HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-09-27218 Friday, September Z7, 1957 Spe~_a]' Rearing The members present were: Nicholas ~'. Nicetta, Chairman, Robert J. burke, Boward L. Gilman and James M. Bannan. John B. 0sgood, Secretary arrived later. ~. John Blackwell was present because the Hearing con- cerned several articles for proposed changes and amendments to the North Andover ~oning ny-Law. before the Hearing began, the B0~rd held a discussion with Mrs. Alaimo and NIts. ~oschetto regarding land in an Industrial area on 0sgood St. between the xelephone Company and property of noche. The house is alread~ pa~l~ built and the~ have a building~permit but nothing more can 0e done on the house until the~ get pol~t plan approval ~rom the oanK. however, the Doax'd cannot approve the plan because they do not have the required measurements. ~rs. Grifi'zn, Ghzc~ering noad, had a discussion with ~r. Blacawell con- cerning re-zoning her propertj, which is in nural nesi~ential now. She woul~ like it to 0e ~illage ~esi~entie!, Out that woul~ be "spot zon~ng~ ~he could possiblj have it re-zoned Oountry ~esidential if she went through the proper channels. The Bearing began at 8:25 PM. Mr. Bgnnan acted as Secretary in the absence of ~. Osgood, who arrived shortly thereafter. The notice which was published in the newspaper was read b~ ~[r. Bannan. Mrs.Her0ert ~c~uest~en, High St~eet~ was pre~ent~ and comm~Bt~y~r~ emphaticall~ regarczng the amen~men~ concernzng net proper~y ~ gu ad~oins Davis & ~Urber proper~y. A length~ and somewhat heated dis- cussion was had with Mr. Blackwell and the ~oard. She claimed the previous amendmen~ at the To~n Meeting in June 1956 was not accepted according to rules of order, that there were manipulations in the records, etc. Al~er much discussion, it was finally shown that the amendment was exactly' as N~s. ~c~uesten had wan~ed i~ in the first place. ~[rs.Gri~fin and George Caron discussed section ~.176, concerning the num~e~' bi' pets, etc. ~r. oannan made a motion to ta~e the amendments under advisement, seconded by N~'. Osgood and voted ~nanimousz~. nalph ~.~inok and ~om Giaquinta requested information I'rom the Board concerning a lot of land on ~argate ~d. Propez· plans will ~e submitted to the Board for approval. other people came in at an~ timo during the Hearing. After a discussion of the amendments, ~r. Gilman made a motion that all articles be acted upon favorabl~. ~r. Osgood seconded the mo~ion and it was voted unanimously. A letter will be sent to the Town Clerk and the Advisory Ooar~ ~ga=~ing the ~avorable action of the Board on all 220 Monday, October 7, 1957 Regular Meeting · he meeting was called to cz'der at ~40 PM. The members present were Nicholas ~. ~icetta, Chailman, 0ohn B. Osgood, Secretary, James N. ~annsn, howard z. Gilman and -.chert 0. ~urke. ~r. ~icetta inIormed the ~oard that ~r. Blackwell will.meet with the ~oard on ~onda~ evening, October ~l, ~957 with material regarding the Ouilding dode. ~r~ ~alph ~rasseur submitted preliminar~ plans o~' the Colgate 3onstruc~lDn dompmnj ~or the subdivision oi' land which is an extension of Woodstock Stz'eet between ~assachusetts Aven~e and Linden Avenue. A motion was made O~ Nwo Barmen that a ~earing be held for the Colgate Constr'action Oompan~ on ~onday evening, ~ovember ~, 1957. The motion was seconded by ~r.Burke and voted upon unanimously. At 8:~0 PM, ~tr. Bannan made a motion, seconded by Nr. Gilman that ~he meeting be temporarily ad3ourned in order that the Board may attend a ~pecial -own ~eeting at the Bradstreet School. This Town ~eeting con- cerns several articles on the Zoning By-La~ submitted by the P~anning ~oax'd. · he ooardretu~ne~ to resume the meeting at 9:15 P~. Atto, otella sho~ed a plan of lots of land on Ba~ ~ta~e ~oad and ~assachasetts Ave. Lo~s f36 - 41 and 24, 26 & 27. To clarify the title to this propert3, the plans must have the approval ofthe Planning Board and go t~o~ghLand dourt. Afte~ a thorough discussion, ~tr. Nicetca informed Att~. ~tella that the ~oard cannot approve thes~ plans. The ci~rK was instructea to ask Riss $1nn for the balances of all appropriations to the ~lanning ooa~d. · he Ooard then left to co~Ier with the ~o~of Oelsctmen. The meeting ad3ourned at 10:00 P~. Chairman Clerk