HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-02The regular monthly meetlY8 of the Planning Board was held on Mc~day, ~ 2, 1960 at 7:30 PM at the Town Office Building. Members present and veting were: James ~. Bannan, Chairaa,, Robert Burke, Secretary, George Farley and Nicholas Nicetta. were signed for Mary Doherty $ 28;OO Ec~d Little, Inc. ;98 N. E. Tel. &-Tel. 10.31 Jo~ Hosking, Inc. 5,55 Mr. Cash of Household E~terprises appeared before the Board with his be~ds in the amount of $ 6800;00 ~ Water & Sewerage $ 6000.00 m Roadways & Drainage A letter enclosing the bonds was sent to the Board of Selectnen. John Shields of Sherwood Homes appeared Before the Board and asked for a Public Hearing to sub-divide his property. Mr. Nicetta moved the hearing be held June 6, 1960 at 8:00 PM. Mr. Burke seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. A Public Hearing was 'held at 8:00 PM for Antoine Rober~ who petitioned te have land on Green Hill Avenue sub-divided. Attorney John Willis appeared for the petitioner. Letters stating bonds for water and sewerage would be required in the amount of $12,000 and $13,663 for street and surface drainage. Mr. Willis pointed out Or~hard Street will be a paper street only. Abbutters will be able to use the land huttamst understand the Town has a right to use it for sa~ tary sewerage and drainage. Mr. Raparsar~;an abbutter stated he would like Orchard Street to be learned and grassed in and if this were done he would be in favor of this sub-division. Mr. Willis also pointed out the upper part of Great Oak Street will be developed enly. Hr. Aspelash asked if the street would be developed to Lindem Avenue and was told it would. Mr. Barman asked if gas would be put in and Mr. Willis said he did net know. Mr. Burke moved to take the matter under advisement. Mr. Nicetta seconde~ the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Barman explained the plans could not be signed, if approved, until the Atterney General signed the amendments to the zoning laws. Friday, March 18, 1960 ~pecial ~eeting & Public Hear~s A special meeting of the Plan~-8 Board was held on Friday, ~arch 18, 1960 at the To~n Building. Members present and voting were: James M. B ~annan, Chairman, Robert Burke, Secretary, Howard Gilman, Nicholas F. Nicetta and George Farley. 1st hearing. Anthony Rogers petitioned to have a parcel of land containing approximately ten acres on Clarke Street resorted from Industrial to General Business. Attorney William H. Keleher, 716 Bay State Building, Lawrence, Mass. appeared for the petitioner and stated if the land were rezoned to General Business more business could be brought into the Town and this would mean more tax revenue for the To~n. Mr. Burke asked what type business was proposed and ~r.Rogers stated a restaurant. Mr. Nicetta asked what other enterprise might go into the area and Mr. Keleher ex- plained Mr. Rogers would have a better chance to sell this property if it were zoned General Business instead of Industrial. Mr. Burke moved to take the matter under advisement. Mr. Nicetta seconded the motion. Unanimou~ vote. 2nd hearing. Kenneth C. Bailey petitioned to amend the Zon~m~ By Law by changing from Country Residential to Village Residential a parcel of land on Prescott Street. Mr. Bannan explained this petition was presented by the Planning Board in order to save getting the required signatures. Mr. Bailey appeared for htmsalf and explained the propertk in the area was conforming and there was sewerage in the area. Wilbur Harvey of Prescott Street appeared before the Board and asked what was proposed for the area. He stated he did not object to the re~.oning but would ~Lke to knew what is to be done and said he would like to see the plans. Mr. Banyan explained no plans were needed on what is proposed to be done at this time as this is for rezoning not for a subdivision. Mr. Burke moved to take the matter under advisement. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. 3rd hearing. Benjamin Hollins petitioned to amend the Zont-8 By Law by changing fre~ Village Residential to General Business a portion of land e~n l~assachusetts Avenue. Attorney Ralph Finck appeared for the Industrial Development 9ommittee and the Board of Selectmen and asked to be recorded as being in favor of this change. Attorney Joseph Bacigalupo appeared for the petitioner and explained Mr. Hollins would lose his place of business because of the relocation of Route 110. Mr. Bacigalup~ presented pictures of the Board showing the type Shell station to be erected. He a~e~ ex~a~ed the layout of the building and the type of lanAscaping that will be done. Earl Pomerleau, 25 Mass. Avenue, an ~m~ldiate abbutter, objected to the resorting and presented a signed petition by abbutters opposing the change. He explained six of the seven immAdiate abbutters were against the cb~ge. One abbutter was neutral. Mr. Pom- erleau stated he felt if a gasoline station were erected in the area the value of his property would be lowered, there would be nose, oders from car e~usts, tanks as well as a traffic hazard. Mr. Pomerleau pointed out there are many children in the area. Charles Manzi, 29 Mess. Avenue, an abbutter also objected to the rezoning. Attorney Bacigalup explained Mr. Hollins had checked with insurance compe_uiea and has been told there would be no change in the insurance rates. He also explained Mr. Hollins ~plans to install a 14 foot stack to eliminate gasoline ~e~ers. M~r. Bacigalupe pointed out Mr. Hollins presen business is across the street from Commonwealth Ave. and is run in an orderly manner. Mr. Gilman moved to take the matter under advisement. Mr. Burke seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. 4th hearing. The Planning Board petitioned for Francis Holmes to amend the Zoning By Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business a parcel of land on 0sgoedStreet. Mr. Ho~me.s appeared for himself and explained his hardware store is going to have to move cause of the relocation of Route 110. Mr. &Mrs. Norman Hm~ghes, 1003 0sgood St. and William Chepulis 1018 0sgood St. appeared in opposition. They pointed ~ut there are m~y problems in the area ooncernimg drainage, sewerage, traffic etc. The school bus stops in front of each of these homes. Nra. Hughes told the Board Arthur Colgate had come to her house and offerred to pay $ 150 per month in Mr. Holmes' name for the use of her barn if she would appear before the Board. She stated she felt this is a rezoning for ArthmrC~lgate. Mr. Burke moved to take the matter under advisement. Mr. G~lmmn seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. A discussion was held on previous bearings by Members Barman, Burke, Nicetta and Mr. Burke moved to recow~end favorable action for Joseph Giard. Mr. Gilw~n seconded the motion. Vote. Yes - Gilman, Burke and Barman. Not voting - Nicetta. Mr. Nicetta recommended favorable action for the ISdustrial Development Committee's article for Multipe HouW~ng. Mr. Burke seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Burke moved to recommend favorable action for the petition of Charles McCa~hy. Mr. Gilman secom~ed the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Burke moved to rec~end favorable action for the petition of William McAloon. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Burke moved to recommend favorable action for DomenickMangano. Mr. G~m-n seconded the motion. UnLnimous vote. Action was taken on the hearing of March 18 by Me, ers Barman, ~ Gilman, Nicetta &Farley. i Mr. Gilman stated he felt the property of Anthony Rogers was a niSi-~ land for Industry. Mr. Bannan appointed Mr. Burke to act as Chairman and moved to recommnend ,~avorable action on this article. Mr. Nicetta seconded the motion. Un,n~mous vote. Mr. Bau~an resumed acting Chairman. Mr. Burke moved to recommend favorable action on Kenneth Bailey. Mr. Gt1~- seconded the m~tion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Burke mOVed to recommend favorable ae$i~mu for BenJ~m!u Hollins. Mr. Gi~m~u seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Gi]~nmoved favorable action to recommended for Francis Holmes. Mr. Burke seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Nicetta moved the Board welcome Mr. Farley as a new member. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Nicetta stated he felt a letter of apprciation should be sent to Mr. Osgood. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. l~rch 18, 1960 (Cont) Mr. Burke moved to organize for the coming year. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mt. Burke moved Mr. Barman be Chairmen for the coming year. Mr. G1]~- seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Farley moved that Mr. Burke be Secretary for the coming year. Mr. Gilm-n seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Gilm_=~ moved that Mr. Nicetta represe~ the Board on the Merrimack Valley Regional Co-mission. Mr. Nicetta declined the nomination. Mr. Burke moved that Mr. B~an be the ~epresenta~tive on the Merrimack Valley Regional Cow~tssion. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Burke moved the meeting adjourn at 10:15 PM. Mr. Gilw_~n seconded the motion. Unanimous vo~e.