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and voted unanimouslz. ~he meeting ad3ourned at ll:15 PTi.
C1 erk
(Typed by N. Doherty)
Monday, December '2, 1957
~gml ar Meeting
· he meeting was called to order at 7:55 PM. The members present we'~e'
~icholas.~'. ~icetta, Ohairman; James M. Bannan, aobert J. Burke and
howard L. Gilman.
mr. Our~e made a motion to appoin~ ~r. ~annan acting secretary in the
absence ofN~r. Osgood ~ho is hospitalized. The motion was seconded by
~. ~ilman and voted unanimously. ,
· he ~oard looked at plans requiring the Planning ~oard stamp of approval
Mr. *ilman made a motion to ap~'ove the plans of ~arion ~. Do~ and Rcs-
uric ~oppola, seconded b~ ~r. oannan and vo~ed unanimously.
· he ~oard discussed the printing of the ~y-Laws. Nhr. Gilman suggested
when having the ~y-Law~ printed ~or the to~n qf~ices, such as,
~ler~, ~electmen, Assessors, ooard Of ApPeals, Planning Board, etc. to
have them printed in leaflet form so that an~ changes or amendments may
be easi!~ made. '
Mr. ~icetta read a letter from ~ I T concerning a new ruder tower to be
built on Mill's Bill (~usDJo~,m Hil~) off 300 C~estnut ~tr~eto
~r. Lurid ~as present at this time and a discussion was had about Which
part of the ~y-Law would cover experimental electronic research as a
private enterprise.
~ letter will be sent to the Peps:. of ~orporations and ~axation rg~uest-
ing the latest issue o~ ~xtracts i'rom the ~eneral Laws dealing ~i~n
~oning negulations, ~onin8 Ooard of Appeals, etc.
The ~ooaz. d studied the ~rthur o.~olgate plans for construction on "cod-
stock Street upon which a hea~ing was held November 4. Mr. bannan read
a.letter from the ~oard of Public ~orks stating their requirements of
post~ng oi~ ~onds, etc., a copy of ~ioh ~ill 0e sent to Mr. Gotgate.
al'ter thorough discussion, ~'. Ourke made a motion, seconded by Nr. Gil-
man, to approve the plan for subdivision subject to the following'
conditions: The travelled way shallhave a minimum of ~0 feet in width.
Zne two catch basins ~hich are located opposite the Ooundaz-~ line of
lots 18 & 19, 23 & 24, 0e moved ~esterly 60 fees from the present lo-
cation. ~he remainder of the ~ork on ,oodstock ~treet to be Gone'accord
ing to plans and suOLdivision regulations. No building permit 'shall be
~o~da~l } ~ ~mber 2, 1957227
issued until street, surface drains, water and sewer surety bonds have
been posted with the Town of' Rorth ~ndover. These conditions are to be
inscri0ed on the plans. The four members ofthe Board present voted
A letter will 0e sent to x~osario ~oppola informing him that urider the
prese B~-Law, it is not permissable to make donuts and sell them on the
premises. 'Zhe property' would have to be re-classified from Industrial
to ~eneral nusiness.
The Ooard of ~electmen, Nr. ~inck, Mr. ~inneran and ~r. butcliffe,
appear~:d .before the ~Osmrd to show them the map of~orth Andover attached
to the latest aPproval of amendments from the Attorney Generaz, which
map is the old zoning map of 1950. ~.hey made inquiries~as $o when the
new zoning map will be ready. ~r. ~'inck said that he did not haye the
~arino file andmthat ~r. ~arino did not appear at.the Selectmen~s meet-
ing as requmsted.
The Ooard discussed ~&r. olackwell~s contract, the Building Code, Zoning
~ap, etc. ~r. Bannan made the foll~;wing motion: The Planning Boord of
~orth Andover requests ~r. nlackwell to fo~ard for its approval a com-
pleted ~uilding ~ode within l0 days. ~r. Gilman seconded the motion
and it ~.~as voted unanimously. A ].ether willbe sent to ~tr. Blackwell
with the above request,
~r. ~icetta read a letter from Att~. ~radley~c°ncerning the ~asls of
the app al for the ~iletti motel. The noara discussed whether or not
to set a~te for a hearing for ~tafl'ord's, Inc. for a motel on Jhicker-
ing ~oad. The~ studied plans w~ich have been submitted by. btafford's,
Inc. ~r. ~icetta read ~ letter fx'om Otaff0rd's, Inc. applying for a
building p~rmit from the ~uilding Inspector and asking the ~lanning
hoard for a public hearing. ~r. ~icetta wants the easement on the plan
in writing. The~ discussed the requirements bi oection 4.5 of the oy-
Law. Nhr. Gilman stated that he was indirectly involved, upon w~ ch
statement ~r. ~icetta said that ~r. Gilman should disqualify himself.
~r. Gilman said that the easement is there and he can get it for the
~oard. ~r. Bannan said the Board should have'a hearing whether it
agrees upon the motel or not. ~r. Burke stated that ~tafford's, Inc.
is complying with the law up to the hearing stage. ~r. Nicetta i'eels
that the hearing should not be held because of the case oorc erning a
motel now in court awaiting decision.
~r. nurke made a motion to hove a .hearing for Stafford's, Inc. on Janu-
ar~ 6, 1958 at 8:00 P~. ~r. ~annan seconded the motion. ~tr. Ourke,
~r. ~annan and N~. Gilman voted in favor of the motion. ~Lr. ~icetta
voted no ior the reason previously stated regarding the court's de-
cision and also because the easemen~ ~as not with the application.
Zhe meeting ad~ourned at 11:45 ~.
(T~ped by ~. ~oherty)