HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-01-17229 ~riday, Janury 17, 1958 Special Meeting The meeting was called ~o cz'der at 8:00 P~. The members present were~ Rioholas ~'. Ricetta,~hairman, John B. Osgood, ~ecretary, Howard L. gil- man, nobert J. nurse and James ~.Bannam. · his special meeting was called to meet with ~r. ~lackwell concerning the nuilding ~ode. Others present were: John T. Blackwell and Pro- fessor · rue, the ooard of ~electmen, ~alph ~inc~, ~illiam ~inneran and ~hilip ~utclif~'e; ~.ire Ohief James P. Daw and ~he board of ~'~ire ~ngineers; GalVin bnell and ~dward Koenig; and Ouilding Inspector ~artin ~. Lawlor. ~r. Olac~well introduced Prof. True to all present, who assisted ~r. Dlac~well in. the drafting of'~he Oullding Oode. ~. ~lackwell presented a Dr.aft code to each and went on to explain that the code spells out in detail concerning dwellings because future Rorth Annoyer developmen~ will be mail~ dwellings. The Commonwealth governs con- struction of public buildings, etc. There would probably be very few stores, etc. any industrial construction would be done under standards above what the town ~ould ~equire..R~rsing homes, convalescent homes, ~tc. are given careful consideration. Prof. True, a practicing engineer and architect and member of Ooncord ~assachusetts ~lanning noard, explained further about the need of a f~ll time, speci~li~' trained n~ilding inspector and the need of deputy in- spectors. The onl~ change contemplated in officials would be a full time, trained, ~uilding inspector with possiOle deputies, zhe ~'ire Ohief ~.ould continue to perform inspections of oil burners, etc. The 'zorn no~ appoints the nuilding InSgector annuall~ in ~pril. ~r. ~inc~ spoke about penalties for violation cZ the building code. ~here should De a set line to save town money. Also regarding the s~ction on Gompensation, it is now set up by the Town ~eeting and should sta~ ~ha~ ~a2. ~e also saggested having o~ildzng applications for per- mi~s, signed and sealed under penalty of perjuz'y. ~r. Ricetta suggested to also have what lazed is pr~sentl~ zoned for. z'ire ~hiei' ~aw spoke aOout roofing - section 2.10 - p=rmit fee to shingle x'ooi' - ~3.50. ,cod shingles should not be all~ed, bome places do not allow three roofs, that should be inserted also. Oections 6.61, 6.62, 6.63, 6.64 and 6.65 ~ should be taken out'completely because al~ of that now comes under the ~ire Department b~. ~tate law. ~r. ~inneran made a suggestion to re-insert not as a part of the b~-Law, but at the end of the booklet as information referring to Fire, Plumbing, ~lectri- cit~, etc. Garages come under the ~ire Department ~R 4 (~ire Preventi~ aegulations) shoul~ be used as a reference to the ~ire Department. Discussed Oection 5 - 5.31, 5.32 should be one hour fire resistant rating for single dwelling. ~ultiple dwellings sDould be 4 hours. 230 ~r. uaw asked if there were any provisions I'or fire escapes. 5.32 aha 5.53 just make a z'eference ~o ~hem. ~z'. uaw says that the law allows ouildings to ce 55 fee~ high in an Induszrial a~ea. ~he z'ire ~epar~men~ has only 50 ft. ladders. ~naer section 5.33, all dwellings having more than one family should have two stairways. He also said Nr. DlacKaell should consider a certificate o~ occupancy clause mainly Ior existing o~ildings. kroI. ~rue explained a0o~t the section on general cons~ructzon - pro- vides xor all ~fpes ox oaildings, cum d~als mainly with wood frames. oextion 7 - examination o2 soil. bection 8 - wood fr~m construction. ~asonry req~i~'emen~s are in more detail - followed various ~asonry Association standards. There ~s a table of ~oist and rafter sizes. ~re-fab assemblies, qheathing boarding exterior surfacing covez'ea. The~ all discussed Ouilding permit fees. ~unicipal, educational and industrial building fee are now up ~o the Selectm~. ~r. ~aw asked if there was any thought of a ~'ire Prevention Code. &ver~one favored it. I~ was decided to hold another special meeting with the same officials on ~'rida~ evening,~ danuary 31, 1958 at 7:30 P~. Ohairman Clerk (Typed bY ~- Dohert~)