tramelway; 32 foot wide drives. There would also be a ~Lmm~ng pool and breakfast service. The motel is specifically designed for business men rather than tourists. The Board informed Mr. Gray and Mr. Stafford that they would have to submit complete pl~a to the Bocci, including topography, etc. They would have to see the Fire Dept. regarding hydrants, etc. Mr. Finck appeared before the Board and ~ho~ed them an e~wple of property that was conveyed in violation of the Zoning By-Law. The property is under the name of McCool to Butler and has nothing to de with the Pla~ug Board but was just shown as an example of what difficulties can be encountered by the Boards. ~. Nicetta and Mr. Finck had a discussiam about the selectmen appointing a member to the Board of Appeals. Mr. Nicetta says that the appointment should have been a second member from the Planning Board. Mr. Finck says that a lawyer was needed on the Board of Appeals and that when the appointment was made, the By-Law was not in effect. That the actual law is the one passed by the Attorney General, and the men were appointed before the A~terney General~s copy came back to the Town Clerk. ~. Barman questioned the legality of the Board of Appeals. Mr. Nicetta informed Mr. Finck that he w~lll oall Mr. Blackwell to find out when the Building Code is co~ tug in. Due to the Labor Da~ holiday, the next re~1~l~ meeting of the Planning Board will be held on Monda~ eveming, Sep~m~e~ ,~th. 214 AugUst 5, 1957 - Cont. The Board and Mr. Rrasseur looked at Colgate C~any plans concerning a subdivision. The B~ard will set a hearing at a later date. A letter w~l be sent to Mr. Colgate asking him to appear before the Board ~ September 9th so that the plans for the subdivision of Osgoed Acres may be discussed. Mr. Barman re.ad a letter from the S~tton Hill Development Co. asking the Board to inspect their work. A letter will be se~t to the Satton Hill Develop _me~t_ Co. ami the Oelgate Oc~pany to not~fy the Planrdng Board when the road is ready for gravel, when the road is ready for penetration and the the road is completed, in orde~ that an inspection may be made by the Board. A discussion was had about the petition of Johm F. Sawyer for a Garden Center. A decisi~ w~_ll be made at the next regular meeting. Mr. Barman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Burke and voted unauimously. A letter was received from Mr. Blackwell informing the Board that ~uder Chapter 40A, Section 2, the lot size does net apply to religious establishments. Mr. Burke read the minutes of June 3, 1957. Mr. Barman made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Mr. Burke and voted unanimously. Mr. Burke read the minutes of July 1, 1957. Mr. Barman made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Mr. B~rke and voted ~m~fmously. Plans concerning Lot B between Maplewood Ave. and Longwood Ave. belonging to John Doher~y were discussed. The lot contains 9~008 feet and he does nst own land ~ either side of the lot. Mr. Burke made a motion to approve the plan, seconded by Mr. Gilman, and voted unanimously. Plans submitted by Mr. Charles Canty were discussed. Mr. Nicetta will notLfy Mr. CantY that the plans do ~ot meet the requirements of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Clerk