HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-01Monday, June l, 1959 ~
Regular Meeting ~P~ ~B J ~
The regular monthly meeting of the Planning Board was held on Monday, June 1, 1959
at the Town Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 PM. Members present
and voting were: Janes M. Be~nan, Chairman, Robert Burke, Secretary, John 0sgood
and Nicholas Nicetta.
Mr. 0sgood moved to dispense of reading the minutes of previous meetings. Mr. Nicetta
seconded the motion. Unanimous vote.
Plans were signed for John and Shirley Crawley for Lot ll on Moody Street.
Preliminary plans were presented by Mr. & Mrs. Shann for the subdivision of their
prooerty. A lengthy discussion was held on the ~ead end street on the property and the
need for a t~rnabout.
Mr. Burke moved to take the matter ~nder advisement. Mr. Nicetta seconded the motion.
Unanimous vote.
A Public Hearing for Albert Steinberg w~s held at 8:00 PM. Mr. Steinberg rec~ested
his land on Osg~od Street be resorted from Rural Residential to General Business.
Rslph Brasseur ~oke for the petitioner who was absent during the first part of the
hearing. Mr. Brasseur stated the l~nd is not suitable for residential pml-poses
as it is on the water shed of tho Lake and septic tan~s would have to used and the
Board of Health would not allow this. He also pointed out the land across the street
is zoned for Industry and he stated he believed this land was originally zoned for
Industrial but it now used for a p~sture.
Mr. Forgetta, an ~bbuter w~s present at the hearing ~y did not object to the
There were not other objecters to the hesring. Mr. Steinberg spoke to the Board
ex~laining he would like to use the land for a golf range.
Mr. Nicet~a asked if a golf couse would be erected in the future. Pir. Steinberg
stated if thin~s went r~ht he wo~ld like to put a 9 or 18 hold course in.
Mr. 0sgood moved to take the matter under advisement. Mr. Nicet~a seconded the
motion. Unanimous vote.
Bills were signed for
New England Tel. & Tel. $ 8.35
~ry Doherty-Services Rend. 32.55
$ 40.90
Walter Stamp of the Highway Department appeared before the Board seeing information
on Heath Road. Mr. St~p explained Mr. Sam Furnari had approached him regarding the
drainage of Heath Road. The Board said this was a met%er between ¥~. Furnari and
the Sutton Hill Company.
Mrs. John Griffin presented plans and a petition to the Board for the rezoning
of land from Count~? Redi~ential to Village Residential at 841 Chickering Road.
She pointed out she w~ld like to h~ve three houses on the land rather than the
two th2t could be built at the present time.
Mr. Burke m.~ved to tske the matter under advisemtn. Mr. Osood seconded the motion.
UnaniEo~.~ s vote.
June l, 1959 (Cont)
Mr. Nicet~a moved that a Public Hearing be held on June 22 but then withdrew
his motion.
Mr. Downs apoe~red before the Board as requested in the interest of being the Town, s
Consultant. He pointed out the type work his concern does and the work it is doing at
the present time.
Mr. Nicetta suggested Mr. Downs send the Board a letter outlinghis work that has been
done and is oresently being done~and~that he submit a proposal of work he feels the
To~n needs to have done under
Mr. Roland of Plan,~ing and Renewal Associates also a~peared before the Board in the
interest of being Consultant. He presented brochures of the conern's work.
~r. B~nnan stated he would get in touch with the Department of Commerce on the status
of fund available and would let Mr. Roland know and then Mr. Roland could present his
Mr. Osgood told the Board he was opoosed to special town meetings for re~oning and to
the Public Nearing being held on Jun~ 22 for Giard.
Mr. Nicetta move~ that no meetin~ be held during July and August. ~'~. Osgood seconded
the motion. Unanimous vote.
Mr. Burke moved to grant the rezoning for Albert Steinberg. ~'~. Nicetta seconded the
motion because no one aooeared in opposition add that it being opposite an Industrial Zone
and there are several b~4inesses ~n the neighborho°d. Unanimous vote.
Mr. Osgood stated he felt the Board could not act on the other petitions presented for
Public Hearings as they had not been properly presented to the Board.
The reasons for granting Mr. Steinberg's applicstion are as follows:
lo No opposition.
2. The use of the land would not be a detriment to the area.
No potential housing development due to aewerage condition.
4. Industrial area directly ~cross the street with several
op=rating businesses in the in~diate area.
5. Will increase tax revenue to the Town.
Mr. Osgood moved to adjourn at ll:15 PM.
Mr. Burke seconded the motion. Unanimous vote.