HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-05-21238 ~,ednesda3', ~ay 21, 1958 Sl~ecial ~Meeti~E A special meeting of the Planning Ooard was held on nednesday, Ma~ 21, at 7:30 PM in the ~own ~uilding. Members present and voting were James ~annan, ~hairman, nobert~urke, Secretary, ~icholas Nicetta, Jo~u Osgood and Howard Gilman. Also present were the Ooard of Selectmen nalph ~inck, ~hairma~, ~illiam Finneran and Philip Sutcliffe, ~uildi~ Inspector Martin Lawlbr and Mr. John Blackwcll. Mr.~'inck presented plans for the United Shoe Machinery Corporation. A length~ discussion was he~d on this matter. ~r. Gilman ma~e the motion to advertise for a heaz~ing on June 5. ~r. ~urke seconded the motion. Unanimous vome. Mr. Ourke read a letter from the Board of Oelectmen requesting t~ ooard to attend a meeting on ~onday evening, Nay 19. ~r. Osgood s~ated the Planning Ooard wo~ld be required to hold a hearing on the ma~er and tha~ the ~oard o~ ~electmen wanted to hold a pu01ic hearing four da~s after. ~r. ~'inck stated that ~as cor~ect and that he felt~ decision could not ce reached in ~our da~s that ~he ~lanning ~oard was no~ co-opera,in. Mr. Osgood stated plans ~ere being seen for the ~irSt time on Nay 21 and ~r. ~'inck said officialm from United Ohos were present on ~on~ay, ~ay 19 and wanted to show plans to the Planning ~oard but ~r. Bannan had told the Oelectmen the ±lanning ooard was very bus3 and woula be unable to attend the meeting at the ~electmen's office but because only two members were present the meeting had to be adjourned. ~r. ~'inck stated he felt time was of the essence as the closing date of the lease for United oboe was ~ebruary 1959 and if the lease runs ou~ this industr) will move ~o Oouthern ~ew Hampshire. ~r. Osgood made the motion the reclassification be a petition of the Planning ooard and not of the ooard of oelectmen and the ~oard would take this matter under advisement. ~lr. *ilman seconded the motion. Bnanimous vote. Mr. ~'inc~ stated the Oelectmen wo~la appreciate hearing from the Ooard as soon as possible as the ~electmen would like ~o set a date for a special town meeting. Mr. ~icetta moved the hearing date be held on June 5, 1958 at 8:00 PM in the Oradstreet School zuditorium. ~lr. Osgood seconded the motion. Onanimous vote. A lengtr~ discussion was held about the unattended meeting of Nay 19 at which Mr. 0sgood and Mr.Oannan were the onl~ members present. 239 Mr. Osgood asked why United ~hoe Machinery Corporation did not petition themselves and ~r. ~inc~ replied that through a courtesy to the officia~ the ~electmen said they wouldpresent the plans to the Planning ooard inasmuch as the officials of United Ohoe were present on Monday evening but the tlanning ooard did no~ have a quorum. The matter of the ouilding Code was brought up for discussion n~xt. The Planning Board state~ the Building Code as presented by ~r. Black- ~ell is acceptable and workable and is now in the h~nds of the ~e±ecmmen i'or further action. ~r. ~inck stated the code was not understandable and the Building Inspector and Fire Chief agreed that it was not clear. ~r. ~ice~ta ~rought up the fact ~ha~ at p~vious meetings ~he Fire Chief and Buzlding Inspector did no~ oppose the code. ~r. Nicetta asked ~z'. Lawlor if anything was detrimental to any one building and Mr. Lawl r nothing in the code was detrimental to anyone building. ~r. ~icetta stated he, therefore, feels ~r. Lawlor understands th~ ouilding code. ~r. Olac~well questioned wf~ the ~rafted code was no~ a¢cep~aole and ~r. ~inc~ stateahe did no~ feel q~aliZiea to consider a b~ilding code arky more than Ntr. Blac~w=ll was to draft it. Mr. Osgood stated he could not recall in discussions o~ the building code as it ~eing re3ected in its entirety but on~ certain phases were objectionable. Mr. FincE explai~ d that the ~uilding Inspector and Fire ~hze h~a looKe~over the drafted code and had recommended using the old one. Mr. Gilman made the motion mhe old cod~s ~e used. Mr. Lawlor statea that we still go unaer the 1942 builaing la~s w~th the exception of corner lo'~s where it is 30 feet instead of 20 feet therefore he ~ecommended we ado~t the old building code with a few amende~ents~ ~r. ~lac~well explained he had made all the changes recommended oy the ooard at ~oint meetings. ~r. Osgoo~ made the motion that ~he ~uilding Code ~e turned over to the Selectmen as it is acceptable b~ the Planning Board. Poll of votes: ~r. 'Osgood - yes, ~r. Ricetta - ~es, ~. Burke - no ~r. Gilman - no, Mr. Barman - yes. Mr. OurKe stated his reason for o03ecting was t'hat the ~ire Chief and ~uilding I~spector are the ones who have td enforce the building oodes. : 24O Mr. ~'inc~ asked ii the builaing code was turned ove~ to the ~electmen who woul~ ~xplain it at a special town meeting. Mr. Nicetta said the Planning Ooard might be able to endace Mr. Blacku~ell and Professor True ~f MIT to ce present at the ~eetin~ to explain the code. Mr. ~icet~a made the motion a lette~ shoula be written Dy ~he Planning Ooard to the Selectmen ~tating the Building Code has ~een turned over to them and if the Oe!eotmen present this at a to~n meeting the Board will try to get Pro~. True and Mr. Blackwell to be ~resent at the To~n ~eeting. Mr. ~£nok asked if t~e first portion of the contract under 701 is fully completed. Mr. oannan explained that until official word is received from leo Young he could not say but all work would be~ne 50 days from ~ate of opening bids (Jane 2) for th.: prinZing of the new zoning by-laws. ~r. ~'inck stated if the To~n did not initiate steps on part 2 of the program under i'ederal grant, it would lose the money appropriated ~or the first phase of the program. Mr. Osgood asked iT the Board of ~electmen would defer action on the garage surve~ as this could be taken care' of under the second portion of the plan and ~ uld save the Town mone~. Rt. ~'inck said the ~electmen would defer action until it hears from the~Planning Board. The ~electmen, ~uilding Inspector and Mr. Blackwell left at 10:05 Mr. Oannan Orought up the matter o% a ~ioe-dhairman inasmuch as he would Oe unaOle to attend the next fe~ meetings. ~r. Burke nominated ~r. ~icetta, seconded by Mr. Osgood. Unanimous vote. Mr. Gilman brought.up the matter of StafIord's motel and the plans to be signed. After a discussion, restrictions were made~ Mr. Gilman made the motion Mr. ~annan should sign the p%ans for a motel Btafford's with the ~estrictions inscribed on the plans~ Mr. Burke seconded the motion. Er. ~icetta said he would like to see the profile, easements, etc. before signing the plans. Poll ofvotes on whether ~o sign 5~af~rd plan: Mr. ~urEe - yes, Mr. ~icetta - no vote, Mr. Gilman - yes ~r. Osgood - no, Er. Barman - yes The me,ting adjourned at ll:15 PM. / Chairman Clerk